Home Halogens 2,4-Dichlorophenol


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Title Journal
2,4-dichlorophenol induces ER stress-mediated apoptosis via eIF2α dephosphorylation in vitro. Environmental toxicology 20160201
Endoplasmic reticulum stress is involved in 2,4-dichlorophenol-induced hepatotoxicity. The Journal of toxicological sciences 20160101
Removal of 2,4-dichlorophenol in hydroponic solution by four Salix matsudana clones. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 20121201
Photo-Fenton oxidation of phenol and organochlorides (2,4-DCP and 2,4-D) in aqueous alkaline medium with high chloride concentration. Journal of environmental management 20121130
Preparation of magnetic poly(diethyl vinylphosphonate-co-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate) for the determination of chlorophenols in water samples. Journal of chromatography. A 20121123
Inhibition of methanogenesis by chlorophenols: a kinetic approach. New biotechnology 20121115
2,4-Dichlorophenol removal in a solid-liquid two phase partitioning bioreactor (TPPB): kinetics of absorption, desorption and biodegradation. New biotechnology 20121115
Solid-liquid two-phase partitioning bioreactors (TPPBs) operated with waste polymers. Case study: 2,4-dichlorophenol biodegradation with used automobile tires as the partitioning phase. Biotechnology letters 20121101
Exposures to endocrine-disrupting chemicals and age of menarche in adolescent girls in NHANES (2003-2008). Environmental health perspectives 20121101
Enhancement of visible-light-driven photoresponse of Mn/ZnO system: photogenerated charge transfer properties and photocatalytic activity. Nanoscale 20121021
An evaluation of the combined effects of phenolic endocrine disruptors on vitellogenin induction in goldfish Carassius auratus. Ecotoxicology (London, England) 20121001
Evaluation of UV/TiO(2) and UV/ZnO photocatalytic systems coupled to a biological process for the treatment of bleaching pulp mill effluent. Chemosphere 20121001
Crystalline metallic Au nanoparticle-loaded α-Bi2O3 microrods for improved photocatalysis. Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP 20120921
A practical interface designed for on-line polymer monolith microextraction: synthesis and application of poly(4-vinylpyridine-co-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate) monolith. Journal of chromatography. A 20120921
Application of three phase hollow fiber based liquid phase microextraction (HF-LPME) for the simultaneous HPLC determination of phenol substituting compounds (alkyl-, chloro- and nitrophenols). Talanta 20120915
Evolutions of microbial degradation pathways for parent xenobiotic and for its metabolites follow different schemes. Environmental science and pollution research international 20120901
Solubility of organic acids in various methanol and salt concentrations: the implication on organic acid sorption in a cosolvent system. Chemosphere 20120901
An evaluation on combination effects of phenolic endocrine disruptors by estrogen receptor binding assay. Toxicology in vitro : an international journal published in association with BIBRA 20120901
A poly (4-vinylpridine-co-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate) monolithic concentrator for in-line concentration-capillary electrophoresis analysis of phenols in water samples. Electrophoresis 20120901
Analysis of phenolic pollutants in human samples by high performance capillary electrophoresis based on pretreatment of ultrasound-assisted emulsification microextraction and solidification of floating organic droplet. Journal of chromatography. A 20120831
Applicability and robustness of the hen's egg test for analysis of micronucleus induction (HET-MN): results from an inter-laboratory trial. Mutation research 20120830
Controllable fabrication of TiO(2) 1D-nano/micro structures: solid, hollow, and tube-in-tube fibers by electrospinning and the photocatalytic performance. Chemistry (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany) 20120820
Oxygen vacancy induced band-gap narrowing and enhanced visible light photocatalytic activity of ZnO. ACS applied materials & interfaces 20120801
Preparation of cyano-functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes as solid-phase extraction sorbent for preconcentration of phenolic compounds in environmental water. Journal of separation science 20120801
Simultaneous adsorption and dechlorination of 2,4-dichlorophenol by Pd/Fe nanoparticles with multi-walled carbon nanotube support. Journal of hazardous materials 20120730
Nano-scale Au supported on Fe3O4: characterization and application in the catalytic treatment of 2,4-dichlorophenol. Nanotechnology 20120727
Responses of Phanerochaete chrysosporium to toxic pollutants: physiological flux, oxidative stress, and detoxification. Environmental science & technology 20120717
New halogenated disinfection byproducts in swimming pool water and their permeability across skin. Environmental science & technology 20120703
Phytoremediation of 2,4-dichlorophenol using wild type and transgenic tobacco plants. Environmental science and pollution research international 20120701
Electro membrane extraction followed by low-density solvent based ultrasound-assisted emulsification microextraction combined with derivatization for determining chlorophenols and analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Journal of chromatography. A 20120622
A tiered ecological risk assessment of three chlorophenols in Chinese surface waters. Environmental science and pollution research international 20120601
Electrogeneration of H(2) for Pd-catalytic hydrodechlorination of 2,4-dichlorophenol in groundwater. Chemosphere 20120601
Uncaria tomentosa extracts protect human erythrocyte catalase against damage induced by 2,4-D-Na and its metabolites. Food and chemical toxicology : an international journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association 20120601
Kinetic modeling of bioregeneration of chlorophenol-loaded granular activated carbon in simultaneous adsorption and biodegradation processes. Bioresource technology 20120601
Optimization of the preparation process of biological sludge adsorbents for application in water treatment. Journal of hazardous materials 20120530
Usefulness of a PARAFAC decomposition in the fiber selection procedure to determine chlorophenols by means SPME-GC-MS. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 20120501
A thermostable humic acid peroxidase from Streptomyces sp. strain AH4: purification and biochemical characterization. Bioresource technology 20120501
Ozonation products of triclosan in advanced wastewater treatment. Water research 20120501
Combined toxicity of three chlorophenols 2,4-dichlorophenol, 2,4,6-trichlorophenol and pentachlorophenol to Daphnia magna. Journal of environmental monitoring : JEM 20120501
Ionic liquid-based dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction with back-extraction coupled with capillary electrophoresis to determine phenolic compounds. Electrophoresis 20120401
[Degradation of organic pollutants by photo-Fenton-like system with hematite]. Huan jing ke xue= Huanjing kexue 20120401
Removal of chlorophenolic derivatives by soil isolated ascomycete of Paraconiothyrium variabile and studying the role of its extracellular laccase. Journal of hazardous materials 20120330
Significance of xenobiotic metabolism for bioaccumulation kinetics of organic chemicals in Gammarus pulex. Environmental science & technology 20120320
Chlorophenol degradation in soil columns inoculated with Anthracophyllum discolor immobilized on wheat grains. Journal of environmental management 20120301
Exposure to phthalates and phenols during pregnancy and offspring size at birth. Environmental health perspectives 20120301
Degradation of high concentration 2,4-dichlorophenol by simultaneous photocatalytic-enzymatic process using TiO2/UV and laccase. Journal of hazardous materials 20120227
Metabolic fate of 2,4-dichlorophenol and related plant residues in rats. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 20120222
Reduction of misleading ('false') positive results in mammalian cell genotoxicity assays. I. Choice of cell type. Mutation research 20120218
Mixed hemimicelles solid-phase extraction of chlorophenols in environmental water samples with 1-hexadecyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide-coated Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles with high-performance liquid chromatographic analysis. Analytica chimica acta 20120217
Ultrasensitive detection of phenolic compounds based on a spin-labeled luminescent lanthanide complex. The Analyst 20120207
Integrating plasmonic nanoparticles with TiO₂ photonic crystal for enhancement of visible-light-driven photocatalysis. Environmental science & technology 20120207
Determination of chlorophenols in landfill leachate using headspace sampling with ionic liquid-coated solid-phase microextraction fibers combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Analytica chimica acta 20120127
Enhanced magnetic separation and photocatalytic activity of nitrogen doped titania photocatalyst supported on strontium ferrite. Journal of hazardous materials 20120115
Disruption of endocrine function in in vitro H295R cell-based and in in vivo assay in zebrafish by 2,4-dichlorophenol. Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 20120115
Effect of copper ion on adsorption of chlorinated phenols and 1-naphthylamine to surface-modified carbon nanotubes. Environmental toxicology and chemistry 20120101
Simultaneous analytical method for urinary metabolites of organophosphorus compounds and moth repellents in general population. Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences 20120101
Combination of hydrodechlorination and biodegradation for the abatement of chlorophenols. Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research 20120101
Genome sequence of Desulfitobacterium hafniense DCB-2, a Gram-positive anaerobe capable of dehalogenation and metal reduction. BMC microbiology 20120101
The evolution of the bacterial luciferase gene cassette (lux) as a real-time bioreporter. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 20120101
[Catalytic hydrodechlorination of 2,4-dichlorophenol over Pd/TiO2]. Huan jing ke xue= Huanjing kexue 20120101
Microemulsion synthesis, characterization of highly visible light responsive rare earth-doped Bi2O3. Photochemistry and photobiology 20120101
Probabilistic ecological risk assessment for three chlorophenols in surface waters of China. Journal of environmental sciences (China) 20120101
Performance evaluation of a granular activated carbon-sequencing batch biofilm reactor pilot plant system used in treating real wastewater from recycled paper industry. Environmental technology 20120101
Dechlorination of chlorinated compounds by Trametes versicolor ATCC 200801 crude laccase and quantitative structure-activity relationship of toxicity. Journal of environmental science and health. Part A, Toxic/hazardous substances & environmental engineering 20120101
Enzymatic degradation of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in aquatic plants and relations to biological Fenton reaction. Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research 20120101
Sorption of chlorophenols onto fruit cuticles and potato periderm. Journal of environmental sciences (China) 20120101
Dechlorination of chlorophenols by zero valent iron impregnated silica. Journal of environmental sciences (China) 20120101
Efficiency of biological activator formulated material (BAFM) for volatile organic compounds removal--preliminary batch culture tests with activated sludge. Environmental technology 20120101
Effect of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol on the microbial activity of adapted anaerobic granular sludge bioaugmented with Desulfitobacterium strains. New biotechnology 20111215
Four potato (Solanum tuberosum) ABCG transporters and their expression in response to abiotic factors and Phytophthora infestans infection. Journal of plant physiology 20111215
Characterization and inhibition studies of an α-carbonic anhydrase from the endangered sturgeon species Acipenser gueldenstaedti. Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistry 20111201
