Home Nitros 2-methyl-N-[4-nitro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]propanamide


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Title Journal
Endocrine disrupting activities and immunomodulatory effects in lymphoblastoid cell lines of diclofenac, 4-hydroxydiclofenac and paracetamol. Toxicology letters 20180915
The urinary metabolites of DINCH(®) have an impact on the activities of the human nuclear receptors ERα, ERβ, AR, PPARα and PPARγ. Toxicology letters 20180501
Customised in vitro model to detect human metabolism-dependent idiosyncratic drug-induced liver injury. Archives of toxicology 20180101
Incorporation of metabolic enzymes to improve predictivity of reporter gene assay results for estrogenic and anti-androgenic activity. Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.) 20180101
Differentiating true androgen receptor inhibition from cytotoxicity-mediated reduction of reporter-gene transactivation in-vitro. Toxicology in vitro : an international journal published in association with BIBRA 20171201
Improved androgen specificity of AR-EcoScreen by CRISPR based glucocorticoid receptor knockout. Toxicology in vitro : an international journal published in association with BIBRA 20171201
Iminoenamine based novel androgen receptor antagonist exhibited anti-prostate cancer activity in androgen independent prostate cancer cells through inhibition of AKT pathway. Chemico-biological interactions 20170925
Agonistic and antagonistic effects of phthalates and their urinary metabolites on the steroid hormone receptors ERα, ERβ, and AR. Toxicology letters 20170805
Prediction of drug-induced liver injury using keratinocytes. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT 20170701
The scaffold protein RACK1 is a target of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) with important implication in immunity. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20170615
Evaluating the Role of Multidrug Resistance Protein 3 (MDR3) Inhibition in Predicting Drug-Induced Liver Injury Using 125 Pharmaceuticals. Chemical research in toxicology 20170515
Anti-androgen 2-hydroxyflutamide modulates cadherin, catenin and androgen receptor phosphorylation in androgen-sensitive LNCaP and androgen-independent PC3 prostate cancer cell lines acting via PI3K/Akt and MAPK/ERK1/2 pathways. Toxicology in vitro : an international journal published in association with BIBRA 20170401
Humanizing the zebrafish liver shifts drug metabolic profiles and improves pharmacokinetics of CYP3A4 substrates. Archives of toxicology 20170301
Editor's Highlight: Transgenic Zebrafish Reporter Lines as Alternative In Vivo Organ Toxicity Models. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20170301
Discriminating between adaptive and carcinogenic liver hypertrophy in rat studies using logistic ridge regression analysis of toxicogenomic data: The mode of action and predictive models. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20170301
Incorporation of a metabolizing system in biodetection assays for endocrine active substances. ALTEX 20170101
Downscaling procedures reduce chemical use in androgen receptor reporter gene assay. The Science of the total environment 20161115
Androgen Receptor Involvement in Rat Amelogenesis: An Additional Way for Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals to Affect Enamel Synthesis. Endocrinology 20161101
Manipulation of pre and postnatal androgen environments and anogenital distance in rats. Toxicology 20160810
High content analysis assay for prediction of human hepatotoxicity in HepaRG and HepG2 cells. Toxicology in vitro : an international journal published in association with BIBRA 20160601
Development and pre-validation of an in vitro transactivation assay for detection of (anti)androgenic potential compounds using 22Rv1/MMTV cells. Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.) 20160401
Hydroxyflutamide affects connexin 43 via the activation of PI3K/Akt-dependent pathway but has no effect on the crosstalk between PI3K/Akt and ERK1/2 pathways at the Raf-1 kinase level in primary rat Sertoli cells. Toxicology in vitro : an international journal published in association with BIBRA 20160301
The ability of the YAS and AR CALUX assays to detect the additive effects of anti-androgenic fungicide mixtures. Toxicology letters 20160122
Role of androgens in dhea-induced rack1 expression and cytokine modulation in monocytes. Immunity & ageing : I & A 20160101
Low dose evaluation of the antiandrogen flutamide following a Mode of Action approach. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20151215
The brominated flame retardants TBP-AE and TBP-DBPE antagonize the chicken androgen receptor and act as potential endocrine disrupters in chicken LMH cells. Toxicology in vitro : an international journal published in association with BIBRA 20151201
Effect-based assessment of persistent organic pollutant and pesticide dumpsite using mammalian CALUX reporter cell lines. Environmental science and pollution research international 20151001
Utilization of human nuclear receptors as an early counter screen for off-target activity: a case study with a compendium of 615 known drugs. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20150601
Temporal changes in biological responses and uncertainty in assessing risks of endocrine-disrupting chemicals: insights from intensive time-course studies with fish. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20150401
Low-dose exposure to bisphenol A and replacement bisphenol S induces precocious hypothalamic neurogenesis in embryonic zebrafish. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 20150203
Identification of a group of brominated flame retardants as novel androgen receptor antagonists and potential neuronal and endocrine disrupters. Environment international 20150101
17β-trenbolone, an anabolic-androgenic steroid as well as an environmental hormone, contributes to neurodegeneration. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20150101
Comparative gene and protein expression analyses of a panel of cytokines in acute and chronic drug-induced liver injury in rats. Toxicology 20141003
Species-specific considerations in using the fish embryo test as an alternative to identify endocrine disruption. Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 20141001
Rapid fluorescent detection of (anti)androgens with spiggin-gfp medaka. Environmental science & technology 20140916
Investigation of the hepatotoxicity of flutamide: pro-survival/apoptotic and necrotic switch in primary rat hepatocytes characterized by metabolic and transcriptomic profiles in microfluidic liver biochips. Toxicology in vitro : an international journal published in association with BIBRA 20140801
Identification of gene expression changes in postnatal rat foreskin after in utero anti-androgen exposure. Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.) 20140801
Development of a cell-based assay system considering drug metabolism and immune- and inflammatory-related factors for the risk assessment of drug-induced liver injury. Toxicology letters 20140703
Testosterone induces apoptosis in vascular smooth muscle cells via extrinsic apoptotic pathway with mitochondria-generated reactive oxygen species involvement. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology 20140601
Testosterone ameliorates streptozotocin-induced memory impairment in male rats. Acta pharmacologica Sinica 20140601
Environmental (anti-)androgenic chemicals affect germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) of Xenopus laevis oocytes in vitro. Toxicology in vitro : an international journal published in association with BIBRA 20140401
A correlation between the in vitro drug toxicity of drugs to cell lines that express human P450s and their propensity to cause liver injury in humans. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20140101
Utilization of causal reasoning of hepatic gene expression in rats to identify molecular pathways of idiosyncratic drug-induced liver injury. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20140101
Flutamide-induced cytotoxicity and oxidative stress in an in vitro rat hepatocyte system. Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity 20140101
FDA-approved drugs and other compounds tested as inhibitors of human glutathione transferase P1-1. Chemico-biological interactions 20130905
Androgen deprivation from pre-puberty to peripuberty interferes in proteins expression in pubertal and adult rat epididymis. Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.) 20130701
HepG2 cells simultaneously expressing five P450 enzymes for the screening of hepatotoxicity: identification of bioactivable drugs and the potential mechanism of toxicity involved. Archives of toxicology 20130601
Metabolomics-on-a-chip of hepatotoxicity induced by anticancer drug flutamide and Its active metabolite hydroxyflutamide using HepG2/C3a microfluidic biochips. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20130301
Effects of the natural endocrine disruptor equol on the pituitary function in adult male rats. Toxicology 20130208
Androgen deprivation by flutamide modulates uPAR, MMP-9 expressions, lipid profile, and oxidative stress: amelioration by daidzein. Molecular and cellular biochemistry 20130201
Ligand-independent androgen receptor antagonism caused by the newly developed pesticide pyrifluquinazon (PFQ). Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.) 20130101
Nitric oxide inhibits androgen receptor-mediated collagen production in human gingival fibroblasts. Journal of periodontal research 20121201
Elevated level of 17β-estradiol is associated with overexpression of FSHR, CYP19A1, and CTNNB1 genes in porcine ovarian follicles after prenatal and neonatal flutamide exposure. Theriogenology 20121201
Biopsy Gleason score and the duration of testosterone suppression among men treated with external beam radiation and 6 months of combined androgen blockade. BJU international 20121101
Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR)-active pharmaceuticals are selective AHR modulators in MDA-MB-468 and BT474 breast cancer cells. The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics 20121101
The influence of reproductive hormones on the torpor patterns of the marsupial Sminthopsis macroura: bet-hedging in an unpredictable environment. General and comparative endocrinology 20121101
Hepatotoxicity with flutamide. Fertility and sterility 20121101
In silico discovery of androgen receptor antagonists with activity in castration resistant prostate cancer. Molecular endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.) 20121101
Involvement of Th2 cytokines in the mouse model of flutamide-induced acute liver injury. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT 20121001
Anti-androgenic effects of S-40542, a novel non-steroidal selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. The Prostate 20121001
Steroid derivatives as pure antagonists of the androgen receptor. The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology 20121001
Ethinyl estradiol-cyproterone acetate versus low-dose pioglitazone-flutamide-metformin for adolescent girls with androgen excess: divergent effects on CD163, TWEAK receptor, ANGPTL4, and LEPTIN expression in subcutaneous adipose tissue. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 20121001
Hepatotoxicity with low- and ultralow-dose flutamide: a surveillance study on 203 hyperandrogenic young females. Fertility and sterility 20121001
Regression of the mammary branch of the genitofemoral nerve may be necessary for testicular descent in rats. The Journal of urology 20121001
Sertoli-secreted FGF-2 induces PFKFB4 isozyme expression in mouse spermatogenic cells by activation of the MEK/ERK/CREB pathway. American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism 20120915
Insulin-like growth factor-1 is associated with regulation of the luteinizing hormone production in men receiving androgen deprivation therapy with gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues for localized prostate cancer. Urologic oncology 20120901
Efficacy of peripheral androgen blockade in prostate cancer patients with biochemical failure after definitive local therapy: results of Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB) 9782. Cancer 20120901
Stage-specific effects of androgens and estradiol-17beta on the development of late primary and early secondary ovarian follicles of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in vitro. Biology of reproduction 20120901
Cellular actions of testosterone in vascular cells: mechanism independent of aromatization to estradiol. Steroids 20120901
PHEA-graft-polybutylmethacrylate copolymer microparticles for delivery of hydrophobic drugs. International journal of pharmaceutics 20120820
Flutamide, an androgen receptor antagonist, improves heatstroke outcomes in mice. European journal of pharmacology 20120805
Administration of flutamide alters sperm ultrastructure, sperm plasma membrane integrity and its stability, and sperm mitochondrial oxidative capability in the boar: in vivo and in vitro approach. Reproduction in domestic animals = Zuchthygiene 20120801
Upfront androgen deprivation therapy with salvage radiation may improve biochemical outcomes in prostate cancer patients with post-prostatectomy rising PSA. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics 20120801
Addition of radiotherapy to long-term androgen deprivation in locally advanced prostate cancer: an open randomised phase 3 trial. European urology 20120801
The anxiolytic effect of testosterone in the rat is mediated via the androgen receptor. Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior 20120801
Regulation of LKB1 expression by sex hormones in adipocytes. International journal of obesity (2005) 20120701
Outcome predictors of radical prostatectomy followed by adjuvant androgen deprivation in patients with clinical high risk prostate cancer and pT3 surgical margin positive disease. The Journal of urology 20120701
Antitumor agents 290. Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of new LNCaP and PC-3 cytotoxic curcumin analogs conjugated with anti-androgens. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 20120701
Are expression and localization of tight and adherens junction proteins in testes of adult boar affected by foetal and neonatal exposure to flutamide? International journal of andrology 20120601
Exposure of neonatal rats to anti-androgens induces penile mal-developments and infertility comparable to those induced by oestrogens. International journal of andrology 20120601
Impairment on sperm quality and fertility of adult rats after antiandrogen exposure during prepuberty. Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.) 20120601
Flutamide increases aldosterone levels in gonadectomized male but not female Wistar rats. American journal of hypertension 20120601
A novel polymorphic allele of human arylacetamide deacetylase leads to decreased enzyme activity. Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals 20120601
Prostate cancer in elderly Croatian men: 5-HT genetic polymorphisms and the influence of androgen deprivation therapy on osteopenia--a pilot study. Genetic testing and molecular biomarkers 20120601
Contributions of arylacetamide deacetylase and carboxylesterase 2 to flutamide hydrolysis in human liver. Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals 20120601
Developmental programming: prenatal and postnatal contribution of androgens and insulin in the reprogramming of estradiol positive feedback disruptions in prenatal testosterone-treated sheep. Endocrinology 20120601
Inulin-based hydrogel for oral delivery of flutamide: preparation, characterization, and in vivo release studies. Macromolecular bioscience 20120601
The influence of testosterone suppression and recovery on sexual function in men with prostate cancer: observations from a prospective study in men undergoing intermittent androgen suppression. The Journal of urology 20120601
Fluorinated and pegylated polyaspartamide derivatives to increase solubility and efficacy of Flutamide. Journal of drug targeting 20120601
Testosterone induces vascular smooth muscle cell migration by NADPH oxidase and c-Src-dependent pathways. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979) 20120601
Classification of inhibitors of hepatic organic anion transporting polypeptides (OATPs): influence of protein expression on drug-drug interactions. Journal of medicinal chemistry 20120524
Long-term dynamics of bone mineral density during intermittent androgen deprivation for men with nonmetastatic, hormone-sensitive prostate cancer. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology 20120520
Insulin resistance in women with hirsutism. Archives of medical science : AMS 20120509
Activation of PKR/eIF2α signaling cascade is associated with dihydrotestosterone-induced cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in human liver cells. Journal of cellular biochemistry 20120501
Development of a multiparametric cell-based protocol to screen and classify the hepatotoxicity potential of drugs. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20120501
Prenatal and neonatal flutamide administration increases proliferation and reduces apoptosis in large antral follicles of adult pigs. Animal reproduction science 20120501
Testosterone up-regulates seladin-1 expression by iAR and PI3-K/Akt signaling pathway in C6 cells. Neuroscience letters 20120411
Androgens affect myogenesis in vitro and increase local IGF-1 expression. Medicine and science in sports and exercise 20120401
Prenatal and neonatal exposure to flutamide affects function of Leydig cells in adult boar. Domestic animal endocrinology 20120401
Species differences in tissue distribution and enzyme activities of arylacetamide deacetylase in human, rat, and mouse. Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals 20120401
Endosulfan and flutamide, alone and in combination, target ovarian growth in juvenile catfish, Clarias batrachus. Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Toxicology & pharmacology : CBP 20120401
Characterization of primary human hepatocytes, HepG2 cells, and HepaRG cells at the mRNA level and CYP activity in response to inducers and their predictivity for the detection of human hepatotoxins. Cell biology and toxicology 20120401
Testosterone modulates platelet aggregation and endothelial cell growth through nitric oxide pathway. The Journal of endocrinology 20120401
Endosulfan and flutamide impair testicular development in the juvenile Asian catfish, Clarias batrachus. Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 20120401
Serum- and glucocorticoid-dependent kinase-1-induced cell migration is dependent on vinculin and regulated by the membrane androgen receptor. The FEBS journal 20120401
Immunomodulatory effects of testosterone evaluated in all-trans retinoic acid differentiated HL-60 cells, granulocytes, and monocytes. International immunopharmacology 20120401
The vasodilatory effect of testosterone on renal afferent arterioles. Gender medicine 20120401
Dehydroepiandrosterone reduces preadipocyte proliferation via androgen receptor. American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism 20120315
Association of prolactin-induced protein with preputial development of hypospadias. BJU international 20120301
Mechanistic study on liver tumor promoting effects of flutamide in rats. Archives of toxicology 20120301
Evaluation of drugs with specific organ toxicities in organ-specific cell lines. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20120301
Testosterone exerts antiapoptotic effects against H2O2 in C2C12 skeletal muscle cells through the apoptotic intrinsic pathway. The Journal of endocrinology 20120301
Regional differences in the vasorelaxing effects of testosterone and its 5-reduced metabolites in the canine vasculature. Vascular pharmacology 20120301
Ten-year follow-up of neoadjuvant therapy with goserelin acetate and flutamide before radical prostatectomy for clinical T3 and T4 prostate cancer: update on Southwest Oncology Group Study 9109. Urology 20120301
Nilutamide. Acta crystallographica. Section E, Structure reports online 20120301
Prostate cancer with neuroendocrine differentiation--case report. Journal of medicine and life 20120222
Effect of methanol extract of Basella alba L. (Basellaceae) on the fecundity and testosterone level in male rats exposed to flutamide in utero. Andrologia 20120201
The anabolic/androgenic steroid nandrolone exacerbates gene expression modifications induced by mutant SOD1 in muscles of mice models of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Pharmacological research 20120201
Effect of gonadal steroid hormones on formalin-induced temporomandibular joint inflammation. European journal of pain (London, England) 20120201
Novel evidence that testosterone promotes cell proliferation and differentiation via G protein-coupled receptors in the rat L6 skeletal muscle myoblast cell line. Journal of cellular physiology 20120101
Surgical castration in hormone-refractory metastatic prostate cancer patients can be an alternative for medical castration. Advances in urology 20120101
Testosterone-dependent increase in blood pressure is mediated by elevated Cyp4A expression in fructose-fed rats. Molecular and cellular biochemistry 20120101
The role of the androgen receptor in anabolic androgenic steroid-induced aggressive behavior in C57BL/6J and Tfm mice. Hormones and behavior 20120101
Androgen signaling in decidualizing human endometrial stromal cells enhances resistance to oxidative stress. Fertility and sterility 20120101
Non-classic androgen actions in Sertoli cell membrane in whole seminiferous tubules: effects of nandrolone decanoate and catechin. Steroids 20120101
Management of high-risk localized prostate cancer. Advances in urology 20120101
Juvenile angiofibroma: evolution of management. International journal of pediatrics 20120101
Alterations in vasomotor systems and mechanics of resistance-sized mesenteric arteries from SHR and WKY male rats following in vivo testosterone manipulation. Biology of sex differences 20120101
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) inhibition of monocyte binding by vascular endothelium is associated with sialylation of neural cell adhesion molecule. Reproductive sciences (Thousand Oaks, Calif.) 20120101
The 5 alpha-reductase isozyme family: a review of basic biology and their role in human diseases. Advances in urology 20120101
Clinical Efficacy of TroVax in the Treatment of Progressive Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer. Clinical Medicine Insights. Oncology 20120101
Inter-relationship between testicular dysgenesis and Leydig cell function in the masculinization programming window in the rat. PloS one 20120101
Topical androgen antagonism promotes cutaneous wound healing without systemic androgen deprivation by blocking β-catenin nuclear translocation and cross-talk with TGF-β signaling in keratinocytes. Wound repair and regeneration : official publication of the Wound Healing Society [and] the European Tissue Repair Society 20120101
Abiraterone acetate: oral androgen biosynthesis inhibitor for treatment of castration-resistant prostate cancer. Drug design, development and therapy 20120101
Androgenic suppression combined with radiotherapy for the treatment of prostate adenocarcinoma: a systematic review. BMC cancer 20120101
Novel spectrophotometric method for determination of cinacalcet hydrochloride in its tablets via derivatization with 1,2-naphthoquinone-4-sulphonate. Chemistry Central journal 20120101
Fetal radiation exposure induces testicular cancer in genetically susceptible mice. PloS one 20120101
The role of adjuvant hormonal treatment after surgery for localized high-risk prostate cancer: results of a matched multiinstitutional analysis. Advances in urology 20120101
Androgen receptor drives cellular senescence. PloS one 20120101
Cardiac arrest due to lymphocytic colitis: a case report. Journal of medical case reports 20120101
Sex differences in primary hypertension. Biology of sex differences 20120101
Prenatal exposure to antiandrogen flutamide affects androgen receptor (AR) expression in postnatal ovarian development in pig. Folia biologica 20120101
Post-translational modifications of nuclear receptors and human disease. Nuclear receptor signaling 20120101
Androgen receptor-beta mRNA levels in different tissues in breeding and post-breeding male and female sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus. Reproductive biology and endocrinology : RB&E 20120101
Redefining hormone sensitive disease in advanced prostate cancer. Advances in urology 20120101
MicroRNA-34c enhances murine male germ cell apoptosis through targeting ATF1. PloS one 20120101
Low lipoprotein(a) concentration is associated with cancer and all-cause deaths: a population-based cohort study (the JMS cohort study). PloS one 20120101
Effects of trauma-hemorrhage and IL-6 deficiency on splenic immune function in a murine trauma model. Mediators of inflammation 20120101
Does 2-hydroxyflutamide inhibit apoptosis in porcine granulosa cells? - An in vitro study. The Journal of reproduction and development 20120101
Castration-resistant prostate cancer: mechanisms, targets, and treatment. Prostate cancer 20120101
The Interactions between Insulin and Androgens in Progression to Castrate-Resistant Prostate Cancer. Advances in urology 20120101
Role of endogenous testosterone in TNF-induced myocardial injury in males. International journal of clinical and experimental medicine 20120101
Double-blinded, vehicle-controlled proof of concept study to investigate the recurrence of inflammatory and noninflammatory acne lesions using tretinoin gel (microsphere) 0.04% in male patients after oral isotretinoin use. Dermatology research and practice 20120101
Screening estrogenic activities of chemicals or mixtures in vivo using transgenic (cyp19a1b-GFP) zebrafish embryos. PloS one 20120101
The current role of androgen deprivation in patients undergoing dose-escalated external beam radiation therapy for clinically localized prostate cancer. Prostate cancer 20120101
McCune-Albright syndrome and the extraskeletal manifestations of fibrous dysplasia. Orphanet journal of rare diseases 20120101
Estrogenic regulation of the GnRH neuron. Frontiers in endocrinology 20120101
Flutamide treatment induces anxiolytic-like behavior in adult castrated rats. Pharmacological reports : PR 20120101
Emerging targeted therapies for castration-resistant prostate cancer. Frontiers in endocrinology 20120101
Radiation, inflammation, and immune responses in cancer. Frontiers in oncology 20120101
The emerging role of human esterases. Drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics 20120101
Risk of hormone escape in a human prostate cancer model depends on therapy modalities and can be reduced by tyrosine kinase inhibitors. PloS one 20120101
Treatment of female pattern hair loss. Skinmed 20120101
Postnatal exposure to low-dose decabromodiphenyl ether adversely affects mouse testes by increasing thyrosine phosphorylation level of cortactin. The Journal of toxicological sciences 20120101
Physiological effects of androgens on human vascular endothelial and smooth muscle cells in culture. Steroids 20111220
Bioassay-directed identification of novel antiandrogenic compounds in bile of fish exposed to wastewater effluents. Environmental science & technology 20111215
Differential expression of connexin 43 in adult pig testes during normal spermatogenic cycle and after flutamide treatment. Reproduction in domestic animals = Zuchthygiene 20111201
Clinical efficacy of primary combined androgen blockade for Japanese men with clinically localized prostate cancer unsuitable for local definitive treatment: a single institution experience. International journal of clinical oncology 20111201
Relative importance of prenatal and postnatal androgen action in determining growth of the penis and anogenital distance in the rat before, during and after puberty. International journal of andrology 20111201
Androgen receptor coregulators NOCR1, TIF2, and ARA70 may account for the hydroxyflutamide insensitivity of prostate cancer cells. Irish journal of medical science 20111201
Castration inhibits biliary proliferation induced by bile duct obstruction: novel role for the autocrine trophic effect of testosterone. American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology 20111201
A novel steroidal antiandrogen targeting wild type and mutant androgen receptors. Biochemical pharmacology 20111201
Developmental programming: gestational testosterone treatment alters fetal ovarian gene expression. Endocrinology 20111201
Adjuvant therapy with flutamide for presurgical volume reduction in juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma. Head & neck 20111201
The effect of flutamide on expression of androgen and estrogen receptors in the gubernaculum and surrounding structures during testicular descent. Journal of pediatric surgery 20111201
Gone with the Wnt: the canonical Wnt signaling axis is present and androgen dependent in the rodent gubernaculum. Journal of pediatric surgery 20111201
Testosterone depletion or blockade in male rats protects against trauma hemorrhagic shock-induced distant organ injury by limiting gut injury and subsequent production of biologically active mesenteric lymph. The Journal of trauma 20111201
[Monotherapy versus combined androgen blockade for advanced/metastatic prostate cancer]. Gan to kagaku ryoho. Cancer & chemotherapy 20111201
Translating clinical findings into knowledge in drug safety evaluation--drug induced liver injury prediction system (DILIps). PLoS computational biology 20111201
Cooperative antitumor effect of endothelial-monocyte activating polypeptide II and flutamide on human prostate cancer xenografts. Experimental oncology 20111201
Fatty acid-binding protein-4 plasma levels are associated to metabolic abnormalities and response to therapy in girls and young women with androgen excess. Gynecological endocrinology : the official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology 20111101
Significance of pretreatment cardiovascular morbidity as a risk factor during treatment with parenteral oestrogen or combined androgen deprivation of 915 patients with metastasized prostate cancer: evaluation of cardiovascular events in a randomized trial. Scandinavian journal of urology and nephrology 20111101
Androgen deprivation therapy through bilateral orchiectomy: increased metabolic risks. Asian journal of andrology 20111101
Treatment of androgen excess in adolescent girls: ethinylestradiol-cyproteroneacetate versus low-dose pioglitazone-flutamide-metformin. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 20111101
Functionally similar acoustic signals in the corncrake (Crex crex) transmit information about different states of the sender during aggressive interactions. Hormones and behavior 20111101
Differential cytotoxicity of triphala and its phenolic constituent gallic acid on human prostate cancer LNCap and normal cells. Anticancer research 20111101
Retrospective, observational study on the effects and tolerability of flutamide in a large population of patients with acne and seborrhea over a 15-year period. Gynecological endocrinology : the official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology 20111001
Estrogen-regulated genes in rat testes and their relationship to recovery of spermatogenesis after irradiation. Biology of reproduction 20111001
