Home Nitros Phosphoric acid, diethyl 4-nitrophenyl ester

Phosphoric acid, diethyl 4-nitrophenyl ester

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Product Description
Catalog Number:
Chemical Name:
Phosphoric acid, diethyl 4-nitrophenyl ester
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diethyl (4-nitrophenyl) phosphate
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Title Journal
Post-exposure treatment with the oxime RS194B rapidly reactivates and reverses advanced symptoms of lethal inhaled paraoxon in macaques. Toxicology letters 20180901
The inhibition, reactivation and mechanism of VX-, sarin-, fluoro-VX and fluoro-sarin surrogates following their interaction with HuAChE and HuBuChE. Chemico-biological interactions 20180801
New therapeutic approaches and novel alternatives for organophosphate toxicity. Toxicology letters 20180701
Post-exposure treatment with the oxime RS194B rapidly reverses early and advanced symptoms in macaques exposed to sarin vapor. Chemico-biological interactions 20170825
Effects of organophosphates on the regulation of mesenchymal stem cell proliferation and differentiation. Chemico-biological interactions 20170325
High concentration of trichlorfon (1mM) disrupts axonal cytoskeleton and decreases the expression of plasticity-related proteins in SH-SY5Y cells. Toxicology in vitro : an international journal published in association with BIBRA 20170301
Butyrylcholinesterase identification in a phenylvalerate esterase-enriched fraction sensitive to low mipafox concentrations in chicken brain. Archives of toxicology 20170201
Alterations in mRNA and protein expression of glutamate transporters in rat hippocampus after paraoxon exposure. Neurotoxicology 20161201
Effects of mipafox, paraoxon, chlorpyrifos and its metabolite chlorpyrifos-oxon on the expression of biomarker genes of differentiation in D3 mouse embryonic stem cells. Chemico-biological interactions 20161125
A new post-intoxication treatment of paraoxon and parathion poisonings using an evolved PON1 variant and recombinant GOT1. Chemico-biological interactions 20161125
Effects of antiretroviral treatment on paraoxonase 1 (PON1) activity in rats. Chemico-biological interactions 20161125
Modulation of paraoxonase 1 (PON1) activity and protein N-homocysteinylation by bisphosphonates in rats. Chemico-biological interactions 20161125
Pyridoxal oxime derivative potency to reactivate cholinesterases inhibited by organophosphorus compounds. Toxicology letters 20161116
Modeling and simulation of organophosphate-induced neurotoxicity: Prediction and validation by experimental studies. Neurotoxicology 20160501
Comparison of inhibition kinetics of several organophosphates, including some nerve agent surrogates, using human erythrocyte and rat and mouse brain acetylcholinesterase. Toxicology letters 20160425
Esterase detoxication of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors using human liver samples in vitro. Toxicology 20160415
Resolving pathways of interaction of mipafox and a sarin analog with human acetylcholinesterase by kinetics, mass spectrometry and molecular modeling approaches. Archives of toxicology 20160301
Intranasal delivery of obidoxime to the brain prevents mortality and CNS damage from organophosphate poisoning. Neurotoxicology 20160301
Investigation of the reactivation kinetics of a large series of bispyridinium oximes with organophosphate-inhibited human acetylcholinesterase. Toxicology letters 20160226
A novel expression cassette delivers efficient production of exclusively tetrameric human butyrylcholinesterase with improved pharmacokinetics for protection against organophosphate poisoning. Biochimie 20151101
Allele frequencies of PON1 Q192R polymorphism in four populations of India. Environmental toxicology and pharmacology 20150501
Reactivation kinetics of 31 structurally different bispyridinium oximes with organophosphate-inhibited human butyrylcholinesterase. Archives of toxicology 20150301
The cannabinoid receptor antagonist AM251 increases paraoxon and chlorpyrifos oxon toxicity in rats. Neurotoxicology 20150101
Paraoxonase 1 polymorphisms within a Mississippi USA population as possible biomarkers of enzyme activities associated with disease susceptibility. Biochemical genetics 20141201
Effects of toxicologically relevant xenobiotics and the lipid-derived electrophile 4-hydroxynonenal on macrophage cholesterol efflux: silencing carboxylesterase 1 has paradoxical effects on cholesterol uptake and efflux. Chemical research in toxicology 20141020
Prevention of organophosphate-induced chronic epilepsy by early benzodiazepine treatment. Toxicology 20140902
Development of status epilepticus, sustained calcium elevations and neuronal injury in a rat survival model of lethal paraoxon intoxication. Neurotoxicology 20140901
Developmental exposure to the polybrominated diphenyl ether PBDE 209: Neurobehavioural and neuroprotein analysis in adult male and female mice. Environmental toxicology and pharmacology 20140901
Oxidative stress resulting from exposure of a human salivary gland cells to paraoxon: an in vitro model for organophosphate oral exposure. Toxicology in vitro : an international journal published in association with BIBRA 20140801
Investigation of evolved paraoxonase-1 variants for prevention of organophosphorous pesticide compound intoxication. The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics 20140601
Purification of Holstein bull semen paraoxonase 1 (PON1) by hydrophobic interaction chromatography and investigation of its inhibition kinetics by heavy metals. Biological trace element research 20140401
Protection against paraoxon toxicity by an intravenous pretreatment with polyethylene-glycol-conjugated recombinant butyrylcholinesterase in macaques. Chemico-biological interactions 20140305
Interactions between xylene-linked carbamoyl bis-pyridinium mono-oximes and organophosphates inhibited-AChE: a kinetic study. Toxicology 20140227
In vitro reactivation kinetics of paraoxon- and DFP-inhibited electric eel AChE using mono- and bis-pyridinium oximes. Archives of toxicology 20140201
Genomic and phenotypic alterations of the neuronal-like cells derived from human embryonal carcinoma stem cells (NT2) caused by exposure to organophosphorus compounds paraoxon and mipafox. International journal of molecular sciences 20140101
Sub-chronic exposure to paraoxon neither induces nor exacerbates diabetes mellitus in Wistar rat. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT 20131001
Mechanism of interaction of novel uncharged, centrally active reactivators with OP-hAChE conjugates. Chemico-biological interactions 20130325
Human paraoxonase double mutants hydrolyze V and G class organophosphorus nerve agents. Chemico-biological interactions 20130325
Pulmonary delivery of an aerosolized recombinant human butyrylcholinesterase pretreatment protects against aerosolized paraoxon in macaques. Chemico-biological interactions 20130325
In vitro investigation of efficacy of new reactivators on OPC inhibited rat brain acetylcholinesterase. Chemico-biological interactions 20130325
Alteration of the expression of pesticide-metabolizing enzymes in pregnant mice: potential role in the increased vulnerability of the developing brain. Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals 20130201
Adverse outcome pathways during zebrafish embryogenesis: a case study with paraoxon. Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 20130115
Acetylcholinesterase of the sand fly, Phlebotomus papatasi (Scopoli): cDNA sequence, baculovirus expression, and biochemical properties. Parasites & vectors 20130101
Regulation of CYP3A genes by glucocorticoids in human lung cells. F1000Research 20130101
R-carrying genotypes of serum paraoxonase (PON1) 192 polymorphism and higher activity ratio are related to susceptibility against ischemic stroke. Molecular biology reports 20121201
Towards an integrated biosensor array for simultaneous and rapid multi-analysis of endocrine disrupting chemicals. Analytica chimica acta 20121102
Early in vivo MR spectroscopy findings in organophosphate-induced brain damage-potential biomarkers for short-term survival. Magnetic resonance in medicine 20121101
Paraoxonase 1 (PON1) as a marker of short term death in breast cancer recurrence. Clinical biochemistry 20121101
Cholinesterase and paraoxonase (PON1) enzyme activities in Mexican-American mothers and children from an agricultural community. Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology 20121101
Covalent inhibition of recombinant human carboxylesterase 1 and 2 and monoacylglycerol lipase by the carbamates JZL184 and URB597. Biochemical pharmacology 20121101
Studies of the interaction of two organophosphonates with nanostructured silver surfaces. The Analyst 20121007
Detoxification of organophosphate residues using phosphotriesterase and their evaluation using flow based biosensor. Analytica chimica acta 20121001
In vitro skin permeation and decontamination of the organophosphorus pesticide paraoxon under various physical conditions--evidence for a wash-in effect. Toxicology mechanisms and methods 20120901
Characterization of status epilepticus induced by two organophosphates in rats. Epilepsy research 20120901
Tartrazine and sunset yellow are xenoestrogens in a new screening assay to identify modulators of human oestrogen receptor transcriptional activity. Toxicology 20120816
4-nitrophenol surface molecularly imprinted polymers based on multiwalled carbon nanotubes for the elimination of paraoxon pollution. Journal of hazardous materials 20120815
Organophosphorus compound effects on neurotrophin receptors and intracellular signaling. Toxicology in vitro : an international journal published in association with BIBRA 20120801
Hydrolysis of phosphotriesters: a theoretical analysis of the enzymatic and solution mechanisms. Chemistry (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) 20120727
NTE and non-NTE esterases in brain membrane: kinetic characterization with organophosphates. Toxicology 20120716
Pralidoxime inhibits paraoxon-induced depression of rocuronium-neuromuscular block in a time-dependent fashion. The American journal of emergency medicine 20120701
Decreased paraoxonase 1 (PON1) lactonase activity in hemodialyzed and renal transplanted patients. A novel cardiovascular biomarker in end-stage renal disease. Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association 20120701
The effect of age on the paraoxonase and arylesterase activity of pregnant mothers and their infants. Journal of clinical laboratory analysis 20120701
Esterase inhibitors as ester-containing drug stabilizers and their hydrolytic products: potential contributors to the matrix effects on bioanalysis by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. Rapid communications in mass spectrometry : RCM 20120615
Reactivation kinetics of a series of related bispyridinium oximes with organophosphate-inhibited human acetylcholinesterase--Structure-activity relationships. Biochemical pharmacology 20120615
A molecularly imprinted polymer based on functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes for the electrochemical detection of parathion-methyl. The Analyst 20120607
Using MRI for the assessment of paraoxon-induced brain damage and efficacy of antidotal treatment. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT 20120601
Functional and structural characterization of a thermostable acetyl esterase from Thermotoga maritima. Proteins 20120601
Interactions of organophosphates with keratins in the cornified epithelium of human skin. Chemico-biological interactions 20120530
Metabolic activation of prasugrel: nature of the two competitive pathways resulting in the opening of its thiophene ring. Chemical research in toxicology 20120521
Polyethylene glycosylation prolongs the stability of recombinant human paraoxonase-1. Toxicology letters 20120505
Kinetics of inhibition of soluble peripheral nerve esterases by PMSF: a non-stable compound that potentiates the organophosphorus-induced delayed neurotoxicity. Archives of toxicology 20120501
Acetylcholinesterase of Haematobia irritans (Diptera: Muscidae): baculovirus expression, biochemical properties, and organophosphate insensitivity of the G262A mutant. Journal of medical entomology 20120501
Identification of phosphorylated butyrylcholinesterase in human plasma using immunoaffinity purification and mass spectrometry. Analytica chimica acta 20120420
Refinement of structural leads for centrally acting oxime reactivators of phosphylated cholinesterases. The Journal of biological chemistry 20120406
Serum paraoxonase phenotype distribution in exudative age-related macular degeneration and its relationship to homocysteine and oxidized low-density lipoprotein. Retina (Philadelphia, Pa.) 20120401
Heterogeneous reactions of suspended parathion, malathion, and fenthion particles with NO(3) radicals. Chemosphere 20120401
Probing the simulant behavior of PNPDPP toward parathion and paraoxon: a computational study. Journal of molecular graphics & modelling 20120401
Serum paraoxonase and arylesterase activities in Iranian patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Pathophysiology : the official journal of the International Society for Pathophysiology 20120401
Transcription and induction profiles of three novel P450 genes in Liposcelis bostrychophila (Psocoptera: Liposcelididae). Journal of economic entomology 20120401
Affinity binding-guided fluorescent nanobiosensor for acetylcholinesterase inhibitors via distance modulation between the fluorophore and metallic nanoparticle. Analytical chemistry 20120320
Comparative kinetics of organophosphates and oximes with erythrocyte, muscle and brain acetylcholinesterase. Toxicology letters 20120307
Degradation and elimination of succinylcholine and succinylmonocholine and definition of their respective detection windows in blood and urine for forensic purposes. International journal of legal medicine 20120301
Nano-intercalated organophosphorus-hydrolyzing enzymes in organophosphorus antagonism. AAPS PharmSciTech 20120301
Acetylcholinesterase of Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) (Diptera: Muscidae): cDNA sequence, baculovirus expression, and biochemical properties. Veterinary parasitology 20120227
Relationship between paraoxonase and homocysteine: crossroads of oxidative diseases. Archives of medical science : AMS 20120227
Highly sensitive and selective immuno-capture/electrochemical assay of acetylcholinesterase activity in red blood cells: a biomarker of exposure to organophosphorus pesticides and nerve agents. Environmental science & technology 20120207
Differential sensitivity of plasma carboxylesterase-null mice to parathion, chlorpyrifos and chlorpyrifos oxon, but not to diazinon, dichlorvos, diisopropylfluorophosphate, cresyl saligenin phosphate, cyclosarin thiocholine, tabun thiocholine, and carbofuran. Chemico-biological interactions 20120205
Nicotinic stimulation induces Tristetraprolin over-production and attenuates inflammation in muscle. Biochimica et biophysica acta 20120201
Docking and molecular dynamics simulation studies on glycation-induced conformational changes of human paraoxonase 1. European biophysics journal : EBJ 20120201
A para-nitrophenol phosphonate probe labels distinct serine hydrolases of Arabidopsis. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 20120115
Effects of acetylcholinesterase inhibitor paraoxon denote the possibility of non-quantal acetylcholine release in myocardium of different vertebrates. Journal of comparative physiology. B, Biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology 20120101
Immunomodulation by poly-YE reduces organophosphate-induced brain damage. Brain, behavior, and immunity 20120101
Low levels of serum paraoxonase activities are characteristic of metabolic syndrome and may influence the metabolic-syndrome-related risk of coronary artery disease. Experimental diabetes research 20120101
Pyridostigmine bromide protection against acetylcholinesterase inhibition by pesticides. Journal of biochemical and molecular toxicology 20120101
Inhibition of recombinant human carboxylesterase 1 and 2 and monoacylglycerol lipase by chlorpyrifos oxon, paraoxon and methyl paraoxon. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20120101
Identification of differentially expressed genes in SHSY5Y cells exposed to okadaic acid by suppression subtractive hybridization. BMC genomics 20120101
PPARs in Regulation of Paraoxonases: Control of Oxidative Stress and Inflammation Pathways. PPAR research 20120101
Organophosphorus hydrolase: a multifaceted plant genetic marker which is selectable, scorable, and quantifiable in whole seed. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 20120101
Analytical approaches for monitoring exposure to organophosphorus and carbamate agents through analysis of protein adducts. Drug testing and analysis 20120101
Photostability of antidotal oxime HI-6, impact on drug development. Drug testing and analysis 20120101
Recent advances in polymeric materials used as electron mediators and immobilizing matrices in developing enzyme electrodes. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 20120101
Forskolin and derivatives as tools for studying the role of cAMP. Die Pharmazie 20120101
The level of DING proteins is increased in HIV-infected patients: in vitro and in vivo studies. PloS one 20120101
Enhancement of anti-cholinesterase activity of aqueous samples by hypochlorite oxidation for monitoring traces of organophosphorus pesticides in water. The Journal of toxicological sciences 20120101
Antihyperglycemic and antioxidative effects of Hydroxyethyl Methylcellulose (HEMC) and Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC) in mice fed with a high fat diet. International journal of molecular sciences 20120101
Mineralization of acephate, a recalcitrant organophosphate insecticide is initiated by a pseudomonad in environmental samples. PloS one 20120101
Complex control of GABA(A) receptor subunit mRNA expression: variation, covariation, and genetic regulation. PloS one 20120101