In situ encapsulation of laccase in nanofibers by electrospinning for development of enzyme biosensors for chlorophenol monitoring. The Analyst 20111121
[Preparation of N-alkyl chitosan and its adsorption of 2,4-dichlorophenol]. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 20111101
Comparison of competitive and synergetic adsorption of three phenolic compounds on river sediment. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987) 20111001
Polypyrrole/graphene composite-coated fiber for the solid-phase microextraction of phenols. Journal of separation science 20111001
Bioregeneration of granular activated carbon in simultaneous adsorption and biodegradation of chlorophenols. Bioresource technology 20111001
The intermediate products in the degradation of 4-chlorophenol by pulsed high voltage discharge in water. Journal of hazardous materials 20110915
Investigation of the interaction between chlorophenols and lysozyme in solution. Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. B, Biology 20110902
Derivation of aquatic predicted no-effect concentration (PNEC) for 2,4-dichlorophenol: comparing native species data with non-native species data. Chemosphere 20110901
Protective activity of the Uncaria tomentosa extracts on human erythrocytes in oxidative stress induced by 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP) and catechol. Food and chemical toxicology : an international journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association 20110901
Enhanced sorption and photodegradation of chlorophenol over fluoride-loaded TiO2. Journal of hazardous materials 20110830
Gel-hydrothermal synthesis of carbon and boron co-doped TiO2 and evaluating its photocatalytic activity. Journal of hazardous materials 20110815
Simultaneous cadmium removal and 2,4-dichlorophenol degradation from aqueous solutions by Phanerochaete chrysosporium. Applied microbiology and biotechnology 20110801
Synergistic effect of nickel ions on the coupled dechlorination of trichloroethylene and 2,4-dichlorophenol by Fe/TiO₂ nanocomposites in the presence of UV light under anoxic conditions. Water research 20110801
Ionic liquid based three-phase liquid-liquid-liquid solvent bar microextraction for the determination of phenols in seawater samples. Journal of chromatography. A 20110715
Comparison of experimental methods for determination of toxicity and biodegradability of xenobiotic compounds. Biodegradation 20110701
Construction, expression, and characterization of a single-chain variable fragment antibody against 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid in the hemolymph of silkworm larvae. Applied biochemistry and biotechnology 20110701
Urinary concentrations of phthalates and phenols in a population of Spanish pregnant women and children. Environment international 20110701
Dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction based on solidification of floating organic droplet followed by high-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for the determination of triclosan and 2,4-dichlorophenol in water samples. Journal of chromatography. A 20110624
Cloning and characterisation of a novel 2,4-dichlorophenol hydroxylase from a metagenomic library derived from polychlorinated biphenyl-contaminated soil. Biotechnology letters 20110601
The binding of triclosan to SmeT, the repressor of the multidrug efflux pump SmeDEF, induces antibiotic resistance in Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. PLoS pathogens 20110601
Synthesis of surface molecularly imprinted polymer and the selective solid phase extraction of imidazole from its structural analogs. Talanta 20110530
Gold nanoparticles for enhanced chemiluminescence and determination of 2,4-dichlorophenol in environmental water samples. The Analyst 20110521
Preparation of Fe3O4@C@PANI magnetic microspheres for the extraction and analysis of phenolic compounds in water samples by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Journal of chromatography. A 20110520
'Cross-talk' in scheduled multiple reaction monitoring caused by in-source fragmentation in herbicide screening with liquid chromatography electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 20110511
Acute toxicity of organic chemicals to Gammarus pulex correlates with sensitivity of Daphnia magna across most modes of action. Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 20110501
Identification of triclosan intermediates produced by oxidative degradation using TiO2 in pure water and their endocrine disrupting activities. Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology 20110501
Removal capacity and pathways of phenolic endocrine disruptors in an estuarine wetland of natural reed bed. Chemosphere 20110401
Sorption of apolar and polar organic contaminants by waste tire rubber and its chars in single- and bi-solute systems. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987) 20110401
Synthesis of N-doped nano TiO2 using guanidine nitrate: an excellent visible light photocatalyst. Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology 20110301
Liquid phase hydrodechlorination of chlorophenols at lower temperature on a novel Pd catalyst. Journal of hazardous materials 20110227
Triclosan susceptibility and co-metabolism--a comparison for three aerobic pollutant-degrading bacteria. Bioresource technology 20110201
Evaluation of toxicity and degradation of a chlorophenol mixture by the laccase produced by Trametes pubescens. Bioresource technology 20110201
Oxidation of 2,4-dichlorophenol and 3,4-dichlorophenol by means of Fe(III)-homogeneous photocatalysis and algal toxicity assessment of the treated solutions. Water research 20110201
Scale up of 2,4-dichlorophenol removal from aqueous solutions using Brassica napus hairy roots. Journal of hazardous materials 20110115
Mechanism and direct kinetic study of the polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin and dibenzofuran formations from the radical/radical cross-condensation of 2,4-dichlorophenoxy with 2-chlorophenoxy and 2,4,6-trichlorophenoxy. Environmental science & technology 20110115
Chlorophenol stress affects aromatic amino acid biosynthesis-a genome-wide study. Yeast (Chichester, England) 20110101
Enhancement of chlorophenol sorption on soil by geophagous earthworms (Metaphire guillelmi). Chemosphere 20110101
Endophytic bacterial diversity in roots of Typha angustifolia L. in the constructed Beijing Cuihu Wetland (China). Research in microbiology 20110101
Electrochemical dechlorination of 2,4-dichlorophenol in aqueous solution on palladium-loaded meshed titanium electrode. Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research 20110101
Inhibition of Recombinant D-Amino Acid Oxidase from Trigonopsis variabilis by Salts. Enzyme research 20110101
Fabrication and photoelectrocatalytic properties of nanocrystalline monoclinic BiVO4 thin-film electrode. Journal of environmental sciences (China) 20110101
Peroxidase-catalyzed stabilization of 2,4-dichlorophenol in alkali-extracted soils. Journal of environmental quality 20110101
Solid-phase extraction of antipyrine dye for spectrophotometric determination of phenolic compounds in water. Analytical sciences : the international journal of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry 20110101
Laccase: microbial sources, production, purification, and potential biotechnological applications. Enzyme research 20110101
Laccase-Based CLEAs: Chitosan as a Novel Cross-Linking Agent. Enzyme research 20110101
Accessibility of Enzymatically Delignified Bambusa bambos for Efficient Hydrolysis at Minimum Cellulase Loading: An Optimization Study. Enzyme research 20110101
Role of microbial enzymes in the bioremediation of pollutants: a review. Enzyme research 20110101
Molecularly imprinted polymers: present and future prospective. International journal of molecular sciences 20110101
Anaerobic biodegradation of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol in expanded granular sludge bed and fluidized bed biofilm reactors bioaugmented with Desulfitobacterium spp. Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research 20110101
Fluorescent sensing of chlorophenols in water using an azo dye modified β-cyclodextrin polymer. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 20110101
The association between urinary concentrations of dichlorophenol pesticides and obesity in children. Reviews on environmental health 20110101
Permeable reactive barrier of surface hydrophobic granular activated carbon coupled with elemental iron for the removal of 2,4-dichlorophenol in water. Journal of hazardous materials 20101215
Physical insight into the sonochemical degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol. Environmental technology 20101214
Deriving the aquatic predicted no-effect concentrations (PNECs) of three chlorophenols for the Taihu Lake, China. Journal of environmental science and health. Part A, Toxic/hazardous substances & environmental engineering 20101201
Degradation of pentachlorophenol and 2,4-dichlorophenol by sequential visible-light driven photocatalysis and laccase catalysis. Environmental science & technology 20101201
Biological and photocatalytic treatment integrated with separation and reuse of titanium dioxide on the removal of chlorophenols in tap water. Journal of hazardous materials 20101115
Preparation of core-shell molecularly imprinted polymer via the combination of reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer polymerization and click reaction. Analytica chimica acta 20101108
Kinetic studies on the adsorption of phenol, 4-chlorophenol, and 2,4-dichlorophenol from water using activated carbons. Journal of environmental management 20101101
An information-rich alternative, chemicals testing strategy using a high definition toxicogenomics and zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20101101
Catalytic dechlorination of 2,4-dichlorophenol by Pd/Fe bimetallic nanoparticles in the presence of humic acid. Journal of hazardous materials 20101015
Bacterial diversity in paclobutrazol applied agricultural soils. Journal of environmental science and health. Part. B, Pesticides, food contaminants, and agricultural wastes 20101001
Enhanced mineralization of 2,4-dichlorophenol by ozone in the presence of trace permanganate: effect of pH. Environmental technology 20101001
2-(2,4-Dichloro-phen-oxy)-1-(1H-pyrazol-1-yl)ethanone. Acta crystallographica. Section E, Structure reports online 20101001
Quantification of catechol dioxygenase gene expression in soil during degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol. FEMS microbiology ecology 20100801
Inhibitory concentrations of 2,4D and its possible intermediates in sulfate reducing biofilms. Journal of hazardous materials 20100715
Reductive dechlorination of chlorophenols in estuarine sediments of Lake Shinji and Lake Nakaumi. Journal of environmental science and health. Part. B, Pesticides, food contaminants, and agricultural wastes 20100701
Bioaccumulation kinetics of organic xenobiotic pollutants in the freshwater invertebrate Gammarus pulex modeled with prediction intervals. Environmental toxicology and chemistry 20100701
Effects of experimental parameters on 2,4-dichlorphenol degradation over Er-chitosan-PbO2 electrode. Journal of hazardous materials 20100615
Comparison of current-use pesticide and other toxicant urinary metabolite levels among pregnant women in the CHAMACOS cohort and NHANES. Environmental health perspectives 20100601
The biomass yielding process of xenobiotic degradation. Bioresource technology 20100601
[Dechlorination degradation of 2,4-D by nanoscale Fe3O4]. Huan jing ke xue= Huanjing kexue 20100601
Molecularly imprinted polymers for ochratoxin a extraction and analysis. Toxins 20100601
Degradation of chlorophenols by sequential biological-advanced oxidative process using Trametes pubescens and TiO(2)/UV. Bioresource technology 20100501
Synthesis of 3-((2,4-dichlorophenoxy)methyl)-1,2,4-triazolo(thiadiazoles and thiadiazines) as anti-inflammatory and molluscicidal agents. European journal of medicinal chemistry 20100501
