Home Carboxys 2-Anthracenecarboxylic acid, 7-β-D-glucopyranosyl-9,10-dihydro-3,5,6,8-tetrahydroxy-1-methyl-9,10-dioxo-

2-Anthracenecarboxylic acid, 7-β-D-glucopyranosyl-9,10-dihydro-3,5,6,8-tetrahydroxy-1-methyl-9,10-dioxo-

CAS No.:
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Pack Size
≥ 95% (Dye content)
1 week
United States
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≥ 95% (Dye content)
1 week
United States
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≥ 95% (Dye content)
1 week
United States
- +
Product Description
Catalog Number:
Chemical Name:
2-Anthracenecarboxylic acid, 7-β-D-glucopyranosyl-9,10-dihydro-3,5,6,8-tetrahydroxy-1-methyl-9,10-dioxo-
CAS Number:
Molecular Formula:
Molecular Weight:
MDL Number:
3,5,6,8-tetrahydroxy-1-methyl-9,10-dioxo-7-[(2S,3R,4R,5S,6R)-3,4,5-trihydroxy-6-(hydroxymethyl)oxan-2-yl]anthracene-2-carboxylic acid
InChI Key:
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Compound Is Canonicalized:
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Defined Atom Stereocenter Count:
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Monoisotopic Mass:
Rotatable Bond Count:
Topological Polar Surface Area:
Undefined Atom Stereocenter Count:
Undefined Bond Stereocenter Count:
Title Journal
Exploration of natural compounds as sources of new bifunctional scaffolds targeting cholinesterases and beta amyloid aggregation: the case of chelerythrine. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 20121115
Evaluation of potential genotoxicity of five food dyes using the somatic mutation and recombination test. Chemosphere 20120801
Promoting effects of carminic acid-enriched cochineal extracts on capsular invasive thyroid carcinomas through targeting activation of angiogenesis in rats. The Journal of toxicological sciences 20120101
A comprehensive strategy to discover inhibitors of the translesion synthesis DNA polymerase κ. PloS one 20120101
Multiwalled carbon nanotubes dispersed in carminic acid for the development of catalase based biosensor for selective amperometric determination of H(2)O(2) and iodate. Biosensors & bioelectronics 20111115
Study on the fluorescence enhancement in Lanthanum(III)-carminic acid-cetyltrimethylammonium bromide system and its analytical application. Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy 20110901
Analysis of natural red dyes (cochineal) in textiles of historical importance using HPLC and multivariate data analysis. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 20110801
Improved human tenocyte proliferation and differentiation in vitro by optimized silk degumming. Biomedical materials (Bristol, England) 20110601
De-staining and re-staining mucins in formalin fixed paraffin sections. Biotechnic & histochemistry : official publication of the Biological Stain Commission 20110401
Carminic acid modified anion exchanger for the removal and preconcentration of Mo(VI) from wastewater. Journal of hazardous materials 20110115
Transplantation of a mammary stromal cell line into a mammary fat pad: development of the site-specific in vivo analysis system for mammary stromal cells. Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry 20110101
Treatment of a textile effluent from dyeing with cochineal extracts using Trametes versicolor fungus. TheScientificWorldJournal 20110101
Spectrophotometric determination of carminic acid in human plasma and fruit juices by second order calibration of the absorbance spectra-pH data matrices coupled with standard addition method. Analytica chimica acta 20100514
The effect of fixatives and temperature on the quality of glycogen demonstration. Biotechnic & histochemistry : official publication of the Biological Stain Commission 20100401
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Molecular cloning, expression, and characterization of a major 38-kd cochineal allergen. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology 20090501
Cochineal extract-induced immediate allergy. The Journal of dermatology 20090101
Carmine hypersensitivity masquerading as azithromycin hypersensitivity. Allergy and asthma proceedings 20090101
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Controlling the bleeding of carmine colorant in crabstick. Journal of food science 20090101
Conjugates of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) with carminic acid: Synthesis, generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and biological evaluation. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 20080715
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The history, chemistry and modes of action of carmine and related dyes. Biotechnic & histochemistry : official publication of the Biological Stain Commission 20070801
Micellar electrokinetic chromatography method for the determination of several natural red dyestuff and lake pigments used in art work. Journal of chromatography. A 20070622
Free radical generation during the activation of hemolymph prepared from the homopteran Dactylopius coccus. Archives of insect biochemistry and physiology 20070501
An intramolecular aza-[3+3] annulation approach to azaphenalene alkaloids. Total synthesis of myrrhine. The Journal of organic chemistry 20070330
Revised procedures for the certification of carmine (C.I. 75470, Natural red 4) as a biological stain. Biotechnic & histochemistry : official publication of the Biological Stain Commission 20070201
Pleomorphic lobular carcinoma in situ of the breast composed almost entirely of signet ring cells. Pathology international 20061101
Roles of endogenous prostaglandins and cyclooxygenase isozymes in healing of indomethacin-induced small intestinal lesions in rats. The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics 20060801
Voltammetric sensor for tinidazole based on poly(carmine) film-modified electrode and its application. Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis 20060616
Microsphere-based protease assays and screening application for lethal factor and factor Xa. Cytometry. Part A : the journal of the International Society for Analytical Cytology 20060501
Robert Boyle's chiral crystal chemistry: computational re-evaluation of enantioselective adsorption on quartz. Chirality 20060201
Investigation of red natural dyes used in historical objects by HPLC-DAD-MS. Annali di chimica 20060101
Eurytrema pancreaticum: the in vitro effect of praziquantel and triclabendazole on the adult fluke. Experimental parasitology 20051101
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A method for determining identity and relative purity of carmine, carminic acid and aminocarminic acid. Biotechnic & histochemistry : official publication of the Biological Stain Commission 20050101
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An evaluation of UV protection imparted by cotton fabrics dyed with natural colorants. BMC dermatology 20040101
Identification of anthraquinone coloring matters in natural red dyes by electrospray mass spectrometry coupled to capillary electrophoresis. Journal of mass spectrometry : JMS 20031201
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Inhibition of human cytochrome P450 1B1, 1A1 and 1A2 by antigenotoxic compounds, purpurin and alizarin. Mutation research 20021031
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Mammary gland development in adult mice requires epithelial and stromal estrogen receptor alpha. Endocrinology 20020601
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Preventive effects of anthraquinone food pigments on the DNA damage induced by carcinogens in Drosophila. Mutation research 20010901
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Identification of carmine allergens among three carmine allergy patients. Allergy 20010101
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