Vasculitis, Atherosclerosis, and Altered HDL Composition in Heme-Oxygenase-1-Knockout Mice. International journal of hypertension 20120101
Application of physiologically based pharmacokinetic models in chemical risk assessment. Journal of toxicology 20120101
Paraoxonase 1 in chronic kidney failure. Journal of lipids 20120101
Optical detection of organophosphorus compounds based on Mn-doped ZnSe d-dot enzymatic catalytic sensor. Biosensors & bioelectronics 20120101
Lipid peroxidation and paraoxonase-1 activity in celiac disease. Journal of lipids 20120101
Paraoxonase activity and expression is modulated by therapeutics in experimental rat nonalcoholic Fatty liver disease. International journal of hepatology 20120101
Novel associations of nonstructural Loci with paraoxonase activity. Journal of lipids 20120101
Paraoxonase 1 polymorphism and prenatal pesticide exposure associated with adverse cardiovascular risk profiles at school age. PloS one 20120101
Additional Common Polymorphisms in the PON Gene Cluster Predict PON1 Activity but Not Vascular Disease. Journal of lipids 20120101
Increased Levels of Human Carotid Lesion Linoleic Acid Hydroperoxide in Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Patients Is Inversely Correlated with Serum HDL and Paraoxonase 1 Activity. Journal of lipids 20120101
Purification and characterization of a novel chlorpyrifos hydrolase from Cladosporium cladosporioides Hu-01. PloS one 20120101
Conformational variability of organophosphorus hydrolase upon soman and paraoxon binding. The journal of physical chemistry. B 20111229
An acetylcholinesterase biosensor for determination of low concentrations of Paraoxon and Dichlorvos. New biotechnology 20111215
Site-specific immobilization of a (His)6-tagged acetylcholinesterase on nickel nanoparticles for highly sensitive toxicity biosensors. Biosensors & bioelectronics 20111215
Relationship of human paraoxonase-1 serum activity and genotype with atherosclerosis in individuals from the Deep South. Pharmacogenetics and genomics 20111201
Polymorphism in the acetylcholinesterase gene of Musca domestica L. field populations in Turkey. Journal of vector ecology : journal of the Society for Vector Ecology 20111201
Reactivation of organophosphate-inhibited human acetylcholinesterase by isonitrosoacetone (MINA): a kinetic analysis. Chemico-biological interactions 20111115
The relationship of PON1 QR 192 and LM 55 polymorphisms with serum paraoxonase activities of Turkish diabetic patients. Toxicology and industrial health 20111101
Kinetics of the inhibitory interaction of organophosphorus neuropathy inducers and non-inducers in soluble esterases in the avian nervous system. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20111101
His6-OPH enzyme-based bio-hybrid material for organophosphate detection. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 20111101
Naringenin is an inhibitor of human serum paraoxonase (PON1): an in vitro study. Journal of clinical laboratory analysis 20111101
Surface-enhanced Raman scattering detection of cholinesterase inhibitors. Analytica chimica acta 20111010
A cembranoid protects acute hippocampal slices against paraoxon neurotoxicity. Toxicology in vitro : an international journal published in association with BIBRA 20111001
Effect of dilution on high-density lipoprotein associated paraoxonase-1 activity. Clinical biochemistry 20111001
High plasma leptin levels confer increased risk of atherosclerosis in women with systemic lupus erythematosus, and are associated with inflammatory oxidised lipids. Annals of the rheumatic diseases 20110901
Lateral flow immunochromatographic assay for sensitive pesticide detection by using Fe3O4 nanoparticle aggregates as color reagents. Analytical chemistry 20110901
Cholinesterases, a target of pharmacology and toxicology. Biomedical papers of the Medical Faculty of the University Palacky, Olomouc, Czechoslovakia 20110901
Enhanced refoldability and thermoactivity of fluorinated phosphotriesterase. Chembiochem : a European journal of chemical biology 20110816
Paraoxonase 1 192 and 55 polymorphisms in osteosarcoma. Molecular biology reports 20110801
Relation between methylmercury exposure and plasma paraoxonase activity in inuit adults from Nunavik. Environmental health perspectives 20110801
Acetylcholinesterase biosensor based on single-walled carbon nanotubes--Co phtalocyanine for organophosphorus pesticides detection. Talanta 20110715
Design, evaluation and structure-activity relationship studies of the AChE reactivators against organophosphorus pesticides. Medicinal research reviews 20110701
Site-specific immobilization of gold binding polypeptide on gold nanoparticle-coated graphene sheet for biosensor application. Nanoscale 20110701
Pitfalls in the assessment of PON1 status in clinical populations. Fertility and sterility 20110630
Autophagy regulates cholesterol efflux from macrophage foam cells via lysosomal acid lipase. Cell metabolism 20110608
New structural scaffolds for centrally acting oxime reactivators of phosphylated cholinesterases. The Journal of biological chemistry 20110603
Mining electron density for functionally relevant protein polysterism in crystal structures. Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS 20110601
The crystal structure of the cephalosporin deacetylating enzyme acetyl xylan esterase bound to paraoxon explains the low sensitivity of this serine hydrolase to organophosphate inactivation. The Biochemical journal 20110601
In vitro efficacy of paraoxonase 1 from multiple sources against various organophosphates. Toxicology in vitro : an international journal published in association with BIBRA 20110601
Effects of intronic and exonic polymorphisms of paraoxonase 1 (PON1) gene on serum PON1 activity in a Korean population. Journal of Korean medical science 20110601
Effect of bromine oxidation on high-performance thin-layer chromatography multi-enzyme inhibition assay detection of organophosphates and carbamate insecticides. Journal of chromatography. A 20110513
High risk of cardiovascular disease in iron overload patients. European journal of clinical investigation 20110501
Oxidative stress biomarker monitoring in elite women volleyball athletes during a 6-week training period. Journal of strength and conditioning research 20110501
Evaluating pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interactions with computational models in supporting cumulative risk assessment. International journal of environmental research and public health 20110501
A sensitive enzymatic method for paraoxon detection based on enzyme inhibition and fluorescence quenching. Talanta 20110415
Effect of PON1 on dichlorvos toxicokinetics. Emergency medicine journal : EMJ 20110401
Does modulation of organic cation transporters improve pralidoxime activity in an animal model of organophosphate poisoning? Critical care medicine 20110401
Non-quantal release of acetylcholine in guinea-pig airways: role of choline transporter. Experimental physiology 20110401
Electrochemical detection of interaction between Thioflavin T and acetylcholinesterase. The Analyst 20110321
High-fidelity determination of security threats via a Boolean biocatalytic cascade. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) 20110321
Esterase metabolism of cholinesterase inhibitors using rat liver in vitro. Toxicology 20110315
Effect of different buffers on kinetic properties of human acetylcholinesterase and the interaction with organophosphates and oximes. Archives of toxicology 20110301
Effects of PON polymorphisms and haplotypes on molecular phenotype in Mexican-American mothers and children. Environmental and molecular mutagenesis 20110301
Treatment efficacy in a soman-poisoned guinea pig model: added value of physostigmine? Archives of toxicology 20110301
The effect of paraoxon on spermatogenesis in Dugesia gonocephala from the Chilean Altiplano: proliferation and apoptosis. Environmental science and pollution research international 20110301
Proxidant* antioxidant balance in supplemented elite female volleyball athletes during a six week training period. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness 20110301
Performance evaluation of fast Fourier-transform continuous cyclic-voltammetry pesticide biosensor. Analytica chimica acta 20110221
Highly-sensitive organophosphorous pesticide biosensors based on nanostructured films of acetylcholinesterase and CdTe quantum dots. Biosensors & bioelectronics 20110215
Fullerene antioxidants decrease organophosphate-induced acetylcholinesterase inhibition in vitro. Toxicology in vitro : an international journal published in association with BIBRA 20110201
Q192R polymorphism of the paraoxonase-1 gene as a risk factor for obesity in Portuguese women. European journal of endocrinology 20110201
Improving a natural enzyme activity through incorporation of unnatural amino acids. Journal of the American Chemical Society 20110119
Microsomal biotransformation of chlorpyrifos, parathion and fenthion in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch): mechanistic insights into interspecific differences in toxicity. Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 20110117
Kinetic analysis of interactions of paraoxon and oximes with human, Rhesus monkey, swine, rabbit, rat and guinea pig acetylcholinesterase. Toxicology letters 20110115
Mono-oxime bisquaternary acetylcholinesterase reactivators with prop-1,3-diyl linkage-Preparation, in vitro screening and molecular docking. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 20110115
Inhibition with spontaneous reactivation of carboxyl esterases by organophosphorus compounds: paraoxon as a model. Chemical research in toxicology 20110114
Highest paraoxonase turnover rate found in a bacterial phosphotriesterase variant. Protein engineering, design & selection : PEDS 20110101
Purification and characterization of an intracellular lipase from pleopods of whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part B, Biochemistry & molecular biology 20110101
Phosphotriesterase variants with high methylphosphonatase activity and strong negative trade-off against phosphotriesters. Protein engineering, design & selection : PEDS 20110101
Differential hydrolysis of homocysteine thiolactone by purified human serum (192)Q and (192)R PON1 isoenzymes. Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences 20110101
Association analysis of PON2 genetic variants with serum paraoxonase activity and systemic lupus erythematosus. BMC medical genetics 20110101
Evolution of acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase in the vertebrates: an atypical butyrylcholinesterase from the Medaka Oryzias latipes. PloS one 20110101
Consistency of the disposition index in the face of diet induced insulin resistance: potential role of FFA. PloS one 20110101
Immobilization of organophosphate hydrolase on an amyloid fibril nanoscaffold: towards bioremediation and chemical detoxification. Biotechnology progress 20110101
Simultaneous determination of a novel antitrypanosomal compound (OSU-36) and its ester derivative (OSU-40) in plasma by HPLC: application to first pharmacokinetic study in rats. Journal of pharmacy & pharmaceutical sciences : a publication of the Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences, Societe canadienne des sciences pharmaceutiques 20110101
Immobilization of active human carboxylesterase 1 in biomimetic silica nanoparticles. Biotechnology progress 20110101
Paraoxonase 1 polymorphism Q192R affects the pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-alpha in healthy males. BMC research notes 20110101
Paraoxonase 1 (PON1) polymorphisms, haplotypes and activity in predicting cad risk in North-West Indian Punjabis. PloS one 20110101
A conjugate of pyridine-4-aldoxime and atropine as a potential antidote against organophosphorus compounds poisoning. Acta biochimica Polonica 20110101
In vitro ability of currently available oximes to reactivate organophosphate pesticide-inhibited human acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase. International journal of molecular sciences 20110101
Assessment of acetylcholinesterase activity using indoxylacetate and comparison with the standard Ellman's method. International journal of molecular sciences 20110101
Effect of atorvastatin therapy on oxidant-antioxidant status and atherosclerotic plaque formation. Vascular health and risk management 20110101
Serum paraoxonase 1 activity predicts arterial stiffness in renal transplant recipients. Journal of atherosclerosis and thrombosis 20110101
Single-step production of a recyclable nanobiocatalyst for organophosphate pesticides biodegradation using functionalized bacterial magnetosomes. PloS one 20110101
Effects of paraoxon on neuronal and lymphocytic cholinergic systems. Environmental toxicology and pharmacology 20110101
Effect of coenzyme Q10 on ischemia and neuronal damage in an experimental traumatic brain-injury model in rats. BMC neuroscience 20110101
Biochemical study of oxidative stress markers in the liver, kidney and heart of high fat diet induced obesity in rats. Diabetology & metabolic syndrome 20110101
Estimation of enzyme kinetic parameters of cell surface-displayed organophosphorus hydrolase and construction of a biosensing system for organophosphorus compounds. Analytical sciences : the international journal of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry 20110101
Non-invasive markers for hepatic fibrosis. BMC gastroenterology 20110101
Paraoxonase (PON1 and PON3) Polymorphisms: Impact on Liver Expression and Atorvastatin-Lactone Hydrolysis. Frontiers in pharmacology 20110101
Association of organophosphate pesticide exposure and paraoxonase with birth outcome in Mexican-American women. PloS one 20110101
Homology modeling of human serum paraoxonase1 and its molecular interaction studies with aspirin and cefazolin. Bioinformation 20110101
Paraoxonase-1 (PON1) activity in patients with coronary artery diseases and in diabetic patients. Annales de biologie clinique 20110101
A label-free electrochemical immunosensor for carbofuran detection based on a sol-gel entrapped antibody. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 20110101
Effects of sublethal exposure of European brown hares to paraoxon on the course of tularemia. Neuro endocrinology letters 20110101
Luminescence sensors applied to water analysis of organic pollutants--an update. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 20110101
Inactivation of lipid glyceryl ester metabolism in human THP1 monocytes/macrophages by activated organophosphorus insecticides: role of carboxylesterases 1 and 2. Chemical research in toxicology 20101220
Down-regulated transcriptional level of Ace1 combined with mutations in Ace1 and Ace2 of Aphis gossypii are related with omethoate resistance. Chemico-biological interactions 20101205
Purification and properties of digestive lipases from Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and New Zealand hoki (Macruronus novaezelandiae). Fish physiology and biochemistry 20101201
Improving the promiscuous nerve agent hydrolase activity of a thermostable archaeal lactonase. Bioresource technology 20101201
Functional analysis and molecular characterization of two acetylcholinesterases from the German cockroach, Blattella germanica. Insect molecular biology 20101201
Effects of atropine and pralidoxime on neuronal actions of paraoxon in rat hippocampal slices. Neuroscience research 20101201
PON1 and neurodevelopment in children from the CHAMACOS study exposed to organophosphate pesticides in utero. Environmental health perspectives 20101201
Cholinergic crisis after rodenticide poisoning. The western journal of emergency medicine 20101201
Paraoxon-induced protein expression changes to SH-SY5Y cells. Chemical research in toxicology 20101115
Paraoxonase-1 activity determination via paraoxon substrate yields no significant difference in mild hyperhomocysteinemia. International journal of cardiology 20101105
Paraoxon, 4-nitrophenyl phosphate and acetate are substrates of α- but not of β-, γ- and ζ-carbonic anhydrases. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters 20101101
Hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl esters promoted by semifluorinated quaternary ammonium polymer latexes and films. Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids 20101019
Synthesis of cholesterol-conjugated magnetic nanoparticles for purification of human paraoxonase 1. Applied biochemistry and biotechnology 20101001
Differential effects of some antibiotics on paraoxonase enzyme activity on human hepatoma cells (HepG2) in vitro. Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistry 20101001
Paraoxonase activity in athletes with depleted iron stores and iron-deficient erythropoiesis. Clinical biochemistry 20101001
Diversity and impact of prokaryotic toxins on aquatic environments: a review. Toxins 20101001
Improved pharmacokinetics and immunogenicity profile of organophosphorus hydrolase by chemical modification with polyethylene glycol. Journal of controlled release : official journal of the Controlled Release Society 20100915
Lactonases with organophosphatase activity: structural and evolutionary perspectives. Chemico-biological interactions 20100906
Synthesis and evaluation of novel analogues of vitamin B6 as reactivators of tabun and paraoxon inhibited acetylcholinesterase. Chemico-biological interactions 20100906
Purification and characterization of functional human paraoxonase-1 expressed in Trichoplusia ni larvae. Chemico-biological interactions 20100906
Pseudo-catalytic scavenging: searching for a suitable reactivator of phosphorylated butyrylcholinesterase. Chemico-biological interactions 20100906
Serum albumins and detoxication of anti-cholinesterase agents. Chemico-biological interactions 20100906
Novel oximes as blood-brain barrier penetrating cholinesterase reactivators. Chemico-biological interactions 20100906