Quantum chemical and kinetic study on dioxin formation from the 2,4,6-TCP and 2,4-DCP precursors. Environmental science & technology 20100501
Electrochemical properties of the erbium-chitosan-fluorine-modified PbO2 electrode for the degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol in aqueous solution. Chemosphere 20100501
Simultaneous removal of 2,4-dichlorophenol and Cd from soils by electrokinetic remediation combined with activated bamboo charcoal. Journal of hazardous materials 20100415
Removal of 2,4-diclorophenol from aqueous solutions using tobacco hairy root cultures. Journal of hazardous materials 20100415
Competitive adsorption of naphthalene with 2,4-dichlorophenol and 4-chloroaniline on multiwalled carbon nanotubes. Environmental science & technology 20100415
Reductive transformation of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid by nanoscale and microscale Fe3O4 particles. Journal of environmental science and health. Part. B, Pesticides, food contaminants, and agricultural wastes 20100401
Effects of soil oxygen conditions and soil pH on remediation of DDT-contaminated soil by laccase from white rot fungi. International journal of environmental research and public health 20100401
Sulphonated cobalt phthalocyanine-MCM-41: an active photocatalyst for degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol. Journal of hazardous materials 20100315
Anion variation on a cobalt(III) complex of salen-type ligand tethered by four quaternary ammonium salts for CO2/epoxide copolymerization. Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) 20100314
Oxidative degradation of chlorophenol derivatives promoted by microwaves or power ultrasound: a mechanism investigation. Environmental science and pollution research international 20100301
Studies on the interactions of 2, 4-dinitrophenol and 2, 4-dichlorphenol with trypsin. Journal of fluorescence 20100301
Analysis of phenolic xenoestrogens by pressurized CEC with amperometric detection. Electrophoresis 20100301
In vitro profiling of endocrine disrupting effects of phenols. Toxicology in vitro : an international journal published in association with BIBRA 20100201
Coupling cytotoxicity biomarkers with DNA damage assessment in TK6 human lymphoblast cells. Mutation research 20100201
Programmed cell death in plants: protective effect of phenolic compounds against chitosan and H2O2. Biochemistry. Biokhimiia 20100201
[An enzyme sensor for phenolic compounds analysis]. Guang pu xue yu guang pu fen xi = Guang pu 20100201
Plasmon-induced photodegradation of toxic pollutants with Ag-AgI/Al2O3 under visible-light irradiation. Journal of the American Chemical Society 20100120
Transformation of Triclosan by Fe(III)-saturated montmorillonite. Environmental science & technology 20100115
Enhanced transformation of triclosan by laccase in the presence of redox mediators. Water research 20100101
Kinetic and thermodynamic study of chlorophenol sorption in an allophanic soil. Chemosphere 20100101
New in vitro dermal absorption database and the prediction of dermal absorption under finite conditions for risk assessment purposes. Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP 20100101
Liquid chromatography with post-column reagent addition of ammonia in methanol coupled to negative ion electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry for determination of phenoxyacid herbicides and their degradation products in surface water. Analytical chemistry insights 20100101
Selective removal of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid from water by molecularly-imprinted amino-functionalized silica gel sorbent. Journal of environmental sciences (China) 20100101
Comparative studies on the degradation of three aromatic compounds by Pseudomonas sp. and Staphylococcus xylosus. Journal of environmental science and health. Part A, Toxic/hazardous substances & environmental engineering 20100101
Accelerated degradation of a variety of aromatic compounds by Spirodela polyrrhiza-bacterial associations and contribution of root exudates released from S. polyrrhiza. Journal of environmental sciences (China) 20100101
Oxidative degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) in subcritical and supercritical waters. Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research 20100101
Biodegradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol in a fluidized bed reactor with immobilized Phanerochaete chrysosporium. Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research 20100101
Dietary olive oil effect on antioxidant status and fatty acid profile in the erythrocyte of 2,4-D- exposed rats. Lipids in health and disease 20100101
Impact of a metabolic uncoupler, 2,4-dichlorophenol on minimization of activated sludge production in membrane bioreactor. Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research 20100101
Fungal laccases: production, function, and applications in food processing. Enzyme research 20100101
Extraction and Application of Laccases from Shimeji Mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus) Residues in Decolourisation of Reactive Dyes and a Comparative Study Using Commercial Laccase from Aspergillus oryzae. Enzyme research 20100101
On-line enrichment and measurement of four halogenated phenols in water samples using pressure-assisted electrokinetic injection-tandem mass spectrometry. Analytical sciences : the international journal of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry 20100101
Reducing effect of aerobic selector on the toxicity of synthetic organic compounds in activated sludge process. Bioresource technology 20091201
Aquatic photochemistry of chlorinated triclosan derivatives: potential source of polychlorodibenzo-p-dioxins. Environmental toxicology and chemistry 20091201
Comparison of DNA- and RNA-based bacterial community structures in soil exposed to 2,4-dichlorophenol. Journal of applied microbiology 20091201
Oxidation of triclosan by permanganate (Mn(VII)): importance of ligands and in situ formed manganese oxides. Environmental science & technology 20091101
2,4-Dichloro-phenyl 4-bromo-benzene-sulfonate. Acta crystallographica. Section E, Structure reports online 20091101
Effects of dissolved gases and pH on sonolysis of 2,4-dichlorophenol. Journal of hazardous materials 20091030
Selective recognition and removal of chlorophenols from aqueous solution using molecularly imprinted polymer prepared by reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer polymerization. Biosensors & bioelectronics 20091015
Mechanism of enhanced electrochemical oxidation of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid with in situ microwave activated boron-doped diamond and platinum anodes. The journal of physical chemistry. A 20091001
Adsorptive removal of 2,4-dichlorophenol from water utilizing Punica granatum peel waste and stabilization with cement. Journal of hazardous materials 20090915
Molecularly imprinted polymer as micro-solid phase extraction combined with high performance liquid chromatography to determine phenolic compounds in environmental water samples. Analytica chimica acta 20090914
Effect of recycling flux on performance and characteristics of activated sludge hydrolytic-aerobic recycling process in degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol. Journal of hazardous materials 20090830
Effects of plasticizers and their mixtures on estrogen receptor and thyroid hormone functions. Toxicology letters 20090825
Molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction combined with high performance liquid chromatography for analysis of phenolic compounds from environmental water samples. Journal of hazardous materials 20090815
Physical insights into the sonochemical degradation of recalcitrant organic pollutants with cavitation bubble dynamics. Ultrasonics sonochemistry 20090801
Optimization of laccase mediated biodegradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol using genetic algorithm. Water research 20090801
Comparison of UASB and EGSB performance on the anaerobic biodegradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol. Chemosphere 20090801
Carbon monolith: preparation, characterization and application as microextraction fiber. Journal of chromatography. A 20090710
Surface functionalized mesoporous silicas as adsorbents for aromatic contaminants in aqueous solution. Environmental toxicology and chemistry 20090701
Photoinduced degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol in water: influence of various Fe(III) carboxylates. Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology 20090701
Analysis of selected pharmaceutical compounds and endocrine disruptors in municipal wastewater using solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography. Water environment research : a research publication of the Water Environment Federation 20090701
Factors influencing the dechlorination of 2,4-dichlorophenol by Ni-Fe nanoparticles in the presence of humic acid. Journal of hazardous materials 20090615
[Degradation of toxic organic pollutants by soil catalysis under visible irradiation]. Huan jing ke xue= Huanjing kexue 20090615
Selective removal of 2,4-dichlorophenol from contaminated water using non-covalent imprinted microspheres. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987) 20090601
Rhamnolipid biosurfactants decrease the toxicity of chlorinated phenols to Pseudomonas putida DOT-T1E. Letters in applied microbiology 20090601
Interaction of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol with high carbon iron filings: Reaction and sorption mechanisms. Journal of hazardous materials 20090515
Novel multiwalled carbon nanotubes-polyaniline composite film coated platinum wire for headspace solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatographic determination of phenolic compounds. Journal of chromatography. A 20090501
Co-metabolism of 2,4-dichlorophenol and 4-Cl-m-cresol in the presence of glucose as an easily assimilated carbon source by Staphylococcus xylosus. Journal of hazardous materials 20090415
Chlorophenols induce lipid peroxidation and change antioxidant parameters in the leaves of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Journal of plant physiology 20090401
Development of negligible depletion hollow fiber membrane-protected liquid-phase microextraction for simultaneous determination of partitioning coefficients and acid dissociation constants. Journal of chromatography. A 20090320
TiO(2)/BaTiO(3)-assisted photocatalytic mineralization of diclofop-methyl on UV-light irradiation in the presence of oxidizing agents. Journal of hazardous materials 20090315
The growth behavior of Chlorella vulgaris in the presence of 4-chlorophenol and 2,4-dichlorophenol. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 20090301
Levels of metals and organic substances in workers at a hazardous waste incinerator: a follow-up study. International archives of occupational and environmental health 20090301
Use of a programmed temperature vaporizer and an in situ derivatization reaction to improve sensitivity in headspace-gas chromatography. Application to the analysis of chlorophenols in water. Journal of chromatography. A 20090213
2,4-Dichlorophenol (DCP) containing wastewater treatment using a hybrid-loop bioreactor. Bioresource technology 20090201
Interactions of mixed organic contaminants in uptake by rice seedlings. Chemosphere 20090201
Effects of iron type in Fenton reaction on mineralization and biodegradability enhancement of hazardous organic compounds. Journal of hazardous materials 20090130
Compatibility of hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin with algal toxicity bioassays. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987) 20090101
Remediation of a chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbon in water by photoelectrocatalysis. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987) 20090101
Biogenic volatile organic compounds as a potential stimulator for organic contaminant degradation by soil microorganisms. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987) 20090101
Biodegradability of chlorophenol wastewater enhanced by solar photo-Fenton process. Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research 20090101