Dihydrotestosterone inhibits hair growth in mice by inhibiting insulin-like growth factor-I production in dermal papillae. Growth hormone & IGF research : official journal of the Growth Hormone Research Society and the International IGF Research Society 20111001
Differential effects of exogenous androgen and an androgen receptor antagonist in the peri- and postpubertal murine mammary gland. Endocrinology 20111001
Cremaster muscle myogenesis in the tip of the rat gubernaculum supports active gubernacular elongation during inguinoscrotal testicular descent. The Journal of urology 20111001
Combination of resveratrol and antiandrogen flutamide has synergistic effect on androgen receptor inhibition in prostate cancer cells. Anticancer research 20111001
Disruption of CD38 gene enhances cardiac functions by elevating serum testosterone in the male null mice. Life sciences 20110926
Inhibitors of androgen receptor activation function-2 (AF2) site identified through virtual screening. Journal of medicinal chemistry 20110922
Immunohistochemical studies on the proliferative marker Ki-67 and estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) in the uterus of neonatal and immature pigs following exposure to flutamide. Acta histochemica 20110901
A randomized trial (Irish clinical oncology research group 97-01) comparing short versus protracted neoadjuvant hormonal therapy before radiotherapy for localized prostate cancer. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics 20110901
Relationship between CYP1A induction by indole-3-carbinol or flutamide and liver tumor-promoting potential in rats. Archives of toxicology 20110901
Side-effects of post-treatment biopsies in prostate cancer patients treated with endocrine therapy alone or combined with radical radiotherapy in the Scandinavian Prostate Cancer Group-7 randomized trial. Scandinavian journal of urology and nephrology 20110901
Short-term exposure to a treated sewage effluent alters reproductive behaviour in the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 20110901
Non-migratory stonechats show seasonal changes in the hormonal regulation of non-seasonal territorial aggression. Hormones and behavior 20110901
[The regulation of T3 on maldeveloped gonocyte (Go) and expression of NCAM in flutamide-induced cryptorchidism rat]. Sichuan da xue xue bao. Yi xue ban = Journal of Sichuan University. Medical science edition 20110901
Recent adverse trends in semen quality and testis cancer incidence among Finnish men. International journal of andrology 20110801
Effect of flutamide and two novel synthetic steroids on GABA, glutamine and some oxidative stress markers in rat brain and prostate. Andrologia 20110801
Development of a highly sensitive cytotoxicity assay system for CYP3A4-mediated metabolic activation. Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals 20110801
Chemical genomics profiling of environmental chemical modulation of human nuclear receptors. Environmental health perspectives 20110801
Aldol derivatives of Thioxoimidazolidinones as potential anti-prostate cancer agents. European journal of medicinal chemistry 20110801
Assessment of combinations of antiandrogenic compounds vinclozolin and flutamide in a yeast based reporter assay. Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP 20110801
Female tail wagging enhances sexual performance in male goats. Hormones and behavior 20110801
Polymer swelling, drug mobilization and drug recrystallization in hydrating solid dispersion tablets studied by multinuclear NMR microimaging and spectroscopy. Molecular pharmaceutics 20110801
Structural changes and immunohistochemical localisation of epidermal growth factor receptor in the true vocal fold of female albino rats administered anabolic, androgenic steroids, and effects of anti-androgen therapy. The Journal of laryngology and otology 20110801
The effects of testosterone on craniosynostotic calvarial cells: a test of the gene/environmental model of craniofacial anomalies. Orthodontics & craniofacial research 20110801
Androgen and estrogen receptor expression in the spinal segments of the genitofemoral nerve during testicular descent. Journal of pediatric surgery 20110801
Pharmacogenetics of glucocorticoid replacement could optimize the treatment of congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency. Clinics (Sao Paulo, Brazil) 20110801
An assessment of androgenic/anti-androgenic effects of GH transgenic carp by Hershberger assay. Biomedical and environmental sciences : BES 20110801
[Spontaneous complete remission in two patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia]. Medicina clinica 20110723
Radiotherapy and short-term androgen deprivation for localized prostate cancer. The New England journal of medicine 20110714
Lyophilization monophase solution technique for preparation of amorphous flutamide dispersions. Drug development and industrial pharmacy 20110701
Resonance Rayleigh scattering, second-order scattering and frequency doubling scattering spectra of copper(II)-Flutamide system with anionic surfactants and its analytical application. Journal of fluorescence 20110701
Combination of GSH trapping and time-dependent inhibition assays as a predictive method of drugs generating highly reactive metabolites. Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals 20110701
Identification strategy for unknown pollutants using high-resolution mass spectrometry: androgen-disrupting compounds identified through effect-directed analysis. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 20110701
A molecular and phenotypic integrative approach to identify a no-effect dose level for antiandrogen-induced testicular toxicity. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20110701
Effects of testosterone on renal function in salt-loaded rats. The American journal of the medical sciences 20110701
Testosterone modulation of cardiac β-adrenergic signals in a rat model of heart failure. General and comparative endocrinology 20110701
A melanocortin receptor 1 and 5 antagonist inhibits sebaceous gland differentiation and the production of sebum-specific lipids. Journal of dermatological science 20110701
Sperm storage in the female reproductive tract of Scotophilus heathii: role of androgen. Molecular reproduction and development 20110701
The methoxychlor metabolite, HPTE, inhibits rat luteal cell progesterone production. Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.) 20110701
Efficacy of alternative antiandrogen therapy for prostate cancer that relapsed after initial maximum androgen blockade. Korean journal of urology 20110701
Biopolymeric microparticles combined with lyophilized monophase dispersions for controlled flutamide release. International journal of pharmaceutics 20110615
The expression of FSH receptor (FSHR) in the neonatal porcine ovary and its regulation by flutamide. Reproduction in domestic animals = Zuchthygiene 20110601
The culinary-medicinal mushroom Coprinus comatus as a natural antiandrogenic modulator. Integrative cancer therapies 20110601
DDT and malaria prevention: addressing the paradox. Environmental health perspectives 20110601
Widely used pesticides with previously unknown endocrine activity revealed as in vitro antiandrogens. Environmental health perspectives 20110601
Blockade of androgen receptor in the medial amygdala inhibits noncontact erections in male rats. Physiology & behavior 20110601
Androgen receptors in the posterior bed nucleus of the stria terminalis increase neuropeptide expression and the stress-induced activation of the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology 20110601
Testosterone relaxes abdominal aorta in male Sprague-Dawley rats by opening potassium (K(+)) channel and blockade of calcium (Ca(2+)) channel. Pathophysiology : the official journal of the International Society for Pathophysiology 20110601
Selenoprotein-P is down-regulated in prostate cancer, which results in lack of protection against oxidative damage. The Prostate 20110601
[Alternative antiandrogen therapy with flutamide in patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer : a single center experience]. Hinyokika kiyo. Acta urologica Japonica 20110601
Clinical Characteristics of Microscopic Colitis in Korea: Prospective Multicenter Study by KASID. Gut and liver 20110601
Residual prostate cancer in patients treated with endocrine therapy with or without radical radiotherapy: a side study of the SPCG-7 randomized trial. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics 20110501
CYP2C9-mediated metabolic activation of losartan detected by a highly sensitive cell-based screening assay. Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals 20110501
In vitro toxicity profiling of ultrapure non-dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyl congeners and their relative toxic contribution to PCB mixtures in humans. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20110501
Two panels of steroid receptor luciferase reporter cell lines for compound profiling. Combinatorial chemistry & high throughput screening 20110501
Prenatal programming by testosterone of hypothalamic metabolic control neurones in the ewe. Journal of neuroendocrinology 20110501
Short-term neoadjuvant androgen deprivation and radiotherapy for locally advanced prostate cancer: 10-year data from the TROG 96.01 randomised trial. The Lancet. Oncology 20110501
Mandibular and femoral growth alteration after sex hormone disruption in growing mice. Orthodontics & craniofacial research 20110501
Treatment of female pattern hair loss with the androgen receptor antagonist flutamide. The Australasian journal of dermatology 20110501
Drug safety is a barrier to the discovery and development of new androgen receptor antagonists. The Prostate 20110401
Many putative endocrine disruptors inhibit prostaglandin synthesis. Environmental health perspectives 20110401
Neurotoxic properties of the anabolic androgenic steroids nandrolone and methandrostenolone in primary neuronal cultures. Journal of neuroscience research 20110401
Flutamide for androgen excess: low dose is best. Journal of pediatric and adolescent gynecology 20110401
Lyophilized flutamide dispersions with polyols and amino acids: preparation and in vitro evaluation. Drug development and industrial pharmacy 20110401
Prospective cohort study on the effects and tolerability of flutamide in patients with female pattern hair loss. The Annals of pharmacotherapy 20110401
Testosterone dependent androgen receptor stabilization and activation of cell proliferation in primary human myometrial microvascular endothelial cells. Fertility and sterility 20110315
Divergent effects of ethinylestradiol-drospirenone and flutamide-metformin on follistatin in adolescents and women with hyperinsulinemic androgen excess. Gynecological endocrinology : the official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology 20110301
Serum testosterone level to predict the efficacy of sequential use of antiandrogens as second-line treatment following androgen deprivation monotherapy in patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer. Japanese journal of clinical oncology 20110301
The mitogenic effect of testosterone and 17β-estradiol on airway smooth muscle cells. Steroids 20110301
Pharmacological evidence that Ca²+ channels and, to a lesser extent, K+ channels mediate the relaxation of testosterone in the canine basilar artery. Steroids 20110301
Hydroxyflutamide enhances cellular sensitivity to 5-fluorouracil by suppressing thymidylate synthase expression in bicalutamide-resistant human prostate cancer cells. International journal of oncology 20110301
Castration-resistant prostate cancer: targeted therapies and individualized treatment. The oncologist 20110301
QSAR models for anti-androgenic effect--a preliminary study. SAR and QSAR in environmental research 20110301
Current treatment strategies for castration-resistant prostate cancer. Korean journal of urology 20110301
[Establishment of a rat model of flutamide-induced cryptorchidism with remaining gonocytes]. Zhonghua nan ke xue = National journal of andrology 20110301
Saudi Oncology Society clinical management guidelines for prostate cancer. Urology annals 20110301
A multi-centre randomised phase III trial of Dexamethasone vs Dexamethasone and diethylstilbestrol in castration-resistant prostate cancer: immediate vs deferred Diethylstilbestrol. British journal of cancer 20110215
Postnatal blockade of androgen receptors or aromatase impair the expression of stress hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis habituation in adult male rats. Psychoneuroendocrinology 20110201
Production of human metabolites of the anti-cancer drug flutamide via biotransformation in Cunninghamella species. Biotechnology letters 20110201
The anti-androgen combination, flutamide plus finasteride, paradoxically suppressed LH and androgen concentrations in pregnant spotted hyenas, but not in males. General and comparative endocrinology 20110201
Proliferative and androgenic effects of indirubin derivatives in LNCaP human prostate cancer cells at sub-apoptotic concentrations. Chemico-biological interactions 20110201
Testosterone augments polyphenol-induced DNA damage response in prostate cancer cell line, LNCaP. Cancer science 20110201
Testosterone is involved in mediating the effects of prenatal stress in male guinea pig offspring. The Journal of physiology 20110201
Arachidonic acid pathway members PLA2G7, HPGD, EPHX2, and CYP4F8 identified as putative novel therapeutic targets in prostate cancer. The American journal of pathology 20110201
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Gene expression profiling of the androgen receptor antagonists flutamide and vinclozolin in zebrafish (Danio rerio) gonads. Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 20110125
Arylpiperazines for management of benign prostatic hyperplasia: design, synthesis, quantitative structure-activity relationships, and pharmacokinetic studies. Journal of medicinal chemistry 20110113
Connexin 43 gene expression in male and female gonads of porcine offspring following in utero exposure to an anti-androgen, flutamide. Acta histochemica 20110101
Sex differences in the analgesic effects of ICI 182,780 and Flutamide on ureteral calculosis in rats. Hormones and behavior 20110101
Altered expression and localization of estrogen receptors alpha and beta in the testes of a cryptorchid rat model. Urology 20110101
Procyanidin B3, an inhibitor of histone acetyltransferase, enhances the action of antagonist for prostate cancer cells via inhibition of p300-dependent acetylation of androgen receptor. The Biochemical journal 20110101
Copulatory efficiency and fertility in male rats exposed perinatally to flutamide. Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.) 20110101
Prenatal and neonatal exposure to the antiandrogen flutamide alters connexin 43 gene expression in adult porcine ovary. Domestic animal endocrinology 20110101
Effect of trenbolone acetate on protein synthesis and degradation rates in fused bovine satellite cell cultures. Domestic animal endocrinology 20110101
Combined androgen blockade for prostate cancer: review of efficacy, safety and cost-effectiveness. Cancer science 20110101
Immunomodulation in polytrauma and polymicrobial sepsis - where do we stand? Recent patents on inflammation & allergy drug discovery 20110101
The American Diabetes Association's 57th annual advanced postgraduate course: diabetes risk, vitamin D, polycystic ovary syndrome, and obstructive sleep apnea. Diabetes care 20110101
Prognostic factors for failure after prostatectomy. Journal of Cancer 20110101
Acute and fulminant hepatitis induced by flutamide: case series report and review of the literature. Annals of hepatology 20110101
Experimental trauma models: an update. Journal of biomedicine & biotechnology 20110101
Hormone replacement therapy in morphine-induced hypogonadic male chronic pain patients. Reproductive biology and endocrinology : RB&E 20110101
Treatment options for polycystic ovary syndrome. International journal of women's health 20110101
Morphological and functional alterations in adult boar epididymis: Effects of prenatal and postnatal administration of flutamide. Acta veterinaria Scandinavica 20110101
Neoadjuvant hormonal therapy preceding radical prostatectomy for clinically localized prostate cancer: early postoperative complications and biochemical recurrence. Korean journal of urology 20110101
Enhanced proinflammatory cytokine response to bacterial lipopolysaccharide in the adult male rat after either neonatal or prepubertal ablation of biological testosterone activity. Neuroimmunomodulation 20110101
Synergy between inhibitors of androgen receptor and MEK has therapeutic implications in estrogen receptor-negative breast cancer. Breast cancer research : BCR 20110101
Sex hormones modulate salbutamol-elicited long-term relaxation in isolated bovine tracheal strips. Pharmacology 20110101
MDM2 antagonists boost antitumor effect of androgen withdrawal: implications for therapy of prostate cancer. Molecular cancer 20110101
IL-6 serum levels and production is related to an altered immune response in polycystic ovary syndrome girls with insulin resistance. Mediators of inflammation 20110101
Expression of androgen receptor splice variants in prostate cancer bone metastases is associated with castration-resistance and short survival. PloS one 20110101
Duration of androgen deprivation therapy with maximum androgen blockade for localized prostate cancer. BMC urology 20110101
Testosterone increases: sodium reabsorption, blood pressure, and renal pathology in female spontaneously hypertensive rats on a high sodium diet. Advances in pharmacological sciences 20110101
Design and evaluation of self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery system of flutamide. Journal of young pharmacists : JYP 20110101
Effect of 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin on solubility of sparingly soluble drug derivatives of anthranilic acid. International journal of molecular sciences 20110101
Role of TMPRSS2-ERG gene fusion in negative regulation of PSMA expression. PloS one 20110101
Sipuleucel-T for therapy of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic, castrate-refractory prostate cancer: an update and perspective among other treatments. OncoTargets and therapy 20110101
Prenatal testosterone-induced fetal growth restriction is associated with down-regulation of rat placental amino acid transport. Reproductive biology and endocrinology : RB&E 20110101
Positive HER-2 protein expression in circulating prostate cells and micro-metastasis, resistant to androgen blockage but not diethylstilbestrol. Indian journal of urology : IJU : journal of the Urological Society of India 20110101
Peritoneal dissemination of prostate cancer due to laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: a case report. Journal of medical case reports 20110101
Modulation of androgen receptor signaling in hormonal therapy-resistant prostate cancer cell lines. PloS one 20110101
Flutamide versus a cyproterone acetate-ethinyl estradiol combination in moderate acne: a pilot randomized clinical trial. Clinical, cosmetic and investigational dermatology 20110101
Six-month gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist depots provide efficacy, safety, convenience, and comfort. Cancer management and research 20110101
The Hirsute woman: challenges in evaluation and management. Endocrine practice : official journal of the American College of Endocrinology and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists 20110101
Murine polyomavirus virus-like particles carrying full-length human PSA protect BALB/c mice from outgrowth of a PSA expressing tumor. PloS one 20110101
Androgens as therapy for androgen receptor-positive castration-resistant prostate cancer. Journal of biomedical science 20110101
Control of prostate cancer associated with withdrawal of a supplement containing folic acid, L-methyltetrahydrofolate and vitamin B12: a case report. Journal of medical case reports 20110101
State of the Art Review: Emerging Therapies: The Use of Insulin Sensitizers in the Treatment of Adolescents with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). International journal of pediatric endocrinology 20110101
ZMIZ1 preferably enhances the transcriptional activity of androgen receptor with short polyglutamine tract. PloS one 20110101
Dephosphorylated NSSR1 is induced by androgen in mouse epididymis and phosphorylated NSSR1 is increased during sperm maturation. PloS one 20110101
Resistance to cancer treatment: the role of somatic genetic events and the challenges for targeted therapies. Frontiers in pharmacology 20110101
Mechanism of salutary effects of astringinin on rodent hepatic injury following trauma-hemorrhage: Akt-dependent hemeoxygenase-1 signaling pathways. PloS one 20110101
Prevalence of microscopic colitis in patients with chronic diarrhea in Egypt: a single-center study. Saudi journal of gastroenterology : official journal of the Saudi Gastroenterology Association 20110101
Mono-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate directly alters the expression of Leydig cell genes and CYP17 lyase activity in cultured rat fetal testis. PloS one 20110101
Metabolic complications and increased cardiovascular risks as a result of androgen deprivation therapy in men with prostate cancer. Prostate cancer 20110101
New insights into the androgen-targeted therapies and epigenetic therapies in prostate cancer. Prostate cancer 20110101
Adipokines and sexual hormones associated with the components of the metabolic syndrome in pharmacologically untreated subjects: data from the brisighella heart study. International journal of endocrinology 20110101
Expression profiling of CYP1B1 in oral squamous cell carcinoma: counterintuitive downregulation in tumors. PloS one 20110101
Effect of Turkish propolis extracts on proteome of prostate cancer cell line. Proteome science 20110101
Novel therapeutic strategies for malignant salivary gland tumors: lessons learned from breast cancer. International journal of otolaryngology 20110101
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Chemoprevention of prostate cancer: Natural compounds, antiandrogens, and antioxidants - In vivo evidence. Journal of carcinogenesis 20110101
Metabolomics reveals reduction of metabolic oxidation in women with polycystic ovary syndrome after pioglitazone-flutamide-metformin polytherapy. PloS one 20110101
Efficacy and safety of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists used in the treatment of prostate cancer. Drug, healthcare and patient safety 20110101
Hormones and prostate carcinogenesis: Androgens and estrogens. Journal of carcinogenesis 20110101
XMRV Discovery and Prostate Cancer-Related Research. Advances in virology 20110101
Molecular targets for radiation oncology in prostate cancer. Frontiers in oncology 20110101
A role for the androgen metabolite, 5alpha androstane 3beta, 17beta diol (3β-diol) in the regulation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis. Frontiers in endocrinology 20110101
Using bisphenol-a to study the onset of polycystic ovarian syndrome. Frontiers in endocrinology 20110101
Role of neuroactive steroids in the peripheral nervous system. Frontiers in endocrinology 20110101
PI3K: An Attractive Candidate for the Central Integration of Metabolism and Reproduction. Frontiers in endocrinology 20110101
Histochemistry through the years, browsing a long-established journal: novelties in traditional subjects. European journal of histochemistry : EJH 20101221
Sex differences in β-amyloid accumulation in 3xTg-AD mice: role of neonatal sex steroid hormone exposure. Brain research 20101217
Low-dose pioglitazone, flutamide, metformin plus an estro-progestagen for non-obese young women with polycystic ovary syndrome: increasing efficacy and persistent safety over 30 months. Gynecological endocrinology : the official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology 20101201
Inhibition of androgen receptor and Cdc25A phosphatase as a combination targeted therapy in molecular apocrine breast cancer. Cancer letters 20101201
Effect of androgen deprivation therapy on the expression of prostate cancer biomarkers MSMB and MSMB-binding protein CRISP3. Prostate cancer and prostatic diseases 20101201
Prenatal flutamide enhances survival in a myogenic mouse model of spinal bulbar muscular atrophy. Neuro-degenerative diseases 20101201
A predictive ligand-based Bayesian model for human drug-induced liver injury. Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals 20101201
Successful drug development despite adverse preclinical findings part 2: examples. Journal of toxicologic pathology 20101201
Alterations in the developing testis transcriptome following embryonic vinclozolin exposure. Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.) 20101101
Pharmacological targeting of constitutively active truncated androgen receptor by nigericin and suppression of hormone-refractory prostate cancer cell growth. Molecular pharmacology 20101101
Alternative antiandrogen therapy in patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer: a single-center experience. International journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association 20101101
Synthesis and SAR studies of 1,4-benzoxazine MenB inhibitors: novel antibacterial agents against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters 20101101
Testosterone-down-regulated Akt pathway during cardiac ischemia/reperfusion: a mechanism involving BAD, Bcl-2 and FOXO3a. The Journal of surgical research 20101101
Adrenocorticotropic hormone is involved in regulation of androgen synthesis in men receiving androgen deprivation therapy for localized prostate cancer. The Journal of urology 20101101
Some flame retardants and the antimicrobials triclosan and triclocarban enhance the androgenic activity in vitro. Chemosphere 20101101
Calpain activation through galectin-3 inhibition sensitizes prostate cancer cells to cisplatin treatment. Cell death & disease 20101101
Testosterone exacerbates neuronal damage following cardiac arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation in mouse. Brain research 20101021
The lack of estrogen and excess luteinizing hormone are responsible for the female ArKO mouse phenotype. Molecular and cellular endocrinology 20101007
Tissue changes in senescent gerbil prostate after hormone deprivation leads to acquisition of androgen insensitivity. International journal of experimental pathology 20101001
Age disrupts androgen receptor-modulated negative feedback in the gonadal axis in healthy men. American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism 20101001
Serum prostate-specific antigen levels reflect the androgen milieu in patients with localized prostate cancer receiving androgen deprivation therapy: Tumor malignant potential and androgen milieu. The Prostate 20100915
PXR-mediated induction of P-glycoprotein by anticancer drugs in a human colon adenocarcinoma-derived cell line. Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology 20100901
Mate calling behavior of male South African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) is suppressed by the antiandrogenic endocrine disrupting compound flutamide. General and comparative endocrinology 20100901
Aromatase mRNA expression in the brain of adult Xenopus laevis exposed to Lambro river water and endocrine disrupting compounds. General and comparative endocrinology 20100901
Arylacetamide deacetylase is a determinant enzyme for the difference in hydrolase activities of phenacetin and acetaminophen. Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals 20100901
The testosterone-derived neurosteroid androstanediol is a positive allosteric modulator of GABAA receptors. The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics 20100901
Use of chemical mixtures to differentiate mechanisms of endocrine action in a small fish model. Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 20100901
Activity of antiandrogens against juvenile and adult Schistosoma mansoni in mice. The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 20100901
Hormonal suppression restores fertility in irradiated mice from both endogenous and donor-derived stem spermatogonia. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20100901
Value of combined androgen blockade in the neoadjuvant treatment of localized prostate cancer: the jury must remain out. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology 20100901
Efficacy of maximal androgen blockade versus castration alone in the treatment of advanced prostate cancer: a retrospective clinical experience from a Chinese medical centre. Asian journal of andrology 20100901
Isoflurane preconditioning neuroprotection in experimental focal stroke is androgen-dependent in male mice. Neuroscience 20100825
Effects of neonatal flutamide treatment on hippocampal neurogenesis and synaptogenesis correlate with depression-like behaviors in preadolescent male rats. Neuroscience 20100811
Assessment of a recombinant androgen receptor binding assay: initial steps towards validation. Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.) 20100801
Short-term dynamic culture of rat testicular fragments as a model to assess effects on steroidogenesis--potential use and limitations. Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.) 20100801
Flutamide inhibits nifedipine- and interleukin-1 beta-induced collagen overproduction in gingival fibroblasts. Journal of periodontal research 20100801
Androgen receptor blockade in the posterodorsal medial amygdala impairs sexual odor preference in male rats. Hormones and behavior 20100801
Optimization and prevalidation of the in vitro AR CALUX method to test androgenic and antiandrogenic activity of compounds. Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.) 20100801
Castration induces changes in the cation-dependent mannose-6-phosphate receptor in rat epididymis: possible implications in secretion of lysosomal enzymes. Journal of cellular biochemistry 20100801
Androgens regulate adenylate cyclase activity and intracellular calcium in stromal cells derived from human prostate. The Prostate 20100801
Therapy: Low-dose flutamide for hirsutism: into the limelight, at last. Nature reviews. Endocrinology 20100801
Words of wisdom. Re: Does oral antiandrogen use before leuteinizing hormone-releasing therapy in patients with metastatic prostate cancer prevent clinical consequences of a testosterone flare? Oh WK, Landrum MB, Lamont EB, et al. Urology 2010;75:642-7. European urology 20100801
Radiation with or without 6 months of androgen suppression therapy in intermediate- and high-risk clinically localized prostate cancer: a postrandomization analysis by risk group. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics 20100715
Intramolecular charge transfer effects on flutamide drug. Journal of fluorescence 20100701
A transcriptomics-based biological framework for studying mechanisms of endocrine disruption in small fish species. Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 20100701
Retrospective observational study on the effects and tolerability of flutamide in a large population of patients with various kinds of hirsutism over a 15-year period. European journal of endocrinology 20100701
Dysregulation of leptin and testosterone production and their receptor expression in the human placenta with gestational diabetes mellitus. Placenta 20100701
Mitogen-activated protein kinases pathway is involved in physiological testosterone-induced tissue factor pathway inhibitor expression in endothelial cells. Blood coagulation & fibrinolysis : an international journal in haemostasis and thrombosis 20100701