Investigating the structural influence of surface mutations on acetylcholinesterase inhibition by organophosphorus compounds and oxime reactivation. Chemico-biological interactions 20100906
Interaction kinetics of oximes with native, phosphylated and aged human acetylcholinesterase. Chemico-biological interactions 20100906
Antioxidant potential, paraoxonase 1, ceruloplasmin activity and C-reactive protein concentration in diabetic retinopathy. Clinical and experimental medicine 20100901
Association of midgestation paraoxonase 1 activity and pregnancies complicated by preterm birth. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 20100901
Constitutive androstane receptor -null mice are sensitive to the toxic effects of parathion: association with reduced cytochrome p450-mediated parathion metabolism [corrected]. Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals 20100901
Paraoxonase 1 activity as a predictor of cardiovascular disease in type 2 diabetes. The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health 20100901
Baculovirus expression, biochemical characterization and organophosphate sensitivity of rBmAChE1, rBmAChE2, and rBmAChE3 of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. Veterinary parasitology 20100827
Oxime K027: novel low-toxic candidate for the universal reactivator of nerve agent- and pesticide-inhibited acetylcholinesterase. Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistry 20100801
Pharmacokinetics and toxicodynamics of pralidoxime effects on paraoxon-induced respiratory toxicity. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20100801
Bioactive paper dipstick sensors for acetylcholinesterase inhibitors based on sol-gel/enzyme/gold nanoparticle composites. The Analyst 20100801
Thionate versus Oxon: comparison of stability, uptake, and cell toxicity of ((14)CH(3)O)(2)-labeled methyl parathion and methyl paraoxon with SH-SY5Y cells. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 20100728
The differentiating effect of glimepiride and glibenclamide on paraoxonase 1 and platelet-activating factor acetylohydrolase activity. Life sciences 20100717
X-ray crystallographic and MD simulation studies on the mechanism of interfacial activation of a family I.3 lipase with two lids. Journal of molecular biology 20100702
Cholinergic stimulation of the immune system protects against lethal infection by Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. Immunology 20100701
Disposable electrochemical printed gold chips for the analysis of acetylcholinesterase inhibition. Analytica chimica acta 20100611
Muscle force and acetylcholinesterase activity in mouse hemidiaphragms exposed to paraoxon and treated by oximes in vitro. Toxicology 20100604
Mechanisms of insulin resistance after insulin-induced hypoglycemia in humans: the role of lipolysis. Diabetes 20100601
Critical role of the mesenteric depot versus other intra-abdominal adipose depots in the development of insulin resistance in young rats. Diabetes 20100601
Sonolytic degradation of parathion and the formation of byproducts. Ultrasonics sonochemistry 20100601
Comparative modeling of PON2 and analysis of its substrate binding interactions using computational methods. Journal of ocular biology, diseases, and informatics 20100601
Solution chemistry of self-assembled graphene nanohybrids for high-performance flexible biosensors. ACS nano 20100525
Multi-enzyme inhibition assay for the detection of insecticidal organophosphates and carbamates by high-performance thin-layer chromatography applied to determine enzyme inhibition factors and residues in juice and water samples. Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences 20100515
Comparative study of oxime-induced reactivation of erythrocyte and muscle AChE from different animal species following inhibition by sarin or paraoxon. Toxicology letters 20100504
Improvement in organophosphorus hydrolase activity of cell surface-engineered yeast strain using Flo1p anchor system. Biotechnology letters 20100501
Enhanced stability of enzyme organophosphate hydrolase interfaced on the carbon nanotubes. Colloids and surfaces. B, Biointerfaces 20100501
Organophosphorus compound detection on a cell chip with yeast coexpressing hydrolase and eGFP. Biotechnology journal 20100501
Cloning and characterization of acetylcholinesterase 1 genes from insecticide-resistant field populations of Liposcelis paeta Pearman (Psocoptera: Liposcelididae). Insect biochemistry and molecular biology 20100501
Development of Au nanoparticles dispersed carbon nanotube-based biosensor for the detection of paraoxon. Nanoscale 20100501
Colorimetric dipstick for assay of organophosphate pesticides and nerve agents represented by paraoxon, sarin and VX. Talanta 20100415
Calcium signals and caspase-12 participated in paraoxon-induced apoptosis in EL4 cells. Toxicology in vitro : an international journal published in association with BIBRA 20100401
An alternative in vitro method for detecting neuropathic compounds based on acetylcholinesterase inhibition and on inhibition and aging of neuropathy target esterase (NTE). Toxicology in vitro : an international journal published in association with BIBRA 20100401
Central cholinesterase inhibition enhances glutamatergic synaptic transmission. Journal of neurophysiology 20100401
Serum paraoxonase 1 activity status in patients with liver disorders. Saudi journal of gastroenterology : official journal of the Saudi Gastroenterology Association 20100401
Carbon nanotube-polymer based nanocomposite as electrode material for the detection of paraoxon. Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology 20100401
Biomagnetic glasses: preparation, characterization, and biosensor applications. Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids 20100316
Mechanism and kinetics of parathion degradation under ultrasonic irradiation. Journal of hazardous materials 20100315
Association of midgestational paraoxonase 1 activity with pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia. American journal of perinatology 20100301
Diet-induced obesity prevents interstitial dispersion of insulin in skeletal muscle. Diabetes 20100301
Biochemical, metabolic, and behavioural responses and recovery of Daphnia magna after exposure to an organophosphate. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 20100301
Influence of oryzanol and ferulic Acid on the lipid metabolism and antioxidative status in high fat-fed mice. Journal of clinical biochemistry and nutrition 20100301
Total oxidant status, total antioxidant status, and paraoxonase and arylesterase activities during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Clinics (Sao Paulo, Brazil) 20100301
Investigation of in vitro effects of ethephon and chlorpyrifos, either alone or in combination, on rat intestinal muscle contraction. Interdisciplinary toxicology 20100301
AChE biosensor based on zinc oxide sol-gel for the detection of pesticides. Analytica chimica acta 20100227
Acetylcholinesterase point mutations in European strains of Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) resistant to organophosphates. Pest management science 20100201
Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase by chromophore-linked fluorophosphonates. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters 20100201
Monooxime-monocarbamoyl Bispyridinium Xylene-Linked Reactivators of Acetylcholinesterase-Synthesis, In vitro and Toxicity Evaluation, and Docking Studies. ChemMedChem 20100201
Evaluation of serum paraoxonase and arylesterase activities in ankylosing spondylitis patients. Clinics (Sao Paulo, Brazil) 20100201
Effect of quercetin on paraoxonase 1 activity--studies in cultured cells, mice and humans. Journal of physiology and pharmacology : an official journal of the Polish Physiological Society 20100201
Bisquaternary pyridinium oximes: Comparison of in vitro reactivation potency of compounds bearing aliphatic linkers and heteroaromatic linkers for paraoxon-inhibited electric eel and recombinant human acetylcholinesterase. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 20100115
Nanogravimetric and voltammetric DNA-hybridization biosensors for studies of DNA damage by common toxicants and pollutants. Biophysical chemistry 20100101
In silico feasibility of novel biodegradation pathways for 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene. BMC systems biology 20100101
Heterologous expression, purification, and biochemical characterization of a greenbug (Schizaphis graminum) acetylcholinesterase encoded by a paralogous gene (ace-1). Journal of biochemical and molecular toxicology 20100101
Adsorption of obidoxime onto human serum albumin nanoparticles: drug loading, particle size and drug release. Journal of microencapsulation 20100101
Paraoxonase 1 status as a risk factor for disease or exposure. Advances in experimental medicine and biology 20100101
The toxicity of mixtures of specific organophosphate compounds is modulated by paraoxonase 1 status. Advances in experimental medicine and biology 20100101
Methodological constraints in interpreting serum paraoxonase-1 activity measurements: an example from a study in HIV-infected patients. Lipids in health and disease 20100101
Cannabinoid receptor agonist WIN-55,212-2 protects differentiated PC12 cells from organophosphorus- induced apoptosis. International journal of toxicology 20100101
Paraoxon attenuates vascular smooth muscle contraction through inhibiting Ca2+ influx in the rabbit thoracic aorta. Journal of biomedicine & biotechnology 20100101
Diet and paraoxonase 1 enzymatic activity in diabetic foot patients from Romania and Belgium: favorable association of high flavonoid dietary intake with arylesterase activity. Annals of nutrition & metabolism 20100101
Decreased paraoxonase-1 activity is associated with alterations of high-density lipoprotein particles in chronic liver impairment. Lipids in health and disease 20100101
Organophosphorus pesticides decrease M2 muscarinic receptor function in guinea pig airway nerves via indirect mechanisms. PloS one 20100101
Paraoxonase: Its antiatherogenic role in chronic renal failure. Indian journal of nephrology 20100101
Bionanoconjugate-based composites for decontamination of nerve agents. Biotechnology progress 20100101
Effect of HDL composition and particle size on the resistance of HDL to the oxidation. Lipids in health and disease 20100101
Incorporation of obidoxime into human serum albumin nanoparticles: optimisation of preparation parameters for the development of a stable formulation. Journal of microencapsulation 20100101
[Echinocytosis and changes of medium weight molecules content in endo- and exogenous intoxications]. Morfologiia (Saint Petersburg, Russia) 20100101
Lower paraoxonase 1 activity in Tunisian bipolar I patients. Annals of general psychiatry 20100101
Reactivation of human acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase inhibited by leptophos-oxon with different oxime reactivators in vitro. International journal of molecular sciences 20100101
Pralidoxime--the gold standard of acetylcholinesterase reactivators--reactivation in vitro efficacy. Bratislavske lekarske listy 20100101
A high-throughput enzyme assay for organophosphate residues in milk. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 20100101
Fluorescent chemosensors for toxic organophosphorus pesticides: a review. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 20100101
Recent trends in monitoring of European water framework directive priority substances using micro-sensors: a 2007-2009 review. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 20100101
Study of a QCM dimethyl methylphosphonate sensor based on a ZnO-modified nanowire-structured manganese dioxide film. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 20100101
Direct electrochemistry and electrocatalysis of hemoglobin at mesoporous carbon modified electrode. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 20100101
Fluorescent silicate materials for the detection of paraoxon. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 20100101
ISFET based microsensors for environmental monitoring. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 20100101
Sonochemically fabricated microelectrode arrays for use as sensing platforms. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 20100101
A common mutation in paraoxonase-2 results in impaired lactonase activity. The Journal of biological chemistry 20091218
The role of paraoxonase polymorphisms in the induction of micronucleus in paraoxon-treated human lymphocytes. Environmental and molecular mutagenesis 20091201
Es-x/Ces1 prevents triacylglycerol accumulation in McArdle-RH7777 hepatocytes. Biochimica et biophysica acta 20091201
Novel bisquaternary oximes--reactivation of acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase inhibited by paraoxon. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) 20091201
Molecular dynamics simulations of the detoxification of paraoxon catalyzed by phosphotriesterase. Journal of computational chemistry 20091130
Combining medium effects and cofactor catalysis: metal-coordinated synzymes accelerate phosphate transfer by 10(8). Chemistry (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) 20091116
Biomonitoring of organophosphorus agent exposure by reactivation of cholinesterase enzyme based on carbon nanotube-enhanced flow-injection amperometric detection. Analytical chemistry 20091115
Dramatic differences in organophosphorus hydrolase activity between human and chimeric recombinant mammalian paraoxonase-1 enzymes. Biochemistry 20091103
Carboxylesterase activity in earthworm gut contents: Potential (eco)toxicological implications. Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Toxicology & pharmacology : CBP 20091101
Relations of lysophosphatidylcholine in low-density lipoprotein with serum lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2, paraoxonase and homocysteine thiolactonase activities in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diabetes research and clinical practice 20091101
Reagentless bidirectional lateral flow bioactive paper sensors for detection of pesticides in beverage and food samples. Analytical chemistry 20091101
Changes on the physiological lactonase activity of serum paraoxonase 1 by a diet intervention for weight loss in healthy overweight and obese women. Journal of clinical biochemistry and nutrition 20091101
Genotyping mutations in BmAChE3: A survey of organophosphate-resistant and -susceptible strains of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. Journal of medical entomology 20091101
Structure-based and random mutagenesis approaches increase the organophosphate-degrading activity of a phosphotriesterase homologue from Deinococcus radiodurans. Journal of molecular biology 20091016
Lysozyme-mediated formation of protein-silica nano-composites for biosensing applications. Colloids and surfaces. B, Biointerfaces 20091001
Relationships between paraoxon and 2-coumaranone hydrolytic activities in sera genotyped for PON1 Q192R polymorphism. Clinical biochemistry 20091001
Study of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors using CE with contactless conductivity detection. Electrophoresis 20091001
192R allele of paraoxanase 1 (PON1) gene as a new marker for susceptibility to bladder cancer. Anticancer research 20091001
Developmental changes in PON1 enzyme activity in young children and effects of PON1 polymorphisms. Environmental health perspectives 20091001
Comparing the inhibitory effects of five protoxicant organophosphates (azinphos-methyl, parathion-methyl, chlorpyriphos-methyl, methamidophos and diazinon) on the spontaneously beating auricle of Sparus aurata: an in vitro study. Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 20090914
Extreme variability in the formation of chlorpyrifos oxon (CPO) in patients poisoned by chlorpyrifos (CPF). Biochemical pharmacology 20090901
Development of square wave voltammetry method for the assessment of organophosphorus compound impact on the cholinesterase of Pheretima with 2,6-dichloroindophenol as a redox indicator. Chemosphere 20090901
Recombinant expression and biochemical characterization of the catalytic domain of acetylcholinesterase-1 from the African malaria mosquito, Anopheles gambiae. Insect biochemistry and molecular biology 20090901
New series of monoquaternary pyridinium oximes: Synthesis and reactivation potency for paraoxon-inhibited electric eel and recombinant human acetylcholinesterase. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters 20090901
Fluorinated pyridinium oximes as potential reactivators for acetylcholinesterases inhibited by paraoxon organophosphorus agent. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 20090901
Structure of EstA esterase from psychrotrophic Pseudoalteromonas sp. 643A covalently inhibited by monoethylphosphonate. Acta crystallographica. Section F, Structural biology and crystallization communications 20090901
The Pine River statement: human health consequences of DDT use. Environmental health perspectives 20090901
Development of MWNT based disposable biosensor on glassy carbon electrode for the detection of organophosphorus nerve agents. Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology 20090901
Acute renal failure enhances the antidotal activity of pralidoxime towards paraoxon-induced respiratory toxicity. Toxicology letters 20090825
Orientation specific positioning of organophosphorus hydrolase on solid interfaces for biosensor applications. Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids 20090818
In vitro assessment of paraoxon effects on GABA uptake in rat hippocampal synaptosomes. Toxicology in vitro : an international journal published in association with BIBRA 20090801
Organophosphorus pesticide ozonation and formation of oxon intermediates. Chemosphere 20090801
Update on biochemical properties of recombinant Pseudomonas diminuta phosphotriesterase. Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistry 20090801
Minireview: does in-vitro testing of oximes help predict their in-vivo action after paraoxon exposure? Journal of applied toxicology : JAT 20090801