Synthesis and evaluation of a molecularly imprinted polymer for 2,4-dinitrophenol. International journal of molecular sciences 20090101
Anaerobic biodegradation of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol by methanogenic granular sludge: role of co-substrates and methanogenic inhibition. Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research 20090101
Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals from aqueous phase using spherical microporous carbon prepared from waste polymeric exchanger. Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research 20090101
Enhanced bio-recalcitrant organics removal by combined adsorption and ozonation. Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research 20090101
Preliminary feasibility study of benzo(a)pyrene oxidative degradation by Fenton treatment. Journal of environmental and public health 20090101
Purge-assisted headspace solid-phase microextraction combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for determination of chlorophenols in aqueous samples. Journal of chromatography. A 20081212
Effects of 2,4-dichlorophenol on the expression of vitellogenin and estrogen receptor genes and physiology impairments in Chinese rare minnow (Gobiocypris rarus). Environmental toxicology 20081201
Sorption of polar and nonpolar aromatic compounds to four surface soils of eastern China. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987) 20081201
Sorption of polar and nonpolar aromatic compounds to two humic acids with varied structural heterogeneity. Environmental toxicology and chemistry 20081201
Headspace single drop and hollow fiber liquid phase microextractions for HPLC determination of phenols. Journal of separation science 20081201
Host-guest interactions between 2,4-dichlorophenol and humic substances as evaluated by 1H NMR relaxation and diffusion ordered spectroscopy. Environmental science & technology 20081115
Conformational dynamics associated with photodissociation of CO from dehaloperoxidase studied using photoacoustic calorimetry. Biochemistry 20081104
Aqueous adsorption of aniline, phenol, and their substitutes by multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Environmental science & technology 20081101
[Characteristics of 4-chlorophenol degradation by a soil bacterium Acinetobacter sp]. Huan jing ke xue= Huanjing kexue 20081101
Microwave-assisted headspace controlled temperature liquid-phase microextraction of chlorophenols from aqueous samples for gas chromatography-electron capture detection. Journal of chromatography. A 20081017
Metabolism of nitrodiphenyl ether herbicides by dioxin-degrading bacterium Sphingomonas wittichii RW1. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 20081008
Phytoremediation of organic xenobiotics - Glutathione dependent detoxification in Phragmites plants from European treatment sites. Bioresource technology 20081001
N-Benzyl-2-(2,4-dichloro-phen-oxy)acetamide. Acta crystallographica. Section E, Structure reports online 20081001
Metabolic fate of [14C] chlorophenols in radish (Raphanus sativus), lettuce (Lactuca sativa), and spinach (Spinacia oleracea). Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 20080924
Adsorption of hydroxyl- and amino-substituted aromatics to carbon nanotubes. Environmental science & technology 20080915
Induction of enzymes of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetate degradation in Burkholderia cepacia 2a and toxicity of metabolic intermediates. Biodegradation 20080901
Hollow-fiber-supported liquid phase microextraction with in situ derivatization and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for determination of chlorophenols in human urine samples. Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences 20080901
Substituted phenols as pollutants that affect membrane fluidity. Journal of environmental biology 20080901
Automated on-line column-switching HPLC-MS/MS method for measuring environmental phenols and parabens in serum. Talanta 20080815
Laccase mediated biodegradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol using response surface methodology. Chemosphere 20080801
Automated on-line column-switching HPLC-MS/MS method with peak focusing for measuring parabens, triclosan, and other environmental phenols in human milk. Analytica chimica acta 20080801
Pentachlorophenol and cancer risk: focusing the lens on specific chlorophenols and contaminants. Environmental health perspectives 20080801
Prenatal phenol and phthalate exposures and birth outcomes. Environmental health perspectives 20080801
Faster and simpler determination of chlorophenols in water by fiber introduction mass spectrometry. Analytica chimica acta 20080714
Enhanced degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol by ultrasound in a new Fenton like system (Fe/EDTA) at ambient circumstance. Ultrasonics sonochemistry 20080701
Effect of manganese ion on the mineralization of 2,4-dichlorophenol by ozone. Chemosphere 20080701
Activation of steroid and xenobiotic receptor (SXR, NR1I2) and its orthologs in laboratory, toxicologic, and genome model species. Environmental health perspectives 20080701
Expression in yeast of secreted lignin peroxidase with improved 2,4-dichlorophenol degradability by DNA shuffling. Journal of biotechnology 20080630
Evaluation of liquid-phase microextraction conditions for determination of chlorophenols in environmental samples using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry without derivatization. Talanta 20080630
Single-drop coacervative microextraction of organic compounds prior to liquid chromatography. Theoretical and practical considerations. Journal of chromatography. A 20080627
The cooperative electrochemical oxidation of chlorophenols in anode-cathode compartments. Journal of hazardous materials 20080615
Modulation of signal transduction pathways in lymphocytes due to sub-lethal toxicity of chlorinated phenol. Toxicology letters 20080610
Molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction and flow-injection chemiluminescence for trace analysis of 2,4-dichlorophenol in water samples. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 20080601
Biological treatment of 2,4-dichlorophenol containing synthetic wastewater using a rotating brush biofilm reactor. Bioresource technology 20080501
Suppression of NO production and 8-nitroguanosine formation by phenol-containing endocrine-disrupting chemicals in LPS-stimulated macrophages: involvement of estrogen receptor-dependent or -independent pathways. Nitric oxide : biology and chemistry 20080501
Spiking solvent, humidity and their impact on 2,4-D and 2,4-DCP extractability from high humic matter content soils. Chemosphere 20080501
Higher intrinsic photocatalytic efficiency of 2,4,6-triphenylpyrylium-based photocatalysts compared to TiO2 P-25 for the degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol using solar simulated light. Chemosphere 20080501
Plastic components affect the activation of the aryl hydrocarbon and the androgen receptor. Toxicology 20080418
Relationships between anaerobic consortia and removal efficiencies in an UASB reactor degrading 2,4 dichlorophenol (DCP). Journal of environmental management 20080401
High efficiency of batch operated biofilm hydrolytic-aerobic recycling process in degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol. Journal of hazardous materials 20080401
Levels and spatial distribution of chlorophenols - 2,4-dichlorophenol, 2,4,6-trichlorophenol, and pentachlorophenol in surface water of China. Chemosphere 20080401
Porogen effect on characteristics of banana pith carbon and the sorption of dichlorophenols. Journal of colloid and interface science 20080401
Use of cell viability assay data improves the prediction accuracy of conventional quantitative structure-activity relationship models of animal carcinogenicity. Environmental health perspectives 20080401
Effects of shock 2,4-dichlorophenol (DCP) and cod loading rates on the removal of 2,4-DCP in a sequential upflow anaerobic sludge blanket/aerobic completely stirred tank reactor system. Environmental technology 20080401
2, 4 dichlorophenol (2, 4-DCP) sorption from aqueous solution using granular activated carbon and polymeric adsorbents and studies on effect of temperature on activated carbon adsorption. Journal of environmental science & engineering 20080401
Effects of possible endocrine disruptors on MyD88-independent TLR4 signaling. FEMS immunology and medical microbiology 20080301
A two-hybrid yeast assay to quantify the effects of xenobiotics on retinoid X receptor-mediated gene expression. Toxicology letters 20080215
Liquid-phase adsorption of phenols using activated carbons derived from agricultural waste material. Journal of hazardous materials 20080211
Mixed hemimicelles solid-phase extraction based on cetyltrimethylammonium bromide-coated nano-magnets Fe3O4 for the determination of chlorophenols in environmental water samples coupled with liquid chromatography/spectrophotometry detection. Journal of chromatography. A 20080208
The effect of suspended particles coated by humic acid on the toxicity of pharmaceuticals, estrogens, and phenolic compounds. Environment international 20080201
Detoxification of 2,4-dichlorophenol by the marine microalga Tetraselmis marina. Phytochemistry 20080201
Quantitative determination of chlorophenols in leather by pressurized liquid extraction and liquid chromatography with diode-array detection. Journal of chromatography. A 20080104
Kinetic of carbonaceous substrate in an upflow anaerobic sludge sludge blanket (UASB) reactor treating 2,4 dichlorophenol (2,4 DCP). Journal of environmental management 20080101
Comparison of the removal of 2,4-dichlorophenol and phenol from polluted water, by peroxidases from tomato hairy roots, and protective effect of polyethylene glycol. Chemosphere 20080101
Degradation of chlorophenols in aqueous media using UV XeBr excilamp in a flow-through reactor. Chemosphere 20080101
Functionality improvement of fungal lignin peroxidase by DNA shuffling for 2,4-dichlorophenol degradability and H2O2 stability. Journal of biotechnology 20080101
Performance optimization of a membrane assisted passive sampler for monitoring of ionizable organic compounds in water. Journal of environmental monitoring : JEM 20080101
[Analysis of chlorophenol compounds contaminating food by LC/MS]. Shokuhin eiseigaku zasshi. Journal of the Food Hygienic Society of Japan 20080101
Organic micro-pollutant removal in liquid-phase using carbonized silk cotton hull. Journal of environmental sciences (China) 20080101
Effects of endocrine disruptors on dehydroepiandrosterone sulfotransferase and enzymes involved in PAPS synthesis: genomic and nongenomic pathways. Environmental health perspectives 20071201
Photoinduced transformation processes of 2,4-dichlorophenol and 2,6-dichlorophenol on nitrate irradiation. Chemosphere 20071101
Metabolic fate of [(14)C]-2,4-dichlorophenol in tobacco cell suspension cultures. Environmental toxicology and chemistry 20071101
Development of a novel ultrasound-assisted headspace liquid-phase microextraction and its application to the analysis of chlorophenols in real aqueous samples. Journal of chromatography. A 20071005
Aerobic granulation for 2,4-dichlorophenol biodegradation in a sequencing batch reactor. Chemosphere 20071001
The use of 2D non-uniform electric field to enhance in situ bioremediation of 2,4-dichlorophenol-contaminated soil. Journal of hazardous materials 20070905
Removal of 2,4-dichlorophenol from aqueous solution by static-air-activated carbon fibers. Journal of colloid and interface science 20070901
Degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol in aqueous solution by a hybrid oxidation process. Journal of hazardous materials 20070817
Modeling of adsorption isotherms of phenol and chlorophenols onto granular activated carbon. Part I. Two-parameter models and equations allowing determination of thermodynamic parameters. Journal of hazardous materials 20070817
Modeling of adsorption isotherms of phenol and chlorophenols onto granular activated carbon. Part II. Models with more than two parameters. Journal of hazardous materials 20070817