Differential actions of eplerenone and spironolactone on the protective effect of testosterone against cardiomyocyte apoptosis in vitro. Revista espanola de cardiologia 20100701
Effects and mechanisms of progestogens and androgens in ictal activity. Epilepsia 20100701
Embryonic expression of the cysteine rich protein 61 (CYR61) gene: A candidate for the development of human epispadias. Birth defects research. Part A, Clinical and molecular teratology 20100701
Specific in vitro toxicity of crude and refined petroleum products: II. Estrogen (alpha and beta) and androgen receptor-mediated responses in yeast assays. Environmental toxicology and chemistry 20100701
Effects of pre- and postnatal exposure to flutamide on connexin 43 expression in testes and ovaries of prepubertal pigs. European journal of histochemistry : EJH 20100614
Short-term antiandrogen flutamide treatment causes structural alterations in somatic cells associated with premature detachment of spermatids in the testis of pubertal and adult guinea pigs. Reproduction in domestic animals = Zuchthygiene 20100601
Management of acne vulgaris: an evidence-based update. Clinical and experimental dermatology 20100601
Blockade of androgen or estrogen receptors reduces nandrolone's ability to modulate acute reward-related neurochemical effects of amphetamine in rat brain. Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior 20100601
Prenatal exposure to vinclozolin disrupts selective aspects of the gonadotrophin-releasing hormone neuronal system of the rabbit. Journal of neuroendocrinology 20100601
Prenatal plus postnatal exposure to Di(n-Butyl) phthalate and/or flutamide markedly reduces final sertoli cell number in the rat. Endocrinology 20100601
A selective androgen receptor modulator enhances male-directed sexual preference, proceptive behavior, and lordosis behavior in sexually experienced, but not sexually naive, female rats. Endocrinology 20100601
Spermatogenesis after 1-stage fowler-stephens orchiopexy in experimental cryptorchid rat model. The Journal of urology 20100601
Duration of first off-treatment interval is prognostic for time to castration resistance and death in men with biochemical relapse of prostate cancer treated on a prospective trial of intermittent androgen deprivation. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology 20100601
Determination of 2-hydroxyflutamide in human plasma by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS): application to a bioequivalence study on Chinese volunteers. Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences 20100601
Androgens and spermatogenesis: lessons from transgenic mouse models. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences 20100527
Progression to metastatic stage in a cellular model of prostate cancer is associated with methylation of the androgen receptor gene and transcriptional suppression of the insulin-like growth factor-I receptor gene. Experimental cell research 20100515
Risk of thromboembolic diseases in men with prostate cancer: results from the population-based PCBaSe Sweden. The Lancet. Oncology 20100511
OECD validation of phase-3 Hershberger assay using the stimulated weanling male rat in Korea. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT 20100501
Correlates of trabecular and cortical volumetric bone mineral density of the radius and tibia in older men: the Osteoporotic Fractures in Men Study. Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research 20100501
A mouse model of androgenetic alopecia. Endocrinology 20100501
Is the 'comb over' dying? A mouse model for male pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia). Endocrinology 20100501
Effects of flutamide therapy on craniofacial growth and development in a model of craniosynostosis. The Journal of craniofacial surgery 20100501
[Membrane testosterone receptors in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells]. Zhonghua nan ke xue = National journal of andrology 20100501
Gonadotropin-regulated testicular RNA helicase (GRTH/DDX25) gene: cell-specific expression and transcriptional regulation by androgen in transgenic mouse testis. Journal of cellular biochemistry 20100415
An in vitro drug-induced hepatotoxicity screening system using CYP3A4-expressing and gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase knockdown cells. Toxicology in vitro : an international journal published in association with BIBRA 20100401
Androgen action in the masculinization programming window and development of male reproductive organs. International journal of andrology 20100401
Mixture effects of endocrine disrupting compounds in vitro. International journal of andrology 20100401
The role of RXFP2 in mediating androgen-induced inguinoscrotal testis descent in LH receptor knockout mice. Reproduction (Cambridge, England) 20100401
Adrenal androgen levels as predictors of outcome in castration-resistant prostate cancer patients treated with combined androgen blockade using flutamide as a second-line anti-androgen. International journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association 20100401
Effect of essential oils, such as raspberry ketone and its derivatives, on antiandrogenic activity based on in vitro reporter gene assay. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters 20100401
Dioxin-induced changes in epididymal sperm count and spermatogenesis. Environmental health perspectives 20100401
Microbial metabolism. Part 11. Metabolites of flutamide. Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin 20100401
Morphology of the cockerel's comb after androgen administration. British poultry science 20100401
Synthesis and biodistribution of [99mTc]-N-[4-nitro-3-trifluoromethyl-phenyl] cyclopentadienyltricarbonyltechnetium carboxamide, a nonsteroidal antiandrogen flutamide derivative. Metallomics : integrated biometal science 20100401
Androgen receptor-dependent transactivation of growth arrest-specific gene 6 mediates inhibitory effects of testosterone on vascular calcification. The Journal of biological chemistry 20100305
Aquaporin 9 expression in the developing rat epididymis is modulated by steroid hormones. Reproduction (Cambridge, England) 20100301
The effects of beta-blockers on endothelial nitric oxide synthase immunoreactivity in the rat corpus cavernosum. Urology 20100301
Cryptic regulation of vasotocin neuronal activity but not anatomy by sex steroids and social stimuli in opportunistic desert finches. Brain, behavior and evolution 20100301
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'Click' labeling strategy for M(CO)(3) (M = Re, (99m)Tc) prostate cancer targeted flutamide agents. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 20100227
Study of the impact of the T877A mutation on ligand-induced helix-12 positioning of the androgen receptor resulted in design and synthesis of novel antiandrogens. Proteins 20100215
Antiandrogen withdrawal syndrome and alternative antiandrogen therapy associated with the W741C mutant androgen receptor in a novel prostate cancer xenograft. The Prostate 20100215
Systematic structure-function analysis of androgen receptor Leu701 mutants explains the properties of the prostate cancer mutant L701H. The Journal of biological chemistry 20100212
C/EBPalpha redirects androgen receptor signaling through a unique bimodal interaction. Oncogene 20100204
Metastasis of genitourinary tumors to the head and neck region. European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology : official journal of the European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS) : affiliated with the German Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - Head and Neck Surgery 20100201
Critical androgen-sensitive periods of rat penis and clitoris development. International journal of andrology 20100201
Up-regulation of circadian clock gene Period 2 in the prostate mesenchymal cells during flutamide-induced apoptosis. Molecular and cellular biochemistry 20100201
Bone metabolic disorder in patients with prostate cancer receiving androgen deprivation therapy (ADT): impact of ADT on the growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor-1/parathyroid hormone axis. The Prostate 20100201
Androgenic regulation of ventral epithelial bud number and pattern in mouse urogenital sinus. Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists 20100201
Lyophilization monophase solution technique for improvement of the physicochemical properties of an anticancer drug, flutamide. European journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics : official journal of Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Pharmazeutische Verfahrenstechnik e.V 20100201
Functional remodeling of benign human prostatic tissues in vivo by spontaneously immortalized progenitor and intermediate cells. Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio) 20100201
Regulation of heat shock protein 70-1 expression by androgen receptor and its signaling in human prostate cancer cells. International journal of oncology 20100201
Anti-androgen treatments. Annales d'endocrinologie 20100201
Hidden in plain sight: the mammary line in males may be the missing link regulating inguinoscrotal testicular descent. Journal of pediatric surgery 20100201
The aromatase inhibitor 1,4,6-androstatriene-3,17-dione (ATD) reduces disinhibitory behavior in intact adult male rats treated with a high dose of testosterone. Behavioural brain research 20100120
Acute 19-nortestosterone transiently suppresses hippocampal MAPK pathway and the phosphorylation of the NMDA receptor. Molecular and cellular endocrinology 20100115
Prostate stem cell antigen enhancer and uroplakin II promoter based bladder cancer targeted tissue-specific vector. Urologic oncology 20100101
Is biochemical response more important than duration of neoadjuvant hormone therapy before radiotherapy for clinically localized prostate cancer? An analysis of the 3- versus 8-month randomized trial. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics 20100101
Long-term follow-up of 3-month neoadjuvant hormone therapy before radical prostatectomy in a randomized trial. BJU international 20100101
Changes in gene expression in somatic cells of rat testes resulting from hormonal modulation and radiation-induced germ cell depletion. Biology of reproduction 20100101
The role of androgen receptors in regulating territorial aggression in male song sparrows. Hormones and behavior 20100101
Effect of FSH on testicular morphology and spermatogenesis in gonadotrophin-deficient hypogonadal mice lacking androgen receptors. Reproduction (Cambridge, England) 20100101
Does the cranial suspensory ligament have a role in cryptorchidism? Cells, tissues, organs 20100101
Gene expression profile of androgen modulated genes in the murine fetal developing lung. Reproductive biology and endocrinology : RB&E 20100101
Hormonal therapy for acne: why not as first line therapy? facts and controversies. Clinics in dermatology 20100101
Growth inhibition of androgen-responsive prostate cancer cells with brefeldin A targeting cell cycle and androgen receptor. Journal of biomedical science 20100101
Analysis of the molecular networks in androgen dependent and independent prostate cancer revealed fragile and robust subsystems. PloS one 20100101
Growth and reproductive outcomes in congenital adrenal hyperplasia. International journal of pediatric endocrinology 20100101
Age-dependent role of steroids in the regulation of growth of the hen follicular wall. Reproductive biology and endocrinology : RB&E 20100101
A randomized phase II trial of mitoxantrone, estramustine and vinorelbine or bcl-2 modulation with 13-cis retinoic acid, interferon and paclitaxel in patients with metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer: ECOG 3899. Journal of translational medicine 20100101
Lymphocytic colitis presenting as difficult diarrhoea in an African woman: a case report and review of the literature. Journal of medical case reports 20100101
Exploring the antiperoxidative potential of morin on cyclophosphamide and flutamide-induced lipid peroxidation and changes in cholesterol profile in rabbit model. Acta poloniae pharmaceutica 20100101
An Evidence-Based Model of Multidisciplinary Care for Patients and Families Affected by Classical Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia due to 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency. International journal of pediatric endocrinology 20100101
Testosterone depletion by castration may protect mice from heat-induced multiple organ damage and lethality. Journal of biomedicine & biotechnology 20100101
The evolutionary impact of androgen levels on prostate cancer in a multi-scale mathematical model. Biology direct 20100101
Hirsutism: evaluation and treatment. Indian journal of dermatology 20100101
Radiolabeling, biodistribution and gamma scintigraphy of noscapine hydrochloride in normal and polycystic ovary induced rats. Journal of ovarian research 20100101
WNT4/beta-catenin pathway maintains female germ cell survival by inhibiting activin betaB in the mouse fetal ovary. PloS one 20100101
Maximal androgen blockade for advanced prostate cancer. Indian journal of urology : IJU : journal of the Urological Society of India 20100101
The changes of cortactin p80/85 isoform profiles and tyrosine phosphorylation status during spermatogenesis in the mouse testis. Journal of andrology 20100101
Hormonal therapy of prostate cancer. Progress in brain research 20100101
3alpha-androstanediol, but not testosterone, attenuates age-related decrements in cognitive, anxiety, and depressive behavior of male rats. Frontiers in aging neuroscience 20100101
Androgen excess produces systemic oxidative stress and predisposes to beta-cell failure in female mice. PloS one 20100101
Management of the adult with congenital adrenal hyperplasia. International journal of pediatric endocrinology 20100101
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Alternative strategies for the treatment of classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia: pitfalls and promises. International journal of pediatric endocrinology 20100101
Nonclassic congenital adrenal hyperplasia. International journal of pediatric endocrinology 20100101
Is there an optimal management for localized prostate cancer? Clinical interventions in aging 20100101
Integrating GHS into the Ghrelin System. International journal of peptides 20100101
Endocrine disruptors and Leydig cell function. Journal of biomedicine & biotechnology 20100101
Effects of in utero exposure to DI(n-Butyl) phthalate on development of male reproductive tracts in Sprague-Dawley rats. Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A 20100101
Bypass mechanisms of the androgen receptor pathway in therapy-resistant prostate cancer cell models. PloS one 20100101
Impact of hormonal treatment duration in combination with radiotherapy for locally advanced prostate cancer: meta-analysis of randomized trials. BMC cancer 20100101
Testosterone and cholesterol vasodilation of rat aorta involves L-type calcium channel inhibition. Advances in pharmacological sciences 20100101
Effectiveness of long-term (twelve months) nonsurgical weight loss interventions for obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review. International journal of women's health 20100101
Characterization of the small RNA transcriptomes of androgen dependent and independent prostate cancer cell line by deep sequencing. PloS one 20100101
Down-regulation of phosphoglucomutase 3 mediates sulforaphane-induced cell death in LNCaP prostate cancer cells. Proteome science 20100101
Endocrinology of hirsutism. International journal of trichology 20100101
Evaluation of degarelix in the management of prostate cancer. Cancer management and research 20100101
Radiotherapy combined with hormonal therapy in prostate cancer: the state of the art. Cancer management and research 20100101
Changes of androgen receptor and insulin-like growth factor-1 in LNCaP prostate cancer cells treated with sex hormones and flutamide. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP 20100101
Effect of Buddleia flavonoids drug-containing plasma on the expression of STAT1 phosphoprotein in lacrimal gland epithelial cells in vitro. International journal of ophthalmology 20100101
Potent and selective steroidal inhibitors of 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 7, an enzyme that catalyzes the reduction of the key hormones estrone and dihydrotestosterone. Journal of medicinal chemistry 20091210
Androgen receptor antagonism and an insulin sensitizer block the advancement of vaginal opening by high-fat diet in mice. Biology of reproduction 20091201
Comparison of in vitro hormone activities of selected phthalates using reporter gene assays. Toxicology letters 20091201
Evaluation of the potential for drug-induced liver injury based on in vitro covalent binding to human liver proteins. Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals 20091201
Androgens induce dopaminergic neurotoxicity via caspase-3-dependent activation of protein kinase Cdelta. Endocrinology 20091201
The antiandrogen flutamide perturbs inguinoscrotal testicular descent in the rat and suggests a link with mammary development. Journal of pediatric surgery 20091201
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Synthesis, structure-activity relationships, and characterization of novel nonsteroidal and selective androgen receptor modulators. Journal of medicinal chemistry 20091126
Relevance of an opioid, noscapine in reducing cystogeneses in rat experimental model of polycystic ovary syndrome. Journal of endocrinological investigation 20091101
A novel androgen-dependent prostate cancer xenograft model derived from skin metastasis of a Japanese patient. The Prostate 20091101
Prostate cancer survivorship: prevention and treatment of the adverse effects of androgen deprivation therapy. Journal of general internal medicine 20091101
Antiseizure effects of 3alpha-androstanediol and/or 17beta-estradiol may involve actions at estrogen receptor beta. Epilepsy & behavior : E&B 20091101
Basic exploratory research versus guideline-compliant studies used for hazard evaluation and risk assessment: bisphenol A as a case study. Environmental health perspectives 20091101
Anogenital distance from birth to 2 years: a population study. Environmental health perspectives 20091101
Metabolomics in drug intolerance. Current drug metabolism 20091101
Phase II trial of short-term neoadjuvant docetaxel and complete androgen blockade in high-risk prostate cancer. British journal of cancer 20091020
Neuroprotective effects of testosterone upon cardiac sympathetic function in rats with induced heart failure. European journal of pharmacology 20091001
Dehydroepiandrosterone inhibits the proliferation and induces the death of HPV-positive and HPV-negative cervical cancer cells through an androgen- and estrogen-receptor independent mechanism. The FEBS journal 20091001
Genetic mapping of targets mediating differential chemical phenotypes in Plasmodium falciparum. Nature chemical biology 20091001
Sex steroids are necessary in the second postnatal week for the expression of male alloparental behavior in prairie voles (Microtus ochragaster). Behavioral neuroscience 20091001
Testosterone inhibits the activity of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma in a transcriptional transaction assay. Die Pharmazie 20091001
Androgen-mediated apoptosis of kidney tubule cells: role of c-Jun amino terminal kinase. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 20090925
Drug-induced hepatotoxicity test using gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase knockdown rat. Toxicology letters 20090910
Sex hormones, acting on the TERT gene, increase telomerase activity in human primary hematopoietic cells. Blood 20090910
Low-dose pioglitazone and low-dose flutamide added to metformin and oestro-progestagens for hyperinsulinaemic women with androgen excess: add-on benefits disclosed by a randomized double-placebo study over 24 months. Clinical endocrinology 20090901
Genitourinary toxicity after high-dose-rate (HDR) brachytherapy combined with Hypofractionated External beam radiotherapy for localized prostate cancer: an analysis to determine the correlation between dose-volume histogram parameters in HDR brachytherapy and severity of toxicity. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics 20090901
Long-term effects of intermittent androgen suppression on testosterone recovery and bone mineral density: results of a 33-month observational study. BJU international 20090901
Radiation dose predicts for biochemical control in intermediate-risk prostate cancer patients treated with low-dose-rate brachytherapy. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics 20090901
Interval to testosterone recovery after hormonal therapy for prostate cancer and risk of death. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics 20090901
Effects of estrogen and androgen deprivation on the progression of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) in male Sprague-Dawley rats. Hepatology research : the official journal of the Japan Society of Hepatology 20090901
Establishment of knockdown of superoxide dismutase 2 and expression of CYP3A4 cell system to evaluate drug-induced cytotoxicity. Toxicology in vitro : an international journal published in association with BIBRA 20090901
The prostate growth stimulation by progesterone is due to androgenic products and progesterone receptor-mediated mechanisms. Die Pharmazie 20090901
Characterization of the intra-prostatic immune cell infiltration in androgen-deprived prostate cancer patients. Journal of immunological methods 20090831
Evaluation of the rodent Hershberger bioassay on intact juvenile males--testing of coded chemicals and supplementary biochemical investigations. Toxicology 20090803
Combined low-dose flutamide plus finasteride vs low-dose flutamide monotherapy for recurrent prostate cancer: a comparative analysis of two phase II trials with a long-term follow-up. BJU international 20090801
Differential effects of flutamide and di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate on male reproductive organs in a rat model. The Journal of reproduction and development 20090801
Dose-dependent effects of androgens on outcome after focal cerebral ischemia in adult male mice. Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 20090801
Androgen- and estrogen-independent regulation of copulatory behavior following castration in male B6D2F1 mice. Hormones and behavior 20090801
Endocrine-disrupting equivalents in industrial effluents discharged into Yangtze River. Ecotoxicology (London, England) 20090801
Both endogenous and exogenous testosterone decrease myocardial STAT3 activation and SOCS3 expression after acute ischemia and reperfusion. Surgery 20090801
Calcitonin gene-related peptide is a survival factor, inhibiting apoptosis in neonatal rat gubernaculum in vitro. Journal of pediatric surgery 20090801
Starving the addiction: new opportunities for durable suppression of AR signaling in prostate cancer. Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research 20090801
N-myc downstream regulated gene 1 (NDRG1) is fused to ERG in prostate cancer. Neoplasia (New York, N.Y.) 20090801
Drug-induced liver disease: an 8-year study of patients from one gastroenterological department. Journal of digestive diseases 20090801
Pharmacological options for treatment of hyperandrogenic disorders. Mini reviews in medicinal chemistry 20090801
Underlying mitochondrial dysfunction triggers flutamide-induced oxidative liver injury in a mouse model of idiosyncratic drug toxicity. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20090715
Human arylacetamide deacetylase is a principal enzyme in flutamide hydrolysis. Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals 20090701
Regucalcin is under-expressed in human breast and prostate cancers: Effect of sex steroid hormones. Journal of cellular biochemistry 20090701
Masking effect of anti-androgens on androgenic activity in European river sediment unveiled by effect-directed analysis. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 20090701
Diarylheptanoid phytoestrogens isolated from the medicinal plant Curcuma comosa: biologic actions in vitro and in vivo indicate estrogen receptor-dependent mechanisms. Environmental health perspectives 20090701
Hepatotoxicity during low-dose flutamide treatment for hirsutism. Gynecological endocrinology : the official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology 20090701
Alternative inhibition of androgen receptor signaling: peptidomimetic pyrimidines as direct androgen receptor/coactivator disruptors. ACS chemical biology 20090619
Id-1 expression in androgen-dependent prostate cancer is negatively regulated by androgen through androgen receptor. Cancer letters 20090618
Duration of androgen suppression in the treatment of prostate cancer. The New England journal of medicine 20090611
Nuclear receptor mediated induction of cytochrome P450 3A4 by anticancer drugs: a key role for the pregnane X receptor. Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology 20090601
Recognizing false biochemical failure calls after radiation with or without neo-adjuvant androgen deprivation for prostate cancer. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics 20090601
Growth differentiation factor 9 promotes rat preantral follicle growth by up-regulating follicular androgen biosynthesis. Endocrinology 20090601
Maternal exposure to anti-androgenic compounds, vinclozolin, flutamide and procymidone, has no effects on spermatogenesis and DNA methylation in male rats of subsequent generations. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20090601
Modulation of ovarian structure and abdominal obesity in curcumin- and flutamide-treated aging FSH-R haploinsufficient mice. Reproductive sciences (Thousand Oaks, Calif.) 20090601
Androgen receptors in coeliac ganglion in late pregnant rat. Steroids 20090601
Integrating statistical predictions and experimental verifications for enhancing protein-chemical interaction predictions in virtual screening. PLoS computational biology 20090601
Detection of the anti-androgenic effect of endocrine disrupting environmental contaminants using in vivo and in vitro assays in the three-spined stickleback. Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 20090517
Establishment of a novel immortalized human prostatic epithelial cell line stably expressing androgen receptor and its application for the functional screening of androgen receptor modulators. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 20090515
Treatment-dependent androgen receptor mutations in prostate cancer exploit multiple mechanisms to evade therapy. Cancer research 20090515
Dihydrotestosterone stimulates aldosterone secretion by H295R human adrenocortical cells. Molecular and cellular endocrinology 20090506
New insights into the role of androgens in wolffian duct stabilization in male and female rodents. Endocrinology 20090501
OECD validation of phase 3 Hershberger assay in Korea using surgically castrated male rats with coded chemicals. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT 20090501
Quantitative proteomic profiles of androgen receptor signaling in the liver of fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas). Journal of proteome research 20090501
Standard and molecular NOAELs for rat testicular toxicity induced by flutamide. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20090501
Suppression of mutant androgen receptors by flutamide. International journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association 20090501
Regulation of ryanodine receptor-mediated Ca(2+) release in vas deferens smooth muscle cells. Journal of pharmacological sciences 20090501
Statistical modeling suggests that antiandrogens in effluents from wastewater treatment works contribute to widespread sexual disruption in fish living in English rivers. Environmental health perspectives 20090501
Long-term safety and tolerability of flutamide for the treatment of hirsutism. Fertility and sterility 20090401
Functional AR signaling is evident in an in vitro mouse follicle culture bioassay that encompasses most stages of folliculogenesis. Biology of reproduction 20090401
Quality of life in patients with locally advanced prostate cancer given endocrine treatment with or without radiotherapy: 4-year follow-up of SPCG-7/SFUO-3, an open-label, randomised, phase III trial. The Lancet. Oncology 20090401
Time- and dose-related effects of di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate and its main metabolites on the function of the rat fetal testis in vitro. Environmental health perspectives 20090401
Expression signatures for a model androgen and antiandrogen in the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) ovary. Environmental science & technology 20090401
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The risk of hepatotoxicity during long-term and low-dose flutamide treatment in hirsutism. Archives of gynecology and obstetrics 20090301
Cognitive and mood changes in men undergoing intermittent combined androgen blockade for non-metastatic prostate cancer. Psycho-oncology 20090301
Age-dependent effects of testosterone in experimental stroke. Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 20090301
Hair loss in women. Seminars in cutaneous medicine and surgery 20090301
The role of androgen receptor mutations in prostate cancer progression. Current genomics 20090301
Toxicogenomic biomarkers for liver toxicity. Journal of toxicologic pathology 20090301
Potential surrogate endpoints for prostate cancer survival: analysis of a phase III randomized trial. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 20090218
N-Benzyl-1-heteroaryl-3-(trifluoromethyl)-1H-pyrazole-5-carboxamides as inhibitors of co-activator associated arginine methyltransferase 1 (CARM1). Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters 20090215
Final report of multicenter Canadian Phase III randomized trial of 3 versus 8 months of neoadjuvant androgen deprivation therapy before conventional-dose radiotherapy for clinically localized prostate cancer. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics 20090201
Dihydrotestosterone stimulates cerebrovascular inflammation through NFkappaB, modulating contractile function. Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 20090201
Twenty-four-month postradiation prostate biopsies are strongly predictive of 7-year disease-free survival: results from a Canadian randomized trial. Cancer 20090201
Androgen-induced human breast cancer cell proliferation is mediated by discrete mechanisms in estrogen receptor-alpha-positive and -negative breast cancer cells. The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology 20090201
Addressing bone loss in the cancer survivor. Oncology (Williston Park, N.Y.) 20090201
Endocrine treatment, with or without radiotherapy, in locally advanced prostate cancer (SPCG-7/SFUO-3): an open randomised phase III trial. Lancet (London, England) 20090124
Human xenograft models as useful tools to assess the potential of novel therapeutics in prostate cancer. British journal of cancer 20090113
Partial androgen suppression consequent to increased secretion of adrenal androgens in a patient with prostate cancer treated with long-acting GnRH agonists. Prostate cancer and prostatic diseases 20090101
Antiandrogen exposure in utero disrupts expression of desert hedgehog and insulin-like factor 3 in the developing fetal rat testis. Endocrinology 20090101
Role of enzymatic N-hydroxylation and reduction in flutamide metabolite-induced liver toxicity. Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals 20090101