Southern Discomfort?: PON1 variation may help explain regional CVD risk. Environmental health perspectives 20090801
Racial differences in paraoxonase-1 (PON1): a factor in the health of southerners? Environmental health perspectives 20090801
Relationship between human paraoxonase-1 activity and PON1 polymorphisms in Mexican workers exposed to organophosphate pesticides. Toxicology letters 20090724
Simultaneous degradation of organophosphates and 4-substituted phenols by Stenotrophomonas species LZ-1 with surface-displayed organophosphorus hydrolase. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 20090722
Interaction between human serum esterases and environmental metal compounds. Neurotoxicology 20090701
Development of a bioactive paper sensor for detection of neurotoxins using piezoelectric inkjet printing of sol-gel-derived bioinks. Analytical chemistry 20090701
Efficacy of eight experimental bispyridinium oximes against paraoxon-induced mortality: comparison with the conventional oximes pralidoxime and obidoxime. Neurotoxicity research 20090701
Carboxylic ester hydrolases from hyperthermophiles. Extremophiles : life under extreme conditions 20090701
In vitro oxime-assisted reactivation of paraoxon-inhibited human acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase. Clinical toxicology (Philadelphia, Pa.) 20090701
A novel process for the fabrication of nanocomposites membranes. Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology 20090701
Microcalorimetric study of the inhibition of butyrylcholinesterase by paraoxon. Analytical biochemistry 20090615
Exploration of the susceptibility of AChE from the poultry red mite Dermanyssus gallinae (Acari: Mesostigmata) to organophosphates in field isolates from France. Experimental & applied acarology 20090601
Cutinase-like proteins of Mycobacterium tuberculosis: characterization of their variable enzymatic functions and active site identification. FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 20090601
Cholinesterase based amperometric biosensors for assay of anticholinergic compounds. Interdisciplinary toxicology 20090601
Suitability of human butyrylcholinesterase as therapeutic marker and pseudo catalytic scavenger in organophosphate poisoning: a kinetic analysis. Toxicology 20090517
A study of the degradation of organophosphorus pesticides in river waters and the identification of their degradation products by chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology 20090501
In silico analyses of substrate interactions with human serum paraoxonase 1. Proteins 20090501
Cholinesterase inhibition and acetylcholine accumulation following intracerebral administration of paraoxon in rats. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20090501
Measurement of serum paraoxonase-1 activity in the evaluation of liver function. World journal of gastroenterology 20090428
Comparison of the oxime-induced reactivation of rhesus monkey, swine and guinea pig erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase following inhibition by sarin or paraoxon, using a perfusion model for the real-time determination of membrane-bound acetylcholinesterase activity. Toxicology 20090428
Crystal structures of brain group-VIII phospholipase A2 in nonaged complexes with the organophosphorus nerve agents soman and sarin. Biochemistry 20090421
Choline oxidase as a selective recognition element for determination of paraoxon. Biosensors & bioelectronics 20090415
Paraoxonase 1 (PON1) modulates the toxicity of mixed organophosphorus compounds. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20090415
Hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl esters in mixtures of water and a fluorous solvent. Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids 20090409
Silica-bound copper(II)triazacyclononane as a phosphate esterase: effect of linker length and surface hydrophobicity. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 20090407
Covalent immobilization of Drosophila acetylcholinesterase for biosensor applications. Biotechnology and applied biochemistry 20090401
The use of Fluoro-Jade in primary neuronal cell cultures. Archives of toxicology 20090401
Toxicological assessment of chemicals using Caenorhabditis elegans and optical oxygen respirometry. Environmental toxicology and chemistry 20090401
Validation of PON1 enzyme activity assays for longitudinal studies. Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry 20090401
Toxicodynamic analysis of the combined cholinesterase inhibition by paraoxon and methamidophos in human whole blood. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20090401
Catalytic bioscavengers against toxic esters, an alternative approach for prophylaxis and treatments of poisonings. Acta naturae 20090401
Functional annotation and three-dimensional structure of Dr0930 from Deinococcus radiodurans, a close relative of phosphotriesterase in the amidohydrolase superfamily. Biochemistry 20090317
Effects of micelles and vesicles on the oximolysis of p-nitrophenyl diphenyl phosphate: A model system for surfactant-based skin-defensive formulations against organophosphates. Journal of pharmaceutical sciences 20090301
Paraoxonase 1 activity in different types of multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England) 20090301
Serum paraoxonase-I activity is unaffected by short-term administration of simvastatin, bezafibrate, and their combination in type 2 diabetes mellitus. European journal of clinical investigation 20090301
Type of cell death and the role of acetylcholinesterase activity in neurotoxicity induced by paraoxon in cultured rat hippocampal neurons. Acta biologica Hungarica 20090301
Mitochondrial ATP synthase inhibition and nitric oxide are involved in muscle weakness that occurs in acute exposure of rats to monocrotophos. Toxicology mechanisms and methods 20090301
Paraoxonase 1 (PON1) status and substrate hydrolysis. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20090215
Reactivation potency of fluorinated pyridinium oximes for acetylcholinesterases inhibited by paraoxon organophosphorus agent. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters 20090215
Evaluation of in vitro tests to assess the efficacy of formulations as topical skin protectants against organophosphorus compounds. Toxicology in vitro : an international journal published in association with BIBRA 20090201
Determinants of variation in human serum paraoxonase activity. Heredity 20090201
Crystal structure and biochemical properties of a novel thermostable esterase containing an immunoglobulin-like domain. Journal of molecular biology 20090123
Purification human PON1Q192 and PON1R192 isoenzymes by hydrophobic interaction chromatography and investigation of the inhibition by metals. Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences 20090115
Automated resolution of dichlorvos and methylparaoxon pesticide mixtures employing a Flow Injection system with an inhibition electronic tongue. Biosensors & bioelectronics 20090101
The measurement of the lactonase activity of paraoxonase-1 in the clinical evaluation of patients with chronic liver impairment. Clinical biochemistry 20090101
Modulated growth of nanoparticles. Application for sensing nerve gases. Analytical chemistry 20090101
Paraoxonase-1 is related to inflammation, fibrosis and PPAR delta in experimental liver disease. BMC gastroenterology 20090101
A set of piezoelectric biosensors using cholinesterases. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 20090101
Clinical outcomes and kinetics of propanil following acute self-poisoning: a prospective case series. BMC clinical pharmacology 20090101
Physicochemical characterization of stealth liposomes encapsulating an organophosphate hydrolyzing enzyme. Journal of liposome research 20090101
Effect of inhibition of neuropathy target esterase in mouse nervous tissues in vitro on phosphatidylcholine and lysophosphatidylcholine homeostasis. International journal of toxicology 20090101
Both paraoxonase-1 genotype and activity do not predict the risk of future coronary artery disease; the EPIC-Norfolk Prospective Population Study. PloS one 20090101
Development of an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the organophosphorus pesticide paraoxon-methyl. Immunological investigations 20090101
Effect of atorvastatin on paraoxonase1 (PON1) and oxidative status. Pharmacological reports : PR 20090101
In vivo administration of BL-3050: highly stable engineered PON1-HDL complexes. BMC clinical pharmacology 20090101
Annotation and expression of carboxylesterases in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. BMC genomics 20090101
Studies on HDL associated enzymes under experimental hypercholesterolemia: possible modulation on selenium supplementation. Lipids in health and disease 20090101
Genetic polymorphism in paraoxonase 1 (PON1): Population distribution of PON1 activity. Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part B, Critical reviews 20090101
Variation of cholinesterase-based biosensor sensitivity to inhibition by organophosphate due to ionizing radiation. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 20090101
Recent advances in nanotechnology applied to biosensors. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 20090101
Nanomaterials - acetylcholinesterase enzyme matrices for organophosphorus pesticides electrochemical sensors: a review. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 20090101
Evaluation of cholinesterase activities during in vivo intoxication using an electrochemical sensor strip - correlation with intoxication symptoms. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 20090101
Semiconductor quantum dots in chemical sensors and biosensors. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 20090101
Photometric microplate assay for estimation of the efficacy of paraoxon-inhibited acetylcholinesterase reactivation. Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistry 20081201
Ventilatory effects of low-dose paraoxon result from central muscarinic effects. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20081201
Degradation and byproduct formation of parathion in aqueous solutions by UV and UV/H(2)O(2) treatment. Water research 20081201
Oligopeptides as mimic of acetylcholinesterase: from the rational design to the application in solid-phase extraction for pesticides. Analytical chemistry 20081201
Monoacylglycerol lipase regulates 2-arachidonoylglycerol action and arachidonic acid levels. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters 20081115
Magnetic electrochemical immunoassays with quantum dot labels for detection of phosphorylated acetylcholinesterase in plasma. Analytical chemistry 20081115
Crystal structure of human plasma platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase: structural implication to lipoprotein binding and catalysis. The Journal of biological chemistry 20081114
Caenorhabditis elegans: an emerging model in biomedical and environmental toxicology. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20081101
The influence of the support nature on the kinetics parameters, inhibition constants and reactivation of immobilized acetylcholinesterase. International journal of biological macromolecules 20081101
Hypotension in severe dimethoate self-poisoning. Clinical toxicology (Philadelphia, Pa.) 20081101
Improvement of acetylcholinesterase-based assay for organophosphates in way of identification by reactivators. Talanta 20081019
A fully validated isotope dilution HPLC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous determination of succinylcholine and succinylmonocholine in serum and urine samples. Journal of mass spectrometry : JMS 20081001
Induction of paraoxonase 1 and apolipoprotein A-I gene expression by aspirin. Journal of lipid research 20081001
PON1Q192R polymorphism is associated with lipid profile in Mexican men with Mayan ascendancy. Experimental and molecular pathology 20081001
Acetylcholinesterase-based biosensors for quantification of carbofuran, carbaryl, methylparaoxon, and dichlorvos in 5% acetonitrile. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 20081001
Inhibition of carboxylesterase 1 is associated with cholesteryl ester retention in human THP-1 monocyte/macrophages. Biochimica et biophysica acta 20081001
Increased organophosphate scavenging in a butyrylcholinesterase mutant. Chemico-biological interactions 20080925
Reactivation of DFP- and paraoxon-inhibited acetylcholinesterases by pyridinium oximes. Chemico-biological interactions 20080925
Reactivation of model cholinesterases by oximes and intermediate phosphyloximes: a computational study. Chemico-biological interactions 20080925
Potency of several oximes to reactivate human acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase inhibited by paraoxon in vitro. Chemico-biological interactions 20080925
Five tyrosines and two serines in human albumin are labeled by the organophosphorus agent FP-biotin. Chemical research in toxicology 20080915
Structure of human pancreatic lipase-related protein 2 with the lid in an open conformation. Biochemistry 20080909
Structural characterization and reversal of the natural organophosphate resistance of a D-type esterase, Saccharomyces cerevisiae S-formylglutathione hydrolase. Biochemistry 20080909
Irreversible inhibition of the thermophilic esterase EST2 from Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius. Extremophiles : life under extreme conditions 20080901
PON1 status is influenced by oxidative stress and inflammation in coronary heart disease patients. Clinical biochemistry 20080901
Monoquaternary pyridinium salts with modified side chain-synthesis and evaluation on model of tabun- and paraoxon-inhibited acetylcholinesterase. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 20080901
Glycation of paraoxonase-1 inhibits its activity and impairs the ability of high-density lipoprotein to metabolize membrane lipid hydroperoxides. Diabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association 20080901
Acute fatal presentation of ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency in a previously healthy male. Hepatology international 20080901
Protective effects of mecamylamine and atropine against α(4)β(2) nicotinic receptor expression and functional toxicity in paraoxon-treated rats. Environmental toxicology and pharmacology 20080901
Gas-phase mechanisms of degradation of hazardous organophosphorus compounds: do they follow a common pattern of alkaline hydrolysis reaction as in phosphotriesterase? The journal of physical chemistry. B 20080814
Association between p.Leu54Met polymorphism at the paraoxonase-1 gene and plantar fascia thickness in young subjects with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes care 20080801
Serum albumin is as efficient as paraxonase in the detoxication of paraoxon at toxicologically relevant concentrations. Chemical research in toxicology 20080801
Interethnic variability of plasma paraoxonase (PON1) activity towards organophosphates and PON1 polymorphisms among Asian populations--a short review. Industrial health 20080801
Oxydemeton-methyl resistance, mechanisms, and associated fitness cost in green peach aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Journal of economic entomology 20080801
Gastrointestinal nematode infection increases organophosphate toxicity in rats. Toxicology letters 20080730
PON1Q192R genetic polymorphism modifies organophosphorous pesticide effects on semen quality and DNA integrity in agricultural workers from southern Mexico. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20080715
Control of cholesteryl ester transfer protein activity by sequestration of lipid transfer inhibitor protein in an inactive complex. Journal of lipid research 20080701
Effect of intrathecal pralidoxime administration upon survival of rats exposed to the organophosphate paraoxon. Neurotoxicology 20080701
The spectrum of intermediate syndrome following acute organophosphate poisoning: a prospective cohort study from Sri Lanka. PLoS medicine 20080701
Evaluation of nicotinic receptors agonists and antagonists against paraoxon exposed PC12 cells. Environmental toxicology and pharmacology 20080701
Engineered bacterial outer membrane vesicles with enhanced functionality. Journal of molecular biology 20080627
Activation of the endocannabinoid system by organophosphorus nerve agents. Nature chemical biology 20080601
Biodegradation of organophosphate pesticide using recombinant Cyanobacteria with surface- and intracellular-expressed organophosphorus hydrolase. Journal of microbiology and biotechnology 20080501
Simple procedures for purification and stabilization of human serum paraoxonase-1. Journal of biochemical and biophysical methods 20080424
Identical kinetics of human erythrocyte and muscle acetylcholinesterase with respect to carbamate pre-treatment, residual activity upon soman challenge and spontaneous reactivation after withdrawal of the inhibitors. Toxicology 20080418
Simplified speciation and improved phosphodiesterolytic activity of hydroxo complexes of trivalent lanthanides in aqueous DMSO. Inorganic chemistry 20080407
Percutaneous penetration and distribution of VX using in vitro pig or human excised skin validation of demeton-S-methyl as adequate simulant for VX skin permeation investigations. Toxicology 20080403
[Preparation and characterization of parathion sensor based on molecularly imprinted polymer]. Huan jing ke xue= Huanjing kexue 20080401
Association of paraoxonase activity and coronary blood flow. Atherosclerosis 20080301
Management of acute organophosphorus pesticide poisoning. Lancet (London, England) 20080216
Determination of active enzyme concentration using activity-based probes and direct mass spectrometric readout. Analytical biochemistry 20080215
Inhibition, reactivation and aging kinetics of highly toxic organophosphorus compounds: pig versus minipig acetylcholinesterase. Toxicology 20080203
Synaptosomal GABA uptake decreases in paraoxon-treated rat brain. Toxicology 20080203
