Home Nitros 3,5-Dinitrotoluene


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Product Description
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Title Journal
Rapid, on-site identification of explosives in nanoliter droplets using a UV reflected fiber optic sensor. Analytica chimica acta 20121102
Simultaneous electrochemical measurement of metal and organic propellant constituents of gunshot residues. The Analyst 20120721
Reduction of dinitrotoluene sulfonates in TNT red water using nanoscale zerovalent iron particles. Environmental science and pollution research international 20120701
Controlled expedient disposal of excess gun propellant. Journal of hazardous materials 20120615
Functional hybrid nickel nanostructures as recyclable SERS substrates: detection of explosives and biowarfare agents. Nanoscale 20120607
Comparative analysis of smokeless gunpowders by Fourier transform infrared and Raman spectroscopy. Analytica chimica acta 20120302
Comparison of the repeated dose toxicity of isomers of dinitrotoluene. International journal of toxicology 20120301
Assessment of the in vivo genotoxicity of isomers of dinitrotoluene using the alkaline Comet and peripheral blood micronucleus assays. Mutation research 20120218
Dynamics of redox processes in ionic liquids and their interplay for discriminative electrochemical sensing. Analytical chemistry 20120207
Peptide receptor-based selective dinitrotoluene detection using a microcantilever sensor. Biosensors & bioelectronics 20111215
Toluene and chlorobenzene dinitration over solid H3PO4/MoO3/SiO2 catalyst. Journal of hazardous materials 20111115
Determination of 2,4- and 2,6-dinitrotoluene biodegradation limits. Chemosphere 20111001
Evolution of catabolic pathways and their regulatory systems in synthetic nitroaromatic compounds degrading bacteria. Molecular microbiology 20111001
Rapid detection of nitroaromatic and nitramine explosives on chromatographic paper and their reflectometric sensing on PVC tablets. Talanta 20110930
Study of losses of volatile compounds from dynamites. Investigation of cross-contamination between dynamites stored in polyethylene bags. Forensic science international 20110910
Naphthalenetetracarboxylic diimide layer-based transistors with nanometer oxide and side chain dielectrics operating below one volt. ACS nano 20110426
Acute toxicity evaluation of explosive wastewater by bacterial bioluminescence assays using a freshwater luminescent bacterium, Vibrio qinghaiensis sp. Nov. Journal of hazardous materials 20110227
Analysis of common and specific mechanisms of liver function affected by nitrotoluene compounds. PloS one 20110101
Impact of ammunition and military explosives on human health and the environment. Reviews on environmental health 20110101
Femtosecond laser filamentation for atmospheric sensing. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 20110101
Electrochemical characterization of riboflavin-enhanced reduction of trinitrotoluene. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 20110101
Engineering a novel self-powering electrochemical biosensor. Systems and synthetic biology 20100901
Simultaneous Raman spectroscopy-laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for instant standoff analysis of explosives using a mobile integrated sensor platform. Analytical chemistry 20100215
Detection of explosive vapors with a charge transfer molecule: self-assembly assisted morphology tuning and enhancement in sensing efficiency. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) 20100214
Shewanella spp. genomic evolution for a cold marine lifestyle and in-situ explosive biodegradation. PloS one 20100101
Fluorescence-based sensing of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) using a multi-channeled poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) microimmunosensor. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 20100101
Assessing TNT and DNT groundwater contamination by compound-specific isotope analysis and 3H-3He groundwater dating: a case study in Portugal. Chemosphere 20091001
Polymer-oligopeptide composite coating for selective detection of explosives in water. Analytical chemistry 20090601
Selective spectrophotometric determination of TNT using a dicyclohexylamine-based colorimetric sensor. Talanta 20090515
Probing the mechanism of electron capture and electron transfer dissociation using tags with variable electron affinity. Journal of the American Chemical Society 20090422
Electrochemical destruction of dinitrotoluene isomers and 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene in spent acid from toluene nitration process. Journal of hazardous materials 20090130
Pyrenyl excimers induced by the crystallization of POSS moieties: spectroscopic studies and sensing applications. Chemphyschem : a European journal of chemical physics and physical chemistry 20080915
Decomposition of nitrotoluenes from trinitrotoluene manufacturing process by Electro-Fenton oxidation. Chemosphere 20080601
Acute toxicity of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene, 2,4-dinitrotoluene, and 2,6-dinitrotoluene in the adult bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeiana). Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology 20080601