Cathepsin L inhibition suppresses drug resistance in vitro and in vivo: a putative mechanism. American journal of physiology. Cell physiology 20090101
Neoadjuvant hormonal deprivation for patients undergoing radical prostatectomy. Asian journal of andrology 20090101
Synthesis and characterization of nonsteroidal-linked M(CO)(3)+ (M = 99mTc, Re) compounds based on the androgen receptor targeting molecule flutamide. Bioconjugate chemistry 20090101
Estrogen enhances recovery from radiation-induced spermatogonial arrest in rat testes. Journal of andrology 20090101
Phthalates impair germ cell development in the human fetal testis in vitro without change in testosterone production. Environmental health perspectives 20090101
Androgen receptor modulation does not affect longitudinal growth of cultured fetal rat metatarsal bones. Hormone research 20090101
Androgen deprivation modulates the inflammatory response induced by irradiation. BMC cancer 20090101
A comparison between finasteride, flutamide, and finasteride plus flutamide combination in the treatment of hirsutism. Journal of endocrinological investigation 20090101
Low-dose flutamide for women with androgen excess: anti-androgenic efficacy and hepatic safety. Journal of endocrinological investigation 20090101
Long-term follow-up after triple treatment of prostate cancer stage pT3. Scandinavian journal of urology and nephrology 20090101
The effects of endogenous and exogenous androgens on cardiovascular disease risk factors and progression. Reproductive biology and endocrinology : RB&E 20090101
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Obsessive-compulsive disorder and related disorders: a comprehensive survey. Annals of general psychiatry 20090101
Uterine and placental expression of TRPV6 gene is regulated via progesterone receptor- or estrogen receptor-mediated pathways during pregnancy in rodents. Reproductive biology and endocrinology : RB&E 20090101
Role of maximum androgen blockade in advanced prostate cancer. Indian journal of urology : IJU : journal of the Urological Society of India 20090101
Issues in applying multi-arm multi-stage methodology to a clinical trial in prostate cancer: the MRC STAMPEDE trial. Trials 20090101
The psychometric validation of a US English satisfaction measure for patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia and lower urinary tract symptoms. Health and quality of life outcomes 20090101
Effects of cIAP-1, cIAP-2 and XIAP triple knockdown on prostate cancer cell susceptibility to apoptosis, cell survival and proliferation. Molecular cancer 20090101
Long-term effects of environmental endocrine disruptors on reproductive physiology and behavior. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 20090101
Oocyte-granulosa-theca cell interactions during preantral follicular development. Journal of ovarian research 20090101
Molecular fingerprinting of radiation resistant tumors: can we apprehend and rehabilitate the suspects? BMC cancer 20090101
Chemomodulation of human dendritic cell function by antineoplastic agents in low noncytotoxic concentrations. Journal of translational medicine 20090101
Small-cell prostate carcinoma: A retrospective analysis of five newly reported cases. Indian journal of urology : IJU : journal of the Urological Society of India 20090101
Gene expression meta-analysis supports existence of molecular apocrine breast cancer with a role for androgen receptor and implies interactions with ErbB family. BMC medical genomics 20090101
Synthetic and natural compounds that interact with human cytochrome P450 1A2 and implications in drug development. Current medicinal chemistry 20090101
Di-(2 ethylhexyl) phthalate and flutamide alter gene expression in the testis of immature male rats. Reproductive biology and endocrinology : RB&E 20090101
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Benefit of whole pelvic radiotherapy combined with neoadjuvant androgen deprivation for the high-risk prostate cancer. Journal of biomedicine & biotechnology 20090101
Androgens and the breast. Breast cancer research : BCR 20090101
Experience with the once-yearly histrelin (GnRHa) subcutaneous implant in the treatment of central precocious puberty. Drug design, development and therapy 20090101
Functional membrane androgen receptors in colon tumors trigger pro-apoptotic responses in vitro and reduce drastically tumor incidence in vivo. Molecular cancer 20090101
Molecular and biochemical effects of a kola nut extract on androgen receptor-mediated pathways. Journal of toxicology 20090101
Androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer: indications, contraindications and possible consequences. F1000 medicine reports 20090101
Defining the molecular action of HDAC inhibitors and synergism with androgen deprivation in ERG-positive prostate cancer. International journal of cancer 20081215
Pharmacologic profiling of human and rat cytochrome P450 1A1 and 1A2 induction and competition. Archives of toxicology 20081201
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Quantitative structure-activity relationship and complex network approach to monoamine oxidase A and B inhibitors. Journal of medicinal chemistry 20081113
Regulation of mRNAs encoding MMP-9 and MMP-2, and their inhibitors TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 by androgens in the rat ventral prostate. Molecular and cellular endocrinology 20081106
Watchful waiting beats androgen deprivation therapy in early prostate cancer. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 20081105
Nandrolone abuse decreases anxiety and impairs memory in rats via central androgenic receptors. The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology 20081101
Androgen regulation of corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 2 (CRHR2) mRNA expression and receptor binding in the rat brain. Experimental neurology 20081101
The oxidation handicap hypothesis and the carotenoid allocation trade-off. Journal of evolutionary biology 20081101
Androgens with activity at estrogen receptor beta have anxiolytic and cognitive-enhancing effects in male rats and mice. Hormones and behavior 20081101
Hormonal regulation and characterisation of the aldehyde oxidase-like gene of hamster Harderian gland. The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology 20081101
A new allergen in the pharmaceutical industry. Contact dermatitis 20081101
Meeting report: moving upstream-evaluating adverse upstream end points for improved risk assessment and decision-making. Environmental health perspectives 20081101
Experimental benefits of sex hormones on vascular function and the outcome of hormone therapy in cardiovascular disease. Current cardiology reviews 20081101
Docetaxel chemotherapy of Korean patients with hormone- refractory prostate cancer:comparative analysis between 1st-line and 2nd-line docetaxel. Yonsei medical journal 20081031
Prognostic significance of disseminated tumor cells in the bone marrow of prostate cancer patients treated with neoadjuvant hormone treatment. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology 20081020
The model anti-androgen flutamide suppresses the expression of typical male stickleback reproductive behaviour. Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 20081020
Mechanisms involved in testosterone-induced vasodilatation in pig prostatic small arteries. Life sciences 20081010
Structural requirements for drug inhibition of the liver specific human organic cation transport protein 1. Journal of medicinal chemistry 20081009
A new role for tamoxifen in oestrogen receptor-negative breast cancer when it is combined with epigallocatechin gallate. British journal of cancer 20081007
Cardiovascular mortality and duration of androgen deprivation for locally advanced prostate cancer: analysis of RTOG 92-02. European urology 20081001
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Effect of heat stress on expression of junction-associated molecules and upstream factors androgen receptor and Wilms' tumor 1 in monkey sertoli cells. Endocrinology 20081001
PSA kinetics provide improved prediction of survival in metastatic hormone-refractory prostate cancer. Urology 20081001
Potential role of G-protein-coupled receptor 30 (GPR30) in estradiol-17beta-stimulated IGF-I mRNA expression in bovine satellite cell cultures. Domestic animal endocrinology 20081001
Comparative anti-androgenic actions of vinclozolin and flutamide on transgenerational adult onset disease and spermatogenesis. Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.) 20081001
Methotrexate-induced cutaneous ulceration in patients with erythrodermic mycosis fungoides. Therapeutics and clinical risk management 20081001
Androgen regulation of multidrug resistance-associated protein 4 (MRP4/ABCC4) in prostate cancer. The Prostate 20080915
Sex differences in expression and differential regulation by androgen and estrogen of two odorant-binding tear lipocalins in lacrimal glands of immature hamsters. General and comparative endocrinology 20080915
5Alpha-dihydrotestosterone up-regulates transthyretin levels in mice and rat choroid plexus via an androgen receptor independent pathway. Brain research 20080910
Sex hormone influence on hepatitis in young male A/JCr mice infected with Helicobacter hepaticus. Infection and immunity 20080901
Alternative nonsteroidal antiandrogen therapy for advanced prostate cancer that relapsed after initial maximum androgen blockade. The Journal of urology 20080901
Effect of testosterone on morphine withdrawal syndrome in rats. Asian journal of andrology 20080901
Application and interpretation of hPXR screening data: Validation of reporter signal requirements for prediction of clinically relevant CYP3A4 inducers. Biochemical pharmacology 20080901
Sex-specific pathways in early cardiac response to pressure overload in mice. Journal of molecular medicine (Berlin, Germany) 20080901
Design and synthesis of carborane-containing androgen receptor (AR) antagonist bearing a pyridine ring. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 20080901
Computationally identified novel diphenyl- and phenylpyridine androgen receptor antagonist structures. Journal of chemical information and modeling 20080901
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Modulation by testosterone of an endogenous hERG potassium channel current. Journal of physiology and pharmacology : an official journal of the Polish Physiological Society 20080901
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Sexual differentiation of the external genitalia and the timing of puberty in the presence of an antiandrogen in sheep. Endocrinology 20080801
Flutamide protects against trauma-hemorrhage-induced liver injury via attenuation of the inflammatory response, oxidative stress, and apopotosis. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) 20080801
Androgen receptor: a new player associated with apoptosis and proliferation of pancreatic beta-cell in type 1 diabetes mellitus. Apoptosis : an international journal on programmed cell death 20080801
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Effects of estradiol on the stimulation of dopamine turnover in mesolimbic and nigrostriatal systems by cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript peptide in female rats. Neuroscience 20080717
Nandrolone decreases mu opioid receptor expression in SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells. Neuroreport 20080716
4-(Anilino)pyrrole-2-carboxamides: Novel non-steroidal/non-anilide type androgen antagonists effective upon human prostate tumor LNCaP cells with mutated nuclear androgen receptor. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 20080715
Effect of dihydrotestosterone on hydrogen peroxide-induced apoptosis of mouse embryonic stem cells. Journal of cellular physiology 20080701
A new prostate cancer therapeutic approach: combination of androgen ablation with COX-2 inhibitor. International journal of cancer 20080701
Roles of IGF-I and the estrogen, androgen and IGF-I receptors in estradiol-17beta- and trenbolone acetate-stimulated proliferation of cultured bovine satellite cells. Domestic animal endocrinology 20080701
Bioactivation of flutamide metabolites by human liver microsomes. Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals 20080701
Regulation of atherosclerotic plaque growth and stability by testosterone and its receptor via influence of inflammatory reaction. Vascular pharmacology 20080701
Sex dimorphism in antitumor response of chemotherapeutic drug cisplatin in a murine host-bearing a T-cell lymphoma. Anti-cancer drugs 20080701
Risk of prostate cancer recurrence in men treated with radiation alone or in conjunction with combined or less than combined androgen suppression therapy. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology 20080620
Prediction and identification of drug interactions with the human ATP-binding cassette transporter multidrug-resistance associated protein 2 (MRP2; ABCC2). Journal of medicinal chemistry 20080612
BCRP/ABCG2 in the placenta: expression, function and regulation. Pharmaceutical research 20080601
Androgen receptor mediates the expression of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2 B15 and B17 genes. The Prostate 20080601
Androgens regulate neprilysin expression: role in reducing beta-amyloid levels. Journal of neurochemistry 20080601
Antiandrogen withdrawal in castrate-refractory prostate cancer: a Southwest Oncology Group trial (SWOG 9426). Cancer 20080601
Cell lineage analysis demonstrates an endodermal origin of the distal urethra and perineum. Developmental biology 20080601
A functionally significant cross-talk between androgen receptor and ErbB2 pathways in estrogen receptor negative breast cancer. Neoplasia (New York, N.Y.) 20080601
Changes in gene expression following androgen receptor blockade is not equivalent to androgen ablation by castration in the rat ventral prostate. Journal of biosciences 20080601
Ten-year follow-up of radiation therapy oncology group protocol 92-02: a phase III trial of the duration of elective androgen deprivation in locally advanced prostate cancer. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology 20080520
Altered striatal vulnerability to 3-nitropropionic acid in rats due to sex hormone levels during late phase of brain development. Neuroscience letters 20080516
A systematic review of commonly used medical treatments for hirsutism in women. Clinical endocrinology 20080501
Anabolic androgens restore mating after sexual satiety in male rats. Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior 20080501
Androgen-regulated cervical ripening: a structural, biomechanical, and molecular analysis. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 20080501
p53 protein expression status and recurrence in men treated with radiation and androgen suppression therapy for higher-risk prostate cancer: a prospective phase II Cancer and Leukemia Group B Study (CALGB 9682). Urology 20080501
A multifunctional androgen receptor screening assay using the high-throughput Hypercyt flow cytometry system. Cytometry. Part A : the journal of the International Society for Analytical Cytology 20080501
Androgen regulates neuritin mRNA levels in an in vivo model of steroid-enhanced peripheral nerve regeneration. Journal of neurotrauma 20080501
Endocrine gland-derived vascular endothelial growth factor in rat pancreas: genetic expression and testosterone regulation. The Journal of endocrinology 20080501
C2C12 myoblastoma cell differentiation and proliferation is stimulated by androgens and associated with a modulation of myostatin and Pax7 expression. Journal of molecular endocrinology 20080501
Selected endocrine disrupting compounds (vinclozolin, flutamide, ketoconazole and dicofol): effects on survival, occurrence of males, growth, molting and reproduction of Daphnia magna. Environmental science and pollution research international 20080501
Follicle-stimulating hormone affects spermatogonial survival by regulating the intrinsic apoptotic pathway in adult rats. Biology of reproduction 20080401
Clinical review: Antiandrogens for the treatment of hirsutism: a systematic review and metaanalyses of randomized controlled trials. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 20080401
Clinical review: Insulin sensitizers for the treatment of hirsutism: a systematic review and metaanalyses of randomized controlled trials. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 20080401
Testosterone environment of splenocytes modifies the steroidogenesis of polycystic ovary in rats. Hormone and metabolic research = Hormon- und Stoffwechselforschung = Hormones et metabolisme 20080401
Androgens predispose males to GABAA-mediated excitotoxicity in the developing hippocampus. Experimental neurology 20080401
Combined exposure to anti-androgens causes markedly increased frequencies of hypospadias in the rat. International journal of andrology 20080401
Identification in rats of a programming window for reproductive tract masculinization, disruption of which leads to hypospadias and cryptorchidism. The Journal of clinical investigation 20080401
Comparison of the clinical efficacy of flutamide and spironolactone plus ethinyloestradiol/cyproterone acetate in the treatment of hirsutism: a randomised controlled study. Advances in therapy 20080401
Maximal androgen blockade for advanced prostate cancer. Best practice & research. Clinical endocrinology & metabolism 20080401
Levonorgestrel antagonism on estrogen-induced pituitary tumors is mediated by progesterone receptors. Hormone and metabolic research = Hormon- und Stoffwechselforschung = Hormones et metabolisme 20080401
Use of ethinylestradiol/drospirenone combination in patients with the polycystic ovary syndrome. Therapeutics and clinical risk management 20080401
Leuprorelin depot injection: patient considerations in the management of prostatic cancer. Therapeutics and clinical risk management 20080401
A review of hormonal therapy for female pattern (androgenic) alopecia. Dermatology online journal 20080315
Androgen manipulation alters oxidative DNA adduct levels in androgen-sensitive prostate cancer cells grown in vitro and in vivo. Cancer letters 20080308
Alteration in [11C]vorozole binding to aromatase in neuronal cells of rat brain induced by anabolic androgenic steroids and flutamide. Neuroreport 20080305
Orchiectomy or testosterone receptor blockade reduces intestinal mucosal damage caused by ischemia-reperfusion insult. Pediatric surgery international 20080301
Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC) with (anti)estrogenic and (anti)androgenic modes of action affecting reproductive biology of Xenopus laevis: II. Effects on gonad histomorphology. Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Toxicology & pharmacology : CBP 20080301
Quantitative evaluation of sebum lipid components with nuclear magnetic resonance. Journal of lipid research 20080301
Early orchiopexy improves subsequent testicular development and spermatogenesis in the experimental cryptorchid rat model. The Journal of urology 20080301
Evidence for the participation of calcium in non-genomic relaxations induced by androgenic steroids in rat vas deferens. British journal of pharmacology 20080301
Dihydrotestosterone influenced numbers of healthy follicles and follicular amounts of LH receptor mRNA during the follicular phase of the estrous cycle in gilts. Reproduction (Cambridge, England) 20080301
Blockade of androgen receptors is sufficient to alter the sexual differentiation of the substantia nigra pars reticulata seizure-controlling network. Epileptic disorders : international epilepsy journal with videotape 20080301
Parenteral oestrogen in the treatment of prostate cancer: a systematic review. British journal of cancer 20080226
Flutamide reduced prostate cancer development and prostate stem cell antigen mRNA expression in high grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia. International journal of cancer 20080215
Heteronuclear 19F-1H statistical total correlation spectroscopy as a tool in drug metabolism: study of flucloxacillin biotransformation. Analytical chemistry 20080215
CYP1B1 expression is induced by docetaxel: effect on cell viability and drug resistance. British journal of cancer 20080212
Androgens stimulate endothelial progenitor cells through an androgen receptor-mediated pathway. Clinical endocrinology 20080201
Hormonal regulation of BCRP expression in human placental BeWo cells. Pharmaceutical research 20080201
Long-term treatment sequelae after external beam irradiation with or without hormonal manipulation for adenocarcinoma of the prostate: analysis of radiation therapy oncology group studies 85-31, 86-10, and 92-02. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics 20080201
Gonadal steroid hormones maintain the stress-induced acetylcholine release in the hippocampus: simultaneous measurements of the extracellular acetylcholine and serum corticosterone levels in the same subjects. Endocrinology 20080201
Pioglitazone (7.5 mg/day) added to flutamide-metformin in women with androgen excess: additional increments of visfatin and high molecular weight adiponectin. Clinical endocrinology 20080201
Short-term neoadjuvant androgen deprivation therapy and external-beam radiotherapy for locally advanced prostate cancer: long-term results of RTOG 8610. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology 20080201
Review of the histological effects of the anti-androgen, flutamide, on mouse testis. Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.) 20080201
Impact of sex and hormones on new cells in the developing rat hippocampus: a novel source of sex dimorphism? The European journal of neuroscience 20080201
Androgen suppression and radiation vs radiation alone for prostate cancer: a randomized trial. JAMA 20080123
Androgen resistance in prostate cancer. British journal of cancer 20080115
Eliciting patient preferences for hormonal therapy options in the treatment of metastatic prostate cancer. Prostate cancer and prostatic diseases 20080101
In vivo and in vitro effects of flutamide and diethylstilbestrol on fetal testicular steroidogenesis in the rat. Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.) 20080101
Evidence that androgens regulate early developmental events, prior to sexual differentiation. Endocrinology 20080101
Potassium channels are involved in testosterone-induced vasorelaxation of human umbilical artery. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology 20080101
The methoxychlor metabolite, HPTE, directly inhibits the catalytic activity of cholesterol side-chain cleavage (P450scc) in cultured rat ovarian cells. Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.) 20080101
Clinical results of isolated tibial component revisions with femoral component retention. The Journal of arthroplasty 20080101
Alterations of Sertoli cell activity in the long-term testicular germ cell death process induced by fetal androgen disruption. The Journal of endocrinology 20080101
Can prophylactic breast irradiation contribute to cardiac toxicity in patients with prostate cancer receiving androgen suppressing drugs? Radiation oncology (London, England) 20080101
1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethylene (p,p'-DDE) disrupts the estrogen-androgen balance regulating the growth of hormone-dependent breast cancer cells. Breast cancer research : BCR 20080101
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors as mediators of phthalate-induced effects in the male and female reproductive tract: epidemiological and experimental evidence. PPAR research 20080101
Testosterone influences renal electrolyte excretion in SHR/y and WKY males. BMC physiology 20080101
Systematic review of the clinical effect of glucocorticoids on nonhematologic malignancy. BMC cancer 20080101
Parenteral estrogen versus combined androgen deprivation in the treatment of metastatic prostatic cancer: part 2. Final evaluation of the Scandinavian Prostatic Cancer Group (SPCG) Study No. 5. Scandinavian journal of urology and nephrology 20080101
Antiproliferative and cytostatic effects of the natural product eupatorin on MDA-MB-468 human breast cancer cells due to CYP1-mediated metabolism. Breast cancer research : BCR 20080101
Characterization of androgen regulation of ZEB-1 and PSA in 22RV1 prostate cancer cells. Advances in experimental medicine and biology 20080101
The relationship between the biochemical control outcomes and the quality of planning of high-dose rate brachytherapy as a boost to external beam radiotherapy for locally and locally advanced prostate cancer using the RTOG-ASTRO Phoenix definition. International journal of medical sciences 20080101
Bench-to-bedside review: latest results in hemorrhagic shock. Critical care (London, England) 20080101
Evaluation of resistance index in patients with prostate cancer. Anticancer research 20080101
Recent advances in the investigation of curcuminoids. Chinese medicine 20080101
A dramatic, objective antiandrogen withdrawal response: case report and review of the literature. Journal of hematology & oncology 20080101
Membrane androgen receptor activation triggers down-regulation of PI-3K/Akt/NF-kappaB activity and induces apoptotic responses via Bad, FasL and caspase-3 in DU145 prostate cancer cells. Molecular cancer 20080101
Selective androgen receptor modulators in preclinical and clinical development. Nuclear receptor signaling 20080101
Strategies for prostate cancer prevention: Review of the literature. Indian journal of urology : IJU : journal of the Urological Society of India 20080101
Quality of life measurement in bone metastases: A literature review. Journal of pain research 20080101
The effect of sodium valproate on the biochemical parameters of reproductive function in male albino Wistar rats. Indian journal of pharmacology 20080101
Aspirin and hormone therapy for prostate cancer. The New England journal of medicine 20071227
The anatomy of the cremaster muscle during inguinoscrotal testicular descent in the rat. Journal of pediatric surgery 20071201
Combined exposure to anti-androgens exacerbates disruption of sexual differentiation in the rat. Environmental health perspectives 20071201
The efficacy of neoadjuvant androgen deprivation therapy as a prostate volume reduction before brachytherapy for clinically localized prostate cancer. Acta medica Okayama 20071201
Antiandrogen pretreatment alters cocaine pharmacokinetics in men. Journal of addiction medicine 20071201
Weekly administration of docetaxel in combination with estramustine and celecoxib in patients with advanced hormone-refractory prostate cancer: final results from a phase II study. British journal of cancer 20071105
Testosterone directly induces progesterone production and interacts with physiological concentrations of LH to increase granulosa cell progesterone production in laying hens (Gallus domesticus). Animal reproduction science 20071101
Targeted transfollicular delivery of artocarpin extract from Artocarpus incisus by means of microparticles. European journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics : official journal of Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Pharmazeutische Verfahrenstechnik e.V 20071101
Dystroglycan expression is reduced during prostate tumorigenesis and is regulated by androgens in prostate cancer cells. Journal of cellular physiology 20071101
Evaluation of the antiandrogenic effects of flutamide, DDE, and linuron in the weanling rat assay using organ weight, histopathological, and proteomic approaches. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20071101
Inhibition of oxidative-stress-induced platelet aggregation by androgen at physiological levels via its receptor is associated with the reduction of thromboxane A2 release from platelets. Steroids 20071101
A new highly specific and robust yeast androgen bioassay for the detection of agonists and antagonists. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 20071101
Association of body mass index with response and survival in men with metastatic prostate cancer: Southwest Oncology Group trials 8894 and 9916. The Journal of urology 20071101
Novel flutamide regulated genes in the rat ventral prostate: differential modulation of their expression by castration and flutamide treatments. Asian journal of andrology 20071101
Flutamide metformin for post-menarcheal girls with preclinical ovarian androgen excess: evidence for differential response by androgen receptor genotype. European journal of endocrinology 20071101
Activation of the androgen receptor alters the intracellular calcium response to glutamate in primary hippocampal neurons and modulates sarco/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase 2 transcription. Neuroscience 20071012
Expression pattern of sulfated glycoprotein-2 (SGP-2) mRNA in rat testes exposed to endocrine disruptors. The Journal of reproduction and development 20071001
Androgen receptor blockade in experimental combination therapy of pancreatic cancer. The Journal of surgical research 20071001
PRMT2, a member of the protein arginine methyltransferase family, is a coactivator of the androgen receptor. The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology 20071001
The change in the dihydrotestosterone level in the prostate before and after androgen deprivation therapy in connection with prostate cancer aggressiveness using the Gleason score. The Journal of urology 20071001
Suspected cross-hepatotoxicity of flutamide and cyproterone acetate. Liver international : official journal of the International Association for the Study of the Liver 20071001
Transport, metabolism, and hepatotoxicity of flutamide, drug-drug interaction with acetaminophen involving phase I and phase II metabolites. Chemical research in toxicology 20071001
Pharmacological causes of hyperprolactinemia. Therapeutics and clinical risk management 20071001
Evaluation of the rodent Hershberger bioassay: testing of coded chemicals and supplementary molecular-biological and biochemical investigations. Toxicology 20070924
Racial differences in CYP3A4 genotype and survival among men treated on Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) 9202: a phase III randomized trial. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics 20070901
Are steroids obligatory mediators of luteinizing hormone/human chorionic gonadotropin-triggered resumption of meiosis in mammals? Endocrinology 20070901
Long-term efficacy and tolerability of flutamide combined with oral contraception in moderate to severe hirsutism: a 12-month, double-blind, parallel clinical trial. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 20070901
Persisting benefits 12-18 months after discontinuation of pubertal metformin therapy in low birthweight girls. Clinical endocrinology 20070901
Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on expression of phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase mRNA in rat testes. Journal of veterinary science 20070901
Comparison of the cytotoxicity of the nitroaromatic drug flutamide to its cyano analogue in the hepatocyte cell line TAMH: evidence for complex I inhibition and mitochondrial dysfunction using toxicogenomic screening. Chemical research in toxicology 20070901
Neuroendocrine effects of androgens in adult polycystic ovary syndrome and female puberty. Seminars in reproductive medicine 20070901
Does small-cell phenotype predict the natural history of prostate cancer? A case study in disease behavior. Nature clinical practice. Oncology 20070901
The modulatory role of androgens and progestins in the induction of vasorelaxation in human umbilical artery. Life sciences 20070901
Fatal spontaneous tumor lysis syndrome in a patient with metastatic, androgen-independent prostate cancer. Southern medical journal 20070901
