Home Halogens 1-({2-[2-chloro-4-(4-chlorophenoxy)phenyl]-4-methyl-1,3-dioxolan-2-yl}methyl)-1H-1,2,4-triazole


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Product Description
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Title Journal
A comparison of the embryonic stem cell test and whole embryo culture assay combined with the BeWo placental passage model for predicting the embryotoxicity of azoles. Toxicology letters 20180401
Embryotoxic and pharmacologic potency ranking of six azoles in the rat whole embryo culture by morphological and transcriptomic analysis. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20170501
Exposure to difenoconazole, diclofop-methyl alone and combination alters oxidative stress and biochemical parameters in albino rats. International journal of clinical and experimental medicine 20140101
Dissipation of difenoconazole in rice, paddy soil, and paddy water under field conditions. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 20121201
Comparison of the selectivity of different sorbent phases for bar adsorptive microextraction--application to trace level analysis of fungicides in real matrices. Journal of chromatography. A 20121123
Comparison of greenhouse and field degradation behaviour of isoprocarb, hexaflumuron and difenoconazole in Perilla frutescens. Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology 20121001
Degradation of terbuthylazine, difenoconazole and pendimethalin pesticides by selected fungi cultures. The Science of the total environment 20121001
Simultaneous enantioselective determination of triazole fungicide difenoconazole and its main chiral metabolite in vegetables and soil by normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 20121001
Sensitivity to silthiofam, tebuconazole and difenoconazole of Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici isolates from China. Pest management science 20120801
Development of a difenoconazole/propiconazole microemulsion and its antifungal activities against Rhizoctonia solani AG1-IA. Die Pharmazie 20120601
Occurrence and distribution study of residues from pesticides applied under controlled conditions in the field during rice processing. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 20120509
Environmental fate of fungicides in surface waters of a horticultural-production catchment in southeastern Australia. Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology 20120401
HPLC-MS/MS enantioseparation of triazole fungicides using polysaccharide-based stationary phases. Journal of separation science 20120401
Orchard factors associated with resistance and cross resistance to sterol demethylation inhibitor fungicides in populations of Venturia inaequalis from Pennsylvania. Phytopathology 20120301
Characterization of CbCyp51 from field isolates of Cercospora beticola. Phytopathology 20120301
Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel 2-methylpyrimidine-4-ylamine derivatives as inhibitors of Escherichia coli pyruvate dehydrogenase complex E1. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 20120301
Triazole fungicides can induce cross-resistance to medical triazoles in Aspergillus fumigatus. PloS one 20120101
Chemosensitization of plant pathogenic fungi to agricultural fungicides. Frontiers in microbiology 20120101
Text mining for literature review and knowledge discovery in cancer risk assessment and research. PloS one 20120101
Enantiomeric resolution of five chiral pesticides on a Chiralpak IB-H column by SFC. Journal of chromatographic science 20111001
Dissipation and distribution behavior of azoxystrobin, carbendazim, and difenoconazole in pomegranate fruits. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 20110727
Dissipation study of difenoconazole in/on chili fruit and soil in India. Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology 20110701
Widely used pesticides with previously unknown endocrine activity revealed as in vitro antiandrogens. Environmental health perspectives 20110601
Determination of azoles in sewage sludge from Spanish wastewater treatment plants by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of separation science 20110601
Evaluation of 309 environmental chemicals using a mouse embryonic stem cell adherent cell differentiation and cytotoxicity assay. PloS one 20110101
Effect of hosts on competition among clones and evidence of differential selection between pathogenic and saprophytic phases in experimental populations of the wheat pathogen Phaeosphaeria nodorum. BMC evolutionary biology 20110101
Determination of fungicides in wine by mixed-mode solid phase extraction and liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of chromatography. A 20101126
Determination and safety evaluation of difenoconazole residues in apples and soils. Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology 20101001
Development, validation and application of a methodology based on solid-phase micro extraction followed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (SPME/GC-MS) for the determination of pesticide residues in mangoes. Talanta 20100415
Pesticide sequestration in passive samplers (SPMDs): considerations for deployment time, biofouling, and stream flow in a tropical watershed. Journal of environmental monitoring : JEM 20091001
Residues of Pesticides in honeybee (Apis mellifera carnica) bee bread and in pollen loads from treated apple orchards. Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology 20090901
Solid-phase extraction followed by dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction for the sensitive determination of selected fungicides in wine. Journal of chromatography. A 20090717
Synthesis and fungicidal evaluation of 2-arylphenyl ether-3-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)propan-2-ol derivatives. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 20090610
Enantiomer separation of triazole fungicides by high-performance liquid chromatography. Chirality 20090401
[Study on safe use of 10% difenoconazole in GAP of Gentiana scabra]. Zhongguo Zhong yao za zhi = Zhongguo zhongyao zazhi = China journal of Chinese materia medica 20080901
Simultaneous determination of eight pesticide residues in coconut using MSPD and GC/MS. Talanta 20080730
Effectiveness of pressurized liquid extraction and solvent extraction for the simultaneous quantification of 14 pesticide residues in green tea using GC. Journal of separation science 20080601
Degradation kinetics and safety evaluation of tetraconazole and difenoconazole residues in grape. Pest management science 20080301
Safe apples for baby-food production: survey of pesticide treatment regimes leaving minimum residues. Food additives and contaminants 20070601
[Determination of difenoconazole residue in foods by gas chromatography-negative chemical ionization mass spectrometry]. Se pu = Chinese journal of chromatography 20070501
A novel substitution I381V in the sterol 14alpha-demethylase (CYP51) of Mycosphaerella graminicola is differentially selected by azole fungicides. Molecular plant pathology 20070501
[Behaviour azole fungicide and fluconazole in Cryptococcus neoformans clinical and environmental isolates]. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical 20070101
Management of apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) in Romania based on electronic warnings. Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences 20070101
Inhibition of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) P450 aromatase activities in brain and ovarian microsomes by various environmental substances. Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Toxicology & pharmacology : CBP 20061101
Behavior of pesticides in sediment/water systems in outdoor mesocosms. Journal of environmental science and health. Part. B, Pesticides, food contaminants, and agricultural wastes 20060101
Determination of 22 triazole compounds including parent fungicides and metabolites in apples, peaches, flour, and water by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of AOAC International 20050101
High temperature liquid chromatography of triazole fungicides on polybutadiene-coated zirconia stationary phase. Journal of chromatography. A 20041203
Evaluation of the systemic activity of simeconazole in comparison with that of other DMI fungicides. Pest management science 20040901
The influence of lipophilicity and formulation on the distribution of pesticides in laboratory-scale sediment/water systems. Pest management science 20030201
Characterisation of gene expression patterns in 22RV1 cells for determination of environmental androgenic/antiandrogenic compounds. The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology 20030201
Induction and inhibition of aromatase (CYP19) activity by various classes of pesticides in H295R human adrenocortical carcinoma cells. Toxicology and applied pharmacology 20020701
High-performance chiral separation of fourteen triazole fungicides by sulfated beta-cyclodextrin-mediated capillary electrophoresis. Journal of chromatography. A 20010330