Modeling chlorophenols degradation in sequencing batch reactors with instantaneous feed-effect of 2,4-DCP presence on 4-CP degradation kinetics. Biodegradation 20070801
Effects of pH and temperature on isotherm parameters of chlorophenols biosorption to anaerobic granular sludge. Journal of hazardous materials 20070716
Anchored oxygen-donor coordination to iron for photodegradation of organic pollutants. Environmental science & technology 20070715
Chlorophenol hydroxylase activity encoded by TfdB from 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D)-degrading Bradyrhizobium sp. strain RD5-C2. Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry 20070701
Effect of feeding time on the performance of a sequencing batch reactor treating a mixture of 4-CP and 2,4-DCP. Journal of environmental management 20070601
Analysis of adsorption characteristics of 2,4-dichlorophenol from aqueous solutions by activated carbon fiber. Journal of hazardous materials 20070601
Dissipation of 2,4-D in soils of the Humid Pampa region, Argentina: a microcosm study. Chemosphere 20070601
Kinetics of 2,4-dichlorophenol and 4-Cl-m-cresol degradation by Pseudomonas sp. cultures in the presence of glucose. Chemosphere 20070601
QSAR study on permeability of hydrophobic compounds with artificial membranes. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 20070601
Uptake, accumulation, phytotoxicity, and removal of 2,4-dichlorophenol in willow trees. Environmental toxicology and chemistry 20070601
[Study on biodegradation of 2,4-DCP by anaerobic sludge acclimated by mixed mono-chlorphenols]. Huan jing ke xue= Huanjing kexue 20070601
[Recommendation of a highly sensitive method for measuring hemoglobin in hemolytic test]. Sheng wu yi xue gong cheng xue za zhi = Journal of biomedical engineering = Shengwu yixue gongchengxue zazhi 20070601
Suitability of the OCDE tests to estimate contamination with 2,4-dichlorophenol of soils from Galicia (NW Spain). The Science of the total environment 20070525
Removal of 2,4-dichlorophenol and pentachlorophenol from waters by sorption using coal fly ash from a Portuguese thermal power plant. Journal of hazardous materials 20070508
Atrazine-induced aromatase expression is SF-1 dependent: implications for endocrine disruption in wildlife and reproductive cancers in humans. Environmental health perspectives 20070501
Occurrence of 2,4-dichlorophenol and of 2,4-dichloro-6-nitrophenol in the Rhone River Delta (Southern France). Environmental science & technology 20070501
Removal of phenolic endocrine disruptors by Portulaca oleracea. Journal of bioscience and bioengineering 20070501
Kinetic studies of reductive dechlorination of chlorophenols with Ni/Fe bimetallic particles. Environmental technology 20070501
[Simultaneous determination of nine organochlorine pesticide residues in textile by high performance liquid chromatography]. Se pu = Chinese journal of chromatography 20070501
Validation of a high-throughput in vitro alkaline elution/rat hepatocyte assay for DNA damage. Mutation research 20070420
Health effects classification and its role in the derivation of minimal risk levels: immunological effects. Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP 20070401
Adsorption behavior of 2,4-dichlorophenol and pentachlorophenol in an allophanic soil. Chemosphere 20070401
Biodegradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol in the presence of volatile organic compounds in soils under different vegetation types. FEMS microbiology letters 20070401
Effect of heavy metals on the sorption of hydrophobic organic compounds to wood charcoal. Environmental science & technology 20070401
Improving the adsorption capacity and solid structure of natural volcanic soil using a foaming-sintering process based on recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Waste management & research : the journal of the International Solid Wastes and Public Cleansing Association, ISWA 20070401
Capillary electrophoresis with in-capillary solid-phase extraction sample cleanup. Analytical chemistry 20070315
Effects of exposure time and co-existing organic compounds on uptake of atrazine from nutrient solution by rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L.). Journal of hazardous materials 20070306
Reduction of 2,4-dichlorophenol toxicity to Pseudomonas putida after oxidative incubation with humic substances and a biomimetic catalyst. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 20070301
Kinetic and isothermal studies on liquid-phase adsorption of 2,4-dichlorophenol by palm pith carbon. Bioresource technology 20070301
Studies of Toxoplasma gondii and Plasmodium falciparum enoyl acyl carrier protein reductase and implications for the development of antiparasitic agents. Acta crystallographica. Section D, Biological crystallography 20070301
[Spectra derivative kalman filter method for simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of phenol, 2-chlorophenol and 2,4-dichlorophenol]. Guang pu xue yu guang pu fen xi = Guang pu 20070301
Use of protoplasts from paired heterogenic bacterial species to detect tin contaminants: prospects for biosensor development. Biosensors & bioelectronics 20070215
Sequestration of a fluorinated analog of 2,4-dichlorophenol and metabolic products by L. minor as evidenced by 19F NMR. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987) 20070201
Sequential photochemical-biological degradation of chlorophenols. Chemosphere 20070201
Formation of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans from a mixture of chlorophenols over fly ash: influence of water vapor. Environmental science & technology 20070201
Biodegradation kinetics of 2,4-dichlorophenol by acclimated mixed cultures. Journal of biotechnology 20070120
Direct determination of chlorophenols in environmental water samples by hollow fiber supported ionic liquid membrane extraction coupled with high-performance liquid chromatography. Journal of chromatography. A 20070119
Removal of chlorophenols in sequential anaerobic-aerobic reactors. Bioresource technology 20070101
Biosorption of 2,4-dichlorophenol by immobilized white-rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium from aqueous solutions. Bioresource technology 20070101
Modelling 2,4-dichlorophenol bioavailability and bioaccumulation by the freshwater fingernail clam Sphaerium corneum using artificial particles and humic acids. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987) 20070101
Transformation of phenol, catechol, guaiacol and syringol exposed to sodium hypochlorite. Chemosphere 20070101
2,4-dichlorophenol degradation by an integrated process: photoelectrocatalytic oxidation and E-Fenton oxidation. Photochemistry and photobiology 20070101
Determination of phenols in environmental water samples by ionic liquid-based headspace liquid-phase microextraction coupled with high-performance liquid chromatography. Journal of separation science 20070101
Pilot study of urinary biomarkers of phytoestrogens, phthalates, and phenols in girls. Environmental health perspectives 20070101
Development, validation and application of a method to analyze phenols in water samples by solid phase micro extraction-gas chromatography-flame ionization detector. Journal of environmental science and health. Part. B, Pesticides, food contaminants, and agricultural wastes 20070101
Effects of 2,4-dichlorophenol, pentachlorophenol and vegetation on microbial characteristics in a heavy metal polluted soil. Journal of environmental science and health. Part. B, Pesticides, food contaminants, and agricultural wastes 20070101
Comparison of the effect of phenol and its derivatives on protein and free radical formation in human erythrocytes (in vitro). Blood cells, molecules & diseases 20070101
Degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol with a novel TiO2/Ti-Fe-graphite felt photoelectrocatalytic oxidation process. Journal of environmental sciences (China) 20070101
Statistical optimization of adsorption processes for removal of 2,4-dichlorophenol by activated carbon derived from oil palm empty fruit bunches. Journal of environmental sciences (China) 20070101
[Bacillus cereus is a microbial decomposer of 2,4-dichlorophenol]. Izvestiia Akademii nauk. Seriia biologicheskaia 20070101
Determination of endocrine-disrupting compounds in cereals by pressurized liquid extraction and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Study of background contamination. Journal of chromatography. A 20061229
Infrared study of chlorophenols and products of their photodegradation. Talanta 20061215
Formation of trichlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins from 2,4-dichlorophenol and 2,4,5-trichlorophenolate: a theoretical study. Chemphyschem : a European journal of chemical physics and physical chemistry 20061113
Prediction of estrogen receptor agonists and characterization of associated molecular descriptors by statistical learning methods. Journal of molecular graphics & modelling 20061101
Potential applications of immobilized bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) peroxidase in the removal of phenols from polluted water. Chemosphere 20061101
Detecting the effect of very low amounts of penetrants in lipid bilayers using Raman spectroscopy. The journal of physical chemistry. B 20061026
Effects of possible endocrine disrupting chemicals on bacterial component-induced activation of NF-kappaB. Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin 20061001
Adsorption of phenolic compound by aged-refuse. Journal of hazardous materials 20060901
Biosorption of 2,4-dichlorophenol from aqueous solution by Phanerochaete chrysosporium biomass: isotherms, kinetics and thermodynamics. Journal of hazardous materials 20060901
Catalytic hydrodechlorination of 2,4-dichlorophenol on Pd/Rh/C catalysts. Journal of hazardous materials 20060825
Degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol by using glow discharge electrolysis. Journal of hazardous materials 20060825
Impacts of COD and DCP loading rates on biological treatment of 2,4-dichlorophenol (DCP) containing wastewater in a perforated tubes biofilm reactor. Chemosphere 20060801
In-capillary solid-phase extraction-capillary electrophoresis for the determination of chlorophenols in water. Electrophoresis 20060801
Hydraulic residence time effects on performance of an activated sludge unit treating wastewater containing dichlorophenol. Water environment research : a research publication of the Water Environment Federation 20060701
Characteristics of phenol and chlorinated phenols sorption onto surfactant-modified bentonite. Journal of colloid and interface science 20060601
Metabolism of [14C]-2,4-dichlorophenol in edible plants. Pest management science 20060601
Pseudomonas putida KT2440 responds specifically to chlorophenoxy herbicides and their initial metabolites. Proteomics 20060601
The ACCEL model for accelerating the detoxification kinetics of hydrocarbons requiring initial monooxygenation reactions. Biodegradation 20060601
Degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol by combining photo-assisted Fenton reaction and biological treatment. Water environment research : a research publication of the Water Environment Federation 20060601
Expression profiling of estrogen-responsive genes in breast cancer cells treated with alkylphenols, chlorinated phenols, parabens, or bis- and benzoylphenols for evaluation of estrogenic activity. Toxicology letters 20060525
Effects of pH on the chlorination process of phenols in drinking water. Journal of hazardous materials 20060520
Impact of aging on the formation of bound residues after peroxidase-mediated treatment of 2,4-DCP contaminated soils. Environmental science & technology 20060515
Impact of membrane fatty acid composition on the uncoupling sensitivity of the energy conservation of Comamonas testosteroni ATCC 17454. Applied microbiology and biotechnology 20060501
Triclosan reactivity in chloraminated waters. Environmental science & technology 20060415
Sequential UV-biological degradation of chlorophenols. Chemosphere 20060401
Biodegradation of p-nitrophenol by aerobic granules in a sequencing batch reactor. Environmental science & technology 20060401