Prostate-cancer-specific survival and clinical progression-free survival in men with prostate cancer treated intermittently with testosterone-inactivating pharmaceuticals. Urology 20070901
[Effects of testosterone on extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 phosphorylation in human umbilical vein endothelial cells]. Zhonghua nan ke xue = National journal of andrology 20070901
Combined androgen blockade in advanced prostate cancer: looking back to move forward. Clinical genitourinary cancer 20070901
Efficacy of the combination of long-acting release octreotide and tamoxifen in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma: a randomised multicentre phase III study. British journal of cancer 20070828
Nanomolar concentrations of anabolic-androgenic steroids amplify excitotoxic neuronal death in mixed mouse cortical cultures. Brain research 20070824
Androgen activates PEG10 to promote carcinogenesis in hepatic cancer cells. Oncogene 20070823
Design, synthesis, and in vivo SAR of a novel series of pyrazolines as potent selective androgen receptor modulators. Journal of medicinal chemistry 20070809
The use of metabolomics for the discovery of new biomarkers of effect. Toxicology letters 20070730
The effects of atamestane and toremifene alone and in combination compared with letrozole on bone, serum lipids and the uterus in an ovariectomized rat model. Breast cancer research and treatment 20070701
Receptor-mediated suppression of cardiac heat-shock protein 72 expression by testosterone in male rat heart. Endocrinology 20070701
Identification of a novel glutathione conjugate of flutamide in incubations with human liver microsomes. Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals 20070701
Dysgenesis and histological changes of genitals and perturbations of gene expression in male rats after in utero exposure to antiandrogen mixtures. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20070701
The critical time window for androgen-dependent development of the Wolffian duct in the rat. Endocrinology 20070701
A novel synthetic compound that interrupts androgen receptor signaling in human prostate cancer cells. Molecular cancer therapeutics 20070701
Differential expression of 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase mRNA in rat testes exposed to endocrine disruptors. The Journal of reproduction and development 20070601
Gender dimorphism in the myeloid differentiation of bone marrow precursor cells in a murine host bearing a T cell lymphoma. Journal of reproductive immunology 20070601
Induction of cyp1a1 is a nonspecific biomarker of aryl hydrocarbon receptor activation: results of large scale screening of pharmaceuticals and toxicants in vivo and in vitro. Molecular pharmacology 20070601
Flutamide and cyproterone acetate exert agonist effects: induction of androgen receptor-dependent neuroprotection. Endocrinology 20070601
Effects of steroidal and non-steroidal antiandrogens on wild-type and mutant androgen receptors. The Prostate 20070601
Dihydrotestosterone inhibits tumor necrosis factor alpha induced interleukin-1alpha mRNA expression in rheumatoid fibroblast-like synovial cells. Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin 20070601
Reciprocal regulation of 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone, interleukin-6 and interleukin-8 during proliferation of epithelial ovarian carcinoma. Cancer biology & therapy 20070601
Claudin-11 expression and localisation is regulated by androgens in rat Sertoli cells in vitro. Reproduction (Cambridge, England) 20070601
Testosterone inhibits matrix metalloproteinase-1 production in human endometrial stromal cells in vitro. Reproduction (Cambridge, England) 20070601
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Female pattern hair loss: current treatment concepts. Clinical interventions in aging 20070601
Androgen disruption of early development in Qurt strain medaka (Oryzias latipes). Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 20070515
Effects of long-term flutamide treatment during development in zebra finches. Neuroscience letters 20070511
Impact of testosterone on cardiac L-type calcium channels and Ca2+ sparks: acute actions antagonize chronic effects. Cell calcium 20070501
Role of androgens in fetal testis development and dysgenesis. Endocrinology 20070501
Combined low-dose pioglitazone, flutamide, and metformin for women with androgen excess. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 20070501
Correlation between protein accumulation profiles and conventional toxicological findings using a model antiandrogenic compound, flutamide. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20070501
Non-steroidal antiandrogens act as AF-1 agonists under conditions of high androgen-receptor expression. The Prostate 20070501
Vitiliginous lesions after photosensitive dermatitis due to flutamide. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV 20070501
Sex differences in angiotensin II- induced hypertension. Brazilian journal of medical and biological research = Revista brasileira de pesquisas medicas e biologicas 20070501
The OECD program to validate the rat Hershberger bioassay to screen compounds for in vivo androgen and antiandrogen responses: phase 2 dose-response studies. Environmental health perspectives 20070501
Region-specific mechanisms for testosterone-induced Fos in hamster brain. Brain research 20070413
Automated determination of flutamide by a validated flow-injection method: application to dissolution studies of pharmaceutical tablets. Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis 20070411
Effect of selected fluorinated drugs in a 'ringing' gel on rheological behaviour and skin permeation. European journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics : official journal of Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Pharmazeutische Verfahrenstechnik e.V 20070401
Effects of various pesticides on human 5alpha-reductase activity in prostate and LNCaP cells. Toxicology in vitro : an international journal published in association with BIBRA 20070401
Effects of aromatase inhibitors on human osteoblast and osteoblast-like cells: a possible androgenic bone protective effects induced by exemestane. Bone 20070401
Search for residual prostate cancer on pT0 radical prostatectomy after positive biopsy. Virchows Archiv : an international journal of pathology 20070401
Cognitive performance in rhesus monkeys varies by sex and prenatal androgen exposure. Hormones and behavior 20070401
Involvement of bile salt export pump in flutamide-induced cholestatic hepatitis. Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin 20070401
Dehydroepiandrosterone improves murine osteoblast growth and bone tissue morphometry via mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathway independent of either androgen receptor or estrogen receptor. Journal of molecular endocrinology 20070401
Physiological testosterone stimulates tissue plasminogen activator and tissue factor pathway inhibitor and inhibits plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 release in endothelial cells. Biochemistry and cell biology = Biochimie et biologie cellulaire 20070401
Sex-specific effects of androgen and estrogen on proliferation of the embryonic chicken hypothalamic neurons. Endocrine 20070401
Testosterone and oxidative stress: the oxidation handicap hypothesis. Proceedings. Biological sciences 20070322
Cellular and extracellular behavior in the gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) ventral prostate following different types of castration and the consequences of testosterone replacement. Cell biology international 20070301
Ligand-specific dynamics of the androgen receptor at its response element in living cells. Molecular and cellular biology 20070301
Estrogen receptor (ER) agonists and androgen receptor (AR) antagonists in effluents from Norwegian North Sea oil production platforms. Marine pollution bulletin 20070301
The effect of brachytherapy, external beam irradiation and hormonal therapy on prostate volume. The Journal of urology 20070301
Curcumin downregulates homeobox gene NKX3.1 in prostate cancer cell LNCaP. Acta pharmacologica Sinica 20070301
The effect of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and oestradiol on the re-initiation of spermatogenesis in the adult photoinhibited Djungarian hamster. The Journal of endocrinology 20070301
Chronic testosterone treatment induces selective insulin resistance in subcutaneous adipocytes of women. The Journal of endocrinology 20070301
Long-term effectiveness of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonist or antiandrogen monotherapy in elderly men with localized prostate cancer (T1-2): a retrospective study. Asian journal of andrology 20070301
A novel amphibian tier 2 testing protocol: a 30-week exposure of Xenopus tropicalis to the antiandrogen flutamide. Environmental toxicology and chemistry 20070301
Effects of flutamide as a second-line agent for maximum androgen blockade of hormone refractory prostate cancer. International journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association 20070301
Gene expression profiles revealing the mechanisms of anti-androgen- and estrogen-induced feminization in fish. Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 20070227
Hypothalamus region-specific global gene expression profiling in early stages of central endocrine disruption in rat neonates injected with estradiol benzoate or flutamide. Developmental neurobiology 20070215
Androgens' performance-enhancing effects in the inhibitory avoidance and water maze tasks may involve actions at intracellular androgen receptors in the dorsal hippocampus. Neurobiology of learning and memory 20070201
Estrogen-induced upregulation of AR expression and enhancement of AR nuclear translocation in mouse fallopian tubes in vivo. American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism 20070201
Estrogen signaling and disruption of androgen metabolism in acquired androgen-independence during cadmium carcinogenesis in human prostate epithelial cells. The Prostate 20070201
Expression of galectin-3 and its regulation in the testes. International journal of andrology 20070201
Quantitative determination of lobe specificity of mRNA expression of androgen-dependent genes in the rat prostate gland. Endocrine journal 20070201
Flutamide attenuates pro-inflammatory cytokine production and hepatic injury following trauma-hemorrhage via estrogen receptor-related pathway. Annals of surgery 20070201
[Development of novel nuclear receptor ligands based on receptor-folding inhibition hypothesis]. Yakugaku zasshi : Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan 20070201
Clinical efficacy of alternative antiandrogen therapy in Japanese men with relapsed prostate cancer after first-line hormonal therapy. International journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association 20070201
Mechanisms of acquired androgen independence during arsenic-induced malignant transformation of human prostate epithelial cells. Environmental health perspectives 20070201
Hormone ablation therapy: lightening the load for today's prostate cancer patient. Urologic nursing 20070201
The androgen receptor T877A mutant recruits LXXLL and FXXLF peptides differently than wild-type androgen receptor in a time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer assay. Biochemistry 20070123
Antiandrogenic activity of pyrethroid pesticides and their metabolite in reporter gene assay. Chemosphere 20070101
Surgical and chemical castration induce differential histological response in prostate lobes of Mongolian gerbil. Micron (Oxford, England : 1993) 20070101
Androgen and the elaborate courtship behavior of a tropical lekking bird. Hormones and behavior 20070101
Histopathological changes induced by therapies in the benign prostate and prostate adenocarcinoma. Histology and histopathology 20070101
Endocrine disrupters with (anti)estrogenic and (anti)androgenic modes of action affecting reproductive biology of Xenopus laevis: I. Effects on sex steroid levels and biomarker expression. Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Toxicology & pharmacology : CBP 20070101
Androgen decreases osteoprotegerin expression in prostate cancer cells. Prostate cancer and prostatic diseases 20070101
Phase II study of neoadjuvant androgen deprivation followed by external-beam radiotherapy with 9 months of androgen deprivation for intermediate- to high-risk localized prostate cancer. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology 20070101
Influence for testicular development and histological peculiarity in the testes of flutamide-induced cryptorchid rat model. International journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association 20070101
Induction of human arylamine N-acetyltransferase type I by androgens in human prostate cancer cells. Cancer research 20070101
Early effects of pharmacological androgen deprivation in human prostate cancer. BJU international 20070101
Perturbation of spermatogenesis by androgen antagonists directly injected into seminiferous tubules of live mice. Reproduction (Cambridge, England) 20070101
Early onset pauciarticular arthritis is the major risk factor for naproxen-induced pseudoporphyria in juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Arthritis research & therapy 20070101
Squamous cell carcinoma of the prostate: long-term survival after combined chemo-radiation. Radiation oncology (London, England) 20070101
Experimental arterial thrombosis regulated by androgen and its receptor via modulation of platelet activation. Thrombosis research 20070101
Suppressive effects of antiandrogens, finasteride and flutamide on development of prostatic lesions in a transgenic rat model. Prostate cancer and prostatic diseases 20070101
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Preliminary investigation of changes in the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the rat medial preoptic area following prenatal exposure to fenitrothion. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT 20070101
A phase II trial of docetaxel and erlotinib as first-line therapy for elderly patients with androgen-independent prostate cancer. BMC cancer 20070101
Can a single model explain both breast cancer and prostate cancer? Theoretical biology & medical modelling 20070101
No supra-additive effects of goserelin and radiotherapy on clonogenic survival of prostate carcinoma cells in vitro. Radiation oncology (London, England) 20070101
Comparison of three instrumental methods for the objective evaluation of radiotherapy induced erythema in breast cancer patients and a study of the effect of skin lotions. Acta oncologica (Stockholm, Sweden) 20070101
Pathogenesis of prostate cancer and hormone refractory prostate cancer. Indian journal of urology : IJU : journal of the Urological Society of India 20070101
Treatment algorithm in hormone-resistant prostate cancer: Practical guidelines. Indian journal of urology : IJU : journal of the Urological Society of India 20070101
Sex steroids modulate changes in social and sexual preference during juvenile development in zebra finches. Hormones and behavior 20061201
Testosterone stimulates the primary to secondary follicle transition in bovine follicles in vitro. Biology of reproduction 20061201
Androgens differentially potentiate mouse intestinal smooth muscle by nongenomic activation of polyamine synthesis and Rho kinase activation. Endocrinology 20061201
Cancer-specific mortality after radiation therapy with short-course hormonal therapy or radical prostatectomy in men with localized, intermediate-risk to high-risk prostate cancer. Cancer 20061201
Role of 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors in the management of prostate cancer. Clinical interventions in aging 20061201
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Anti-progestogenic effect of flutamide on uterine expression of calbindin-D9k mRNA and protein in immature mice. Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.) 20061101
Long-term and immediate effect of testosterone on single T-type calcium channel in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes. Endocrinology 20061101
Effect of bisphenol A, tetrachlorobisphenol A and pentachlorophenol on the transcriptional activities of androgen receptor-mediated reporter gene. Food and chemical toxicology : an international journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association 20061101
The effect of flutamide on systemic and renal hemodynamics in Zucker diabetic rats: paradoxic renal vasodilator response to endothelin-1 and TXA2 receptor activation in female sex. Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology 20061101
Effects of 17beta-estradiol and flutamide on splenic macrophages and splenocytes after trauma-hemorrhage. Cytokine 20061101
Multiple hormonal activities of UV filters and comparison of in vivo and in vitro estrogenic activity of ethyl-4-aminobenzoate in fish. Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 20061012
Improving the outcome of patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer through rational drug development. British journal of cancer 20061009
Dopamine agonists, anti-progestins, anti-androgens, long-term-release GnRH agonists and anti-estrogens in canine reproduction: a review. Theriogenology 20061001
Androgen-dependent mechanisms of Wolffian duct development and their perturbation by flutamide. Endocrinology 20061001
Expression profiling of endocrine-disrupting compounds using a customized Cyprinus carpio cDNA microarray. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20061001
Treatment with flutamide, metformin, and their combination added to a hypocaloric diet in overweight-obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a randomized, 12-month, placebo-controlled study. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 20061001
Effects of 17beta-estradiol and flutamide on inflammatory response and distant organ damage following trauma-hemorrhage in metestrus females. Journal of leukocyte biology 20061001
Results of radiation therapy combined with neoadjuvant hormonal therapy for stage III prostate cancer: comparison of two different definitions of PSA failure. International journal of clinical oncology 20061001
Persistent prostate-specific antigen expression after neoadjuvant androgen depletion: an early predictor of relapse or incomplete androgen suppression. Urology 20061001
Bioactivation and hepatotoxicity of nitroaromatic drugs. Current drug metabolism 20061001
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The effect of androgen blockade on granulosa cell estradiol production after follicle-stimulating hormone stimulation in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 20060901
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Development of a stickleback kidney cell culture assay for the screening of androgenic and anti-androgenic endocrine disrupters. Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 20060823
A systematic review of the effectiveness of docetaxel and mitoxantrone for the treatment of metastatic hormone-refractory prostate cancer. British journal of cancer 20060821
Identification of a lead pharmacophore for the development of potent nuclear receptor modulators as anticancer and X syndrome disease therapeutic agents. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters 20060815
Castration prevents suppression of MHC class II (Ia) expression on macrophages after trauma-hemorrhage. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) 20060801
Intrahippocampal administration of an androgen receptor antagonist, flutamide, can increase anxiety-like behavior in intact and DHT-replaced male rats. Hormones and behavior 20060801
PTOV1: a novel testosterone-induced atherogenic gene in human aorta. The Journal of pathology 20060801
Androgen and anti-androgen treatment modulates androgen receptor activity and DJ-1 stability. The Prostate 20060801
Sex differences in otoacoustic emissions measured in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Hormones and behavior 20060801
Antiandrogen treatments in locally advanced prostate cancer: are they all the same? Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology 20060801
The OECD program to validate the rat Hershberger bioassay to screen compounds for in vivo androgen and antiandrogen responses. Phase 1: use of a potent agonist and a potent antagonist to test the standardized protocol. Environmental health perspectives 20060801
Chiral dimethylamine flutamide derivatives--modeling, synthesis, androgen receptor affinities and carbon-11 labeling. Nuclear medicine and biology 20060801
Synthesis and biological evaluation of a nonsteroidal bromine-76-labeled androgen receptor ligand 3-[76Br]bromo-hydroxyflutamide. Nuclear medicine and biology 20060801
Possibility of recovery of estrogen sensitivity following high-dose glucocorticoid therapy in a patient with hormone-refractory prostate cancer. International journal of clinical oncology 20060801
Impact of neoadjuvant hormonal therapy on dose-volume histograms in patients with localized prostate cancer under radical radiation therapy. Clinical & translational oncology : official publication of the Federation of Spanish Oncology Societies and of the National Cancer Institute of Mexico 20060801
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Anti-estrogen ICI 182.780 and anti-androgen flutamide induce tyrosine phosphorylation of cortactin in the ectoplasmic specialization between the Sertoli cell and spermatids in the mouse testis. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 20060721
Androgen and fibroblast growth factor 8 (FGF8) downregulation of thrombospondin 1 (TSP1) in mouse breast cancer cells. Molecular and cellular endocrinology 20060711
Flutamide depresses expression of cortactin in the ectoplasmic specialization between the Sertoli cells and spermatids in the mouse testis. Food and chemical toxicology : an international journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association 20060701
In vitro profiling of the endocrine-disrupting potency of brominated flame retardants. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20060701
Profiling the hepatic effects of flutamide in rats: a microarray comparison with classical aryl hydrocarbon receptor ligands and atypical CYP1A inducers. Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals 20060701
Anti-androgen flutamide affects gonadal development and reproduction in medaka (Oryzias latipes). Marine environmental research 20060701
Prostate androgen-regulated gene: a novel potential target for androgen-independent prostate cancer therapy. Asian journal of andrology 20060701
Low-dose flutamide-metformin therapy for hyperinsulinemic hyperandrogenism in nonobese adolescents and women. Fertility and sterility 20060701
Use of antiandrogens as therapy for women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Fertility and sterility 20060701
Prenatal growth restraint followed by catch-up of weight: a hyperinsulinemic pathway to polycystic ovary syndrome. Fertility and sterility 20060701
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Dimethandrolone undecanoate: a new potent orally active androgen with progestational activity. Endocrinology 20060601
Effects of neonatal exposure to 4-tert-octylphenol, diethylstilbestrol, and flutamide on steroidogenesis in infantile rat testis. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20060601
Flutamide metabolism in four different species in vitro and identification of flutamide metabolites in human patient urine by high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals 20060601
The role of sex steroids in courtship, pairing and pairing behaviors in the socially monogamous zebra finch. Hormones and behavior 20060601
Evaluation of a commercial kit for measuring vitellogenin in the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas). Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 20060601
Testosterone antagonist (flutamide) blocks ovulation and preovulatory surges of progesterone, luteinizing hormone and oestradiol in laying hens. Reproduction (Cambridge, England) 20060601
Maximal androgen blockade for the treatment of metastatic prostate cancer--a systematic review. Current oncology (Toronto, Ont.) 20060601
Flutamide in unresectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Investigational new drugs 20060501
DHT and testosterone, but not DHEA or E2, differentially modulate IGF-I, IGFBP-2, and IGFBP-3 in human prostatic stromal cells. American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism 20060501
The corepressors silencing mediator of retinoid and thyroid hormone receptor and nuclear receptor corepressor are involved in agonist- and antagonist-regulated transcription by androgen receptor. Molecular endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.) 20060501
Androgen effects on hippocampal CA1 spine synapse numbers are retained in Tfm male rats with defective androgen receptors. Endocrinology 20060501
Detection of a new N-oxidized metabolite of flutamide, N-[4-nitro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]hydroxylamine, in human liver microsomes and urine of prostate cancer patients. Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals 20060501
Microsphere-based protease assays and screening application for lethal factor and factor Xa. Cytometry. Part A : the journal of the International Society for Analytical Cytology 20060501
Adverse effects to quality of life arising from treatment can recover with intermittent androgen suppression in men with prostate cancer. European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990) 20060501
Testosterone induces neuroprotection from oxidative stress. Effects on catalase activity and 3-nitro-L-tyrosine incorporation into alpha-tubulin in a mouse neuroblastoma cell line. Archives italiennes de biologie 20060501
Recent progress in hormonal therapy for advanced prostate cancer. Current opinion in urology 20060501
Expression of functional aromatase in the epididymis: role of androgens and LH in modulation of expression and activity. Molecular and cellular endocrinology 20060425
Fatal liver complications with flutamide. Lancet (London, England) 20060408
Hirsutism. The New England journal of medicine 20060406
Spontaneous reporting of hepatotoxicity associated with antiandrogens: data from the Spanish pharmacovigilance system. Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety 20060401
Luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, and gonadotropin releasing hormone mRNA expression of Xenopus laevis in response to endocrine disrupting compounds affecting reproductive biology. General and comparative endocrinology 20060401
The magnitude of early castration-induced primary tumour regression in prostate cancer does not predict clinical outcome. European urology 20060401
Dihydrotestosterone differentially modulates the mitogen-activated protein kinase and the phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt pathways through the nuclear and novel membrane androgen receptor in C6 cells. Endocrinology 20060401
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Use of the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) as a sensitive in vivo test for detection of environmental antiandrogens. Environmental health perspectives 20060401
Long-term, low-dose flutamide does not cause hepatotoxicity in hyperandrogenic women. Nature clinical practice. Endocrinology & metabolism 20060401
Marked sexual dimorphism of lacrimal gland peroxidase in hamster: repression by androgens and estrogens. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 20060324
Early initiation of salvage hormone therapy influences survival in patients who failed initial radiation for locally advanced prostate cancer: A secondary analysis of RTOG protocol 86-10. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics 20060315
Cloning and expression analysis of androgen receptor gene in chicken embryogenesis. FEBS letters 20060306
TNF-alpha-related apoptosis-inducing ligand decoy receptor DcR2 is targeted by androgen action in the rat ventral prostate. Journal of cellular physiology 20060301
A semiquantitative method for the determination of reactive metabolite conjugate levels in vitro utilizing liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and novel quaternary ammonium glutathione analogues. Chemical research in toxicology 20060301
[Effect of dihydrotestosterone on the transcriptions and expressions of Smad3 and Smad4 in LNCaP cell line]. Zhonghua nan ke xue = National journal of andrology 20060301
[Impact of flutamide on sex differentiation in rats]. Sichuan da xue xue bao. Yi xue ban = Journal of Sichuan University. Medical science edition 20060301
Metabolism and hepatic toxicity of flutamide in cytochrome P450 1A2 knockout SV129 mice. Journal of gastroenterology 20060301
Androgen-induced yawning in rhesus monkey females is reversed with a nonsteroidal anti-androgen. Hormones and behavior 20060201
Discontinuous low-dose flutamide-metformin plus an oral or a transdermal contraceptive in patients with hyperinsulinaemic hyperandrogenism: normalizing effects on CRP, TNF-alpha and the neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio. Human reproduction (Oxford, England) 20060201
Mechanism of the salutary effects of flutamide on intestinal myeloperoxidase activity following trauma-hemorrhage: up-regulation of estrogen receptor-{beta}-dependent HO-1. Journal of leukocyte biology 20060201
The xenoestrogen bisphenol A in the Hershberger assay: androgen receptor regulation and morphometrical reactions indicate no major effects. The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology 20060201
The androgen 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone and its metabolite 5alpha-androstan-3beta, 17beta-diol inhibit the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal response to stress by acting through estrogen receptor beta-expressing neurons in the hypothalamus. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 20060201
Unfaithfulness and promiscuity of a mutant androgen receptor in a hormone-refractory prostate cancer. Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS 20060201
Germ cell atypia in undescended testes hinges on the aetiology of cryptorchidism but not the abdominal location per se. International journal of andrology 20060201
A new role for androgen in testicular descent: permitting gubernacular cell proliferation in response to the neuropeptide, calcitonin gene-related peptide. Journal of pediatric surgery 20060201
Prenatal androgen blockade accelerates pubertal development in male rhesus monkeys. Psychoneuroendocrinology 20060101
Flutamide restores cardiac function after trauma-hemorrhage via an estrogen-dependent pathway through upregulation of PGC-1. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology 20060101
Both testosterone and follicle-stimulating hormone independently inhibit spermatogonial differentiation in irradiated rats. Endocrinology 20060101
Testosterone inhibits adipogenic differentiation in 3T3-L1 cells: nuclear translocation of androgen receptor complex with beta-catenin and T-cell factor 4 may bypass canonical Wnt signaling to down-regulate adipogenic transcription factors. Endocrinology 20060101
Long-term hormone therapy and radiation is cost-effective for patients with locally advanced prostate carcinoma. Cancer 20060101
A phase I trial of pox PSA vaccines (PROSTVAC-VF) with B7-1, ICAM-1, and LFA-3 co-stimulatory molecules (TRICOM) in patients with prostate cancer. Journal of translational medicine 20060101