Comparison of the oxime-induced reactivation of erythrocyte and muscle acetylcholinesterase following inhibition by sarin or paraoxon, using a perfusion model for the real-time determination of membrane-bound acetylcholinesterase activity. Biochemical pharmacology 20080201
Lipotoxic effects of triacylglycerols in J774.2 macrophages. Nutrition (Burbank, Los Angeles County, Calif.) 20080201
Alkali metal ion catalysis and inhibition in nucleophilic displacement reactions at phosphorus centers: ethyl and methyl paraoxon and ethyl and methyl parathion. The Journal of organic chemistry 20080201
Alterations of the acetylcholinesterase enzyme in the oriental fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis are correlated with resistance to the organophosphate insecticide fenitrothion. Insect biochemistry and molecular biology 20080201
Paraoxonase 1 phenotype distribution and activity differs in subjects with newly diagnosed Type 2 diabetes (the CODAM Study). Diabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association 20080201
Synthesis of monooxime-monocarbamoyl bispyridinium compounds bearing (E)-but-2-ene linker and evaluation of their reactivation activity against tabun- and paraoxon-inhibited acetylcholinesterase. Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistry 20080201
The organophosphate-induced acute-phase response is characterized by synthesis of alpha 1-acid glycoprotein that exhibits an immunomodulatory effect. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT 20080101
Genetic variation in the paraoxonase-3 (PON3) gene is associated with serum PON1 activity. Annals of human genetics 20080101
High-density lipoprotein cholesterol and paraoxonase 1 (PON1) genetics and serum PON1 activity in prepubertal children in Spain. Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine 20080101
Nanoparticle-based electrochemical immunosensor for the detection of phosphorylated acetylcholinesterase: an exposure biomarker of organophosphate pesticides and nerve agents. Chemistry (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) 20080101
Potential developmental neurotoxicity of pesticides used in Europe. Environmental health : a global access science source 20080101
Reflectometric cutinase assay for rapid screening of contaminants and residues of insecticidal organophosphates and carbamates. Journal of AOAC International 20080101
Paraoxonases (PON1, PON2, PON3) analyses in vitro and in vivo in relation to cardiovascular diseases. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 20080101
Hairy-root organ cultures for the production of human acetylcholinesterase. BMC biotechnology 20080101
The organophosphate paraoxon has no demonstrable effect on the murine immune system following subchronic low dose exposure. International journal of immunopathology and pharmacology 20080101
[Low paraoxonase and arylesterase plasma activities in Mexican patients with coronary artery disease]. Archivos de cardiologia de Mexico 20080101
A high throughput serum paraoxonase assay for discovery of small molecule modulators of PON1 activity. Current chemical genomics 20080101
Metabolism of ciclesonide in the upper and lower airways: review of available data. Journal of asthma and allergy 20080101
Multienzyme inhibition assay for residue analysis of insecticidal organophosphates and carbamates. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 20071226
New oxime reactivators connected with CH2O(CH2)nOCH2 linker and their reactivation potency for organophosphorus agents-inhibited acetylcholinesterase. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 20071215
Molecular cloning and expression of the C-terminal domain of mouse NTE-related esterase. Molecular and cellular biochemistry 20071201
Paraoxon inhibits GABA uptake in brain synaptosomes. Toxicology in vitro : an international journal published in association with BIBRA 20071201
Hydrolysis of a series of parabens by skin microsomes and cytosol from human and minipigs and in whole skin in short-term culture. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20071201
Photonic crystal sensor for organophosphate nerve agents utilizing the organophosphorus hydrolase enzyme. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 20071201
The reaction mechanism of paraoxon hydrolysis by phosphotriesterase from combined QM/MM simulations. Biochemistry 20071120
Specificity of procaine and ester hydrolysis by human, minipig, and rat skin and liver. Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals 20071101
Electrophysiological recording of re-aggregating brain cell cultures on multi-electrode arrays to detect acute neurotoxic effects. Neurotoxicology 20071101
Forskolin potentiates the paraoxon-induced hyperexcitability in snail neurons by blocking afterhyperpolarization. Neurotoxicology 20071101
Monooxime reactivators of acetylcholinesterase with (E)-but-2-ene linker: preparation and reactivation of tabun- and paraoxon-inhibited acetylcholinesterase. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 20071101
R86Q, a mutation in BmAChE3 yielding a Rhipicephalus microplus organophosphate-insensitive acetylcholinesterase. Journal of medical entomology 20071101
Biosensor system for continuous monitoring of organophosphate aerosols. Biosensors & bioelectronics 20071031
Comparative hydrolysis of O-hexyl O-2,5-dichlorophenyl phosphoramidate and paraoxon in different tissues of vertebrates. Archives of toxicology 20071001
Involvement of protein kinase C and IP3-mediated Ca2+ release in activity modulation by paraoxon in snail neurons. European journal of pharmacology 20071001
Effects of organophosphorus pesticides and their ozonation byproducts on gap junctional intercellular communication in rat liver cell line. Food and chemical toxicology : an international journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association 20071001
Development of a yeast biosensor-biocatalyst for the detection and biodegradation of the organophosphate paraoxon. Applied microbiology and biotechnology 20071001
Plant-derived human acetylcholinesterase-R provides protection from lethal organophosphate poisoning and its chronic aftermath. FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 20070901
High-dose taurine supplementation increases serum paraoxonase and arylesterase activities in experimental hypothyroidism. Clinical and experimental pharmacology & physiology 20070901
Metoclopramide protection of diazinon-induced toxicosis in chickens. Journal of veterinary science 20070901
Association of oxidative stress and PON1 with LDL and HDL particle size in middle-aged subjects. European journal of clinical investigation 20070901
The effect of paraoxon on GABA uptake in rat cerebellar synaptosomes. Medical science monitor : international medical journal of experimental and clinical research 20070901
Characterization of a phosphodiesterase capable of hydrolyzing EA 2192, the most toxic degradation product of the nerve agent VX. Biochemistry 20070807
Synthesis of a novel series of non-symmetrical bispyridinium compounds bearing a xylene linker and evaluation of their reactivation activity against tabun and paraoxon-inhibited acetylcholinesterase. Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistry 20070801
Decomposition reaction of organophosphorus nerve agents on solid surfaces with atmospheric radio frequency plasma generated gaseous species. Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids 20070717
Fluorescence-based sensing of p-nitrophenol and p-nitrophenyl substituent organophosphates. Analytica chimica acta 20070716
The role and characterization of phospholipase A1 in mediating lysophosphatidylcholine synthesis in Trypanosoma brucei. The Biochemical journal 20070715
Enzyme-encapsulated silica monolayers for rapid functionalization of a gold surface. Colloids and surfaces. B, Biointerfaces 20070701
Further biochemical characterization of human pancreatic lipase-related protein 2 expressed in yeast cells. Journal of lipid research 20070701
Fast, sensitive and cost-effective detection of nerve agents in the gas phase using a portable instrument and an electrochemical biosensor. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 20070701
Frequency of paraoxonase 192/55 polymorphism in an Iranian population. Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A 20070701
Inhibition of protein kinase C protects against paraoxon-mediated neuronal cell death. Neurotoxicology 20070701
Cholinesterase-based dipstick assay for the detection of organophosphate and carbamate pesticides. Analytica chimica acta 20070626
Characterization of a novel cell wall-anchored protein with carboxylesterase activity required for virulence in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The Journal of biological chemistry 20070622
Pesticide detection with a liposome-based nano-biosensor. Biosensors & bioelectronics 20070615
Array biosensor based on enzyme kinetics monitoring by fluorescence spectroscopy: application for neurotoxins detection. Biosensors & bioelectronics 20070615
Novel series of bispyridinium compounds bearing a (Z)-but-2-ene linker--synthesis and evaluation of their reactivation activity against tabun and paraoxon-inhibited acetylcholinesterase. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters 20070601
Effects of block length on the enzymatic degradation and erosion of oxazoline linked poly-epsilon-caprolactone. European journal of pharmaceutical sciences : official journal of the European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences 20070601
Assessment of paraoxonase activity and lipid peroxidation levels in diabetic and senile subjects suffering from cataract. Clinical biochemistry 20070601
Concentration-dependent interactions of the organophosphates chlorpyrifos oxon and methyl paraoxon with human recombinant acetylcholinesterase. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20070601
Reduced paraoxonase1 activity is a risk for atherosclerosis in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 20070601
Organophosphorus hydrolase multilayer modified microcantilevers for organophosphorus detection. Biosensors & bioelectronics 20070515
Brain acetylcholinesterase as a marine pesticide biomarker using Brazilian fishes. Marine environmental research 20070501
A new phosphotriesterase from Sulfolobus acidocaldarius and its comparison with the homologue from Sulfolobus solfataricus. Biochimie 20070501
Adaptive changes in acetylcholinesterase gene expression as mediators of recovery from chemical and biological insults. Toxicology 20070420
Testing of antidotes for organophosphorus compounds: experimental procedures and clinical reality. Toxicology 20070420
Reversible inhibition of acetylcholinesterase by carbamates or huperzine A increases residual activity of the enzyme upon soman challenge. Toxicology 20070420
Reevaluation of indirect field stimulation technique to demonstrate oxime effectiveness in OP-poisoning in muscles in vitro. Toxicology 20070420
Effect of metal ions and calcium on purified PON1 and PON3 from rat liver. Chemico-biological interactions 20070405
Aspirin is a substrate for paraoxonase-like activity: implications in atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis 20070401
Paradoxical effect of salbutamol in a model of acute organophosphates intoxication in guinea pigs: role of substance P release. American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology 20070401
Efficacy of the bone injection gun in the treatment of organophosphate poisoning. Biopharmaceutics & drug disposition 20070401
A wireless magnetoelastic biosensor for the direct detection of organophosphorus pesticides. The Analyst 20070401
Integration of in vitro neurotoxicity data with biokinetic modelling for the estimation of in vivo neurotoxicity. Human & experimental toxicology 20070401
Toxic doses of paraoxon alter the respiratory pattern without causing respiratory failure in rats. Toxicology 20070322
Insect muscarinic acetylcholine receptor: pharmacological and toxicological profiles of antagonists and agonists. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 20070321
Phospholipase B activity and organophosphorus compound toxicity in cultured neural cells. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20070301
Comparison of two pre-exposure treatment regimens in acute organophosphate (paraoxon) poisoning in rats: tiapride vs. pyridostigmine. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20070301
The search of the target of promotion: Phenylbenzoate esterase activities in hen peripheral nerve. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20070301
Comparative non-cholinergic neurotoxic effects of paraoxon and diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP) on human neuroblastoma and astrocytoma cell lines. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20070301
Identification of a carboxylesterase expressed in protoplasts using fluorescence-activated cell sorting. Plant biotechnology journal 20070301
Genetic and environmental determinants of the PON-1 phenotype. European journal of clinical investigation 20070301
[Substituted cyclodextrins: an example of biomimetic catalyzers]. Annales pharmaceutiques francaises 20070301
Effect of nonionic surfactants on Rhizopus homothallicus lipase activity: a comparative kinetic study. Molecular biotechnology 20070301
High-resolution crystal structure of plant carboxylesterase AeCXE1, from Actinidia eriantha, and its complex with a high-affinity inhibitor paraoxon. Biochemistry 20070220
Mutations of acetylcholinesterase1 contribute to prothiofos-resistance in Plutella xylostella (L.). Biochemical and biophysical research communications 20070216
Over-expression of neuropathy target esterase activity in bovine chromaffin cell cultures by adenovirus-mediated gene transfer. Toxicology letters 20070205
Human hepatic cytochrome p450-specific metabolism of parathion and chlorpyrifos. Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals 20070201
The Relationship between PON1 phenotype and PON1-192 genotype in detoxification of three oxons by human liver. Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals 20070201
Accuracy and biological variation of human serum paraoxonase 1 activity and polymorphism (Q192R) by kinetic enzyme assay. Clinical chemistry 20070201
Optical leaky waveguide biosensors for the detection of organophosphorus pesticides. The Analyst 20070201
Early effects of neuropathy-inducing organophosphates on in vivo concentrations of three neurotrophins. Neurotoxicity research 20070201
Effects of ischemia-reperfusion on the absorption and esterase metabolism of diltiazem in rat intestine. Life sciences 20070109
Is paraoxonase 192 gene polymorphism a risk factor for membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis in children? Cell biochemistry and function 20070101
Biosensing paraoxon in simulated environmental samples by immobilized organophosphorus hydrolase in functionalized mesoporous silica. Journal of environmental quality 20070101
Paraoxon has only a minimal effect on pralidoxime brain concentration in rats. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT 20070101
In vitro oxime reactivation of red blood cell acetylcholinesterase inhibited by methyl-paraoxon. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT 20070101
Five oximes (K-27, K-48, obidoxime, HI-6 and trimedoxime) in comparison with pralidoxime: survival in rats exposed to methyl-paraoxon. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT 20070101
Entry of two new asymmetric bispyridinium oximes (K-27 and K-48) into the rat brain: comparison with obidoxime. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT 20070101
Serum paraoxonase and arylesterase activities in patients with lung cancer in a Turkish population. BMC cancer 20070101
Nonenzymatic functions of acetylcholinesterase splice variants in the developmental neurotoxicity of organophosphates: chlorpyrifos, chlorpyrifos oxon, and diazinon. Environmental health perspectives 20070101
Reactivation of organophosphate-inhibited human AChE by combinations of obidoxime and HI 6 in vitro. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT 20070101
Nano-enabled synthetic biology. Molecular systems biology 20070101
Effect of pre-germinated brown rice intake on diabetic neuropathy in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Nutrition & metabolism 20070101
Impact of receptor changes on treatment of status epilepticus. Epilepsia 20070101
Effects of eprosartan on serum metabolic parameters in patients with essential hypertension. The open cardiovascular medicine journal 20070101
The effect of chronic consumption of paraoxon on basal and pentagastrin-stimulated gastric acid and pepsin secretion in rats. Saudi journal of gastroenterology : official journal of the Saudi Gastroenterology Association 20070101
New K-Oximes (K-27 and K-48) in Comparison with Obidoxime (LuH-6), HI-6, Trimedoxime (TMB-4), and Pralidoxime (2-PAM): Survival in Rats Exposed IP to the Organophosphate Paraoxon. Toxicology mechanisms and methods 20070101
Distribution profile of paraoxonase phenotypes among the Gujaratis. Indian journal of human genetics 20070101
Carboxylesterase activities toward pesticide esters in crops and weeds. Phytochemistry 20061201
Detection of carbamic and organophosphorous pesticides in water samples using a cholinesterase biosensor based on Prussian Blue-modified screen-printed electrode. Analytica chimica acta 20061124
Effect of pyridostigmine, pralidoxime and their combination on survival and cholinesterase activity in rats exposed to the organophosphate paraoxon. Archives of toxicology 20061101
Acetylcholinesterase inhibition: does it explain the toxicity of organophosphorus compounds? Archives of toxicology 20061101
Synthesis of asymmetrical bispyridinium compounds bearing cyano-moiety and evaluation of their reactivation activity against tabun and paraoxon-inhibited acetylcholinesterase. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters 20061101