Accelerated aromatic compounds degradation in aquatic environment by use of interaction between Spirodela polyrrhiza and bacteria in its rhizosphere. Journal of bioscience and bioengineering 20060401
Pesticide assessment: Protecting public health on the home turf. Paediatrics & child health 20060401
[Comparative study on GOD-trinder method for measuring glucose in serum with different benzene-original phenols]. Guang pu xue yu guang pu fen xi = Guang pu 20060301
Effect of biogenic substrate concentration on the performance of sequencing batch reactor treating 4-CP and 2,4-DCP mixtures. Journal of hazardous materials 20060206
Measuring environmental phenols and chlorinated organic chemicals in breast milk using automated on-line column-switching-high performance liquid chromatography-isotope dilution tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences 20060202
Remediation of soil contaminated with 2,4-dichlorophenol by treatment of minced shepherd's purse roots. Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology 20060201
The phase transition behavior of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) model membrane influenced by 2,4-dichlorophenol--an FT-Raman spectroscopy study. Chemistry and physics of lipids 20060201
Mortality from ischemic heart disease and diabetes mellitus (type 2) in four U.S. wheat-producing states: a hypothesis-generating study. Environmental health perspectives 20060201
2,4-Dichlorophenol degradation by the soil fungus Mortierella sp. Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry 20060201
Cobalt-mediated activation of peroxymonosulfate and sulfate radical attack on phenolic compounds. implications of chloride ions. Environmental science & technology 20060201
Sorption potential of rice husk for the removal of 2,4-dichlorophenol from aqueous solutions: kinetic and thermodynamic investigations. Journal of hazardous materials 20060116
Activity of Desulfitobacterium sp. strain Viet1 demonstrates bioavailability of 2,4-dichlorophenol previously sequestered by the aquatic plant Lemna minor. Environmental science & technology 20060115
Bioconcentration of atrazine and chlorophenols into roots and shoots of rice seedlings. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987) 20060101
Catalytic hydrodechlorination of 2,4-dichlorophenol over nanoscale Pd/Fe: reaction pathway and some experimental parameters. Water research 20060101
Determination of phenol in landfill leachate by using microchip capillary electrophoresis with end-channel amperometric detection. Journal of separation science 20060101
Sorption of pesticides on kaolinite and montmorillonite as a function of hydrophilicity. Journal of environmental science and health. Part. B, Pesticides, food contaminants, and agricultural wastes 20060101
Removal of inhibitory phenolic compounds by biological activated carbon coupled membrane bioreactor. Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research 20060101
Sorption and desorption behavior of chloroanilines and chlorophenols on montmorillonite and kaolinite. Journal of environmental science and health. Part. B, Pesticides, food contaminants, and agricultural wastes 20060101
Photocatalytic oxidation of low concentration 2,4-D solution with new TiO2 fiber catalyst in a continuous flow reactor. Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research 20060101
A peroxidase-coupled continuous absorbance plate-reader assay for flavin monoamine oxidases, copper-containing amine oxidases and related enzymes. Nature protocols 20060101
Bioconcentration factor of relatively low concentrations of chlorophenols in Japanese medaka. Chemosphere 20051201
Aquatic degradation of triclosan and formation of toxic chlorophenols in presence of low concentrations of free chlorine. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 20051201
Inhibitory effects of environmental chemicals on protein disulfide isomerase in vitro. Osaka city medical journal 20051201
Two-generation reproductive toxicity studies in rats with extra parameters for detecting endocrine disrupting activity: introductory overview of results for nine chemicals. The Journal of toxicological sciences 20051201
A two-generation reproductive toxicity study of 2,4-dichlorophenol in rats. The Journal of toxicological sciences 20051201
A concentration-dependent multi-term linear free energy relationship for sorption of organic compounds to soils based on the hexadecane dilute-solution reference state. Environmental science & technology 20051115
Production of extracellular polymeric substances from Rhodopseudomonas acidophila in the presence of toxic substances. Applied microbiology and biotechnology 20051101
Effects of 2,4-D and DCP on the DHT-induced androgenic action in human prostate cancer cells. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology 20051101
Chlorinated phenol analysis using off-line solid-phase extraction and capillary electrophoresis coupled with amperometric detection and a boron-doped diamond microelectrode. Analytical chemistry 20051015
Investigation of the accumulation of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) in rat kidneys. Forensic science international 20051004
Lessons learned for the assessment of children's pesticide exposure: critical sampling and analytical issues for future studies. Environmental health perspectives 20051001
Chlorophenols in leachates originating from different landfills and aerobic composting plants. Journal of hazardous materials 20050930
Effect of long-term exposure, biogenic substrate presence, and electron acceptor conditions on the biodegradation of multiple substituted benzoates and phenolates. Water research 20050901
Degradation of chlorophenols using pentachlorophenol-degrading bacteria Sphingomonas chlorophenolica in a batch reactor. Current microbiology 20050901
Correlations of nonlinear sorption of organic solutes with soil/sediment physicochemical properties. Chemosphere 20050901
Electron paramagnetic resonance investigation of in vivo free radical formation and oxidative stress induced by 2,4-dichlorophenol in the freshwater fish Carassius auratus. Environmental toxicology and chemistry 20050901
Fungal bioconversion of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP). Chemosphere 20050901
Automated on-line column-switching HPLC-MS/MS method with peak focusing for the determination of nine environmental phenols in urine. Analytical chemistry 20050815
Microwave assisted extraction followed by gas chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry for the determination of triclosan and two related chlorophenols in sludge and sediments. Journal of chromatography. A 20050805
Biological treatment of synthetic wastewater containing 2,4 dichlorophenol (DCP) in an activated sludge unit. Journal of environmental management 20050801
Contaminant accumulation and biomarker responses in caged fish exposed to effluents from anthropogenic sources in the Karnaphuly River, Bangladesh. Environmental toxicology and chemistry 20050801
Two kinds of chlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase from 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetate-degrading Sphingomonas sp. strain TFD44. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 20050715
Pyrolysis study of halogen-containing aromatics reflecting reactions with polypropylene in a posttreatment decontamination process. Environmental science & technology 20050715
Heterogeneous activation of oxone using Co3O4. The journal of physical chemistry. B 20050714
Application of a neural observer to phenols ozonation in water: simulation and kinetic parameters identification. Water research 20050701
Quantification of phenolic metabolites of environmental chemicals in human urine using gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and isotope dilution quantification. Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences 20050625
Stir bar sorptive extraction with in situ derivatization and thermal desorption-gas chromatography--mass spectrometry for measurement of phenolic xenoestrogens in human urine samples. Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences 20050605
Mobilization of phenol and dichlorophenol in unsaturated soils by non-uniform electrokinetics. Chemosphere 20050601
Anaerobic treatment of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol in an expanded granular sludge bed-anaerobic filter (EGSB-AF) bioreactor at 15 degrees C. FEMS microbiology ecology 20050601
A study of kinetic modelling and reaction pathway of 2,4-dichlorophenol transformation by photo-fenton-like oxidation. Journal of hazardous materials 20050520
Formation of chloroform and chlorinated organics by free-chlorine-mediated oxidation of triclosan. Environmental science & technology 20050501
[Free radical generation and lipid peroxidation induced by 2,4-dichlorophenol in liver of Carassius auratus]. Huan jing ke xue= Huanjing kexue 20050501
Membrane-assisted solvent extraction of seven phenols combined with large volume injection-gas chromatography-mass spectrometric detection. Journal of chromatography. A 20050422
Optimization of solid-phase microextraction conditions for the determination of triclosan and possible related compounds in water samples. Journal of chromatography. A 20050422
Role of phenoxyl radicals in DNA adduction by chlorophenol xenobiotics following peroxidase activation. Chemical research in toxicology 20050401
Time-dependent sorption-desorption behavior of 2,4-dichlorophenol and its polymerization products in surface soils. Environmental science & technology 20050401
[Surface chemical behavior of 2,4-dichlorophenol in presence of metal oxides]. Ying yong sheng tai xue bao = The journal of applied ecology 20050401
Simple and fast spectrophotometric determination of H(2)O(2) in photo-Fenton reactions using metavanadate. Talanta 20050331
Visible-light-induced photocatalytic degradation of 4-chlorophenol and phenolic compounds in aqueous suspension of pure titania: demonstrating the existence of a surface-complex-mediated path. The journal of physical chemistry. B 20050324
Design, synthesis, antibacterial and QSAR studies of benzimidazole and imidazole chloroaryloxyalkyl derivatives. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 20050315
Dynamic liquid-liquid-liquid microextraction with automated movement of the acceptor phase. Analytical chemistry 20050315
Ion chromatography-electrospray mass spectrometry for the identification of low-molecular-weight organic acids during the 2,4-dichlorophenol degradation. Journal of chromatography. A 20050304
Bacterial diversity promotes community stability and functional resilience after perturbation. Environmental microbiology 20050301
Wet peroxide oxidation of chlorophenols. Water research 20050301
Hydroxyl free radical reactivity toward aqueous chlorinated phenols. Water research 20050301
The role of syntrophic associations in sustaining anaerobic mineralization of chlorinated organic compounds. Environmental health perspectives 20050301
Aqueous photochemistry of triclosan: formation of 2,4-dichlorophenol, 2,8-dichlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, and oligomerization products. Environmental toxicology and chemistry 20050301
Comparison treatment of various chlorophenols by electro-Fenton method: relationship between chlorine content and degradation. Journal of hazardous materials 20050214
Influence of soil components on adsorption-desorption of hazardous organics-development of low cost technology for reclamation of hazardous waste dumpsites. Journal of hazardous materials 20050214
Photosensitized oxidation of substituted phenols on aluminum phthalocyanine-intercalated organoclay. Environmental science & technology 20050115
Influence of plants on the chemical extractability and biodegradability of 2,4-dichlorophenol in soil. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987) 20050101
Effect of metal ions on decomposition of chlorinated organic substances by ozonation in acetic acid. Chemosphere 20050101
Mechanisms of dioxin formation from the high-temperature oxidation of 2-chlorophenol. Environmental science & technology 20050101
Phosphate removal from the returned liquor of municipal wastewater treatment plant using iron-reducing bacteria. Journal of applied microbiology 20050101