Low-dose flutamide-metformin therapy for hyperinsulinemic hyperandrogenism in non-obese adolescents and women. Human reproduction update 20060101
The effects of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) on in vitro spleen cell proliferation and cytokine production. Journal of interferon & cytokine research : the official journal of the International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research 20060101
Orchiectomy or androgen receptor blockade attenuates baroreflex-mediated bradycardia in conscious rats. BMC pharmacology 20060101
Androgen modulation of hippocampal synaptic plasticity. Neuroscience 20060101
Effects of prenatal flutamide on testicular development, androgen production and fertility in rats. Urologia internationalis 20060101
Gene expression profiling of androgen receptor antagonists in the rat fetal testis reveals few common gene targets. Journal of biochemical and molecular toxicology 20060101
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Contributions of androgen and estrogen to fetal programming of ovarian dysfunction. Reproductive biology and endocrinology : RB&E 20060101
Enhanced expression of heat shock protein 27 following neoadjuvant hormonal therapy is associated with poor clinical outcome in patients undergoing radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer. Anticancer research 20060101
DHEA-induced antiproliferative effect in MCF-7 cells is androgen- and estrogen receptor-independent. Cancer journal (Sudbury, Mass.) 20060101
Non-hormonal systemic therapy in men with hormone-refractory prostate cancer and metastases: a systematic review from the Cancer Care Ontario Program in Evidence-based Care's Genitourinary Cancer Disease Site Group. BMC cancer 20060101
The origins and sequelae of abnormal neuroendocrine function in polycystic ovary syndrome. Human reproduction update 20060101
Diagnosis and management of polycystic ovary syndrome: a practical guide. Drugs 20060101
Flutamide in men with prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia: a randomized, placebo-controlled chemoprevention trial. American journal of therapeutics 20060101
The limited significance of a longer duration of neoadjuvant hormonal therapy prior to radical prostatectomy for high-risk prostate cancer in Japanese men. Urologia internationalis 20060101
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Regulation of human endometrial function: mechanisms relevant to uterine bleeding. Reproductive biology and endocrinology : RB&E 20060101
Role of nonhuman primate models in the discovery and clinical development of selective progesterone receptor modulators (SPRMs). Reproductive biology and endocrinology : RB&E 20060101
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The individualization of cancer therapy: the unexpected role of p53. Transactions of the American Clinical and Climatological Association 20060101
Evaluation of androgen receptor transcriptional activities of bisphenol A, octylphenol and nonylphenol in vitro. Toxicology 20051215
An in vitro approach to detect metabolite toxicity due to CYP3A4-dependent bioactivation of xenobiotics. Toxicology 20051215
Identification of steroid derivatives that function as potent antiandrogens. International journal of cancer 20051210
PGC-1 upregulation via estrogen receptors: a common mechanism of salutary effects of estrogen and flutamide on heart function after trauma-hemorrhage. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology 20051201
Alteration of transforming growth factor-beta signaling system expression in adult rat germ cells with a chronic apoptotic cell death process after fetal androgen disruption. Endocrinology 20051201
Cancer treatment and pharmacogenetics of cytochrome P450 enzymes. Investigational new drugs 20051201
Effect of epidermal growth factor on spermatogenesis in the cryptorchid rat. The Journal of urology 20051201
Change of the cell cycle after flutamide treatment in prostate cancer cells and its molecular mechanism. Asian journal of andrology 20051201
Sex differences in juvenile rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) agonistic screams: life history differences and effects of prenatal androgens. Developmental psychobiology 20051201
Estrogen and testosterone use different cellular pathways to inhibit osteoclastogenesis and bone resorption. Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research 20051201
Co-activator and co-repressor interplay on the human androgen receptor. Andrologia 20051201
Comparison of the clinical efficacy of flutamide and spironolactone plus Diane 35 in the treatment of idiopathic hirsutism: a randomized controlled study. Fertility and sterility 20051201
Influence of ovariectomy and flutamide treatment on vaginal tissue and body weight. Saudi medical journal 20051201
Polycystic ovary syndrome. Clinical evidence 20051201
Androgen-dependent apoptosis in male germ cells is regulated through the proto-oncoprotein Cbl. The Journal of cell biology 20051121
Prostate cancer PET bioprobes: synthesis of [18F]-radiolabeled hydroxyflutamide derivatives. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 20051115
Androgen receptor modifications in prostate cancer cells upon long-termandrogen ablation and antiandrogen treatment. International journal of cancer 20051101
Characterization of a novel rat epididymal cell line to study epididymal function. Endocrinology 20051101
Induction of liver cytochrome P450 1A2 expression by flutamide in rats. Acta pharmacologica Sinica 20051101
Short-term androgen deprivation and radiotherapy for locally advanced prostate cancer: results from the Trans-Tasman Radiation Oncology Group 96.01 randomised controlled trial. The Lancet. Oncology 20051101
Imaging androgen receptor function during flutamide treatment in the LAPC9 xenograft model. Molecular cancer therapeutics 20051101
Mouse model of male germ cell apoptosis in response to a lack of hormonal stimulation. Indian journal of experimental biology 20051101
The evaluation and treatment of hirsute women. Women's health (London, England) 20051101
Androgens augment the mitogenic effects of oocyte-secreted factors and growth differentiation factor 9 on porcine granulosa cells. Biology of reproduction 20051001
Mechanism of androgen-induced thymic atrophy in the wall lizard, Hemidactylus flaviviridis: an in vitro study. General and comparative endocrinology 20051001
Expression of insulin-like factor 3 protein in the rat testis during fetal and postnatal development and in relation to cryptorchidism induced by in utero exposure to di (n-Butyl) phthalate. Endocrinology 20051001
A phase II study of nilutamide in men with prostate cancer after the failure of flutamide or bicalutamide therapy. BJU international 20051001
Clinical outcome of maximum androgen blockade using flutamide as second-line hormonal therapy for hormone-refractory prostate cancer. BJU international 20051001
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Predictive factors for skeletal complications in hormone-refractory prostate cancer patients with metastatic bone disease. British journal of cancer 20050919
Antiandrogens prevent stable DNA-binding of the androgen receptor. Journal of cell science 20050915
Dominant expression of androgen receptors and their functional regulation of organic anion transporter 3 in rat brain capillary endothelial cells; comparison of gene expression between the blood-brain and -retinal barriers. Journal of cellular physiology 20050901
High neutrophil count in girls and women with hyperinsulinaemic hyperandrogenism: normalization with metformin and flutamide overcomes the aggravation by oral contraception. Human reproduction (Oxford, England) 20050901
The ontogeny of the urogenital system of the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta Erxleben). Biology of reproduction 20050901
Anxiolytic-like actions of testosterone in the burying behavior test: role of androgen and GABA-benzodiazepine receptors. Psychoneuroendocrinology 20050901
The partial female to male sex reversal in Wnt-4-deficient females involves induced expression of testosterone biosynthetic genes and testosterone production, and depends on androgen action. Endocrinology 20050901
Circulating antiandrogenic activity in children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia during peroral flutamide treatment. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 20050901
Antiviral effect of dehydroepiandrosterone on Japanese encephalitis virus infection. The Journal of general virology 20050901
Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate induces acute vasodilation of porcine coronary arteries in vitro and in vivo. Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology 20050901
Late radiotherapy toxicity after prostate cancer treatment: influence of hormonal therapy. Urology 20050901
Acquisition of androgen independence by human prostate epithelial cells during arsenic-induced malignant transformation. Environmental health perspectives 20050901
Saccharomyces cerevisiae intervention for relieving flutamide-induced hepatotoxicity in male rats. Die Pharmazie 20050901
Androgens induce relaxation of contractile activity in pregnant human myometrium at term: a nongenomic action on L-type calcium channels. Biology of reproduction 20050801
Simultaneous treatment with an aromatase inhibitor and an anti-androgen decreases the likelihood of dawn song in free-living male great tits, Parus major. Hormones and behavior 20050801
Surgical trauma and immunosuppression: pathophysiology and potential immunomodulatory approaches. Langenbeck's archives of surgery 20050801
Prenatal blockade of androgen receptors reduces the number of intromissions needed to induce conditioned place preference after paced mating in female rats. Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior 20050801
Separating behavioral and physiological mechanisms in testosterone-mediated trade-offs. The American naturalist 20050801
Decrease in anogenital distance among male infants with prenatal phthalate exposure. Environmental health perspectives 20050801
Evaluation of general behavior, memory, learning performance, and brain sexual differentiation in F1 offspring males of rats treated with flutamide during late gestation. The Journal of toxicological sciences 20050801
Anti-androgen induced inhibition of testicular descent is associated with a decrease in sympathetic tonus. European journal of pediatric surgery : official journal of Austrian Association of Pediatric Surgery ... [et al] = Zeitschrift fur Kinderchirurgie 20050801
An index of local sensitivity to nonignorable drop-out in longitudinal modelling. Statistics in medicine 20050730
The structural basis of androgen receptor activation: intramolecular and intermolecular amino-carboxy interactions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 20050712
Absence of hepatotoxicity after long-term, low-dose flutamide in hyperandrogenic girls and young women. Human reproduction (Oxford, England) 20050701
Androgen action on hepatic vitellogenin synthesis in the eel, Anguilla japonica is suppressed by an androgen receptor antagonist. The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology 20050701
Androgen receptor pathway in rats with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN 20050701
Mechanism responsible for the salutary effects of flutamide on cardiac performance after trauma-hemorrhagic shock: Upregulation of cardiomyocyte estrogen receptors. Surgery 20050701
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Gene expression changes in rat prostate after activation or blocking of the androgen and estrogen receptor. Molecular and cellular endocrinology 20050615
Medroxyprogesterone acetate and dihydrotestosterone induce coronary hyperreactivity in intact male rhesus monkeys. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 20050601
Changes in androgen-mediated reproductive development in male rat offspring following exposure to a single oral dose of flutamide at different gestational ages. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20050601
Perinatal exposure to low levels of the environmental antiandrogen vinclozolin alters sex-differentiated social play and sexual behaviors in the rat. Environmental health perspectives 20050601
The plant polyphenol butein inhibits testosterone-induced proliferation in breast cancer cells expressing aromatase. Life sciences 20050520
5alpha-dihydrotestosterone inhibits 1alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3-induced expression of CYP24 in human prostate cancer cells. The Prostate 20050515
Functional genomics may allow accurate categorization of the benzimidazole fungicide benomyl: lack of ability to act via steroid-receptor-mediated mechanisms. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20050515
Factors regulating the timing of puberty onset in female rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta): role of prenatal androgens, social rank, and adolescent body weight. Biology of reproduction 20050501
Follicle-stimulating hormone regulates both Sertoli cell and spermatogonial populations in the adult photoinhibited Djungarian hamster testis. Biology of reproduction 20050501
Androgen regulation of stage-dependent cyclin D2 expression in Sertoli cells suggests a role in modulating androgen action on spermatogenesis. Biology of reproduction 20050501
Testosterone and autumn territorial behavior in male red grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus. Hormones and behavior 20050501
Castration reduces platelet thromboxane A2 receptor density and aggregability. QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians 20050501
Stimulating effects of androgen on proliferation of cultured ovarian germ cells through androgenic and estrogenic actions in embryonic chickens. Domestic animal endocrinology 20050501
Neonatal treatment of rats with diethylstilboestrol (DES) induces stromal-epithelial abnormalities of the vas deferens and cauda epididymis in adulthood following delayed basal cell development. Reproduction (Cambridge, England) 20050501
[Establishment of reporter gene-based assays for the identification of (anti) androgenic effects of chemicals in CHO cells]. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 20050501
Novel C-17-heteroaryl steroidal CYP17 inhibitors/antiandrogens: synthesis, in vitro biological activity, pharmacokinetics, and antitumor activity in the LAPC4 human prostate cancer xenograft model. Journal of medicinal chemistry 20050421
Novel non-steroidal/non-anilide type androgen antagonists: discovery of 4-substituted pyrrole-2-carboxamides as a new scaffold for androgen receptor ligands. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 20050415
Survivin mediates resistance to antiandrogen therapy in prostate cancer. Oncogene 20050407
Potential estrogenic and antiandrogenic effects of permethrin in rats. The Journal of reproduction and development 20050401
Androgen-regulated transcripts in the neonatal mouse testis as determined through microarray analysis. Biology of reproduction 20050401
Organizational role for testosterone and estrogen on adult hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity in the male rat. Endocrinology 20050401
Androgens stimulate human vascular smooth muscle cell proteoglycan biosynthesis and increase lipoprotein binding. Endocrinology 20050401
Effects of in utero and lactational exposure to flutamide in SD rats: comparison of the effects of administration periods. Toxicology 20050401
Hormonal influences on sexually differentiated behavior in nonhuman primates. Frontiers in neuroendocrinology 20050401
In vivo and in vitro exposures of carp and carp tissues to graded concentrations of endocrine disrupting chemicals. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 20050401
Effects of male and female sex steroids on the development of normal and the transient Froriep's dorsal root ganglia of the chick embryo. Brain research. Developmental brain research 20050322
Application of an antiandrogen during pregnancy infantilizes the male offsprings' behaviour. Behavioural brain research 20050307
The female intestine is more resistant than the male intestine to gut injury and inflammation when subjected to conditions associated with shock states. American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology 20050301
Androgens and postmeiotic germ cells regulate claudin-11 expression in rat Sertoli cells. Endocrinology 20050301
Glutathione peroxidase activity in cell cultures from different regions of human epididymis. Asian journal of andrology 20050301
Reversibility of androgen deprivation therapy in patients with prostate cancer. The Journal of urology 20050301
Positron tomographic assessment of androgen receptors in prostatic carcinoma. European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging 20050301
Antihypertensive effects of flutamide in rats that are exposed to a low-protein diet in utero. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 20050301
[High intensity focused ultrasound combined with endocrine therapy in treating prostate cancer]. Zhonghua nan ke xue = National journal of andrology 20050301
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Three-dimensional structure-activity relationships of nonsteroidal ligands in complex with androgen receptor ligand-binding domain. Journal of medicinal chemistry 20050224
Toxic and hormonal effects of polychlorinated biphenyls on cultured testicular germ cells of embryonic chickens. Toxicology letters 20050215
Influence of gonadal steroids on the glial fibrillary acidic protein-immunoreactive astrocyte population in young rat hippocampus. Journal of neuroscience research 20050215
Middle-age male mice have increased severity of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and are unresponsive to testosterone therapy. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) 20050215
The influence of androgen deprivation therapy on metabolism in patients with prostate cancer. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 20050201
Antiandrogenic effects in short-term in vivo studies of the fungicide fenarimol. Toxicology 20050201
Effects of sex steroids and their inhibitors on endocrine parameters and gender growth differences in Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis) juveniles. Steroids 20050201
Effects of the androgen antagonist flutamide and the serotonin reuptake inhibitor citalopram in bulimia nervosa: a placebo-controlled pilot study. Journal of clinical psychopharmacology 20050201
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[Neoadjuvant hormonal therapy for prostate cancer]. Nihon rinsho. Japanese journal of clinical medicine 20050201
Gubernacular cell division in different rodent models of cryptorchidism supports indirect androgenic action via the genitofemoral nerve. Journal of pediatric surgery 20050201
Anemia under androgen deprivation: influence of flutamide, cyproteroneacetate and orchiectomy on the erythropoietin system. Hormone and metabolic research = Hormon- und Stoffwechselforschung = Hormones et metabolisme 20050201
19-Nortestosterone influences neural stem cell proliferation and neurogenesis in the rat brain. The European journal of neuroscience 20050201
Coagulopathy, following medical therapy, for carcinoma of the prostate. Hematology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 20050201
Chlorambucil and lomustine (CL56) in absolute hormone refractory prostate cancer: re-induction of endocrine sensitivity an unexpected finding. British journal of cancer 20050117
Role of endogenous testosterone in myocardial proinflammatory and proapoptotic signaling after acute ischemia-reperfusion. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology 20050101
Flutamide-metformin plus ethinylestradiol-drospirenone for lipolysis and antiatherogenesis in young women with ovarian hyperandrogenism: the key role of metformin at the start and after more than one year of therapy. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 20050101
Development of androgen- and estrogen-responsive bioassays, members of a panel of human cell line-based highly selective steroid-responsive bioassays. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20050101
Marked hyperglycemia after androgen-deprivation therapy for prostate cancer and usefulness of pioglitazone for its treatment. Metabolism: clinical and experimental 20050101
Homologous up-regulation of androgen receptor expression by androgen in vascular smooth muscle cells. Hormone research 20050101
A comparison of in vitro and in vivo EDSTAC test battery results for detecting antiandrogenic activity. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20050101
Evidence that androgens and oestrogens, as well as follicle-stimulating hormone, can alter Sertoli cell number in the neonatal rat. The Journal of endocrinology 20050101
Stable expression of constitutively-activated STAT3 in benign prostatic epithelial cells changes their phenotype to that resembling malignant cells. Molecular cancer 20050101
Small cell carcinoma of the prostate with hypercalcemia. International journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association 20050101
Paediatric management of endocrine complications in McCune-Albright syndrome. Journal of pediatric endocrinology & metabolism : JPEM 20050101
Effect of testosterone replacement or duration of castration on baroreflex bradycardia in conscious rats. BMC pharmacology 20050101
Androgen and androgen receptor antagonist responsive primary African-American benign prostate epithelial cell line. Anticancer research 20050101
Impact of hormone therapy on acute radiotherapy toxicity in the treatment of prostate cancer. Prostate cancer and prostatic diseases 20050101
Mechanisms of ensemble failure of the male gonadal axis in aging. Journal of endocrinological investigation 20050101
Response of T lymphocyte populations in prostate cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy: influence of neoajuvant total androgen suppression. Anticancer research 20050101
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Intermittent androgen castration: a biological reality during intermittent treatment in metastatic prostate cancer? Urologia internationalis 20050101
Androgen dependent mammary gland virilism in rats given the selective estrogen receptor modulator LY2066948 hydrochloride. Toxicologic pathology 20050101
Biochemical characterization of the Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) ovarian progestin membrane receptor. Reproductive biology and endocrinology : RB&E 20050101
Pharmacological profile of 9,11-dehydrocortexolone 17alpha-butyrate (CB-03-04), a new androgen antagonist with antigonadotropic activity. Arzneimittel-Forschung 20050101
Microscopic polyangiitis complicated by the development of prostate cancer and flutamide-induced hepatitis. International urology and nephrology 20050101
Gefitinib (Iressa, ZD1839) and tyrosine kinase inhibitors: the wave of the future in cancer therapy. Cancer nursing 20050101
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Dose-dependent transitions in mechanisms of toxicity: case studies. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20041215
Comparison of the pharmacological effects of a novel selective androgen receptor modulator, the 5alpha-reductase inhibitor finasteride, and the antiandrogen hydroxyflutamide in intact rats: new approach for benign prostate hyperplasia. Endocrinology 20041201
Effect of anti-estrogens on the androgen receptor activity and cell proliferation in prostate cancer cells. Urological research 20041201
Anemia in patients on combined androgen block therapy for prostate cancer. Asian journal of andrology 20041201
Recent advances in the treatment of juvenile angiofibroma. Current opinion in otolaryngology & head and neck surgery 20041201
Exogenous testosterone inhibits several forms of male parental behavior and stimulates song in a monogamous songbird: the blue-headed vireo (Vireo solitarius). Hormones and behavior 20041201
Randomized trial of leuprorelin and flutamide in male patients with hepatocellular carcinoma treated with tamoxifen. Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.) 20041201
Bone mineral density in patients with prostate cancer without bone metastases treated with intermittent androgen suppression. Urology 20041201
Evaluation of the model anti-androgen flutamide for assessing the mechanistic basis of responses to an androgen in the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas). Environmental science & technology 20041201
Combined androgen blockade in the management of advanced prostate cancer: a sensible or ostensible approach. International journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association 20041201
Phosphorylation of p70s6 kinase is implicated in androgen-induced levator ani muscle anabolism in castrated rats. The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology 20041201
Effects of flutamide on sex maturation and behavior of offspring born to female rats treated during late pregnancy. The Journal of toxicological sciences 20041201
Polycystic ovary syndrome. Clinical evidence 20041201
Characterization of responses to the antiandrogen flutamide in a short-term reproduction assay with the fathead minnow. Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 20041118
The combined antiandrogenic effects of five commonly used pesticides. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20041115
Testosterone induces cytoprotection by activating ATP-sensitive K+ channels in the cardiac mitochondrial inner membrane. Circulation 20041109
Studies of targeting and intracellular trafficking of an anti-androgen doxorubicin-formaldehyde conjugate in PC-3 prostate cancer cells bearing androgen receptor-GFP chimera. Journal of medicinal chemistry 20041104
The effects of the reported active metabolite of methoxychlor, 2,2-bis(p-hydroxyphenyl)-1,1,1-trichloroethane, on testosterone formation by cultured Leydig cells from young adult rats. Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.) 20041101
Androgen receptor is targeted to distinct subcellular compartments in response to different therapeutic antiandrogens. Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research 20041101
Optimization of formulation parameters for the preparation of flutamide liposomes by 3(3) factorial 26-term logit model. Pharmaceutical development and technology 20041101
Epirubicin carboplatin and 5-fluorouracil (ECarboF) chemotherapy in metastatic hormone refractory prostate cancer. British journal of cancer 20041018
Successful detection of (anti-)androgenic and aromatase inhibitors in pre-spawning adult fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) using easily measured endpoints of sexual development. Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 20041018
Endocrine-disrupting activity in carbendazim-induced reproductive and developmental toxicity in rats. Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A 20041008
Design and synthesis of aryl diphenolic azoles as potent and selective estrogen receptor-beta ligands. Journal of medicinal chemistry 20041007
Recruitment of beta-catenin by wild-type or mutant androgen receptors correlates with ligand-stimulated growth of prostate cancer cells. Molecular endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.) 20041001
Targeted inhibition of the epidermal growth factor receptor-tyrosine kinase by ZD1839 ('Iressa') induces cell-cycle arrest and inhibits proliferation in prostate cancer cells. Journal of cellular physiology 20041001
Mammalian target of rapamycin and 3-phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathway inhibition enhances growth inhibition of transforming growth factor-beta1 in prostate cancer cells. The Journal of urology 20041001
Hirsutism and acne in polycystic ovary syndrome. Best practice & research. Clinical obstetrics & gynaecology 20041001
The mitochondrial-dependent pathway is chronically affected in testicular germ cell death in adult rats exposed in utero to anti-androgens. The Journal of endocrinology 20041001
[Role of androgens in the renal production of 20-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid in spontaneously hypertensive rats]. Nihon Jinzo Gakkai shi 20041001
Androgen dependent development of a modified anal fin, gonopodium, as a model to understand the mechanism of secondary sexual character expression in vertebrates. FEBS letters 20040924
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Effects of dehydroepiandrosterone and flutamide on hippocampal CA1 spine synapse density in male and female rats: implications for the role of androgens in maintenance of hippocampal structure. Endocrinology 20040901
Gonadal hormones and frontocortical expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in male stroke-prone, spontaneously hypertensive rats, a model for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Endocrinology 20040901
One year follow-up study of the association between chemical castration, sex hormones, beta-amyloid, memory and depression in men. Psychoneuroendocrinology 20040901
The effect of combined androgen ablation on the expression of alpha1A-adrenergic receptor in the human prostate. The Prostate 20040901
Report of a multicenter Canadian phase III randomized trial of 3 months vs. 8 months neoadjuvant androgen deprivation before standard-dose radiotherapy for clinically localized prostate cancer. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics 20040901
Dehydroepiandrosterone increases endothelial cell proliferation in vitro and improves endothelial function in vivo by mechanisms independent of androgen and estrogen receptors. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 20040901
Flutamide-metformin plus ethinylestradiol-drospirenone for lipolysis and antiatherogenesis in young women with ovarian hyperandrogenism: the key role of early, low-dose flutamide. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 20040901
Combination hormonal therapy: a reassessment within advanced prostate cancer. Prostate cancer and prostatic diseases 20040901
Interstitial pneumonitis related to flutamide monotherapy for prostate cancer. International journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association 20040901
Monotherapy in advanced prostate cancer: an overview. Experimental oncology 20040901
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Metformin versus flutamide in the treatment of metabolic consequences of non-obese young women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a randomized prospective study. Gynecological endocrinology : the official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology 20040901
Cytochrome P450 CYP1B1 activity in renal cell carcinoma. British journal of cancer 20040831
6-month androgen suppression plus radiation therapy vs radiation therapy alone for patients with clinically localized prostate cancer: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA 20040818
Functional domain and motif analyses of androgen receptor coregulator ARA70 and its differential expression in prostate cancer. The Journal of biological chemistry 20040806
Testosterone-induced coronary vasodilatation occurs via a non-genomic mechanism: evidence of a direct calcium antagonism action. Clinical science (London, England : 1979) 20040801
Flutamide-metformin plus an oral contraceptive (OC) for young women with polycystic ovary syndrome: switch from third- to fourth-generation OC reduces body adiposity. Human reproduction (Oxford, England) 20040801