Determination of parathion in biological fluids by means of direct solid-phase microextraction. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 20061101
Determination of organophosphorous pesticides by a novel biosensor based on localized surface plasmon resonance. Biosensors & bioelectronics 20061015
Modulation of paraoxon toxicity by the cannabinoid receptor agonist WIN 55,212-2. Toxicology 20061003
Effects of an organophosphate on Daphnia magna at suborganismal and organismal levels: implications for population dynamics. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 20061001
Detection of organophosphorus compounds by covalently immobilized organophosphorus hydrolase. Analytical chemistry 20061001
Mineralization of paraoxon and its use as a sole C and P source by a rationally designed catabolic pathway in Pseudomonas putida. Applied and environmental microbiology 20061001
Organophosphorus hydrolase at the air-water interface: secondary structure and interaction with paraoxon. Biomacromolecules 20061001
Ranitidine in acute high-dose organophosphate exposure in rats: effect of the time-point of administration and comparison with pyridostigmine. Basic & clinical pharmacology & toxicology 20061001
Organophosphorus insecticides extraction and heterogeneous oxidation on column for analysis with an acetylcholinesterase (AChE) biosensor. Analytica chimica acta 20060925
Potentiometric titration of metal ions in ethanol. Inorganic chemistry 20060918
Comparison of chromaffin cells from several animal sources for their use as an in vitro model to study the mechanism of organophosphorous toxicity. Toxicology letters 20060910
Mutant of Bungarus fasciatus acetylcholinesterase with low affinity and low hydrolase activity toward organophosphorus esters. Biochimica et biophysica acta 20060901
Serine hydrolase KIAA1363: toxicological and structural features with emphasis on organophosphate interactions. Chemical research in toxicology 20060901
Effective countermeasure against poisoning by organophosphorus insecticides and nerve agents. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 20060829
High-level expression of recombinant human paraoxonase 1 Q in silkworm larvae (Bombyx mori). Applied microbiology and biotechnology 20060801
Degradation of organophosphorus neurotoxicity in SY5Y neuroblastoma cells by organophosphorus hydrolase (OPH). Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A 20060801
The functional consequences of paraoxon exposure in central neurones of land snail, Caucasotachea atrolabiata, are partly mediated through modulation of Ca2+ and Ca2+-activated K+-channels. Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Toxicology & pharmacology : CBP 20060801
Effects of some antibiotics on paraoxonase from human serum in vitro and from mouse serum and liver in vivo. Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin 20060801
Lead exposure is associated with decreased serum paraoxonase 1 (PON1) activity and genotypes. Environmental health perspectives 20060801
Development of a dynamic model for real-time determination of membrane-bound acetylcholinesterase activity upon perfusion with inhibitors and reactivators. Biochemical pharmacology 20060728
Kinetic analysis of the protection afforded by reversible inhibitors against irreversible inhibition of acetylcholinesterase by highly toxic organophosphorus compounds. Biochemical pharmacology 20060728
A magnetic biomimetic nanocatalyst for cleaving phosphoester and carboxylic ester bonds under mild conditions. Organic letters 20060720
On-chip integrated hydrolysis, fluorescent labeling, and electrophoretic separation utilized for acetylcholinesterase assay. Analytica chimica acta 20060707
Diazinon, chlorpyrifos and parathion are metabolised by multiple cytochromes P450 in human liver. Toxicology 20060705
Paraoxonase polymorphisms, haplotypes, and enzyme activity in Latino mothers and newborns. Environmental health perspectives 20060701
Baculovirus expression of BmAChE3, a cDNA encoding an acetylcholinesterase of Boophilus microplus (Acari: Ixodidae). Journal of medical entomology 20060701
Unique regulation of the active site of the serine esterase S-formylglutathione hydrolase. Journal of molecular biology 20060602
Relationship of serum paraoxonase 1 activity and paraoxonase 1 genotype to risk of systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis and rheumatism 20060601
Adaptive acetylcholinesterase splicing patterns attenuate 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine-induced Parkinsonism in mice. The European journal of neuroscience 20060601
[Effects of organophosphorus insecticides on G protein-coupled receptor kinase-2 mediated phosphorylation of M2 muscarinic receptors]. Zhonghua lao dong wei sheng zhi ye bing za zhi = Zhonghua laodong weisheng zhiyebing zazhi = Chinese journal of industrial hygiene and occupational diseases 20060601
Microbial biosensor for direct determination of nitrophenyl-substituted organophosphate nerve agents using genetically engineered Moraxella sp. Analytica chimica acta 20060524
Improved access to 2-O-monobenzyl ethers of beta-cyclodextrin as precursors of catalysts for organophosphoryl esters hydrolysis. Carbohydrate research 20060522
Each lipase has a unique sensitivity profile for organophosphorus inhibitors. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20060501
Lateral parabrachial lesions disrupt paraoxon-induced conditioned flavor avoidance. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20060501
Chlorpyrifos affects phenotypic outcomes in a model of mammalian neurodevelopment: critical stages targeting differentiation in PC12 cells. Environmental health perspectives 20060501
Comparative developmental neurotoxicity of organophosphate insecticides: effects on brain development are separable from systemic toxicity. Environmental health perspectives 20060501
Effects of the organophosphate paraoxon-methyl on survival and reproduction of Daphnia magna: importance of exposure duration and recovery. Environmental toxicology and chemistry 20060501
Paraoxon suppresses Ca(2+) spike and afterhyperpolarization in snail neurons: Relevance to the hyperexcitability induction. Brain research 20060414
Concentration-dependent kinetics of acetylcholinesterase inhibition by the organophosphate paraoxon. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20060401
Tiapride pre-treatment in acute exposure to paraoxon: comparison of effects of administration at different points-in-time in rats. Molecular and cellular biochemistry 20060401
Functional analysis of organophosphorus hydrolase variants with high degradation activity towards organophosphate pesticides. Protein engineering, design & selection : PEDS 20060301
Semiautomated method for determination of serum paraoxonase activity using paraoxon as substrate. Clinical chemistry 20060301
Purification and characterization of an esterase isozyme involved in hydrolysis of organophosphorus compounds from an insecticide resistant pest, Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctüidae). Biochimica et biophysica acta 20060301
PON1 status of farmworker mothers and children as a predictor of organophosphate sensitivity. Pharmacogenetics and genomics 20060301
Structural requirements of acetylcholinesterase reactivators. Mini reviews in medicinal chemistry 20060301
Paraoxonase/arylesterase in serum of patients with type II diabetes mellitus. Acta pharmaceutica (Zagreb, Croatia) 20060301
Peptidolipid as binding site of acetylcholinesterase: molecular recognition of paraoxon in Langmuir films. Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids 20060227
Sensitivity and specificity improvement of an ion sensitive field effect transistors-based biosensor for potato glycoalkaloids detection. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 20060208
Degradation mechanism and the toxicity assessment in TiO2 photocatalysis and photolysis of parathion. Chemosphere 20060201
Biosensor based on self-assembling acetylcholinesterase on carbon nanotubes for flow injection/amperometric detection of organophosphate pesticides and nerve agents. Analytical chemistry 20060201
Paraoxon-induced ultrastructural growth changes of rat cultured hippocampal cells in neurobasal/B27. Toxicology 20060116
Screen-printed bienzymatic sensor based on sol-gel immobilized Nippostrongylusbrasiliensis acetylcholinesterase and a cytochrome P450 BM-3 (CYP102-A1) mutant. Biosensors & bioelectronics 20060115
Analogues with fluorescent leaving groups for screening and selection of enzymes that efficiently hydrolyze organophosphorus nerve agents. Journal of medicinal chemistry 20060112
A novel butyrylcholinesterase from serum of Leporinus macrocephalus, a Neotropical fish. Biochimie 20060101
Five oximes (K-27, K-33, K-48, BI-6 and methoxime) in comparison with pralidoxime: in vitro reactivation of red blood cell acetylcholinesterase inhibited by paraoxon. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT 20060101
Interactive toxicity of chlorpyrifos and parathion in neonatal rats: role of esterases in exposure sequence-dependent toxicity. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20060101
A case for revisiting the safety of pesticides: a closer look at neurodevelopment. Environmental health perspectives 20060101
A model for linking the effects of parathion in soil to its degradation and bioavailability kinetics. Journal of environmental quality 20060101
Amphenicol and macrolide derived antibiotics inhibit paraoxonase enzyme activity in human serum and human hepatoma cells (HepG2) in vitro. Biochemistry. Biokhimiia 20060101
Five oximes (K-27, K-33, K-48, BI-6 and methoxime) in comparison with pralidoxime: survival in rats exposed to the organophosphate paraoxon. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT 20060101
Comparison of cholin- and carboxylesterase enzyme inhibition and visible effects in the zebra fish embryo bioassay under short-term paraoxon-methyl exposure. Biomarkers : biochemical indicators of exposure, response, and susceptibility to chemicals 20060101
Roles of paraoxonase and oxidative stress in adolescents with uraemic, essential or obesity-induced hypertension. Kidney & blood pressure research 20060101
Paraoxonase-1 (PON1) activity, but not PON1(Q192R) phenotype, is a predictor of coronary artery disease in a middle-aged Serbian population. Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine 20060101
Activity of paraoxonase 1 (PON1) and its relationship to markers of lipoprotein oxidation in healthy Slovaks. Acta biochimica Polonica 20060101
Solvent deuterium kinetic isotope effects for the methanolyses of neutral C=O, P=O and P=S esters catalyzed by a triazacyclododecane : Zn(2+)-methoxide complex. Organic & biomolecular chemistry 20051221
Serum arylesterase and paraoxonase activity in patients with chronic hepatitis. World journal of gastroenterology 20051214
Role of metabolism in parathion-induced hepatotoxicity and immunotoxicity. Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A 20051210
Closed and open conformations of the lid domain induce different patterns of human pancreatic lipase antigenicity and immunogenicity. Biochimica et biophysica acta 20051201
Significant differences in the disposition of cyclic prodrugs of opioid peptides in rats and guinea pigs following IV administration. Journal of pharmaceutical sciences 20051201
Detoxification of the organophosphate nerve agent coumaphos using organophosphorus hydrolase immobilized on cellulose materials. Journal of industrial microbiology & biotechnology 20051201
[Intravenous oxygen therapy increases the activity of the antioxidative and antiatherogenic serum enzyme paraoxonase 1]. Forschende Komplementarmedizin und klassische Naturheilkunde = Research in complementary and natural classical medicine 20051201
Synthesis and bioactivity of new phosphorylated R,R'-substituted sulfoximines. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) 20051130
Butyrylcholinesterase, paraoxonase, and albumin esterase, but not carboxylesterase, are present in human plasma. Biochemical pharmacology 20051125
Reduction of neuropathy target esterase does not affect neuronal differentiation, but moderate expression induces neuronal differentiation in human neuroblastoma (SK-N-SH) cell line. Brain research. Molecular brain research 20051118
Effect of organophosphorus insecticides and their metabolites on astroglial cell proliferation. Toxicology 20051115
Highly sensitive and selective amperometric microbial biosensor for direct determination of p-nitrophenyl-substituted organophosphate nerve agents. Environmental science & technology 20051115
Microfluidic biosensor based on an array of hydrogel-entrapped enzymes. Analytical chemistry 20051101
Effects of oximes on muscle force and acetylcholinesterase activity in isolated mouse hemidiaphragms exposed to paraoxon. Toxicology 20051030
Structural and mutational studies of organophosphorus hydrolase reveal a cryptic and functional allosteric-binding site. Archives of biochemistry and biophysics 20051015
The thermodynamics of phosphate versus phosphorothioate ester hydrolysis. The Journal of organic chemistry 20051014
Cholin- and carboxylesterase activities in developing zebrafish embryos (Danio rerio) and their potential use for insecticide hazard assessment. Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 20051005
Squaric monoamide monoester as a new class of reactive immunization hapten for catalytic antibodies. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters 20051001
Iron-ascorbic acid-induced oxidant stress and its quenching by paraoxonase 1 in HDL and the liver: comparison between humans and rats. Journal of cellular biochemistry 20051001
Assessment of paraoxonase 1 activity and malondialdehyde levels in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Clinical biochemistry 20051001
Stability of oxymethyl-modified coumarinic acid cyclic prodrugs of diastereomeric opioid peptides in biological media from various animal species including human. Journal of pharmaceutical sciences 20051001
Acetylcholinesterase sensor based on screen-printed carbon electrode modified with prussian blue. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 20051001
Inhibition of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors increases paraoxon-induced apoptosis in cultured neurons. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20051001
Developmental exposure of rats to chlorpyrifos elicits sex-selective hyperlipidemia and hyperinsulinemia in adulthood. Environmental health perspectives 20051001
Effects of paraoxon and ethylparathion on choline oxidase from Alcaligenes species: inhibition and denaturation. International journal of biological macromolecules 20050928
Increased paraoxon detection by acetylcholinesterase inactivation with ionic liquid additives. Talanta 20050915
Detoxification of organophosphate nerve agents by immobilized dual functional biocatalysts in a cellulose hollow fiber bioreactor. Biotechnology and bioengineering 20050805
Paraoxonase-1 (PON-1) genotype and activity and in vivo oxidized plasma low-density lipoprotein in Type II diabetes. Clinical science (London, England : 1979) 20050801
Serum paraoxonase activity in dairy cows during pregnancy. Research in veterinary science 20050801
Sensitive detection of organophosphates in river water by means of a piezoelectric biosensor. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 20050801
Synthesis of 2-substituted beta-cyclodextrin derivatives with a hydrolytic activity against the organophosphorylester paraoxon. European journal of medicinal chemistry 20050701
Disposable biosensor test for organophosphate and carbamate insecticides in milk. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 20050629
Formation and disposition of diethylphosphoryl-obidoxime, a potent anticholinesterase that is hydrolyzed by human paraoxonase (PON1). Biochemical pharmacology 20050615
Genetic polymorphisms and activity of PON1 in a Mexican population. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20050615
Paraoxonase activity in Greek migrants and Anglo-Celtic persons in the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study: relationship to dietary markers. European journal of nutrition 20050601
Differential effect of antioxidant treatment on plasma and tissue paraoxonase activity in hyperleptinemic rats. Pharmacological research 20050601
Increased expression of a bacterial phosphotriesterase in Escherichia coli through directed evolution. Protein expression and purification 20050601
In vitro assessment of the genotoxicity of ethyl paraoxon in newborns and adults. Human & experimental toxicology 20050601
Modeling impact of parathion and its metabolite paraoxon on the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans in soil. Environmental toxicology and chemistry 20050601
Overview of molecular, cellular, and genetic neurotoxicology. Neurologic clinics 20050501
Optical solid-state detection of organophosphates using organophosphorus hydrolase. Biosensors & bioelectronics 20050415
Inhibition of the acetycholine esterase-stimulated growth of Au nanoparticles: nanotechnology-based sensing of nerve gases. Nano letters 20050401
Metal clad leaky waveguides for chemical and biosensing applications. Biosensors & bioelectronics 20050315
(CdSe)ZnS quantum dots and organophosphorus hydrolase bioconjugate as biosensors for detection of paraoxon. The journal of physical chemistry. B 20050310
Indications that paraoxonase-1 contributes to plasma high density lipoprotein levels in familial hypercholesterolemia. Journal of lipid research 20050301
The interaction between OPH and paraoxon at the air-water interface studied by AFM and epifluorescence microscopies. Colloids and surfaces. B, Biointerfaces 20050210
Direct determination of p-nitrophenyl substituent organophosphorus nerve agents using a recombinant Pseudomonas putida JS444-modified Clark oxygen electrode. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 20050209
Activation, inhibition, and destabilization of Thermomyces lanuginosus lipase by detergents. Biochemistry 20050208