Responses of the antioxidant defenses of the Goldfish Carassius auratus, exposed to 2,4-dichlorophenol. Environmental toxicology and pharmacology 20050101
Decomposition of trichloroethylene and 2,4-dichlorophenol by ozonation in several organic solvents. Chemosphere 20041201
An unconventional approach to studying the reaction kinetics of the Fenton's oxidation of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Chemosphere 20041201
Effects of humic substances on the decomposition of 2,4-dichlorophenol by ozone after extraction from water into acetic acid through activated carbon. Chemosphere 20041201
Study on the possibility of hydrogen peroxide pretreatment and plant system to remediate soil pollution. Chemosphere 20041201
Activation of lignin peroxidase in organic media by reversed micelles. Biotechnology and bioengineering 20041120
Determination of weakly acidic endocrine-disrupting compounds by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry with post-column base addition. Journal of chromatography. A 20041112
Estimating pesticide dose from urinary pesticide concentration data by creatinine correction in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES-III). Journal of exposure analysis and environmental epidemiology 20041101
A study of the reaction mechanisms of the degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid by oxalate-mediated photooxidation. Water research 20041101
[Characteristic of the removal of 2,4-dichlorophenol by biological activated carbon]. Huan jing ke xue= Huanjing kexue 20041101
Hydrophilic and hydrophobic sorption of organic acids by variable charge soils: effect of chemical acidity and acidic functional group. Environmental science & technology 20041015
The system design of UV-assisted catalytic oxidation process--degradation of 2,4-D. Chemosphere 20041001
The influence of pH on the degradation of phenol and chlorophenols by potassium ferrate. Chemosphere 20040901
A new sono-electrochemical method for enhanced detoxification of hydrophilic chloroorganic pollutants in water. Ultrasonics sonochemistry 20040901
Synthesis and characterization of mesoporous silica films encapsulating titanium dioxide particles; Photodegradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol. Journal of hazardous materials 20040830
Removal of chlorophenols from wastewater using red mud: an aluminum industry waste. Environmental science & technology 20040715
Narrow-band irradiation of a homologous series of chlorophenols on TiO2: charge-transfer complex formation and reactivity. Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids 20040706
Trace analysis of phenolic xenoestrogens in water samples by stir bar sorptive extraction with in situ derivatization and thermal desorption-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Journal of chromatography. A 20040702
Metabolic fate of [14C]-2,4-dichlorophenol in macrophytes. Chemosphere 20040701
Radical generation by the interaction of transition metals with common oxidants. Environmental science & technology 20040701
[Enhancing resistance of a conventional activated sludge system against shock loading of 2,4-DCP through bioaugmentation with special culture]. Huan jing ke xue= Huanjing kexue 20040701
Sorption of ionizable organic compounds on HDTMA-modified loess soil. The Science of the total environment 20040629
Comparison of two screening bioassays, based on the frog sciatic nerve and yeast cells, for the assessment of herbicide toxicity. Environmental toxicology and chemistry 20040501
Chlorophyll and carotenoid degradation mediated by thylakoid-associated peroxidative activity in olives (Olea europaea) cv. hojiblanca. Journal of plant physiology 20040501
Cytotoxic effects of environmentally relevant chlorophenols on L929 cells and their mechanisms. Cell biology and toxicology 20040501
Evaluation of a new solid-phase cartridge for the preconcentration of phenolic compounds in water. Journal of separation science 20040501
Efficient degradation of toxic organic pollutants with Ni2O3/TiO(2-x)Bx under visible irradiation. Journal of the American Chemical Society 20040421
Effects of chronic exposure of 2,4-dichlorophenol on the antioxidant system in liver of freshwater fish Carassius auratus. Chemosphere 20040401
Regulation of catabolic enzymes during long-term exposure of Delftia acidovorans MC1 to chlorophenoxy herbicides. Microbiology (Reading, England) 20040401
A comparative study of the advanced oxidation of 2,4-dichlorophenol. Journal of hazardous materials 20040319
Glycosidation of chlorophenols by Lemna minor. Environmental toxicology and chemistry 20040301
[Isolation of 2,4-dichlorophenol degrading bacterium strain and cloning and expression of its 2,4-dichlorophenol hydroxylase gene]. Sheng wu gong cheng xue bao = Chinese journal of biotechnology 20040301
Removal of chlorophenols using industrial wastes. Environmental science & technology 20040215
Structure of the inclusion complexes of heptakis(2,3,6-tri-O-methyl)-beta-cyclodextrin with indole-3-butyric acid and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Carbohydrate research 20040122
Photochemical transformations of tetrabromobisphenol A and related phenols in water. Chemosphere 20040101
Enhancement of 2,4-dichlorophenol degradation in conventional activated sludge systems bioaugmented with mixed special culture. Water research 20040101
Photocatalysis by titanium dioxide and polyoxometalate/TiO2 cocatalysts. Intermediates and mechanistic study. Environmental science & technology 20040101
Thermochemical characteristics of 2,4-dichlorophenol degrading strain Pseudomonas GT241-1 of growth metabolism by microcalorimetry. Prikladnaia biokhimiia i mikrobiologiia 20040101
Combining photo-Fenton process with biological sequencing batch reactor for 2,4-dichlorophenol degradation. Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research 20040101
Chromatographic separation of chlorophenoxy acid herbicides and their radiolytic degradation products in water samples. Water research 20040101
IAL-CHS (internal airlift loop--ceramic honeycomb supports) reactor used for biodegradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol and phenol. Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research 20040101
Kinetics of biotransformation of 2,4-dichlorophenol using UASB-reactor. Environmental monitoring and assessment 20040101
Effect of 2,4-dichlorophenol on DPPC/water liposomes studied by X-ray and freeze-fracture electron microscopy. Chemistry and physics of lipids 20031201
Photodegradation of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid in various iron-mediated oxidation systems. Water research 20031101
An organic solvent-free microwave-assisted extraction of some priority pollutants of phenols in lake sediments. Analytical sciences : the international journal of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry 20031101
Sorption behavior of 2,4-dichlorophenol on marine sediment. Journal of colloid and interface science 20030915
HQSAR and CoMFA approaches in predicting reactivity of halogenated compounds with hydroxyl radicals. Chemosphere 20030901
[Effects of long-term exposure of low-level 2,4-dichlorophenol on the antioxidant defense system in liver of Carassius auratus]. Huan jing ke xue= Huanjing kexue 20030901
Effects of 2,4-D and its metabolite 2,4-dichlorophenol on antioxidant enzymes and level of glutathione in human erythrocytes. Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Toxicology & pharmacology : CBP 20030801
Uptake and metabolic fate of [14C]-2,4-dichlorophenol and [14C]-2,4-dichloroaniline in wheat (Triticum aestivum) and soybean (Glycine max). Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 20030730
A surface plasmon resonance immunosensor for detecting a dioxin precursor using a gold binding polypeptide. Talanta 20030704
Contribution of the ozonation pre-treatment to the biodegradation of aqueous solutions of 2,4-dichlorophenol. Water research 20030701
Preparation of anti-2,4-dichlorophenol and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid monoclonal antibodies. Cytotechnology 20030701
1,1'-Dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium-smectites as a novel adsorbent of phenols from water through charge-transfer interactions. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) 20030621
Oxidation of 2,4-dichlorophenol catalyzed by horseradish peroxidase: characterization of the reaction mechanism by UV-visible spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. Journal of inorganic biochemistry 20030601
Oxidative transformation of triclosan and chlorophene by manganese oxides. Environmental science & technology 20030601
Determination of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and its major transformation product in soil samples by liquid chromatographic analysis. Talanta 20030528
Synergy of combining sonolysis and photocatalysis in the degradation and mineralization of chlorinated aromatic compounds. Environmental science & technology 20030501
Effects of chlorine content and position of chlorinated phenols on their oxidation kinetics by potassium permanganate. Journal of environmental sciences (China) 20030501
Non-degradable triazine substrates of atrazine and cyanuric acid hydrothermally and in supercritical water under the UV-illuminated photocatalytic cooperation. Chemosphere 20030401
Toxicity of chlorinated phenoxyacetic acid herbicides in the experimental eukaryotic model Saccharomyces cerevisiae: role of pH and of growth phase and size of the yeast cell population. Chemosphere 20030401
Phytoremediation of 2,4-dichlorophenol by Brassica napus hairy root cultures. Biotechnology and applied biochemistry 20030401
Biotreatability and kinetics of UASB reactor to mixtures of chlorophenol pollutants. Environmental monitoring and assessment 20030401
Biodegradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol in sequencing batch reactors augmented with immobilized mixed culture. Chemosphere 20030301
Photosynthesis-dependent removal of 2,4-dichlorophenol by Chlorella fusca var. vacuolata. Biotechnology letters 20030201
Retention and extractability of phenol, cresol, and dichlorophenol exposed to two surface soils in the presence of horseradish peroxidase enzyme. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 20030101
A capillary-based amperometric flow immunoassay for 2,4,6-trichlorophenol. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 20030101
Deriving freshwater quality criteria for 2,4-dichlorophenol for protection of aquatic life in China. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987) 20030101
Enzymatic oxidative transformation of chlorophenol mixtures. Journal of environmental quality 20030101
[Effects of phenol presence on the biodegradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol in a bioaugmented system]. Huan jing ke xue= Huanjing kexue 20030101
Sequential sorption and desorption of chlorinated phenols in organoclays. Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research 20030101
The influence of experimental conditions on the assessment of the toxicity of 2,4-dichlorophenol to the anaerobic bacteria of landfilled refuse. Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research 20030101
Use of additives to enhance the removal of phenols from water treated with horseradish and hydrogen peroxide. Journal of environmental quality 20030101
Reduction in excess sludge production by addition of chemical uncouplers in activated sludge batch cultures. Journal of applied microbiology 20030101
Practical applications of the Fenton reaction to the removal of chlorinated aromatic pollutants. Oxidative degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol. Environmental science and pollution research international 20030101
Removal of hazardous phenols by microalgae under photoautotrophic conditions. Journal of bioscience and bioengineering 20030101
Physiological and cellular responses of the 2,4-D degrading bacterium, Burkholderia cepacia YK-2, to the phenoxyherbicides 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T. Current microbiology 20021201
Separation and determination of phenolic compounds by capillary electrophoresis with chemiluminescence detection. Journal of chromatography. A 20021129