Letter to the Editor; Re: Wirth MP, Weissbach L, Marx F-J, Heckl W, Jellinghaus W, Riedmiller H, Noack B, Hinke A, Froehner M. Prospective randomized trial comparing flutamide as adjuvant treatment versus observation after radical prostatectomy for locally advanced, lymph node-negative prostate cancer. Eur Urol 2004;45:267-70. European urology 20040801
Osteoporosis and spinal fractures in men with prostate cancer: risk factors and effects of androgen deprivation therapy. The Journal of urology 20040801
Re: The effects of combined androgen blockade on cognitive function during the first cycle of intermittent androgen suppression in patients with prostate cancer. The Journal of urology 20040801
Combined modality treatment in the management of high-risk prostate cancer. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics 20040801
Intermittent androgen suppression for locally advanced and metastatic prostate cancer: preliminary report of a prospective multicenter study. Urology 20040801
Evaluation for reliability and feasibility of the draft protocol for the enhanced rat 28-day subacute study (OECD Guideline 407) using androgen antagonist flutamide. Toxicology 20040715
Dihydrotestosterone may inhibit hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal activity by acting through estrogen receptor in the male mouse. Neuroscience letters 20040715
The synthesis of glycoprotein Po and peripheral myelin protein 22 in sciatic nerve of male rats is modulated by testosterone metabolites. Brain research. Molecular brain research 20040705
Interactions between androgen and growth factors in granulosa cell subtypes of porcine antral follicles. Biology of reproduction 20040701
Comparison of anti-androgenic activity of flutamide, vinclozolin, procymidone, linuron, and p, p'-DDE in rodent 10-day Hershberger assay. Toxicology 20040701
Solid-state solubility influences encapsulation and release of hydrophobic drugs from PLGA/PLA nanoparticles. Journal of pharmaceutical sciences 20040701
Reproductive disorders in pubertal and adult phase of the male rats exposed to vinclozolin during puberty. The Journal of veterinary medical science 20040701
[Effectiveness of flutamide alone or combined with oral contraceptives in the treatment of hirsutism in women]. Revista medica de Chile 20040701
Hormonal impact of the 17alpha-hydroxylase/C(17,20)-lyase inhibitor abiraterone acetate (CB7630) in patients with prostate cancer. British journal of cancer 20040614
Serum levels of IL-6 and TNF-alpha correlate with clinicopathological features and patient survival in patients with prostate cancer. British journal of cancer 20040614
Estrogen and androgen protection of human neurons against intracellular amyloid beta1-42 toxicity through heat shock protein 70. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 20040609
Effect of keratinocyte growth factor and activin on cell growth in the human prostatic cancer cell line LNCaP. World journal of urology 20040601
Differential effect of small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO)-ylation of the androgen receptor in the control of cooperativity on selective versus canonical response elements. Molecular endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.) 20040601
The characterization and hormonal regulation of kidney androgen-regulated protein (Kap)-luciferase transgenic mice. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20040601
Evidence that inhibited prostatic epithelial bud formation in 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin-exposed C57BL/6J fetal mice is not due to interruption of androgen signaling in the urogenital sinus. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20040601
Flutamide induces ultrastructural changes in spermatids and the ectoplasmic specialization between the Sertoli cell and spermatids in mouse testes. Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.) 20040601
Androgen receptor blockade in the MPOA or VMN: effects on male sociosexual behaviors. Physiology & behavior 20040601
Colonic toxicity of administered drugs and chemicals. The American journal of gastroenterology 20040601
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Determination of celecoxib in human plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography. Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis 20040528
Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy: ligand-dependent pathogenesis and therapeutic perspectives. Journal of molecular medicine (Berlin, Germany) 20040501
Influence of androgen deprivation therapy on volume of anatomic zones of prostate in patients with prostate cancer using magnetic resonance imaging. Urology 20040501
The use of flutamide as a single antiandrogen treatment for hormone-refractory prostate cancer. BJU international 20040501
Medical treatment regimens of hirsutism. Reproductive biomedicine online 20040501
Testosterone and energy metabolism in the estuarine mysid Neomysis integer (Crustacea: Mysidacea) following exposure to endocrine disruptors. Environmental toxicology and chemistry 20040501
Is photopatch testing useful in the investigation of photosensitivity due to flutamide? Contact dermatitis 20040501
Which treatment options should be used in adolescents with polycystic ovary syndrome? Journal of pediatric endocrinology & metabolism : JPEM 20040501
The selection of hormonal therapy in prostate cancer: who, when, and for how long? Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network : JNCCN 20040501
Effects of tamoxifen, 17α-ethynylestradiol, flutamide, and methyltestosterone on plasma vitellogenin levels of male and female Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes). Environmental toxicology and pharmacology 20040501
Effect of organochlorine pesticides on human androgen receptor activation in vitro. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20040415
Fatal acute tumor lysis syndrome, hepatic encephalopathy and flare phenomenon following combined androgen blockade. The Journal of urology 20040401
Metastatic prostate cancer treated by flutamide versus cyproterone acetate. Final analysis of the 'European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer' (EORTC) Protocol 30892. European urology 20040401
Phase I-II trial evaluating combined intensity-modulated radiotherapy and in situ gene therapy with or without hormonal therapy in treatment of prostate cancer-interim report on PSA response and biopsy data. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics 20040401
Ethinylestradiol-drospirenone, flutamide-metformin, or both for adolescents and women with hyperinsulinemic hyperandrogenism: opposite effects on adipocytokines and body adiposity. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 20040401
Plasma lipoprotein profile in the male cynomolgus monkey under normal, hypogonadal, and combined androgen blockade conditions. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 20040401
Changes in fat and lean body mass during androgen-deprivation therapy for prostate cancer. Urology 20040401
Testosterone promotes apoptotic damage in human renal tubular cells. Kidney international 20040401
Enterocolic lymphocytic phlebitis with lymphocytic colitis, lymphocytic appendicitis, and lymphocytic enteritis. The American journal of surgical pathology 20040401
Flutamide as a preoperative treatment in juvenile angiofibroma (JA) with intracranial invasion: report of 7 cases. Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery : official journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 20040401
Tissue alterations in the Guinea pig lateral prostate following antiandrogen flutamide therapy. Biocell : official journal of the Sociedades Latinoamericanas de Microscopia Electronica ... et. al 20040401
Serum prostate specific antigen levels in women with polycystic ovary syndrome and the effect of flutamide+desogestrel/ethinyl estradiol combination. Journal of endocrinological investigation 20040401
The use of hormonal therapy with radiotherapy for prostate cancer: analysis of prospective randomised trials. British journal of cancer 20040308
Feedback inhibition of steroidogenic acute regulatory protein expression in vitro and in vivo by androgens. Endocrinology 20040301
Morphological features of external genitalia in hypospadiac rat model: 3-dimensional analysis. The Journal of urology 20040301
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Biochemical remission after resection of prostate cancer lung metastasis. Urology 20040301
Prospective randomized trial comparing flutamide as adjuvant treatment versus observation after radical prostatectomy for locally advanced, lymph node-negative prostate cancer. European urology 20040301
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An evaluation of bicalutamide in the treatment of prostate cancer. Clinical prostate cancer 20040301
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Anticonvulsant activity of the testosterone-derived neurosteroid 3alpha-androstanediol. Neuroreport 20040301
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and its sulfate (DHEAS) inhibit the apoptosis in human peripheral blood lymphocytes. The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology 20040301
Toxic hepatitis after sequential administration of flutamide and cyproterone acetate. Digestive diseases and sciences 20040301
Ectopic expression of the amino-terminal peptide of androgen receptor leads to androgen receptor dysfunction and inhibition of androgen receptor-mediated prostate cancer growth. Molecular and cellular endocrinology 20040212
Androgen contributes to gender-related cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis in mice lacking the gene encoding guanylyl cyclase-A. Endocrinology 20040201
Chemohormonal therapy as primary treatment for metastatic prostate cancer: a randomized study of estramustine phosphate plus luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonist versus flutamide plus luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonist. International journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association 20040201
Alternative antiandrogens to treat prostate cancer relapse after initial hormone therapy. The Journal of urology 20040201
Direct gastrointestinal toxicity of flutamide: comparison of irradiated and nonirradiated cases. The Journal of urology 20040201
Effect of flutamide and metformin administered alone or in combination in dieting obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Clinical endocrinology 20040201
Antagonists of growth hormone-releasing hormone (GH-RH) enhance tumour growth inhibition induced by androgen deprivation in human MDA-Pca-2b prostate cancers. European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990) 20040201
Computer based receptogram approach: an objective way of assessing immunohistochemistry of androgen receptor staining and its correlation with hormonal response in metastatic carcinoma of prostate. Journal of clinical pathology 20040201
Tibolone and its metabolites induce antimitogenesis in human coronary artery smooth muscle cells: role of estrogen, progesterone, and androgen receptors. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 20040201
Androgen inhibition of MAP kinase pathway and Elk-1 activation in proliferating osteoblasts. Journal of molecular endocrinology 20040201
Physiological levels of 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone depress wound immune function and impair wound healing following trauma-hemorrhage. Archives of surgery (Chicago, Ill. : 1960) 20040201
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Widespread vitiligo after erythroderma caused by photosensitivity to flutamide. Contact dermatitis 20040201
Effects of the antiandrogen flutamide on the expression of protein kinase C isoenzymes in LNCaP and PC3 human prostate cancer cells. Bioscience reports 20040201
The effects of combined aromatase inhibitor and anti-androgen on male territorial aggression in a tropical population of rufous-collared sparrows, Zonotrichia capensis. General and comparative endocrinology 20040115
Regulating the tumor suppressor gene maspin in breast cancer cells: a potential mechanism for the anticancer properties of tamoxifen. Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research 20040115
Randomized Phase II trial assessing estramustine and vinblastine combination chemotherapy vs estramustine alone in patients with progressive hormone-escaped metastatic prostate cancer. British journal of cancer 20040112
Androgen-sensitive changes in regulation of restraint-induced adrenocorticotropin secretion between early and late puberty in male rats. Endocrinology 20040101
Prognosis of stage pT0 after prolonged neoadjuvant endocrine therapy of prostate cancer: a matched-pair analysis. European urology 20040101
Gene expression analysis of human prostate carcinoma during hormonal therapy identifies androgen-responsive genes and mechanisms of therapy resistance. The American journal of pathology 20040101
Involvement of serotoninergic mechanism in analgesia by castration and flutamide, a testosterone antagonist, in the rat formalin test. Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior 20040101
Valproic acid is known to cause hypospadias in man but does not reduce anogenital distance or causes hypospadias in rats. Basic & clinical pharmacology & toxicology 20040101
Antiandrogen monotherapy: recommendations for the treatment of prostate cancer. Urologia internationalis 20040101
Proteasome inhibitors and their combination with antiandrogens: effects on apoptosis, cellular proliferation and viability of prostatic adenocarcinoma cell cultures. Prostate cancer and prostatic diseases 20040101
Flutamide suppresses adrenal steroidogenesis but has no effect on insulin resistance and secretion and lipid levels in overweight women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Gynecologic and obstetric investigation 20040101
Male breast adenocarcinoma in a prostate cancer patient following prolonged anti-androgen monotherapy. Anticancer research 20040101
Chronic effects of flutamide in male beagle dogs. Toxicologic pathology 20040101
Flutamide administration at 500 mg daily has similar effects on serum testosterone to 750 mg daily. Journal of andrology 20040101
Effect of the anti-androgenic endocrine disruptor vinclozolin on embryonic testis cord formation and postnatal testis development and function. Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.) 20040101
Anogenital distance in human male and female newborns: a descriptive, cross-sectional study. Environmental health : a global access science source 20040101
Potential action of androstenedione on the proliferation and apoptosis of stromal endometrial cells. Reproductive biology and endocrinology : RB&E 20040101
Effect of androgens on sexual differentiation of pituitary gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit GABA(B) expression. Neuroendocrinology 20040101
Hepatotoxicity induced by antiandrogens: a review of the literature. Urologia internationalis 20040101
Biological profile of cortexolone 17alpha-propionate (CB-03-01), a new topical and peripherally selective androgen antagonist. Arzneimittel-Forschung 20040101
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Development of vitellogenin assay for endocrine disrupters using medaka (Oryzias latipes). Environmental sciences : an international journal of environmental physiology and toxicology 20040101
Practical approach to the hormonal treatment of acne. Journal of cutaneous medicine and surgery 20040101
Hormonal treatment of acne: review of current best evidence. Journal of cutaneous medicine and surgery 20040101
Hormonal therapy of acne. Journal of cutaneous medicine and surgery 20040101
Estrogen and androgen regulation of plasma membrane calcium pump activity in immortalized distal tubule kidney cells. Molecular and cellular endocrinology 20031230
Indole-3-carbinol induces a G1 cell cycle arrest and inhibits prostate-specific antigen production in human LNCaP prostate carcinoma cells. Cancer 20031201
Testosterone decreases the potential for song plasticity in adult male zebra finches. Hormones and behavior 20031201
Regulatory roles of androgens in cutaneous wound healing. Thrombosis and haemostasis 20031201
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Antiandrogen-associated hepatotoxicity in the management of advanced prostate cancer. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association : JCMA 20031201
Clinical strategies in the management of biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy. Clinical prostate cancer 20031201
Rational design and synthesis of androgen receptor-targeted nonsteroidal anti-androgen ligands for the tumor-specific delivery of a doxorubicin-formaldehyde conjugate. Journal of medicinal chemistry 20031120
Effects of imatinib mesylate (STI571, Glivec) on the pharmacokinetics of simvastatin, a cytochrome p450 3A4 substrate, in patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia. British journal of cancer 20031117
The effects of combined androgen blockade on cognitive function during the first cycle of intermittent androgen suppression in patients with prostate cancer. The Journal of urology 20031101
Androgen dependent regulation of bacillus Calmette-Guerin induced interleukin-6 expression in human transitional carcinoma cell lines. The Journal of urology 20031101
Phase III trial of long-term adjuvant androgen deprivation after neoadjuvant hormonal cytoreduction and radiotherapy in locally advanced carcinoma of the prostate: the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group Protocol 92-02. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology 20031101
The use of flutamide as a single antiandrogen treatment for hormone-refractory prostate cancer. BJU international 20031101
Combination of low-dose flutamide and finasteride for PSA-only recurrent prostate cancer after primary therapy. Urology 20031101
Hormonal and morphologic evaluation of the effects of antiandrogens on the blood supply of the rat prostate. Urology 20031101
Effect of dihydrotestosterone on pituitary follicle-stimulating hormone isoforms in adult male rats treated with a gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist. Neuroendocrinology 20031101
A role for the androgen receptor in the endometrial antiproliferative effects of progesterone antagonists. Steroids 20031101
Cholestatic jaundice as a paraneoplastic manifestation of prostate adenocarcinoma. Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association 20031101
Identification and prediction of promiscuous aggregating inhibitors among known drugs. Journal of medicinal chemistry 20031009
Sexually dimorphic roles of steroid hormone receptor signaling in gonadal tumorigenesis. Molecular endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.) 20031001
Interactions of androgens, green tea catechins and the antiandrogen flutamide with the external glucose-binding site of the human erythrocyte glucose transporter GLUT1. British journal of pharmacology 20031001
Long-term outcome of antiandrogen monotherapy in advanced prostate carcinoma: 12-year results of a phase II study. BJU international 20031001
Metabolite profiles of flutamide in serum from patients with flutamide-induced hepatic dysfunction. Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin 20031001
Prostate carcinoma presenting as multiple pulmonary nodules in an asymptomatic patient with a history of testicular nonseminomatous germ cell tumor. Urology 20031001
Flutamide-metformin therapy to reduce fat mass in hyperinsulinemic ovarian hyperandrogenism: effects in adolescents and in women on third-generation oral contraception. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 20031001
Study of 202 natural, synthetic, and environmental chemicals for binding to the androgen receptor. Chemical research in toxicology 20031001
Flutamide-induced hepatic dysfunction in relation to steady-state plasma concentrations of flutamide and its metabolites. Molecular and cellular biochemistry 20031001
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[Comparative study of the effect of complete prolonged neoadjuvant hormonal blockade versus standard hormonal blockade]. Actas urologicas espanolas 20031001
Neuroendocrine mechanisms of development of experimental hyperandrogen-induced anovulation. Neuroscience and behavioral physiology 20031001
Effects of vinclozolin administration on sperm production and testosterone biosynthetic pathway in adult male rat. The Journal of reproduction and development 20031001
In vivo preservation of steroid specificity in CWR22 xenografts having a mutated androgen receptor. The Prostate 20030915
Intermittent chemotherapy in metastatic androgen-independent prostate cancer. British journal of cancer 20030915
Androgen deprivation and cognition in prostate cancer. British journal of cancer 20030915
Interleukin-4 enhances prostate-specific antigen expression by activation of the androgen receptor and Akt pathway. Oncogene 20030911
Play, copulation, anatomy, and testosterone in gonadally intact male rats prenatally exposed to flutamide. Physiology & behavior 20030901
Acceptability of short term neo-adjuvant androgen deprivation in patients with locally advanced prostate cancer. Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 20030901
[Anemia in patients on combined androgen block therapy for prostate cancer]. Zhonghua zhong liu za zhi [Chinese journal of oncology] 20030901
Alteration of lactate production and transport in the adult rat testis exposed in utero to flutamide. Molecular and cellular endocrinology 20030829
Anti-androgens with full antagonistic activity toward human prostate tumor LNCaP cells with mutated androgen receptor. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters 20030818
Modulation of androgen receptor transactivation by gelsolin: a newly identified androgen receptor coregulator. Cancer research 20030815
Prostate specific antigen: a prognostic marker of survival in good prognosis metastatic prostate cancer? (EORTC 30892). European urology 20030801
Two organizational effects of pubertal testosterone in male rats: transient social memory and a shift away from long-term potentiation following a tetanus in hippocampal CA1. Experimental neurology 20030801
Impact of hormone therapy when combined with external beam radiotherapy for early-stage, intermediate-, or high-risk prostate cancer. American journal of clinical oncology 20030801
Pneumonitis and non steroidal antiandrogens. Prescrire international 20030801
Effects of perinatal exposure to flutamide on sex hormone responsiveness in F1 male rats. The Journal of toxicological sciences 20030801
Comparison of prostate gene expression and tissue weight changes as monitors of antiandrogen activity in GNRH-inhibited rats. Birth defects research. Part B, Developmental and reproductive toxicology 20030801
Alterations of gene expression in adult male rat testis and pituitary shortly after subacute administration of the antiandrogen flutamide. The Journal of reproduction and development 20030801
Cell-specific and hormone-regulated expression of gonadotropin-regulated testicular RNA helicase gene (GRTH/Ddx25) resulting from alternative utilization of translation initiation codons in the rat testis. The Journal of biological chemistry 20030725
Effects of flutamide in the rat testis on the expression of occludin, an integral member of the tight junctions. Toxicology letters 20030720
Differential expression of the tetracycline-controlled transactivator-driven human CYP1B1 gene in double-transgenic mice is due to androgens: application for detecting androgens and antiandrogens. Archives of biochemistry and biophysics 20030715
UV filters with antagonistic action at androgen receptors in the MDA-kb2 cell transcriptional-activation assay. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20030701
Androgen receptor independent cardiovascular action of the antiandrogen flutamide. Journal of molecular medicine (Berlin, Germany) 20030701
An environmental antiandrogen, vinclozolin, alters the organization of play behavior. Physiology & behavior 20030701
Finasteride and flutamide therapy in patients with advanced prostate cancer: response to subsequent castration and long-term follow-up. Urology 20030701
Androgens stimulate hypoxia-inducible factor 1 activation via autocrine loop of tyrosine kinase receptor/phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase/protein kinase B in prostate cancer cells. Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research 20030701
Anti-androgen treatment increases circulating ghrelin levels in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Journal of endocrinological investigation 20030701
[Treatment of acne with antiandrogens--an evidence-based review]. Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft = Journal of the German Society of Dermatology : JDDG 20030701
Leuprorelin rescues polyglutamine-dependent phenotypes in a transgenic mouse model of spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy. Nature medicine 20030601
[Malignant priapism as a sign of a recurrent prostate cancer. Differential diagnosis of induratio penis plastica]. Der Hautarzt; Zeitschrift fur Dermatologie, Venerologie, und verwandte Gebiete 20030601
Low-dose flutamide-metformin therapy reverses insulin resistance and reduces fat mass in nonobese adolescents with ovarian hyperandrogenism. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 20030601
[Therapeutic options for drug induced liver injury: the efficacy of UDCA based on EBM]. Nihon Shokakibyo Gakkai zasshi = The Japanese journal of gastro-enterology 20030601
Circulating nitric oxide levels increase after anti-androgen treatment in male-to-female transsexuals. Journal of endocrinological investigation 20030601
Ten-year survival in patients with metastatic prostate cancer. Clinical prostate cancer 20030601
Quinazoline-based alpha 1-adrenoceptor antagonists induce prostate cancer cell apoptosis via TGF-beta signalling and I kappa B alpha induction. British journal of cancer 20030519
The study of spatial memory in adult male rats with injection of testosterone enanthate and flutamide into the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala in Morris water maze. Brain research 20030516
Variation in chromogranin A serum levels during intermittent versus continuous androgen deprivation therapy for prostate adenocarcinoma. The Prostate 20030515
Effect of the multidrug resistance protein on the transport of the antiandrogen flutamide. Cancer research 20030515
Rotational 3D-conformal radiation therapy (conformation therapy) combined with hormone therapy for the treatment of stage B2/C prostate cancer in Japanese men. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics 20030501
Studies on the interactions between drug and estrogen. II. On the inhibitory effect of 29 drugs reported to induce gynecomastia on the oxidation of estradiol at C-2 or C-17. Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin 20030501
The evaluation and management of hirsutism. Obstetrics and gynecology 20030501
Anticonvulsant effect of flutamide on seizures induced by pentylenetetrazole: involvement of benzodiazepine receptors. Epilepsia 20030501
Endocrine targets in experimental shock. The Journal of trauma 20030501
[Neuroendocrine differentiation in adenocarcinoma of the prostate with progression of disease during hormonal treatment: a report of two cases]. Nihon Hinyokika Gakkai zasshi. The japanese journal of urology 20030501
Inhibition of fatty acid synthase expression by 1alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 in prostate cancer cells. The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology 20030501
Sex differences in interest in infants in juvenile rhesus monkeys: relationship to prenatal androgen. Hormones and behavior 20030501
Bioassay of steroid hormone agonist and antagonist activities of anti-androgens on mammary gland, seminal vesicles and spleen of male mice. Journal of veterinary medicine. A, Physiology, pathology, clinical medicine 20030501
Novel yeast bioassay system for detection of androgenic and antiandrogenic compounds. Toxicology in vitro : an international journal published in association with BIBRA 20030401
Neoadjuvant flutamide monotherapy for locally confined prostate cancer. International journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association 20030401
Estradiol alleviates acinar cell apoptosis and chronic pancreatitis in male Wistar Bonn/Kobori rats. Pancreas 20030401
Prostate cancer DNA ploidy and response to salvage hormone therapy after radiotherapy with or without short-term total androgen blockade: an analysis of RTOG 8610. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology 20030401
Antiandrogenic activity and metabolism of the organophosphorus pesticide fenthion and related compounds. Environmental health perspectives 20030401
Androgen blockade enhances response to melanoma vaccine. The Journal of surgical research 20030401
Effects of tributyltin chloride on the reproductive system in pubertal male rats. Journal of veterinary science 20030401
Mechanisms of vasorelaxation to testosterone in the rat aorta. European journal of pharmacology 20030328
Androgen regulation of parathyroid hormone-related peptide production in human prostate cancer cells. Endocrinology 20030301
Effects of androgens on sex differentiation of the urodele Pleurodeles waltl. Journal of experimental zoology. Part A, Comparative experimental biology 20030301
Impact of a novel neoadjuvant and adjuvant hormone-deprivation approach on quality of life, voiding function, and sexual function after prostate brachytherapy. Cancer 20030301
The role of antiandrogen monotherapy in the treatment of prostate cancer. BJU international 20030301
Abolition of end-organ damage by antiandrogen treatment in female hypertensive transgenic rats. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979) 20030301
Differential regulation of rat testicular 5alpha-reductase type 1 and 2 isoforms by testosterone and FSH. The Journal of endocrinology 20030301
Flutamide-induced photosensitivity: is it a forme fruste of lupus? The British journal of dermatology 20030301
Microscopic pulmonary tumor embolism secondary to adenocarcinoma of the prostate. Hinyokika kiyo. Acta urologica Japonica 20030301
SR31747A is a sigma receptor ligand exhibiting antitumoural activity both in vitro and in vivo. British journal of cancer 20030210
The effects of anti-androgenic and estrogenic disrupting contaminants on breeding gland (nuptial pad) morphology, plasma testosterone levels, and plasma vitellogenin levels in male Xenopus laevis (African clawed frog). Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology 20030201
Chronic administration of anabolic steroids disrupts pubertal onset and estrous cyclicity in rats. Biology of reproduction 20030201
Long-term apoptotic cell death process with increased expression and activation of caspase-3 and -6 in adult rat germ cells exposed in utero to flutamide. Endocrinology 20030201
Pem homeobox gene promoter sequences that direct transcription in a Sertoli cell-specific, stage-specific, and androgen-dependent manner in the testis in vivo. Molecular endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.) 20030201
Flutamide counteracts the antiproliferative effects of antiprogestins in the primate endometrium. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 20030201
Collagenous and lymphocytic colitis. evaluation of clinical and histological features, response to treatment, and long-term follow-up. The American journal of gastroenterology 20030201
Neoadjuvant androgen deprivation and prostate gland shrinkage during conformal radiotherapy. Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 20030201