Albumin, a new biomarker of organophosphorus toxicant exposure, identified by mass spectrometry. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20050201
Protective drugs in acute large-dose exposure to organophosphates: a comparison of metoclopramide and tiapride with pralidoxime in rats. Anesthesia and analgesia 20050201
Aqueous sol-gel encapsulation of genetically engineered Moraxella spp. cells for the detection of organophosphates. Biosensors & bioelectronics 20050115
Weak inhibitors protect cholinesterases from strong inhibitors (paraoxon): in vitro effect of ranitidine. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT 20050101
Protective agents in acute high-dose organophosphate exposure: comparison of ranitidine with pralidoxime in rats. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT 20050101
Antileukemic activity and cellular metabolism of the aryl phosphate derivative of bromo-methoxy zidovudine (compound WHI-07). Arzneimittel-Forschung 20050101
Effects of organophosphorus compounds on ATP production and mitochondrial integrity in cultured cells. Neurotoxicity research 20050101
[Changes of parameters of functions of respiratory and cardiovascular systems of different age rats under influence of small doses of cholinesterase inhibitor Phosphacol]. Zhurnal evoliutsionnoi biokhimii i fiziologii 20050101
Paraoxonase 1 status in the Thai population. Journal of human genetics 20050101
Improved degradation of organophosphorus nerve agents and p-nitrophenol by Pseudomonas putida JS444 with surface-expressed organophosphorus hydrolase. Biotechnology progress 20050101
[Finding cholinesterase in endotheliocytes: cholinesterase inhibition by organophosphorus compounds leads to endotheliocyte deformation]. Eksperimental'naia i klinicheskaia farmakologiia 20050101
Lack of association between carotid intima-media thickness and PAF-acetylhydrolase mass and activity in patients with primary hyperlipidemia. Angiology 20050101
Effect of metoclopramide and ranitidine on the inhibition of human AChE by VX in vitro. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT 20050101
Weak inhibitors protect cholinesterases from strong inhibitors (paraoxon): in vitro effect of tiapride. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT 20050101
Metoclopramide-induced central nervous system depression in the chicken. BMC veterinary research 20050101
Liver prenylated methylated protein methyl esterase is an organophosphate-sensitive enzyme. Journal of biochemical and molecular toxicology 20050101
Bis(dialkylamide)hydrogen dibromobromate precursors of hypobromite ion in reactions with nerve and blister agent simulants. The Journal of organic chemistry 20041224
La3+-catalyzed methanolysis of O,O-diethyl S-(p-nitrophenyl) phosphorothioate and O,O-diethyl S-phenyl phosphorothioate. Millions-fold acceleration of the destruction of V-agent simulants. Organic & biomolecular chemistry 20041207
Increased susceptibility to adult paraoxon exposure in mice neonatally exposed to nicotine. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20041201
Preferential inhibition of paraoxonase activity of human paraoxonase 1 by negatively charged lipids. Journal of lipid research 20041201
Involvement of glial cells in the neurotoxicity of parathion and chlorpyrifos. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20041201
Cardiac responses of Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas to agents modulating cholinergic function. Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Toxicology & pharmacology : CBP 20041201
Determinants of homocysteine-thiolactonase activity of the paraoxonase-1 (PON1) protein in humans. Cellular and molecular biology (Noisy-le-Grand, France) 20041201
Methyl-paraoxon comparative inhibition kinetics for acetylcholinesterases from brain of neotropical fishes. Toxicology letters 20041102
Hydrolysis of carbaryl by human serum albumin. Archives of toxicology 20041101
Sonochemically fabricated enzyme microelectrode arrays for the environmental monitoring of pesticides. Biosensors & bioelectronics 20041101
Thermostable esterase from a thermoacidophilic archaeon: purification and characterization for enzymatic resolution of a chiral compound. Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry 20041101
Cloning and characterization of the acid lipase from castor beans. The Journal of biological chemistry 20041029
Zn2+-catalyzed methanolysis of phosphate triesters: a process for catalytic degradation of the organophosphorus pesticides paraoxon and fenitrothion. Inorganic chemistry 20041018
Evaluation of mechanisms of azinphos-methyl resistance in the codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.). Archives of insect biochemistry and physiology 20041001
Structure/function analyses of human serum paraoxonase (HuPON1) mutants designed from a DFPase-like homology model. Biochimica et biophysica acta 20041001
Glutathione S-transferase in the insect Apis mellifera macedonica kinetic characteristics and effect of stress on the expression of GST isoenzymes in the adult worker bee. Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Toxicology & pharmacology : CBP 20041001
Overestimation of plasma nonesterified fatty acid concentrations in heparinized blood. Circulation 20040928
Further assessment of an in vitro screen that may help identify organophosphorus pesticides that are more acutely toxic to the young. Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A 20040924
Retrospective detection of exposure to nerve agents: analysis of phosphofluoridates originating from fluoride-induced reactivation of phosphylated BuChE. Archives of toxicology 20040901
A guinea pig hippocampal slice model of organophosphate-induced seizure activity. The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics 20040801
Comparison of chlorpyrifos-oxon and paraoxon acetylcholinesterase inhibition dynamics: potential role of a peripheral binding site. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20040801
Effect of short term treatment with simvastatin and atorvastatin on lipids and paraoxonase activity in patients with hyperlipoproteinaemia. Current medical research and opinion 20040801
Might the kinetic behavior of hormone-sensitive lipase reflect the absence of the lid domain? Biochemistry 20040727
Senescence marker protein-30 is a unique enzyme that hydrolyzes diisopropyl phosphorofluoridate in the liver. FEBS letters 20040716
Neurofilament 200 as an indicator of differences between mipafox and paraoxon sensitivity in Sy5Y neuroblastoma cells. Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A 20040709
[Decrease of paraoxonase activity in the first day after abdominal operations in women]. Ginekologia polska 20040701
Bovine chromaffin cell cultures as model to study organophosporus neurotoxicity. Toxicology letters 20040615
Effect of organophosphorus hydrolysing enzymes on obidoxime-induced reactivation of organophosphate-inhibited human acetylcholinesterase. Archives of toxicology 20040601
Mechanism for the hydrolysis of organophosphates by the bacterial phosphotriesterase. Biochemistry 20040518
Interactive toxicity of the organophosphorus insecticides chlorpyrifos and methyl parathion in adult rats. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20040415
Interactive effects of paraoxon and pyridostigmine on blood-brain barrier integrity and cholinergic toxicity. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20040401
A fluorogenic substrate for detection of organophosphatase activity. Analytical biochemistry 20040401
Detoxification of organophosphorus compounds by recombinant carboxylesterase from an insecticide-resistant mosquito and oxime-induced amplification of enzyme activity. Environmental toxicology 20040401
Paraoxonase polymorphisms PON1 192 and 55 and longevity in Italian centenarians and Irish nonagenarians. A pooled analysis. Experimental gerontology 20040401
Protective effect of polyurethane immobilized human butyrylcholinesterase against parathion inhalation in rat. Environmental toxicology and pharmacology 20040401
Whole cell-enzyme hybrid amperometric biosensor for direct determination of organophosphorous nerve agents with p-nitrophenyl substituent. Biotechnology and bioengineering 20040330
Activation of phosphorothionate pesticides based on a cytochrome P450 BM-3 (CYP102 A1) mutant for expanded neurotoxin detection in food using acetylcholinesterase biosensors. Analytical chemistry 20040315
Spine density and dendritic branching pattern of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons in neonatal rats chronically exposed to the organophosphate paraoxon. Neurotoxicology 20040301
Identification of factors responsible for insecticide resistance in Helicoverpa armigera. Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Toxicology & pharmacology : CBP 20040301
Comparing therapeutic and prophylactic protection against the lethal effect of paraoxon. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20040201
Hydrolysis of organophosphorus compounds by an esterase isozyme from insecticide resistant pest Helicoverpa armigera. Indian journal of experimental biology 20040201
Pharmacogenetics of paraoxonases: a brief review. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology 20040101
Effect of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutarylcoenzyme A reductase inhibitors (statins) on tissue paraoxonase 1 and plasma platelet activating factor acetylhydrolase activities. Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology 20040101
The effect of fluoride on the scavenging of organophosphates by human butyrylcholinesterase in buffer solutions and human plasma. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20040101
Mutations of acetylcholinesterase which confer insecticide resistance in Drosophila melanogaster populations. BMC evolutionary biology 20040101
Long-term functional neurotoxicity of paraoxon and chlorpyrifos: behavioural and pharmacological evidence. Neurotoxicology and teratology 20040101
Detection and classification of organophosphate nerve agent simulants using support vector machines with multiarray sensors. Journal of chemical information and computer sciences 20040101
Paraoxonase 55 and 192 polymorphism and its relationship to serum paraoxonase activity and serum lipids in Turkish patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Cell biochemistry and function 20040101
Paraoxonase 1 and platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase activities in patients with low hdl-cholesterol levels with or without primary hypertriglyceridemia. Archives of medical research 20040101
The association of the PON1 Q192R polymorphism with coronary heart disease: findings from the British Women's Heart and Health cohort study and a meta-analysis. BMC genetics 20040101
In vivo metoclopramide protection of cholinesterase from paraoxon inhibition: direct comparison with pralidoxime in subchronic low-dose exposure. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT 20040101
Alterations of paraoxonase and platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase activities in patients on peritoneal dialysis. Peritoneal dialysis international : journal of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis 20040101
Organophosphate nerve agent detection with europium complexes. TheScientificWorldJournal 20040101
Serum paraoxonase activity in uremic predialysis and hemodialysis patients. Journal of nephrology 20040101
In vitro and in vivo pharmacokinetic features and metabolism of the novel cytotoxic nucleoside analog 3'-azidothymidine 5'-[p-methoxyphenyl methoxyalaninyl phosphate] (Compound 003). Arzneimittel-Forschung 20040101
A label-free electrochemical immunosensor based on gold nanoparticles for detection of paraoxon. Talanta 20031223
Significant and differential acceleration of dephosphorylation of the insecticides, paraoxon and parathion, caused by alkali metal ethoxides. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) 20031221
Levels of paraoxonase and arylesterase activities and malondialdehyde in workers exposed to ionizing radiation. Cell biochemistry and function 20031201
Morphological effects of neuropathy-inducing organophosphorus compounds in primary dorsal root ganglia cell cultures. Neurotoxicology 20031201
Pharmacokinetics and metabolism of 14C-levetiracetam, a new antiepileptic agent, in healthy volunteers. European journal of clinical pharmacology 20031101
Paraoxonase activity and genetic polymorphisms in greenhouse workers with long term pesticide exposure. Human & experimental toxicology 20031101
New principle of direct real-time monitoring of the interaction of cholinesterase and its inhibitors by piezolectric biosensor. Biosensors & bioelectronics 20031001
Metoclopramide protection of cholinesterase from paraoxon inhibition. Veterinary and human toxicology 20031001
Effects of daily stress or repeated paraoxon exposures on subacute pyridostigmine toxicity in rats. Archives of toxicology 20031001
Paraoxonase (Pon1) Q192R polymorphism and serum Pon1 activity in diabetic patients on maintenance hemodialysis. Clinical nephrology 20031001
Direct analysis of the kinetic profiles of organophosphate-acetylcholinesterase adducts by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Biochemistry 20030923
Leptin decreases plasma paraoxonase 1 (PON1) activity and induces oxidative stress: the possible novel mechanism for proatherogenic effect of chronic hyperleptinemia. Atherosclerosis 20030901
Inhibitors of hepatic microsomal triacylglycerol hydrolase decrease very low density lipoprotein secretion. FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 20030901
Photothermal bioanalytical methods for pesticide toxicity testing. Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju 20030901
Combined forced running stress and subclinical paraoxon exposure have little effect on pyridostigmine-induced acute toxicity in rats. Toxicology 20030828
Blockage of transcription as a trigger for p53 accumulation by 2-acetylaminofluorene DNA-adducts. Life sciences 20030822
Two possible orientations of the HI-6 molecule in the reactivation of organophosphate-inhibited acetylcholinesterase. Biochemical pharmacology 20030801
Sequential structural changes of Escherichia coli thioesterase/protease I in the serial formation of Michaelis and tetrahedral complexes with diethyl p-nitrophenyl phosphate. Biochemistry 20030715
Paraoxon induces apoptosis in EL4 cells via activation of mitochondrial pathways. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20030701
Enhancement of the catalytic activity of an artificial phosphotriesterase using a molecular imprinting technique. Biotechnology letters 20030701
Billion-fold acceleration of the methanolysis of paraoxon promoted by La(OTf)3 in methanol. Journal of the American Chemical Society 20030625
Low paraoxonase activity predicts coronary events in the Caerphilly Prospective Study. Circulation 20030610
Paraoxonase-1 promoter haplotypes and serum paraoxonase: a predominant role for polymorphic position - 107, implicating the Sp1 transcription factor. The Biochemical journal 20030601
Do multiple cytochrome P450 isoforms contribute to parathion metabolism in man? Archives of toxicology 20030601
[Effect of paraoxon and chlorpyrifos on the nicotinic autoreceptor function in rat cortical synaptosomes]. Zhonghua lao dong wei sheng zhi ye bing za zhi = Zhonghua laodong weisheng zhiyebing zazhi = Chinese journal of industrial hygiene and occupational diseases 20030601
Structure-activity relationship on human serum paraoxonase (PON1) using substrate analogues and inhibitors. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters 20030519
Fenofibrate induces HDL-associated PAF-AH but attenuates enzyme activity associated with apoB-containing lipoproteins. Journal of lipid research 20030501
Cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) is the principal enzyme responsible for urethane metabolism: comparative studies using CYP2E1-null and wild-type mice. The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics 20030501
Optical biosensor for simultaneous detection of captan and organophosphorus compounds. Biosensors & bioelectronics 20030501
Novel paraoxonase (PON1) nonsense and missense mutations predicted by functional genomic assay of PON1 status. Pharmacogenetics 20030501
Properties of phenyl valerate esterase activities from chicken serum are comparable with soluble esterases of peripheral nerves in relation with organophosphorus compounds inhibition. Toxicology letters 20030430
Modulation of the mutagenicity of heterocyclic amines by organophosphate insecticides and their metabolites. Mutation research 20030420
Lack of association between serum paraoxonase 1 activities and increased oxidized low-density lipoprotein levels in impaired glucose tolerance and newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 20030401
PON1-192 phenotype and genotype assessments in 918 subjects of the Stanislas cohort study. Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine 20030401
Ghrelin can bind to a species of high density lipoprotein associated with paraoxonase. The Journal of biological chemistry 20030314
Flow injection amperometric detection of OP nerve agents based on an organophosphorus-hydrolase biosensor detector. Biosensors & bioelectronics 20030301
Detection of pesticides using an amperometric biosensor based on ferophthalocyanine chemically modified carbon paste electrode and immobilized bienzymatic system. Biosensors & bioelectronics 20030301
Oral treatment of organophosphate poisoning in mice. Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine 20030301
[Preparation of monoclonal antibodies against neurotoxic agent raised from an organophosphorus hapten and its characterization]. Xi bao yu fen zi mian yi xue za zhi = Chinese journal of cellular and molecular immunology 20030301
Layer-by-layer self-assembled chitosan/poly(thiophene-3-acetic acid) and organophosphorus hydrolase multilayers. Journal of the American Chemical Society 20030219