Identification of 2,4-dichlorophenol in females of the American dog tick, Dermacentor variabilis (Acari: Ixodidae), and its possible role as a component of the attractant sex pheromone. Journal of medical entomology 20021101
Photoelectrochemical dechlorination of phenols. Photochemical & photobiological sciences : Official journal of the European Photochemistry Association and the European Society for Photobiology 20021101
Physiological and cytological responses of the marine diatom Skeletonema costatum to 2,4-dichlorophenol. Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 20021002
Biodegradation and enzymatic responses in the marine diatom Skeletonema costatum upon exposure to 2,4-dichlorophenol. Aquatic toxicology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 20020924
Assimilatory detoxification of herbicides by Delftia acidovorans MC1: induction of two chlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenases as a response to chemostress. Microbiology (Reading, England) 20020901
Detoxification of phenolic solutions with horseradish peroxidase and hydrogen peroxide. Water research 20020901
[Disinfection and degradation of 2,4-DCP with UV-radiation and on-line ozone in drinking water treatmeant]. Huan jing ke xue= Huanjing kexue 20020901
Probing the 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetate/alpha-ketoglutarate dioxygenase substrate-binding site by site-directed mutagenesis and mechanism-based inactivation. Biochemistry 20020806
Photochemical behaviour of dichlorprop [(+/-)-2-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)propanoic acid] in aqueous solution. Pest management science 20020801
Evaluation of interactive toxicity of chlorophenols in water and soil using lux-marked biosensors. Journal of environmental monitoring : JEM 20020801
Fate and effects of triclosan in activated sludge. Environmental toxicology and chemistry 20020701
Effects of 2,4-dichlorophenol on activated sludge. Applied microbiology and biotechnology 20020701
Solar photodegradation of dichloroacetic acid and 2,4-dichlorophenol using an enhanced photo-Fenton process. Chemosphere 20020701
Electrochemical removal of p-nonylphenol from dilute solutions using a carbon fiber anode. Water research 20020701
Relationship between estrogen receptor-binding and estrogenic activities of environmental estrogens and suppression by flavonoids. Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry 20020701
[Treatment of a 2,4-dichlorophenol contaminated wastewater in an air-lift inner-loop bioreactor]. Huan jing ke xue= Huanjing kexue 20020701
Solid-phase extraction method for the determination of free and conjugated phenol compounds in human urine. Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences 20020625
Impact of protein binding on the availability and cytotoxic potency of organochlorine pesticides and chlorophenols in vitro. Toxicology 20020614
Factors influencing nominal effective concentrations of chemical compounds in vitro: medium protein concentration. Toxicology in vitro : an international journal published in association with BIBRA 20020601
Expression of tfdA genes in aquatic microbial communities during acclimation to 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. FEMS microbiology ecology 20020601
Solar photocatalysis: a clean process for water detoxification. The Science of the total environment 20020527
Use of disposable GRC electrodes for the detection of phenol and chlorophenols in liquid chromatography. Analytical sciences : the international journal of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry 20020501
Reductive dechlorination of 2,4-dichlorophenol and related microbial processes under limiting and non-limiting sulfate concentration in anaerobic mid-Chesapeake Bay sediments. FEMS microbiology ecology 20020501
Simultaneous determination of fluoxetine and its metabolite p-trifluoromethylphenol in human liver microsomes using a gas chromatographic-electron-capture detection procedure. Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences 20020405
Sorption behaviour of some chlorophenols in lake aquatic humic matter. Talanta 20020304
Degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid by ionizing radiation: influence of oxygen concentration. Water research 20020301
Kinetic studies on UV-photodegradation of some chlorophenols using TiO2 catalyst. Journal of environmental science and health. Part A, Toxic/hazardous substances & environmental engineering 20020301
Electrochemical oxidation of chlorophenols at a boron-doped diamond electrode and their determination by high-performance liquid chromatography with amperometric detection. Analytical chemistry 20020215
Determination of phenolic xenoestrogens in water by liquid chromatography with coulometric-array detection. Journal of chromatography. A 20020208
Determination of phenoxyacid herbicides and their phenolic metabolites in surface and drinking water. Rapid communications in mass spectrometry : RCM 20020101
Oxidation of chlorophenols in soil at natural pH by catalyzed hydrogen peroxide: the effect of soil organic matter. Chemosphere 20020101
Evidence of differences in the biotransformation of organic contaminants in three species of freshwater invertebrates. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987) 20020101
Sonochemical degradation of aromatic organic pollutants. Waste management (New York, N.Y.) 20020101
Catalytic wet oxidation of 2,4-dichlorophenol solutions: activity of the manganese-cerium composite catalyst and biodegradability of the effluent stream. Water environment research : a research publication of the Water Environment Federation 20020101
Adsorption of phenols by papermill sludges. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987) 20020101
[Prophylactic efficiency of tietasol and oxymethyluracyl against chlorphenols exposure in experimental and real conditions]. Meditsina truda i promyshlennaia ekologiia 20020101
The influence of experimental conditions on the assessment of the toxicity of 2,4-dichlorophenol to anaerobic degradative bacteria. Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research 20020101
Treatment of 2,4-dichlorophenol polluted soil with free and immobilized laccase. Journal of environmental quality 20020101
Two-tank suspended growth process for accelerating the detoxification kinetics of hydrocarbons requiring initial monooxygenation reactions. Biodegradation 20020101
A detailed analysis of the mechanisms controlling the acceleration of 2,4-DCP monooxygenation in the two-tank suspended growth process. Biodegradation 20020101
Induction characteristics of reductive dehalogenation in the ortho-halophenol-respiring bacterium, Anaeromyxobacter dehalogenans. Biodegradation 20020101
Behavioral responses of the ciliated protozoan Paramecium caudatum to 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and its analogues. Journal of bioscience and bioengineering 20020101
Purification of a new isoform of laccase from a Marasmius quercophilus strain isolated from a cork oak litter (Quercus suber L). Mycologia 20020101
Degradation of diphenyl ether herbicides by the lignin-degrading basidiomycete Coriolus versicolor. Applied microbiology and biotechnology 20011101
Modeling of organic pollutant destruction in a stirred-tank reactor by ozonation. Journal of environmental sciences (China) 20011001
Analysis of acidic pesticides using in situ derivatization with alkylchloroformate and solid-phase microextraction (SPME) for GC-MS. Chemosphere 20010901
Impact of peroxidase addition on the sorption-desorption behavior of phenolic contaminants in surface soils. Environmental science & technology 20010801
Simultaneous recovery of copper and degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid in aqueous systems by a combination of electrolytic and photolytic processes. Chemosphere 20010801
Genotoxic effect of 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid and its metabolite 2,4-dichlorophenol in mouse. Mutation research 20010725
PCDD/F deposition time trend to Esthwaite Water, U.K., and its relevance to sources. Environmental science & technology 20010715
Column silylation method for determining endocrine disruptors from environmental water samples by solid phase micro-extraction. Talanta 20010706
Degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol by immobilized iron catalysts. Water research 20010601
Uniformly (14)C-ring-labeled 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid: a metabolism study in bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirus. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 20010601
Trace level determination of phenols as pentafluorobenzyl derivatives by gas chromatography-negative-ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry. The Analyst 20010601
Isolation and characterization of a thermostable intracellular enzyme with peroxidase activity from Bacillus sphaericus. Archives of microbiology 20010601
Selective trace level analysis of phenolic compounds in water by flow injection analysis--membrane introduction mass spectrometry. Environmental science & technology 20010515
Considerations necessary in gathering occurrence data for selected unstable compounds in the USEPA Unregulated Contaminant Candidate List in USEPA Method 526. Environmental science & technology 20010501
Resolving interferences in negative mode ion mobility spectrometry using selective reactant ion chemistry. Talanta 20010412
Synthesis of the beta-D-glucuronides of 2,3-, 3,4-, and 2,6-dichlorophenol. Archiv der Pharmazie 20010301
Quantitative bioregeneration of granular activated carbon loaded with phenol and 2,4-dichlorophenol. Environmental technology 20010301
Identification of surrogate compounds for the emission of PCdd/F (I-TEQ value) and evaluation of their on-line real-time detectability in flue gases of waste incineration plants by REMPI-TOFMS mass spectrometry. Chemosphere 20010101
Determination of Henry's law constants of phenols by pervaporation-flow injection analysis. Environmental science & technology 20010101
Performance and simulation of ozone absorption and reactions in a stirred-tank reactor. Environmental science & technology 20010101
Comparison between the predicted fate of organic compounds in landfills and the actual emissions. Environmental science & technology 20010101
Detailed sorption isotherms of polar and apolar compounds in a high-organic soil. Environmental science & technology 20010101
A modeling approach to bioregeneration of granular activated carbon loaded with phenol and 2,4-dichlorophenol. Journal of environmental science and health. Part A, Toxic/hazardous substances & environmental engineering 20010101
Removal of chlorinated pollutants by a combination of ultrasound and biodegradation. Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research 20010101
Strategies to enhance the biodegradation of toxic compounds using discontinuous processes. Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research 20010101
Combined effects of an oxidative enzyme and dissolved humic substances on 13C-labelled 2,4-D herbicide as revealed by high-resolution 13C NMR spectroscopy. Journal of industrial microbiology & biotechnology 20010101
Studies on composition and stability of a large membered bacterial consortium degrading phenol. Microbiological research 20010101
Degradation of dissolved and sorbed 2,4-dichlorophenol in soil columns by suspended and sorbed bacteria. Biodegradation 20010101
Catalase activity in human erythrocytes: effect of phenoxyherbicides and their metabolites. Cell biology international 20000101
Purification and characterization of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetate/alpha-ketoglutarate dioxygenase. The Journal of biological chemistry 19931115
Affinity purification and characterization of 2,4-dichlorophenol hydroxylase from Pseudomonas cepacia. Archives of biochemistry and biophysics 19910701
Reductive dehalogenation of dichloroanilines by anaerobic microorganisms in fresh and dichlorophenol-acclimated pond sediment. Applied and environmental microbiology 19891001
The purification and properties of 2,4-dichlorophenol hydroxylase from a strain of Acinetobacter species. European journal of biochemistry 19820401