Percentage of the positive area of bone metastasis is an independent predictor of disease death in advanced prostate cancer. British journal of cancer 20030127
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Race and survival of men treated for prostate cancer on radiation therapy oncology group phase III randomized trials. The Journal of urology 20030101
Key structural features of nonsteroidal ligands for binding and activation of the androgen receptor. Molecular pharmacology 20030101
Novel mutations of androgen receptor: a possible mechanism of bicalutamide withdrawal syndrome. Cancer research 20030101
Regulation of HOXA-10 expression by testosterone in vitro and in the endometrium of patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 20030101
Treatment of hyperandrogenic alopecia in women. Fertility and sterility 20030101
Low-dose combination of flutamide, metformin and an oral contraceptive for non-obese, young women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Human reproduction (Oxford, England) 20030101
Effects of estrogenic and antiandrogenic compounds on the testis structure of the adult guppy (Poecilia reticulata). Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 20030101
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Prognostic significance of changes in short-term prostate volume and serum prostate-specific antigen after androgen withdrawal in men with metastatic prostate cancer. Urologia internationalis 20030101
Flutamide-induced hepatotoxicity with possible potentiation by simvastatin. The Journal of the Association of Physicians of India 20030101
Neoadjuvant therapy before radical prostatectomy in high-risk localized prostate cancer: defining appropriate endpoints. Urologic oncology 20030101
Combined androgen blockade-induced anemia in prostate cancer patients without bone involvement. Anticancer research 20030101
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A physiologic role for testosterone in limiting estrogenic stimulation of the breast. Menopause (New York, N.Y.) 20030101
Androgen receptor in prostate carcinoma: immunohistochemical and ligand saturation analyses. Neoplasma 20030101
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Therapeutic androgen receptor ligands. Nuclear receptor signaling 20030101
Dietary genistein suppresses chemically induced prostate cancer in Lobund-Wistar rats. Cancer letters 20021201
Induction of reproductive tract developmental abnormalities in the male rat by lowering androgen production or action in combination with a low dose of diethylstilbestrol: evidence for importance of the androgen-estrogen balance. Endocrinology 20021201
Effect of a short course of neoadjuvant hormonal therapy on the response to subsequent androgen suppression in prostate cancer patients with relapse after radiotherapy: a secondary analysis of the randomized protocol RTOG 86-10. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics 20021201
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Intermittent versus continuous total androgen blockade in the treatment of patients with advanced hormone-naive prostate cancer: results of a prospective randomized multicenter trial. Clinical prostate cancer 20021201
Effects of hydroxyflutamide in the medial preoptic area or lateral septum on reproductive behaviors in male rats. Brain research bulletin 20021130
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Impact of caveolin-1 expression on prognosis of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. British journal of cancer 20021104
Effects of prenatal treatment with antiandrogens on luteinizing hormone secretion and sex steroid concentrations in adult spotted hyenas, Crocuta crocuta. Biology of reproduction 20021101
Neoadjuvant therapy before radical prostatectomy for clinical T3/T4 carcinoma of the prostate: 5-year followup, Phase II Southwest Oncology Group Study 9109. The Journal of urology 20021101
Abolition of hypertension-induced end-organ damage by androgen receptor blockade in transgenic rats harboring the mouse ren-2 gene. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN 20021101
Activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway by the antiandrogen hydroxyflutamide in androgen receptor-negative prostate cancer cells. Cancer research 20021101
Bicalutamide monotherapy versus flutamide plus goserelin in prostate cancer: updated results of a multicentric trial. European urology 20021101
Sexual dimorphism in the spontaneous recovery from spinal cord injury: a gender gap in beneficial autoimmunity? The European journal of neuroscience 20021101
Down-regulation of androgen receptor expression and inhibition of lacrimal gland cell proliferation by retinoic acid. Experimental eye research 20021101
Regulation of gonadotropin secretion: implications for polycystic ovary syndrome. Seminars in reproductive medicine 20021101
Effects of 17 alpha-methyltestosterone on uterine morphology and heat shock protein expression are mediated through estrogen and androgen receptors. The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology 20021101
Exposure to naturally circulating androgens during foetal life incurs direct reproductive costs in female spotted hyenas, but is prerequisite for male mating. Proceedings. Biological sciences 20021007
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Modulation of the onset of postnatal development of H(+)-ATPase-rich cells by steroid hormones in rat epididymis. Biology of reproduction 20021001
Pneumonitis associated with nonsteroidal antiandrogens: presumptive evidence of a class effect. Annals of internal medicine 20021001
Flutamide induces relaxation in large and small blood vessels. Archives of surgery (Chicago, Ill. : 1960) 20021001
Antiandrogenic effects in vitro and in vivo of the fungicide prochloraz. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20021001
Neoadjuvant hormonal therapy prior to radical prostatectomy: evaluation of pathological downstaging and biochemical relapse. Journal of Nippon Medical School = Nippon Ika Daigaku zasshi 20021001
Opposite actions of testosterone and progesterone on UCP1 mRNA expression in cultured brown adipocytes. Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS 20021001
Regulation of the expression of protein kinase C isoenzymes in rat ventral prostate: effects of age, castration and flutamide treatment. Life sciences 20020927
Phase II study to evaluate combining gemcitabine with flutamide in advanced pancreatic cancer patients. British journal of cancer 20020923
Ovarian hormones after postnatal day 20 reduce neuron number in the rat primary visual cortex. Journal of neurobiology 20020915
No androgenic/anti-androgenic effects of bisphenol-A in Hershberger assay using immature castrated rats. Toxicology letters 20020905
An evaluation of bicalutamide in the treatment of prostate cancer. Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy 20020901
Impact of previous local treatment for prostate cancer on subsequent metastatic disease. The Journal of urology 20020901
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Nerve growth factor induces the re-expression of functional androgen receptors and p75(NGFR) in the androgen-insensitive prostate cancer cell line DU145. European journal of endocrinology 20020901
Evaluation of a 15-day screening assay using intact male rats for identifying antiandrogens. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20020901
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Androgen receptor as a target in androgen-independent prostate cancer. Urology 20020901
In vivo modulation of androgen receptor by androgens. Asian journal of andrology 20020901
Effects of testosterone on neuromuscular transmission in rat isolated urinary bladder. European journal of pharmacology 20020809
Hormone therapy for locally advanced prostate cancer. The Journal of urology 20020801
Involvement of androgen receptor in 17beta-estradiol-induced cell proliferation in rat uterus. Biology of reproduction 20020801
A comparison of the relative efficacy of antiandrogens for the treatment of acne in hyperandrogenic women. Clinical endocrinology 20020801
Prospective randomised trial comparing diethylstilboestrol and flutamide in the treatment of hormone relapsed prostate cancer. International journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association 20020801
[Prostatic cancer with multiple pulmonary metastases treated successfully with hormonal therapy: a case report]. Hinyokika kiyo. Acta urologica Japonica 20020801
Embryonic myosin heavy chain and troponin T isoforms remain in the cremaster muscle of adult rat cryptorchidism induced with flutamide. Archives of histology and cytology 20020801
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Pure antiandrogens disrupt the recruitment of coactivator GRIP1 to colocalize with androgen receptor in nuclei. FEBS letters 20020717
Effects of in utero exposure to the organophosphate insecticide fenitrothion on androgen-dependent reproductive development in the Crl:CD(SD)BR rat. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20020701
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Effect of local heating of rat testes after suppression of spermatogenesis by pretreatment with a GnRH agonist and an anti-androgen. Reproduction (Cambridge, England) 20020701
Can combined androgen blockade provide long-term control or possible cure of localized prostate cancer? Urology 20020701
Flutamide decreases cortisol clearance in patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 20020701
Acquisition of agonistic properties of nonsteroidal antiandrogens after treatment with oncostatin M in prostate cancer cells. Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research 20020701
Stabilization of androgen receptor protein is induced by agonist, not by antagonists. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 20020621
Androgens protect against apolipoprotein E4-induced cognitive deficits. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 20020615
Changes in bone mineral density, lean body mass and fat content as measured by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry in patients with prostate cancer without apparent bone metastases given androgen deprivation therapy. The Journal of urology 20020601
Testosterone and estradiol differentially regulate TSH-induced thyrocyte proliferation in immature and adult rats. Steroids 20020601
Decreased 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone catabolism suppresses T lymphocyte functions in males after trauma-hemorrhage. American journal of physiology. Cell physiology 20020601
Expression of aquaporin 9 in the adult rat epididymal epithelium is modulated by androgens. Biology of reproduction 20020601
Pulmonary vasodilatory action of testosterone: evidence of a calcium antagonistic action. Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology 20020601
Additive effects of insulin-sensitizing and anti-androgen treatment in young, nonobese women with hyperinsulinism, hyperandrogenism, dyslipidemia, and anovulation. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 20020601
The antiandrogenic effect of flutamide improves uterine perfusion in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Fertility and sterility 20020601
Assessing meaningful change in quality of life over time: a users' guide for clinicians. Mayo Clinic proceedings 20020601
Cytotoxicity of flutamide and 2-hydroxyflutamide and their effects on CYP1A2 mRNA in primary rat hepatocytes. Acta pharmacologica Sinica 20020601
Androgens and environmental antiandrogens affect reproductive development and play behavior in the Sprague-Dawley rat. Environmental health perspectives 20020601
Novel non-steroidal/non-anilide type androgen antagonists with an isoxazolone moiety. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 20020501
A glucocorticoid-responsive mutant androgen receptor exhibits unique ligand specificity: therapeutic implications for androgen-independent prostate cancer. Endocrinology 20020501
Evaluation of the 20-day pubertal female assay in Sprague-Dawley rats treated with DES, tamoxifen, testosterone, and flutamide. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20020501
AR possesses an intrinsic hormone-independent transcriptional activity. Molecular endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.) 20020501
The regulation of HSL and LPL expression by DHT and flutamide in human subcutaneous adipose tissue. Diabetes, obesity & metabolism 20020501
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Sustained ER Ca2+ depletion suppresses protein synthesis and induces activation-enhanced cell death in mast cells. The Journal of biological chemistry 20020419
Antiandrogen blocks estrogen-induced masculinization of the song system in female zebra finches. Journal of neurobiology 20020401
The amino terminus of the human AR is target for corepressor action and antihormone agonism. Molecular endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.) 20020401
Effect of a conserved mutation in uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 and 1A6 on glucuronidation of a metabolite of flutamide. European journal of clinical pharmacology 20020401
Treatment with flutamide decreases cortisol clearance: implications for therapy in congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Journal of pediatric endocrinology & metabolism : JPEM 20020401
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Concept evaluation: androgen-stimulated immature intact male rats as an assay for antiandrogens. Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP 20020401
Stability study of flutamide in solid state and in aqueous solution. Drug development and industrial pharmacy 20020401
Novel reagents for the sensitive spectrophotometric determination of flutamide, an anticancer drug in pharmaceutical preparations. International journal of pharmaceutics 20020320
Post-hatching hormonal modulation of a sexually dimorphic neuromuscular system controlling song in zebra finches. Brain research 20020308
Spermatogenesis, fertility and sexual behavior in a hypospadiac mouse model. The Journal of urology 20020301
Exposure of juvenile guppies to three antiandrogens causes demasculinization and a reduced sperm count in adult males. Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 20020301
Development of two androgen receptor assays using adenoviral transduction of MMTV-luc reporter and/or hAR for endocrine screening. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20020301
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Toremifene prevents prostate cancer in the transgenic adenocarcinoma of mouse prostate model. Cancer research 20020301
Effect of prenatal androgen receptor antagonist or aromatase inhibitor on sexual behavior, partner preference and neuronal Fos responses to estrous female odors in the rat accessory olfactory system. Physiology & behavior 20020301
Effects of flutamide on puberty in male rats: an evaluation of the protocol for the assessment of pubertal development and thyroid function. Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A 20020301
The effect of flutamide and tamoxifen on sex hormone-induced mammary carcinogenesis and pituitary adenoma. Breast cancer research and treatment 20020301
Bone alkaline phosphatase serum level predicts the response to antiandrogen withdrawal. European urology 20020301
Tibolone and 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone alone or in combination with an antiandrogen in a rat breast tumour model. European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990) 20020201
Testosterone-induced vasorelaxation in the rat mesenteric arterial bed is mediated predominantly via potassium channels. British journal of pharmacology 20020201
Seasonal differences in the hormonal control of territorial aggression in free-living European stonechats. Hormones and behavior 20020201
Parental responsiveness is feminized after neonatal castration in virgin male prairie voles, but is not masculinized by perinatal testosterone in virgin females. Hormones and behavior 20020201
Effects of perinatal exposure to flutamide on sex hormones and androgen-dependent organs in F1 male rats. The Journal of toxicological sciences 20020201
Low serum testosterone level predicts worse response to endocrine therapy in Japanese patients with metastatic prostate cancer. Endocrine journal 20020201
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and its sulfated derivative (DHEAS) regulate apoptosis during neurogenesis by triggering the Akt signaling pathway in opposing ways. Brain research. Molecular brain research 20020131
Neoadjuvant androgen ablation before radical prostatectomy in cT2bNxMo prostate cancer: 5-year results. The Journal of urology 20020101
A role for the androgen receptor in follicular atresia of estrogen receptor beta knockout mouse ovary. Biology of reproduction 20020101
Dehydroepiandrosterone inhibits human vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation independent of ARs and ERs. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism 20020101
Endocrine active agents: implications of adverse and non-adverse changes. Toxicologic pathology 20020101
Fetal testosterone insufficiency and abnormal proliferation of Leydig cells and gonocytes in rats exposed to di(n-butyl) phthalate. Reproductive toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.) 20020101
Clinical utility of ursodeoxycholic acid in preventing flutamide-induced hepatopathy in patients with prostate cancer: a preliminary study. International journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association 20020101
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Embryonic development of mouse external genitalia: insights into a unique mode of organogenesis. Evolution & development 20020101
Tumour cytochrome P450 and drug activation. Current pharmaceutical design 20020101
Acquired neuroendocrine-positivity during maximal androgen blockade in prostate cancer patients. Anticancer research 20020101
Flutamide-induced acute renal failure in a patient with metastatic prostate cancer. Medical oncology (Northwood, London, England) 20020101
Clinical review: immunodepression in the surgical patient and increased susceptibility to infection. Critical care (London, England) 20020101
Acne: effect of hormones on pathogenesis and management. American journal of clinical dermatology 20020101
Gender dimorphism in immune responses following trauma and hemorrhage. Immunologic research 20020101
Caffeine test in predicting flutamide-induced hepatic injury in patients with prostate cancer. Prostate cancer and prostatic diseases 20020101
Hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin-flutamide inclusion complex. II. Oral and intravenous pharmacokinetics of flutamide in the rat. Journal of pharmacy & pharmaceutical sciences : a publication of the Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences, Societe canadienne des sciences pharmaceutiques 20020101
Comparison of the clinical efficacy and safety of flutamide versus flutamide plus an oral contraceptive in the treatment of hirsutism. Gynecologic and obstetric investigation 20020101
Hormono-radiotherapy in prostatic carcinoma: prognostic factors and implications for combined modality treatment. Tumori 20020101
Parenteral estrogen versus combined androgen deprivation in the treatment of metastatic prostatic cancer -- Scandinavian Prostatic Cancer Group (SPCG) Study No. 5. Scandinavian journal of urology and nephrology 20020101
Androgen deprivation in men with prostate cancer is associated with an increased rate of bone loss. Prostate cancer and prostatic diseases 20020101
Preliminary toxicity and prostate-specific antigen response of a Phase I/II trial of neoadjuvant hormonal therapy, 103Pd brachytherapy, and three-dimensional conformal external beam irradiation in the treatment of locally advanced prostate cancer. Brachytherapy 20020101
Altered gene profiles in fetal rat testes after in utero exposure to di(n-butyl) phthalate. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20011201
Nilutamide: possible utility as a second-line hormonal agent. Urology 20011201
Relationship between expression of sex steroid receptors and structure of the seminal vesicles after neonatal treatment of rats with potent or weak estrogens. Environmental health perspectives 20011201
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Phase I/II trial evaluating combined radiotherapy and in situ gene therapy with or without hormonal therapy in the treatment of prostate cancer--a preliminary report. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics 20011101
Tamoxifen is an acute, estrogen-like, coronary vasodilator of porcine coronary arteries in vitro. Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology 20011101
Testosterone and prostate specific antigen stimulate generation of reactive oxygen species in prostate cancer cells. Carcinogenesis 20011101
Contribution of androgens to chronic allograft nephropathy is mediated by dihydrotestosterone. Kidney international 20011101
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Replacement of surgical castration by GnRH-inhibition or Leydig cell ablation in the male rat Hershberger antiandrogen assay. Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP 20011001
Antiandrogenic pesticides disrupt sexual characteristics in the adult male guppy Poecilia reticulata. Environmental health perspectives 20011001
Ketoconazole and Flutamide in the treatment of disseminated intravascular clotting from prostate cancer: a case report and review. Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet 20011001
The antiosteoporotic efficacy of intravenous pamidronate in men with prostate carcinoma receiving combined androgen blockade: a double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled crossover study. Cancer 20010915
Use of the probasin promoter ARR2PB to express Bax in androgen receptor-positive prostate cancer cells. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 20010905
Differential gene expression in response to methoxychlor and estradiol through ERalpha, ERbeta, and AR in reproductive tissues of female mice. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20010901
Flutamide-induced acute hepatitis in advanced prostate cancer patients. International journal of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics 20010901
Testosterone-secreting gonadotropin-responsive adrenal adenoma and its treatment with the antiandrogen flutamide. Journal of endocrinological investigation 20010901
[Local staging with magnetic resonance imaging after neoadjuvant hormonal therapy for prostate cancer]. Hinyokika kiyo. Acta urologica Japonica 20010901
Determination of 2-hydroxyflutamide in human plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography and its application to pharmacokinetic studies. Journal of chromatography. B, Biomedical sciences and applications 20010805
Androgen-mediated development in male rat offspring exposed to flutamide in utero: permanence and correlation of early postnatal changes in anogenital distance and nipple retention with malformations in androgen-dependent tissues. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20010801
Randomized comparative study of 3 versus 8-month neoadjuvant hormonal therapy before radical prostatectomy: biochemical and pathological effects. The Journal of urology 20010801
Prospective evaluation of hot flashes during treatment with parenteral estrogen or complete androgen ablation for metastatic carcinoma of the prostate. The Journal of urology 20010801
Regulation of keratinocyte growth factor receptor and androgen receptor in epithelial cells of the human prostate. The Journal of urology 20010801
Testosterone suppresses spermatogenesis in juvenile spermatogonial depletion (jsd ) mice. Biology of reproduction 20010801
Phase III radiation therapy oncology group (RTOG) trial 86-10 of androgen deprivation adjuvant to definitive radiotherapy in locally advanced carcinoma of the prostate. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics 20010801
Antiandrogen monotherapy: a new form of treatment for patients with prostate cancer. Urology 20010801
Radiation and hormonal therapy for locally advanced and clinically localized prostate cancer. Urology 20010801
Androgen-induced up-regulation of tubulin isoforms in neuroblastoma cells. Journal of neurochemistry 20010801
The subnuclear three-dimensional image analysis of androgen receptor fused to green fluorescence protein. The Journal of biological chemistry 20010727
Kap promoter analysis in vivo: a regulatory role for a truncated L1 repeat. Molecular and cellular endocrinology 20010705
Virilization of the urogenital sinus of the tammar wallaby is not unique to 5alpha-androstane-3alpha,17beta-diol. Molecular and cellular endocrinology 20010705
Testosterone inhibits spermatogonial differentiation in juvenile spermatogonial depletion mice. Endocrinology 20010701
M1 prostate cancer with a serum level of prostate-specific antigen less than 10 ng/mL. International journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association 20010701
Flutamide-induced hepatotoxicity: report of a case series. Revista espanola de enfermedades digestivas : organo oficial de la Sociedad Espanola de Patologia Digestiva 20010701
Why phase III trials of maximal androgen blockade versus castration in M1 prostate cancer rarely show statistically significant differences. The Prostate 20010615
Modulation of gene expression by androgen and oestrogens in the testis and prostate of the adult rat following androgen withdrawal. Molecular and cellular endocrinology 20010610
Steroid-sensitive gene-1 is an androgen-regulated gene expressed in prostatic smooth muscle cells in vivo. Journal of molecular endocrinology 20010601
Developmental and hormonal regulation of type II DNA topoisomerase in rat testis. Journal of molecular endocrinology 20010601
Sex differences in infant rhesus macaque separation-rejection vocalizations and effects of prenatal androgens. Hormones and behavior 20010601
Testosterone-mediated neuroprotection through the androgen receptor in human primary neurons. Journal of neurochemistry 20010601
Quantification of antiandrogen effect determined by Lightcycler technology. Toxicology 20010528
Homology modeling using multiple molecular dynamics simulations and docking studies of the human androgen receptor ligand binding domain bound to testosterone and nonsteroidal ligands. Journal of medicinal chemistry 20010524
Initial induction and subsequent reduction of alpha(2u)-globulin in urine and serum of mature male rats after repeated intraperitoneal injections of (anti)estrogen. Toxicology 20010511
Dissection and weighing of accessory sex glands after formalin fixation, and a 5-day assay using young mature rats are reliable and feasible in the Hershberger assay. Toxicology 20010511
Chemical andropause and amyloid-beta peptide. JAMA 20010502
Nongenomic effect of testosterone on chloride secretion in cultured rat efferent duct epithelia. American journal of physiology. Cell physiology 20010501
Dexamethasone blocks antioestrogen- and oxidant-induced death of pituitary tumour cells. The Journal of endocrinology 20010501
Testosterone receptor blockade restores cellular immunity in male mice after burn injury. The Journal of endocrinology 20010501
Effects of acute stanozolol treatment on puberty in female rats. Biology of reproduction 20010501
Androgen-driven prostate epithelial cell proliferation and differentiation in vivo involve the regulation of p27. Molecular endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.) 20010501
A novel isoform of human fibroblast growth factor 8 is induced by androgens and associated with progression of esophageal carcinoma. Digestive diseases and sciences 20010501
[Complete remission of brain metastases from prostate cancer by gamma knife radiosurgery: a case report]. Hinyokika kiyo. Acta urologica Japonica 20010501
Cross-talk between signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 and androgen receptor signaling in prostate carcinoma cells. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 20010427
Appropriate column configurations for the rapid analysis and semipreparative purification of the radiolabeled drug flutamide by high-performance liquid chromatography. Journal of chromatography. A 20010420
The effects of intrahippocampal testosterone and flutamide on spatial localization in the Morris water maze. Brain research 20010406
Sodium-induced rise in blood pressure is suppressed by androgen receptor blockade. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology 20010401
Chemoprevention for prostatic carcinoma: The role of flutamide in patients with prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia. Urology 20010401
Combined androgen blockade with nonsteroidal antiandrogens for advanced prostate cancer: a systematic review. Urology 20010401
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Feasibility and potential gains of enhancing the subacute rat study protocol (OECD test guideline no. 407) by additional parameters selected to determine endocrine modulation. A pre-validation study to determine endocrine-mediated effects of the antiandrogenic drug flutamide. Archives of toxicology 20010401
[Predicting long-term survival, and the need for hormonal therapy: a meta-analysis of RTOG prostate cancer trials]. Cancer radiotherapie : journal de la Societe francaise de radiotherapie oncologique 20010401
[Clinical efficacy of treatment with low-dose flutamide in maximum androgen blockade therapy]. Hinyokika kiyo. Acta urologica Japonica 20010401
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[Adenocarcinoma of prostate in men younger than 50--rectal palpation mandatory with micturition problems]. Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde 20010324
Administration of tamoxifen but not flutamide to hormonally intact, adult male rats mimics the effects of short-term gonadectomy on the catecholamine innervation of the cerebral cortex. The Journal of comparative neurology 20010319
Subset analysis of RTOG 85-31 and 86-10 indicates an advantage for long-term vs. short-term adjuvant hormones for patients with locally advanced nonmetastatic prostate cancer treated with radiation therapy. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics 20010315
Androgen receptor antagonism by the organophosphate insecticide fenitrothion. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20010301
Testosterone perturbs epidermal permeability barrier homeostasis. The Journal of investigative dermatology 20010301
[Long-term survival of hormone-refractory prostate cancer: a case report]. Journal of UOEH 20010301
The biological effect of phthalate esters on transabdominal migration of the testis in fetal rats in comparison with the antiandrogen flutamide. Pediatric surgery international 20010301
Testosterone protects cerebellar granule cells from oxidative stress-induced cell death through a receptor mediated mechanism. Brain research 20010223
Testosterone inhibits osteoclast formation stimulated by parathyroid hormone through androgen receptor. FEBS letters 20010223
Association of African-American ethnic background with survival in men with metastatic prostate cancer. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 20010207
Human CYP1B1 and anticancer agent metabolism: mechanism for tumor-specific drug inactivation? The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics 20010201
[Anemia and neoadjuvant hormone therapy in radical surgery of localized cancer of the prostate]. Actas urologicas espanolas 20010201
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