Coordination number of zinc ions in the phosphotriesterase active site by molecular dynamics and quantum mechanics. Journal of computational chemistry 20030201
Evaluating reptile exposure to cholinesterase-inhibiting agrochemicals by serum butyrylcholinesterase activity. Environmental toxicology and chemistry 20030201
Paraoxonase and susceptibility to organophosphorus poisoning in farmers dipping sheep. Pharmacogenetics 20030201
Association between human paraoxonase gene polymorphism and chronic symptoms in pesticide-exposed workers. Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 20030201
Utilization of monocrotophos as phosphorus source by Pseudomonas aeruginosa F10B and Clavibacter michiganense subsp. insidiosum SBL 11. Canadian journal of microbiology 20030201
Neurotoxicity induced in differentiated SK-N-SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells by organophosphorus compounds. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20030115
Thermally triggered purification and immobilization of elastin-OPH fusions. Biotechnology and bioengineering 20030105
Effects of chronic dermal exposure to nonlethal doses of methyl parathion on brain regional acetylcholinesterase and muscarinic cholinergic receptors in female rats. Journal of neuroscience research 20030101
Influence of paraoxon (POX) and parathion (PAT) on apoptosis: a possible mechanism for toxicity in low-dose exposure. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT 20030101
Intravenous pyruvic acid application in minipigs partially protects acetylcholine-esteratic but not butyrylcholine-esteratic activity in plasma from inhibition by paraoxon. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT 20030101
In vitro protection of plasma cholinesterases by metoclopramide from inhibition by paraoxon. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT 20030101
Paraoxonase (PON 1) as a biomarker of susceptibility for organophosphate toxicity. Biomarkers : biochemical indicators of exposure, response, and susceptibility to chemicals 20030101
Use of atropine-treated Daphnia magna survival for detection of environmental contamination by acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 20030101
Lack of association between Alzheimer's disease and Gln-Arg 192 Q/R polymorphism of the PON-1 gene in an Italian population. Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders 20030101
Biochemical detection of esterases in the adult female integument of organophosphate-resistant Boophilus microplus (Acari: Ixodidae). Journal of medical entomology 20030101
PON1 paraoxonase activity is reduced during HDL oxidation and is an indicator of HDL antioxidant capacity. Free radical research 20030101
Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett films of organophosphorus acid anhydrolase. Biomacromolecules 20030101
Distribution of serum paraoxon hydrolyzing activity in a large Spanish population using a routine automized method in clinical laboratory. Journal of analytical toxicology 20030101
In vitro protection of red blood cell acetylcholinesterase by metoclopramide from inhibition by organophosphates (paraoxon and mipafox). Journal of applied toxicology : JAT 20030101
Modeling of sorption and biodegradation of parathion and its metabolite paraoxon in soil. Journal of environmental quality 20030101
The ratio of serum paraoxonase/arylesterase activity using an improved assay for arylesterase activity to discriminate PON1(R192) from PON1(Q192). Journal of atherosclerosis and thrombosis 20030101
Human parathion poisoning. A toxicokinetic analysis. Toxicological reviews 20030101
Rapid assessment of organophosphorous/carbamate exposure in the bivalve mollusc Mytilus edulis using combined esterase activities as biomarkers. Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 20021203
Synthesis and stability study of a modified phenylpropionic acid linker-based esterase-sensitive prodrug. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters 20021202
Comparative inhibition kinetics for acetylcholinesterases extracted from organophosphate resistant and susceptible strains of Boophilus microplus (Acari: Ixodidae). Journal of economic entomology 20021201
In vitro stability and in vivo pharmacokinetic studies of a model opioid peptide, H-Tyr-D-Ala-Gly-Phe-D-Leu-OH (DADLE), and its cyclic prodrugs. The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics 20021101
An approach for the quantitative consideration of genetic polymorphism data in chemical risk assessment: examples with warfarin and parathion. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20021101
Lizard cholinesterases as biomarkers of pesticide exposure: enzymological characterization. Environmental toxicology and chemistry 20021101
Paraoxonase 1 activity: a new vascular marker of dementia? Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 20021101
Assays for the classification of two types of esterases: carboxylic ester hydrolases and phosphoric triester hydrolases. Current protocols in toxicology 20021101
Equipotent cholinesterase reactivation in vitro by the nerve agent antidotes HI 6 dichloride and HI 6 dimethanesulfonate. Archives of toxicology 20021001
Cannabinoid CB1 receptor as a target for chlorpyrifos oxon and other organophosphorus pesticides. Toxicology letters 20020905
Convenient and rapid detection of pesticides in extracts of sheep wool. Biosensors & bioelectronics 20020901
Detection of organophosphorus insecticides with immobilized acetylcholinesterase - comparative study of two enzyme sensors. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 20020901
[Reactivation and aging of acetylcholinesterase in human brain inhibited by phoxim and phoxim oxon in vitro]. Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine] 20020901
Vitamin C and E intake is associated with increased paraoxonase activity. Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology 20020801
Synthesis of a novel cyclic prodrug of RGD peptidomimetic to improve its cell membrane permeation. Bioorganic chemistry 20020801
Continuous system modeling of equilibrium dialysis for determinations of tissue partitioning of parathion and paraoxon. Toxicology letters 20020721
Intravenous L-lactate application in minipigs partially protects acetylcholinesteratic but not butyrylcholinesteratic activity in plasma from inhibition by paraoxon. Critical care medicine 20020701
Nanocrystalline metal oxides as destructive adsorbents for organophosphorus compounds at ambient temperatures. Chemistry (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) 20020603
Effects of PCB exposure on the toxic impact of organophosphorus insecticides. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20020601
Characterization of butyrylcholinesterase antagonism of cocaine-induced hyperactivity. Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals 20020601
Reactivation of immobilized acetyl cholinesterase in an amperometric biosensor for organophosphorus pesticide. Biochimica et biophysica acta 20020520
Novel irreversible butyrylcholinesterase inhibitors: 2-chloro-1-(substituted-phenyl)ethylphosphonic acids. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 20020501
Human and rodent carboxylesterases: immunorelatedness, overlapping substrate specificity, differential sensitivity to serine enzyme inhibitors, and tumor-related expression. Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals 20020501
Paraoxonase1-192 polymorphism modulates the effects of regular and acute exercise on paraoxonase1 activity. Journal of lipid research 20020501
Paraoxonase Gln-Arg(192) and Leu-Met(55) gene polymorphisms and enzyme activity in a population with a low rate of coronary heart disease. Clinical biochemistry 20020501
Effect of organophosphate intoxication on human serum paraoxonase. Human & experimental toxicology 20020501
Addition of Polybrene improves stability of organophosphate hydrolase immobilized in poly(vinyl alcohol) cryogel carrier. Journal of biochemical and biophysical methods 20020418
Mechanisms of resistance to organophosphates in Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) from Greece. Insect biochemistry and molecular biology 20020401
Serum paraoxonase activity changes in patients with Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience 20020401
Flow-injection amperometric determination of pesticides on the basis of their inhibition of immobilized acetylcholinesterases of different origin. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 20020401
Sensitive detection of organophosphorus pesticides using a needle type amperometric acetylcholinesterase-based bioelectrode. Thiocholine electrochemistry and immobilised enzyme inhibition. Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistry 20020401
Tricyclic cyanoguanidines: synthesis, site of action and insecticidal activity of a novel class of reversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 20020301
Catalytic buffers enable positive-response inhibition-based sensing of nerve agents. Biotechnology and bioengineering 20020205
Serum paraoxonase activity: a new additional test for the improved evaluation of chronic liver damage. Clinical chemistry 20020201
Atorvastatin preferentially reduces LDL-associated platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase activity in dyslipidemias of type IIA and type IIB. Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology 20020201
GFP-visualized immobilized enzymes: degradation of paraoxon via organophosphorus hydrolase in a packed column. Biotechnology and bioengineering 20020120
In vitro effects of chlorpyrifos, parathion, methyl parathion and their oxons on cardiac muscarinic receptor binding in neonatal and adult rats. Toxicology 20020115
In vitro effects of organophosphorus anticholinesterases on muscarinic receptor-mediated inhibition of acetylcholine release in rat striatum. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20020115
Validation of different commercially available cholinesterases for pesticide toxicity test. Annali di chimica 20020101
Protein encapsulation in liposomes: efficiency depends on interactions between protein and phospholipid bilayer. BMC biotechnology 20020101
Cerivastatin modulates plasma paraoxonase/arylesterase activity and oxidant-antioxidant balance in the rat. Polish journal of pharmacology 20020101
Species- and substrate-specific stimulation of human plasma paraoxonase 1 (PON1) activity by high chloride concentration. Acta biochimica Polonica 20020101
Effect of some insecticides on acetylcholinesterase from beneficial insects: Coccinella septempunctata, Chrysoperla carnea and Forficula auricularia. Mededelingen (Rijksuniversiteit te Gent. Fakulteit van de Landbouwkundige en Toegepaste Biologische Wetenschappen) 20020101
Lipolytic and esterolytic activities in posterior lingual glands of rat: a histochemical study. The Histochemical journal 20020101
Interaction between organophosphorous hydrolase and paraoxon studied by surface chemistry in situ at air-water interface. Talanta 20011213
Development of a quantitative relationship between inhibition percentage and both incubation time and inhibitor concentration for inhibition biosensors--theoretical and practical considerations. Biosensors & bioelectronics 20011201
Simultaneous degradation of organophosphorus pesticides and p-nitrophenol by a genetically engineered Moraxella sp. with surface-expressed organophosphorus hydrolase. Biotechnology and bioengineering 20011201
Organophosphorus compounds alter intracellular F-actin content in SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells. Neurotoxicology 20011201
The active site of human paraoxonase (PON1). Journal of applied toxicology : JAT 20011201
Peripheral site ligands accelerate inhibition of acetylcholinesterase by neutral organophosphates. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT 20011201
Carboxylesterase: specificity and spontaneous reactivation of an endogenous scavenger for organophosphorus compounds. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT 20011201
Interactions of rat brain acetylcholinesterase with the detergent Triton X-100 and the organophosphate paraoxon. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20011001
Lipolytic activity of ricin from Ricinus sanguineus and Ricinus communis on neutral lipids. The Biochemical journal 20010915
Dipeptide model prodrugs for the intestinal oligopeptide transporter. Affinity for and transport via hPepT1 in the human intestinal Caco-2 cell line. Journal of controlled release : official journal of the Controlled Release Society 20010911
A quantitative histochemistry technique for measuring regional distribution of acetylcholinesterase in the brain using digital scanning densitometry. Analytical biochemistry 20010901
Amperometric microbial biosensor for direct determination of organophosphate pesticides using recombinant microorganism with surface expressed organophosphorus hydrolase. Biosensors & bioelectronics 20010901
Paraoxonase status in coronary heart disease: are activity and concentration more important than genotype? Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology 20010901
Insecticides and atherosclerosis. Journal of molecular medicine (Berlin, Germany) 20010801
Influence of the conformational flexibility on the kinetics and dimerisation process of two Candida rugosa lipase isoenzymes. FEBS letters 20010713
Purification and characterization of carbaryl hydrolase from Arthrobacter sp. RC100. FEMS microbiology letters 20010710
Effect of insulin resistance on serum paraoxonase activity in a nondiabetic population. Metabolism: clinical and experimental 20010701
Resolving pathways of interaction of covalent inhibitors with the active site of acetylcholinesterases: MALDI-TOF/MS analysis of various nerve agent phosphyl adducts. Chemical research in toxicology 20010701
Glucose feeding exacerbates parathion-induced neurotoxicity. Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A 20010622
Flow injection amperometric enzyme biosensor for direct determination of organophosphate nerve agents. Environmental science & technology 20010615
Biochemical factors contributing to response variation among resistant and sensitive clones of Daphnia magna Ssraus exposed to ethyl parathion. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 20010601
The role of glutathione S-transferases in the detoxification of some organophosphorus insecticides in larvae and pupae of the yellow mealworm, Tenebrio molitor (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Pest management science 20010601
Optimisation of FIA system for detection of organophosphorus and carbamate pesticides based on cholinesterase inhibition. Talanta 20010530
Inhibition of calcium-stimulated ATPase in the hen brain P2 synaptosomal fraction by organophosphorus esters: relevance to delayed neuropathy. Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A 20010525
Short, strong hydrogen bonds at the active site of human acetylcholinesterase: proton NMR studies. Biochemistry 20010515
Flow-injection spectrophotometric determination of paraoxon by its inhibitory effect on the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. Analytical sciences : the international journal of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry 20010501
Purification and characterization of trans-permethrin metabolizing microsomal esterases from workers of the eastern subterranean termite, Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar). Insect biochemistry and molecular biology 20010427
Soluble and membrane-bound acetylcholinesterases in Mytilus galloprovincialis (Pelecypoda: Filibranchia) from the northern Adriatic sea. Chemico-biological interactions 20010416
Capillary electrophoresis microchips for separation and detection of organophosphate nerve agents. Analytical chemistry 20010415
Serum paraoxonase activities in hemodialyzed uremic patients: cohort study. Croatian medical journal 20010401
Decreased stability of the M54 isoform of paraoxonase as a contributory factor to variations in human serum paraoxonase concentrations. Journal of lipid research 20010401
Human paraoxonase-3 is an HDL-associated enzyme with biological activity similar to paraoxonase-1 protein but is not regulated by oxidized lipids. Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology 20010401
Bioelectrochemical analysis of neuropathy target esterase activity in blood. Analytical biochemistry 20010301
Paraoxonase1-192 polymorphism modulates the nonfatal myocardial infarction risk associated with decreased HDLs. Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology 20010301
Effects of subchronic parathion exposure on cyclosporine pharmacokinetics in rats. Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A 20010223
Mobility of the active site bound paraoxon and sarin in zinc-phosphotriesterase by molecular dynamics simulation and quantum chemical calculation. Journal of the American Chemical Society 20010207
Enhancement, relaxation, and reversal of the stereoselectivity for phosphotriesterase by rational evolution of active site residues. Biochemistry 20010206
Purification and characterization of a phosphoric triester hydrolase from the tufted apple bud moth, Platynota idaeusalis (Walker). Journal of biochemical and molecular toxicology 20010101
Pralidoxime and l-lactate effects in vitro on the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase by paraoxon: pralidoxime does not confer superior protection. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT 20010101
Paraoxon sensitive phenylvalerate hydrolase in assessing the severity of acute paraoxon poisoning. Journal of toxicology. Clinical toxicology 20010101
High-dose intravenous paraoxon exposure does not cause organophosphate-induced delayed neuropathy (OPIDN) in mini pigs. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT 20010101
1H-MRS detected lipolysis in diabetic rat hearts requires neutral lipase. Journal of cardiovascular magnetic resonance : official journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 20010101
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