Discrimination of nitroaromatics and explosives mimics by a fluorescent Zn(salicylaldimine) sensor array. Journal of the American Chemical Society 20080423
Optimized microwave extraction for trace detection of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene in soil samples. Chemosphere 20080401
A review on slurry bioreactors for bioremediation of soils and sediments. Microbial cell factories 20080101
Decomposition of dinitrotoluene isomers and 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene in spent acid from toluene nitration process by ozonation and photo-ozonation. Journal of hazardous materials 20070817
Recovery of nitrotoluenes from wastewater by solvent extraction enhanced with salting-out effect. Journal of hazardous materials 20070817
Transport mechanisms for the uptake of organic compounds by rice (Oryza sativa) roots. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987) 20070701
Gas phase detection of explosives such as 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene by molecularly imprinted polymers. Analytica chimica acta 20070515
Removal of dinitrotoluenes from water via reduction with iron and peroxidase-catalyzed oxidative polymerization: a comparison between Arthromyces ramosus peroxidase and soybean peroxidase. Chemosphere 20070401
Fluorescence of aromatic amines and their fluorescamine derivatives for detection of explosive vapors. Applied spectroscopy 20060901
Saturation mutagenesis of 2,4-DNT dioxygenase of Burkholderia sp. strain DNT for enhanced dinitrotoluene degradation. Biotechnology and bioengineering 20051120
Cancer of the urinary bladder in highly exposed workers in the production of dinitrotoluenes: a case report. International archives of occupational and environmental health 20050901
Anaerobic biotransformation of dinitrotoluene isomers by Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis strain 27 isolated from earthworm intestine. Chemosphere 20050901
Mineralization of dinitrotoluenes and trinitrotoluene of spent acid in toluene nitration process by Fenton oxidation. Chemosphere 20050801
Influence of oral 2,4-dinitrotoluene exposure to the northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus). International journal of toxicology 20050101
2-Chlorobenzoate biodegradation by recombinant Burkholderia cepacia under hypoxic conditions in a membrane bioreactor. Water environment research : a research publication of the Water Environment Federation 20050101
Use of poultry litter for biodegradation of soil contaminated with 2,4- and 2,6-dinitrotoluene. Journal of hazardous materials 20041210
Effects of heavy metals and nitroaromatic compounds on horseradish glutathione S-transferase and peroxidase. Chemosphere 20041101
Influence of nitrate and COD on phosphorus, nitrogen and dinitrotoluene (DNT) removals under batch anaerobic and anoxic conditions. Anaerobe 20041001
A second survey of high explosives traces in public places. Journal of forensic sciences 20040701
Characterization of a gene cluster encoding the maleylacetate reductase from Ralstonia eutropha 335T, an enzyme recruited for growth with 4-fluorobenzoate. Microbiology (Reading, England) 20040201
Simultaneous toxicity and nutrient removals in simulated DEPHANOX (anaerobic/anoxic/oxic sequentials) process treating dinitrotoluene and trichlorotoluene. Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research 20040101
TNT biotransformation and detoxification by a Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain. Biodegradation 20031001
Quantification of analytes in overlapping peaks from capillary electrophoresis using multivariate curve resolution-alternating least squares methods. Electrophoresis 20030901
Exposure to nitroaromatic explosives and health effects during disposal of military waste. Occupational and environmental medicine 20030701
The response of adult rat sertoli cells, immortalized by a temperature-sensitive mutant of SV40, to 1,2-dinitrobenzene, 1,3-dinitrobenzene, 2,4-dinitrotoluene, 3,4-dinitrotoluene, and cadmium. Cell biology and toxicology 20030401
Environmental toxicology and health effects associated with dinitrotoluene exposure. Reviews on environmental health 20030101
Characterization and origin identification of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene through its by-product isomers by liquid chromatography-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry. Journal of chromatography. A 20020208
Short pulse laser mass spectrometry of nitrotoluenes: ionization and fragmentation behavior. Rapid communications in mass spectrometry : RCM 20020101
Nephrotoxicity and nephrocarcinogenicity of dinitrotoluene: new aspects to be considered. Reviews on environmental health 20020101
Remediation of dinitrotoluene contaminated soils from former ammunition plants: soil washing efficiency and effective process monitoring in bioslurry reactors. Journal of hazardous materials 20011012
Pathological excretion patterns of urinary proteins in miners highly exposed to dinitrotoluene. Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 20010701
Rational materials design of sorbent coatings for explosives: applications with chemical sensors. Talanta 20010510
Chemical signatures of TNT-filled land mines. Talanta 20010510
Rapid reductive destruction of hazardous organic compounds by nanoscale Fe0. Chemosphere 20010201